______ Try our goods— they are always fresh. If you like them, tell The dairy which supplies most o f | could be delivered, and as mild milk t the people o f Estacada and Three j comes in from different dairies and I Links with milk, operated by Geo. I is handled under many different con- Lawrence & Son, is a model and ditions— often unsanitary conditions | modern establishment, and it is rea lly !— the consumer would be taking a I interesting to visit this milk produc- great chancein using the milk with- ing plant. out pasteurization. your friends; if you don’t like them, tell us. & STEINMAN Sandy, Oregon * * * * • * • • • « • DR. H. A . S C H N E I D E R D E N TIST P h o n e San dy 151 * * * Sandy, Oregon * * * * * * * * * * * * D R . C H A S . P. J O H N S O N Den tist * Practice limited to extraction o f teeth and minor oral surgery, nerve blocking & gas anesthesia 453 Morgan Bldg. Portland * * * * DR . F. C. B R O S I U S , M. D. Those who use milk are and should be interested in knowing just how this milk is handled. In the cities most of the milk is sold pasteurized, which process makes the milk safe for use, but some of the food quali­ ties are reduced or eliminated by pasteurization. Milk as handled by the big dis­ tributing companies o f Portland, for instance, is from one to three days old before it reaches the consumer. Unless pasteurized a large part of the milk would be soured before it 341 * Sandy, Oregon * •ir’iueb'' * * * * Calls attended day or night Mortuary I. 0 . O. F. Bldg. Telephone No. 21-51 * * * e e e e e e e sible for filth o f any nature to get into the milk. Within an hour or S. E. Wooster * Estacada, Ore. * * * * * * iS p iw « * * • • DENTIST Estacada, Oregon O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment • * • * O ff ic e Phone 315 * i r 1 ' j » *•*£;! i WMCH£$T£k :■ STO RE Friday and SaEurday, September 28 and 29— Buzz Barton in “ THE BOY RIDER” Introducing the freckled face riding sensation in a picture packed with novelty, speed and sus­ pense. Comedy, “ Mickey in School.” Also— RUBE SHAW’S GIRL BAND and vaudeville acts, all different, at popular prices of 15c and 40c. Sunday and Monday, Sept. 30, Oct. 1— Clara Bow in “ HULA” Comedy, “ French Fried.” Wednesday, only, October 3— Vera Reynolds in “ THE MAIN EVENT” A knockout. The most thrilling glove contest ever filmed. Comedy, “ Prodigal Bridegroom.” Thursday and Friday, October 4 and 5— Lon Chaney in “ LAUGH, CLOWN, LAUGH” Chaney’s newest— a powerful tragi-comedy. Also “ The Call of the Cuckoo.” Saturday, only, October 6— F. B. O. Super-Special “ HOOK AND LADDER NO. 9” With an all-star cast. The most glorious tribute to the fire eaters ever filmed. Also comedy. I ' ‘. U m t ä d j j = We carry in stock a complete line of Winchester = shells and ammunition. Any size that you may want. I S. & S. HARDWARE 5 Estacada, Oregon ñüiiMiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimim iiiiiiiimiiiiiiitt O. D. EBY at L aw • General Practice Confidential • Adviser • Oregon C ity, Oregon • Dr. M. M. Martindale ’ CH IROPRACTOR • o f Oregon City Trips to Estacada discontinued until latter part o f September • * * Physician and Surgeon * O ffice Hours 9 to 6 and Evenings ESTACADA OREGON * * • e e e e e e e e e O r e g o n City j | Poultry and Dairy Feeds | e C. D ., D. C.. E. O-. U W O U R E T T E • Attorneys * Practice in All Courts First National Bank Bldg. Mrs. P. T. Shelley and daughter Jonnie entertained Mrs. Nell Pence and a number o f the latter’s friends at dinner on Firday night, all from Portland. Anna Duke is out from the city to spend u few days at the C. O. Duke home. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Steinman mov­ ed intotheir property recently pur­ chased from the August Hoernickers after building a new garage and re­ papering the house. Mrs. Justice Strowbridge and Mrs. Mildred Gray called on Mrs. August Toernieker recently, taking their babies along for Mrs. Hoernicker to enjoy. Mrs. Trullinger, Mrs. Hoer- nicker’s sister, was out Sunday to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed and Jun­ ior spent Monday at the state fair at Salem. Mrs. Wm. Phal and children of Sandy, Mrs. Elbert Harris and chil­ dren o f Colton, Mrs. Ivan Yost of Sandy and her mother Mrs. Emma Nichols from Iowa and Mrs. M. Park were Sunday guests at the F. N. Cadonau home at Estacada. Dan Stahlnecker purchased a new car in Portland Tuesday and Evert will again transport pupils on this route to the Estacada high school. Henry Cadonau o f Portland was a guest o f his sister Mrs. M. Park a few day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turel and children o f Welches, Ore., visited their ranch here Sunday. Charlie and Albert Meilike and their mother Mrs. Clara Meilike of Oregon City were Elwood visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles o f Portland have moved out on their homestead. . ......................................................... ........... . | Triangle and Kerr Brands SANDY LOCAL ITEMS ELWOOD Coming Sunday and Monday, Oct. 7-8— Mary Pick- ford in “ My Best Girl.” Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c Walter W. Gilbert, M. D. * e The Lawrence dairy is under the management o f Sylvester Lawrence, and he is assisted by Kelly Boyer. Since the installation o f the milking machine a few months ago, the milk­ ing time has been reduced by more than half, in fact one man can now milk the herd o f 28 cows in less than half the time it took two men to milk formerly. Mr. Lawrence is a great booster for the modern milking machine and now wonders how he was ever able to get by without it. The porduction from the herd increased, he says, ap­ proximately 10 per cent immediately after the milker was installed, the time and labor has been materially reduced. Sir. Lawrence will be glad to show his herd and plant to those interested. The ranch is located on the Spring water highway at the junction of the Estacada road, two miles southwes o f town. LOCALS Miss Ruth Dillon, cashier o f the Estacada State bunk, wus absent from the bank this week on a short va­ cation. The city has installed traffic sig- I nals on some o f the intersections this week. Claude Cook is assisting in the Estacudu State bank to learn book keeping and will work out o f school hours. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norton drove in from Portland Sunday evening and visited until Monday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Norton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely. Mrs. E. V. Stubbs and son Edward of Gresham visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wickwire of St. Johns were week end visitors at the home of Mrs. Wickwire’s brother, Ray Keith of Faraday. Morris Ely came up from Port­ land Saturday evening to spend the week end with his parents and other relatives here. Jubb's saw mill at Dodge was threatened by a bad forest fire the latter part of last week. The fire is now under control. LIBERTY THEATRE Dr. H. M. Kramer Attorney ESTACADA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllU IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIH H IH H I'lllll = Bird season will open soon and now is the time to lay = in your supply. * Real Estate Loans, Ins ur an ce Renta ls F A R M LOANS A SPECIALTY Tel. 77-3 * * * * tled by machinery, and it is impos­ two after milking time the milk is • e then again as it is put into the cooler. And as it comes from the cooler, it is again strained, and goes into a cov­ ered tank. From this tank it is bot­ Gresham- Oregon delivered to the consumer in Esta cada. The cooler is in a sanitary milk house, screened and well ventilated. The pails, buttles and all the equip- into contact is put into an airtight closet, and the steam turned on and is held at a pressure o f about 90 pounds for an hour or longer. B iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim L. A. C H A P M A N M ORTICIAN e When the pail is taken from the cow, it is strained through paper, and t i e . ! - e A Miller Xtto-neys at Law rt p--r cent state school money to loan on farms; General law prac- tier H nk o f Oregon City Bldg. Oregon City Oregon • which is not always possible when the cow is milked by hand. Gates Funeral Home Phone 2471 PAGE THREE There has been cases where milk has been delivered to consumers in this community with a bacteria count, of 200,000, and over, when the milk The burn in which the cow* arc- reaches this point, it is better if kept is as sanitary as it is possiblu pasteurized. The Lawrence herd consists most­ to keep a barn. The walls are white­ ly o f purebred, high-testing Jersey washed regularly, and the floors cows, tuberculin tested, and kept scrubbed and swept every day. The under the most modern sanitary con­ feed with the exception o f mill feed ditions. The butterfat content o f Jer­ is produced on the ranch, which con­ sey milk averages higher than that sists o f 340 acres. en by the tests made from time tc. This dairy uses a surge milking time of the products of this dairy. machine, and the container being sealed, keeps out dirt and lilth that might be in the air or on the animal, Distance is no question with us. Our equipment is at your service day or night. * * cada city water. The very best diet for children, in | fact for anyone, is pure fresh milk just as it comes from the cow. Cows free from disease and properly cared I for, and the milk properly handled needs no treatment to kill germs, and is better than pasteurized milk, for of any other breed, and while herds are often built up with high tests every purpose. After u visit to the Lawrence dairy, of some o f the other breeds o f dairy one is convinced that the milk pro­ cows, the Jerseys are known to a! duced is wholesome and sanitary in ways give rich milk and seldom ii | the highest degree. This fact is prov­ a low testing Jersey found. Service... • O ffice 2nd door West o f Meat Market T e le p h o n e FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 . The last test, made recently, had u Modern Dairy Operated By bacteria count o f 1700, which is un­ low, in fact considerably low- Geo. Lawrence & Son I ur usually than the bacteria count in Ksta, CONFECTIONERY REED CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, are standard with many feeders because of the ♦ • * the uniform quality. Oregon * A trial will convince you too. Any dealer can supply you. Dr. W. W. Rhode. ___ * { .iim iim im m i m ii m i m i iH ii im n m im ii im im ii m i m m i ii m i m i m m m m im m ii : O S T E O P A T H IC Physician and Surgeon • * I Estacada Oregon * • Estacada, Oregon | Triangle Mills Inc. You are entitled to this service, your car itself is guaranteed by the car factory where it was made, Certain equipment on it is guaranteed by the equip- ment factories. Your Delco-Remy electrical equip- ment is guaranteed in this way. Drive in for inspec- tion and instructions. § i § |; 1 CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF Willard Batteries, $9.00 § Permanent £ ft An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite s Grocery and Restau­ rants m Estacada and L O N G L O A F Oregon City | tuuv- ' w n f t l c t Hrftum fnm itf , Vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. & W . W . D A R T T $ | Genuine Delco-Remy and North East auto lights and 1 Bosch parts for generators and starters Barber & Beauty Shop § Barber shop in Masonic Bldg, y Beauty shop next door to stage 5 terminal. y Waving Complete Equipment E x p e r ie n c e d O p era tor s | Oregon City Battery Shop ; i 7 = Phone 124 \ Con Hilgers 12th and Main | 1 175 Tillamook St. Portland, Oregon | ^iiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiimiHiiiiiimimimiimmimih.......... . (any Delco-Remy Equipment) | | | | 5 C. V . M A R T I N Real Estate MR. CHEVROLET OWNER; | a iiim im iiim iiiiiiiiiiiiim m iiiiim in iiim m iim im m iiiim m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiin HG LSÜM IDEAL ARCH SHOES Just what the name implies— an ureh ideally constructed to as­ sure you relief from fatigue and give the utmost in foot com­ fort, built into a shoe that is stylish and smart. BROWN(bilt) Ideal Arch Shoes will give you more satisfied com­ fort than you had ever thought could be put into a pair of shoes. This exceptional shoe is sold at, a moderate price, too. Goodyear Welt construction, solid leather throughout Widths AA to KE P R I C E D $5 0 0 and $5 .8 5 Nicklc’s “ B utte r B r o w n Shoe S t o r e “ Eighth and Main Oregon City