VOLUME XXII ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 CROCKETTS KILLED AT CLACKAMAS BY TITAIN ESTACADA COUPLE HIT WHEN CROSSING S. P. TRACK SATURDAY AFTERNOON Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Crockett of Estacada were instantly killed Sat­ urday afternoon when their car was struck by a Southern Pacific stub at the Clackamas crossing. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett came to Es­ tacada two years ago and leased Mrs. Hurst’s residence just across tht bridge from the city limits, on the Springwatcr road. Mr. Crockett was employed as engineer at the Estacada Lumber company plant at Faraday, one and one-half miles from town. Saturday afternoon about one o ’clock they left in their car for Port­ land where Mr. Crockett had business to transact, the accident happening shortly after two o ’clock. Mrs. Crocket’s pet dog “ Patsy” was in thq car with them and was uninjured. Witnesses were unable to explain how the accident could have hap­ pened. A freight train had been di­ vided at the road to permit traffic to pass through. The Crocketts were proceeding toward Portland. The stub train, an engine and caboose, was proceeding smartly on the otheij track, masked from the Crocketts by the freight. The wigwag signl was working, witnesses said. The crossing flagman, was at his post. He shouted and waved his red flag frantically to warn Crockett, but jumped for his life when Crockett, 75 feet from the crossing applied the brakes and skid­ ded into the path o f the oncoming train. Mrs. Crockett was thrown 150 fee' from the road. She struck on her head. Crockett and his smashed au­ tomobile were carred 540 feet and his body was mangled. Funeral services were held at the Holman undertaking parlors in Port­ land Monday afternoon at 2 o ’clocki a large number o f friends being pres, ent. The officers from the Portland Rebekah lodge, of which organization Mr. and Mrs. Crockett were members, had charge o f the services. Final services were held at the Portland Crematorium. OSWEGO TEAM TO PLAY LEADER IN CITY LEAUGE Oswego, champions o f the Portland Valley baseball league, will play ja double header game next Sunday with Franklin garage, runners-up in the city league o f Portland. The contest will be held at the Vaughan street ball park, starting at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Ray Lovelace of Estacada will play center field for the Oswego club, and Bill Fischer, if he returns from Yakima in time, will do the receiving act for the Lake nine. The game is creating consid­ erable interest, as it will be a test o i strength of the Valley and City base­ ball leagues. ATTENDING STATE FAIR Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tracy and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gerber o f the Gar­ field district are spending the week at the state fair at Salem. They are camping there. CLASS ELECTS SET OF OFFICERS The seventh grade class o f the Es­ tacada grade school organized their class Tuesday, forming the Seventh Grade club. The purpose is to im­ prove class work and carry on class activities to better advantage. The officers are Lois Smith, president; Emery Anderson, vice president, Er­ vin Douglass, secretary and Ellamae Smith, treasurer. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR The various classes o f the Estacada high school have elected officers for the coming year, as follows: Seniors— Alvin Minson, president; Robert Marchbank, vice president; Blanche Armstrong, secretary and treasurer, and Principal W. E. Buell, class adviser. Juniors— Arnold Anderson, presi­ dent; Edna Heiple, vice president Ruby Bates, secretary; Margaret Ga­ vins, treasurer; Carl Felker, yell leader; class advisor, Mr. Manning. Sophomores— Walter Smith, presi­ dent; Raymond Tracy, vice president ; George Allen, secretary; Mildred Mar shall, treasurer; Irvin Ritchie, ser­ geant at arms; Miss Jackson, class advisor. Freshmen— Andy Sparks, presi­ dent; Glenn Marchbank, vice presi­ dent; Glen Cary, secretary; Ella Hay­ den, treasurer; Mr. Elliassen, class advisor. REAL ESTATE DEALER IS CLACKAMAS COUNTY BOOSTER DEER HUNTERS RETURN EMPTY HANDED Mrs. Mary Chitty o f Vancouver, Wash., who was in Eastern Clacka­ Principal G. D. Orr o f the Sandy mas county Tuesday, and who is in high school and A. C. Baumback who the real estate business in the Wash­ went to Oakland last week on a deer ington city, says she sees wonderfu' hunt came back empty handed. They possibilities for future development said it was far too dry there for deer in this section o f the country. Mrs. to be bagged. N. L. Horr served as Chitty said “ I certainly am glad I. principal while Mr. Orr was on the came to Estacada, because I like th< vacation. town and the beautiful surroundings. RETURNS TO OREGON “ U” She was showing a prospective buyer After fighting fire at the Bear some property in this vicinity. Mrs. Chitty was in the real estate Creek logging operations, Glenn Ten business in Centralia, Chehalis and Eyck came home Friday and left for Olympia with her husband before hir Eugene Sunday to complete hit death two yers ago. She nas a son course at the University. Glenn is who is manager of the Morning •tudying to become a physician and Olympian in the Washington capital, will graduate next June. His brother another son who is publisher o f the Henry Ten Eyck also fought fire at • Independent at Shelton, Wash., and Bear Creek. still another who is employed on the SANDY LUTHERAN SCHOOL Morning Oregonian. OPENS MONDAY Rev. F. T. Schoen opened the San­ LIBERTY THEATRE TO HAVE FOUR CHANGES A WEEK dy Lutheran parochial school Monday with an enrollment o f 18 and a few Starting next week the Liberty more may yet enter. The school Theatre o f Estacada will have four house is being re-shingled, church complete changes o f program each members donating the work. week. The new arrangement goes REMEMBERS BIRTHDAY into effect next Wednesday, when Elizabeth Hagen is delighted with the show on that date will be shown but one day. Thursday and Friday’s a lovely birthday package received program will be the same, and the from her daughter Thelma, former Saturday program will be shown on Sandy union high school girl, who i: Saturday only. Sunday’s program working in California. Thelma had a promotion recently and is now as­ will be used again on Mondays. sistant in two physicians’ offices and FOUR MIGHTY HUNTERS had her wages advanced. EXPECTED HOURLY OREN GANGER HONORED The return of Sandy’s "big fou r” Mrs. O ren Ganger honored her hunters is hourly expected, and fry­ husband with a birthday dinner Tues­ ing pans are ready to sizzle with ven­ day, September 18, a sumptuous feed ison steaks. The mighty ones are being served to the following; Mr. Fred Koennicke, Herman Bruns, Jack and Mrs. Wm. Ganger, Mr. and Mrs. Keisicker and Clem Bartsch. “ They Ralo Ganger, Phyllis, Billy and Joyce, all” went to Southern Oregon. and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mitchell, Mr. giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiti and Mrs. Ganger, the hosts, and small son Bobby. = Bids will be opened Fri- | | day night for driver for | § the Marmot school bus. = Call Sandy 22-X. J ll l l l l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l i MISS MOLONEY PUBLISHES KRIGBAUMS CELEBRATE STORY IN FARM PAPER 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY NUMBER 52 COUNTY BOOKKEEPINC SYSTEM IS APPROVED OREGON CITY, Sept. 27.— Coun­ ity Judge C. P. Barnard of Lane \ county was here Monday for the pur- “Girl H om f iteaderi in Montana" la Have Lived in Clackamas County in | pose o f making an examination o f Title of Feature in This Week’s This Vicinity for More Than the bookkeeping system installed in Country Gentleman. Half a Century, I the office o f the county clerk, Don­ ald J. Ryan- The practices of many "G irl Homesteaders in Montana” Mr. and Mrs. G. Krigbaum, pioneer o f the counties o f Oregon have been is the title of a story published by residents o f the Garfield district, cel­ investigated by Judge Barnard, who Miss Martha Moloney of Eagle Creek ebrated their sixtieth wedding anni­ has found that the new system used which appears in the October number versary Sunday, when a family re­ , here is one of the best in the entire o f the Country Gentleman. The ar­ union was held at the old home place, state, particularly with respect to ticle is well illustrated and deals and more than sixty relatives and keeping records o f road expenditures. with the experiences Miss Moloney friends called to pay their respects and her sister had while homestead­ during the day. HUGHES INJURED IN FALL ing. Mr. and Mrs. Krigbaum have resid­ J. R. Hughes fell over a plow in The Misses Moloney have lived in ed in the Garfield country for more his barn one night last week and dis­ the Eagle Creek district for a few than fifty years, and the esteem in located his left shoulder. Mrs. years, having come here from their which they are held by their neigh­ j Hughes heard his groans from the homestead in Montana, which they bors and friends was shown in the yard and went 1° h>8 assistance. With “ proved up on” and now reside on a large number who called on this the help o f neighbors she got him farm a short distance east of the happy occasion. into the house and sent for a doc- Eagle Creek store. The guests during the day included tor. He is getting along nicely but The story as published in the their daughters, Mrs. Clark Posson, is still confined to his home. Not Country Gentleman has reader in­ Mr. Posson and children, Mrs. J. Hj j a great while ago Mr. Hughes fell terest; it is an interesting story well Tracy, Mr. Tracy and children, Mrs. ! and broke two ribs. told. Harold Wooster and son Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gerber and two SANDY MARKET SOLD TO MUMP SCARE IS OVER MR. L. E. HOFFMAN daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hay­ The mump scare, which developed den and A. J. Krigbaum. Although the deal is not quite con- in the Sandy grade school a week Mrs. F. C. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. J. sumated, it is announced that Lauder- ago, has lost its momentum for the C. Duus, Mrs. Frank Harkenrider, back Bros, have sold the Sandy Mar­ present, at least, as only one case de­ Ellen Patterson, Bill Porter, Mr. and ket to L. E. Hoffman, and that the veloped. Mrs. George Patterson and Mrs. Ber­ latter’s son-in-law, Mr. Brandes, will tha Shieman o f Salem, Mr. and Mrs. help conduct the same. The deal in­ IMPROVING STORE BUILDING L. J. Shriner and daughter Lois, Mr, cludes considerable property, build­ The Estacada Feed company store 'and Mrs. Fred Marshall and son Phill- ings, trucks and the slaughter house. building has been improved consid­ j ip, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pe.-ry, Mrs» erably this week on the interior. The Harry Poole, Mrs. Abbie Armstrong, petition was moved over to make Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely, W. H. Wade, more room in the sales room, a new Mr. and Mrs. Garver and daughter floor was laid and a fresh coat of Erla of Silverton, Mrs. Ida Palma- paint will be the next improvement. teer, Mrs. C. H. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. J. HERE FROM PORTLAND Henry Hamman, 79, died Septem­ Carothers o f Idaho, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross from Portland ber 23, after a long illness, at the Mrs Hendrickson. were in Estacada Sunday to visit Mrs. family home in Sandy. Last rites Ross’ father, J. R. Hughes, who is A. MEYERS BUILDS COTTAGE were conducted by the Lutheran min­ confined to his home on account of A. Meyers, Gresham banker, has ister, Rev. F. T. Scoen, Tuesday. an injury to his shoulder. completed a small summer home on Deceased was born April 1, in Ger­ MRS. C. L. HENSON ENTERTAINS his land at Marmot. L. M. Tice was many, and had lived at Sandy sever) the carpenter. years, coming here from Sheridan After a two-months’ vacation the where he lived 13 years. O. E. S. past matrons’ and past pa­ Surviving are his widow, A ugusta MARMOT BUYS BUS trons’ club was delightfully enter­ Marmot district has purchased a Hamman, and the following children: tained at the C. L. Henson home Sat­ John, Fred, Henry, Anna Dubarko, urday night, a splendid dinner being new school bus to transport the chil­ and Louise Schroeder, 16 grand chil­ served. Twenty-three were present, dren to the Sandy grade school. The dren and three great grand children. and Nellie and Pattie Greenwood ano bus will begin to operate next week, Interment was at Sandy and Rev. and about 10 children will be regis­ Mrs. Lolo Thiess pleased the guests and Mrs. Schoen sang a beautiful tered here. with lovely piano selections. duet at the church during the service. HENRY HAMMAN. AGED SANDY MAN PASSES REV. SCHOEN DELIVERS NEW BOOKS LISTED AT ESTACADA LIBRARY SERMON AT SANDY DIXONS ATTEND FAIR Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon and Dorothy, Cherryville, and Mrs. Oren Granger and Bobby enjoyed a day at the Canby fair very much, last week. The librarian o f the Estacada pub7 Rev. F. T. Schoen made his initial appearance as pastor o f the Sandy lie library is pleased to announce FENSKES HAVE NEW BOY Lutheran church Sunday, his topic that twenty new volumes have re­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Fenske of Sandy being “ The Kingdom o f Heaven.” cently been placed on the shelves for Lumber company colony had a visit (Matt. 22; 1-14). Rev. Schoen told the use o f patrons. They include from the stork September 20, a fine how this parable is aplicable to the .Little Lover, Ayers; Trumpeter Swan, boy being left by the wily bird. Dr. ministry today,— that the ministers Bailey; Padlocked, Beach; Goose Wo- F. C. Brosius reports mother and are servants of the Lord, sent forth ; man, Beach; Lookout Man, Boweri baby doing nicely. by Him to do His bidding and call Bellehelen Mine, Bower; Princess of guests to the marriage feast through Mars, Burrows; Country Beyond, TEN EYCKS HAVE BOY the preaching of the gospel and ad­ Curwood; Greatheart, Dell; Man Un­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ten Yyck, Mar­ der Authority, Dell; Under the Tonto ministration o f the sacrament. mot, are rejoicing over the arrival He explained how Jesus has Rim, Grey; Patent Leather Kid, o f their first son, Lawrence, born wrought for making through his bit­ Hughes; Side o f the Angels, King; Saturday, September 22 at a Gres­ ter suffering and death, and how all Kindling Ashes, McCucheon; Bar 20, ham hospital. The Ten Eycks also must have on the “ wedding garment” Mulford; Red Ledger, Packard; Hil-I have a three-year-old daughter. Girl, which is none other than Jesus’ blood degarde, Norris; Immortal Ruck; Great Pearl Secret, William­ and righteousness. ARNOLD STARTS BULB FARM Before the pastor concluded his son; Merton o f the Movies, Wilson. Col. F. Arnold, retired army o ffi­ sermon to a large congregation, the cer who lives in the city,, and who angel o f death called a devout mem­ SANDY WOMEN’S CLUB WILL purchased an eighty o f the old H off­ ber o f his church, Henry Hamman, CONVENE OCTOBER 4 man place at Marmot three years to his eternal home. Sandy Women's club will open the I ago, is starting a bulb farm and is season's activities on October 4, ati said to be planting Chinese lillies as gan g ers h a v e g uests 3 o ’clock p. m. Mrs. Blanche Shelley a specialty. The colonel has sent to Mr. and Mrs. Oren Ganger, Bull will be hostess. Definite arrange­ Germany for fertilizer. L. M. Tice Run, entertained at Sunday dinner ments for the monthly social meet­ has been doing clearing for the Mrs. Maud Reid and daughter Miss ings will be made. All members are colonel who plans extensive improve­ Charlotte Reid and Philip Sture of urged to be present. ments, but has not yet built on the St. John, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. land. Ganger. Other recent guests at the SANDY MAYORSHIP Ganger home were Mr. and Mrs. Al­ COES BECCING McCABES DRIVE TO CORVALLIS bert Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. L. McCabe, his mother, Anita It is time to round up a candidate Keenan of Portland. for mayor o f Sandy, as F. L. Proctor and Edward McCabe drove to Cor­ present mayor insists he does not vallis Sunday where Ed will enter the SIDELLS RETURN want the honor again. The retiring O. A. C. The speedometer registered Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sidell have re­ 229 miles, a detour being necessary turned from a pleasant vacation councilmen are J. C. Loundree, John on the return, and they came via spent at the Newport and Tillamook Maronay, and Glenn Loundree. W. Estacada. They had a lovely trip and beaches, and Mr. Sidell is at work G. Duncan, recorder, will run for ré­ also drove all over the campus. again for the P. E. P. at Bull Run. élection. SPEAKER DISCUSSES POLITICAL ISSUES ESTACADA AUDIENCE HEARS JUDGE EXPRESS OPINION OF TWO CANDIDATES Judge John J. Jeffries o f Portland delivered the first campaign speech in the presidential election heard in Estacada this year, Tuesday night at the Liberty Theatre. The crowd was not as large as was expected, but apparently was enthusiastically foi Herbert Hoover for president. Judge Jeffries devoted most o f the hour to the discussion o f the stand taken by Mr. Hoover and Alfred E. Smith on the principal issues in this campaign. Prohibition was one of the subjects wich has been given con­ siderable thought by the speaker and he called attention to the fact that Mr. Hoover stood for the enforcement of the 18th amendment while Mr. Smith was in favor o f nullification. Judge Jeffries did not believe that the law would be changed if Smith was elected, but said that he was not in sympathy with the law, and that he had always been a friend in New York state to those connected with the business. “ When you send the bootlegger’s best friend out to catch him, there is little chance of his be­ ing caught,” the speaker stated. Farm relief was discussed by the Judge, who stated that Frank Lowden and Senator McNary were satisfied with Hoover’s stand on this question, and as they are the recognized lead­ ers o f the farm group, the farmers o f the country should be willing to accept their judgment in the matter. Smith, he pointed out, admitted that he knew nothing about what the farmers needed, nad had no idea of any remedy, but in his acceptance speech stated that he would appoint a commission to make a study o f the problem, which, in effect was going right back to where Governor Low­ den and Senator McNary had started sixteen or twenty years ago. Smith’s opposition to the present) immigrations laws was also discussed at length. Judge Jeffries spoke in denfense o f the Johnson law and said that >n future the United States should continue to allow only those foreigners who had proven themselves to enter and become citizens of the United States. He said that statis­ tics show that only 5 per cent o f the criminals in the United States were “ white” American citizens. The records o f the two candidates during the world war were compared, at which time Mr. Hoover served lys country at a salary o f $1 per year, and wag selected by President Wilson to one o f the greatest tasks ever cn> trusted to any man, and that he fuN filled the duties with honor to himself and the nation. The charge that has been made by the democratic party that Hoover set the price o f wheat during the war as answered by a quotation from a speech made by Woodrow Wilson, in which Mr. Wilson had stated that Hoover had nothing to do with the price fixing o f wheat. Quite a large number o f the wom­ en present were enrolled in the "Hoover for President” club o f this county. SELLS TRUCK UNIT TO HILLSBORO FUEL CONCERN The Cascade Chevrolet company of Estacada ha» installed a dual duty unit on a Chevrolet truck for the Tualatin Valley Fuel company of Hillsboro. The Cascade also an­ nounces the delivery of a new Chev­ rolet coach to Bert Lundberg of Es­ tacada. HELEN DAHRENS HAS GUESTS Mrs. Helen Dahrens had as all day guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Keyser of Canby and C. A. Wendland, also Mr. and Mrs. George Houskins ami Mrs. Dora Dahrens of Portland were out in the afternoon, visiting both VISIT AT DR AND MRS. BROSIUS Jim Closner, former manager of FIRWOOD DIRECTOR RESIGNS Helen and the Adolph Dahrens Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Brosius had as George Allgeier resigned as direc­ the Cascade Motor company o f Es­ family. Mrs. Dora Dahrens is still guests Sundty Mr. and Mrs. J. D. tacada, moved his family to Carrols, tor o f Firwood school, and at a spe­ quite poorly. Odell and baby o f Hood River. Mr. Wash., near Kalama, this week. Jin) cial meeting held September 18, Jas. Odell is Mrs. Brosius’ son. BIG SANDY RIVER LOW and his brother have purchased a saw Lamper was elected to fill the un» expired term o f a year and a half. Frank Bacon reported the Big mill at Carrols and expect to reside LITTLE TOTS HAVE PARTY Sandy about as low as it has ever there permanently. FOOTBALL AT SANDY FRIDAY Mrs. Andy Hilsenkopf entertained been at this time of the year, Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hassell and Friday the Estacada high school recently in honor o f her little daugh­ day. Bacon has charge o f the Big Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron and sor children and A. S. Hassell drove to plays the Sandy high football team ter Jean and Dorothy Dodley's birth­ Sandy dam. Paul drove to Wamic, Ore., last Sat Hood River Saturday, returning on at Sandy at about 2:30 p. m. Sandy days. Sixteen children were present, The road paving job east o f town urday afternoon to visit his mother Monday evening. Mrs. A. S. Hassell | lost 7 to 0 at Gresham last Friday. also Mrs. Albert Bell, Mrs. Oren was finished Friday o f last week. ' Ganger and Mrs. Dick Allen. and the boys are picking apples there. Sandy plays at Molalla October 12. returning Sunday evening.