CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, PAGE FOUR FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 T RO Y E R SALE SU CCES SF U L Clackamas County News SPRINGWATER P ra c tica lly e v ery th in g w as sold at the R. T ro y e r sale S a tu rd a y th a t was A quiet wedding took place at the adv ertised in the News, and a t sa tis­ Springwater church W'ednesday eve­ fa cto ry prices, the g ra in going at ti. E. PA R K S, E d ito r and P ublisher C. REX PA RK S, Advertising Manager ning when Miss Alberta Cromer, a the re g u la r m ark et price. MRS. J. M. ('. M ILLER, S andy News E d ito r as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In C lackam as C ounty, one y ear, $1.50; O utside th e county a n d in th e sta te o f O regon, one year, $2.00; O utside th e s ta te of O regon, one year, $2.50. F o reig n , $2.00 per y ear. S ubscription» a re puyable in advance. ROADS ARE IMPROVED Eastern Clackamas county roads are being ¿)ut in good shape for the winter. The different road districts and the county have spent a large sum in repair work and in building new roads during the last few months. No on« thing can speed up the development of this great country more than good roads. Scenic drives are enjoyed by all, but the roads that make it possible for farmers to get in and out—to market their products— means far more to the county as a whole. One road proposition that means more, possibly, than any other to this immediate section is the Colton- Springwater highway. O. M. Plummer, manager of the Pacific International Livestock exposition, recognized this fact and made mention of it in an ad he paid for in the Springwater fair book. The Molalla Pioneer last week, speaking of this highway, says: “There is one main project which should come in attention at once. That is the Colton-Springwater road. This is one of the biggest county projects. This involves he opening of a short piece of new road between Colton and Springwater. This will open a highway which will connect the east and south ends of Clackamas county and unlock unlimited resources now tied up on account of having no transportation. The right-of-way has been purchased and the clear­ ing done. There is approximately $10,000 set aside for special work in the districts most concerned. “Arrangements should be made now for putting the steam shovel at w ork early next spring and keep it going until the whole new grade is made. “H. C. Stephens of Estacada is chairman of a com­ mittee composed of citizens all along the line. It would be a good plan to call a meeting at once and get after this project for next summer's work.” -------- 0 O 0 --------- REASONS FOR COMING TO OREGON A farmer residing in Orange county, Kansas, writes to the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce: “I am trying to sell my property here—165 acres. I may not get to come out there before next summer or fall, but I am com­ ing. The one clause, ‘No Cyclones or Destructive Storms’ is bringing me. I lost over $4,000 in a cyclone here July 16, last year. Everything I had was destroyed in three or four minutes.” The only reason there are not thousands of other folks in the Pacific Northwest is because they do not know of the w’onderful climate, soil and opportunities. It is only a matter of a few years until the population of this section wdll be several times what it is today. Real estate values will mount as the country is developed. No better investment can be made than Oregon real estate. -------- oOo--------- FINE FAIR AT SPRINGWATER Those who attended the Springwater fair last week have a better idea than ever of the productiveness of the soil of this section, and the progressiveness of the people of Springwater community. The county fair is bigger, but no better. The News is pleased to congratulate the Springwater folks, and also hopes that their example wdll be followed by other communities of the county next year. ---------oOo—^---- The income from one acre of strawberries in the Dover section this year was more than the total income from many an entire farm in one southern state, according to a visitor here last week. And there are thousands and thousands of acres in the county that will in time produce as much as the Dover people produced—land that is now’ producing nothing. -------- oOo--------- A Pennsylvania paper relates, in connection with a larceny trial that “the accused came from very good peo­ ple and was drunk when he came.” -------- oOo--------- North Dakota has a law requiring the Ten Command­ ments be posted in every school room. ----------- oOo------------ A community auction sale is suggested to be held in Sandy at some near future date. The News will list any articles that may be offered for sale. If there is sufficient property offered, it can be held at an early date. -M ulinim i n i ii i ii iiiiH H iiiin iin n in n iin i m m u m im -riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiilillillliiiilllin-i- Pabco Paint 6 0 <* Good Old Fashioned CHICKEN DINNER charming young lady of the Spring- neighborhood, and Arthue Notice for Publication York, a young farmer of Antelope, D epartm ent- o f th e In te rio r. U. S. L and office a t K oseburg, O regon, were married by the Rev. T. I. Kirk­ SUNDAY tem b er 12, 1928. wood, with only close relatives pres-1 S N ep otice is hereby given th a t A lbert ent. But if the wedding was quiet) Adlon, o f E stac ad a O regon, who, on the crowd which gathered at the D ecem ber 12. 1923, m ade ad joining hd. e n try (w as P o rtlan d No. Frank Wheeler home, where the 0 farm 7 5 0 8 ), No. 017230, fo r NW V* young couple were spending the eve­ N W ’, i , sec. 11, tow nship 4 S., range ning, was anything but quiet as they 5 cast, W illam ette m eridian, has filed crowded in on them with guns roar­ notice o f in ten tio n to m ake th re e y e ar proof, to establish claim to thc 60¿ ing and bells and tin pans ringing, ir iand above described, b efo re Donald 6 0 <* 60 C an old fashioned charivari, taking the J. R yan, county clerk and clerk o í couple entirely by surprise before the c o u n ty c o u rt o f C lackam as coun­ O regon, a t O regon C ity, O regon, they could slip away as they had ty, on the 2 9th day o f O ctober, 1928. hoped to do. After wishing the hap­ C laim an t nam es as w itnesses: G eorge G. Cook, W. H. D w yer py couple the best of good luck and Emil e n , all of R oute 1, E sta enjoying the refreshments provided, cada, L O aiten regon, and O scar N oren, E, the company went to their homes, G rand and Clay S tre e ts, P o rtlan d , Mr. and Mrs. York are spending a O regon. You will be delighted with our laundry and cleaning few days at the beach and then ex­ Non-coal RO BERT E. CRAW FO RD s21 o !9 ______________A ctin g R egister pect to go to Bend for a time. Their work. We call Wednesday and Saturday future plans were not fully decided. N o tic e f o r P u b l i c a t i o n of each week. Mrs. O. J. Skaggs has been visiting D ep artm en t o f the In te rio r, U. S. L and o ffice a t R oseburg, O regon her daughter and family at Vancou­ S ep tem b er 12, 1928. ver, Wash., for a week. N otice is hereby given th a t George Mrs. Rose Wilcox was down from G. Cook, of E stac ad a , O regon, who, on D ecem ber 27, 1923, m ade hd. e n ­ Antelope to visit her patents, Mr. try a d jo in in g fa rm (w as P o rtlan d No. and Mrs. Ed. Closner for a couple; 07413), No. 017203, fo r SW >/* S E U . section 3, tow nship 4 S., ra n g e 5 E. of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cromer and W illam ette m eridian, has filed notice of in te n tio n m ake th re e y e a r proof daughter Ruth visited Mrs. Cromer’r to estab lish claim to th e land above . i i i i i i i i i i m i H i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i H i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i M H i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i m i i '_ mother, Mrs. Sarah Lewellen, in Or­ described, b efo re D onald J. R yan county clerk and clerk o f th e county egon City Sunday. court o f C lackam as c ounty, O regon Gilbert Lewellen was down from at O regon C ity, O regon, on th e 29th Hood River where he is working in day of O ctober, 1928. E Dividson’s Long Loaf Bread ......................... 14<^ | C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: the apple orchards, to spend the I Holsum Long Loaf Bread......................................1 4 ^ = A lb e rt A dlon, W. H. D w yer, Emil week end with hish father, E. E. L aitenen, all of R oute 1, E stacada, = Gresham Split Loaf, 13c, 2 fo r .............................2 5 £ 1 Lewellen. Ore., and J. P. Johnson, 37 W. Jessu p E C &H Sugar, net cash, 100 lbs....................... $ 6 . 1 0 | Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of St,, P o rtlan d , O regon. Non-coal RO BERT E. CRA W FO RD E Potatoes, per lb...........................................................2 £ = Portland spent the week end at the s21 o !9 ______________A ctin g R egistei I Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, 3 f o r ............................. 25<^ E R. S. Guttridge home. = Raisins, 15-oz. package .......................................1 0 c | Frank Madden has been spending N otice for P u b licatio n the past week with his daughters, D e p artm en t o f th e In te rio r, U. S. 1 Raisins in bulk, 3 lbs. fo r ................................. 2 5 i* § L and office, a t R oseburg, O regon, and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan I Pride of Waldo Hills Flour.........................$ 1 . 7 5 | S e p tem b e r 10, 1928. McDonald at Whiteson. N otice is h ereby given th a t John = Silver Leaf F lo u r......................................... $ 1 .8 5 E Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge enter­ H. Snom y of R oute 1, E stacada, O re. 5 | who, on M arch 12, 1924, m ade 5 Economy Blend Guaranteed Steel cut Coffee, 3 tained a number of relatives from gon, hom estead e n try , serial. No. 017239, I Tunnell’s Special Coffee .................................... 4 5 C | Portland Sunday evening. fo r th e NVVVi o f SW (4 and SVfe of Mr. and Mrs. William Bard spent S W ‘,4 o f section 11, tow nship 4 S. = Western Motor Oil, quart................................... 1 5 ^ 1 25c1 | Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. range 5 E., W illam ette m eridian, hat- E Eastern Motor Oil, quart.......................... filed notice o f in te n tio n to m ake fi­ J. F. Moger. f nal th re e -y e a r p roof, to establish E Gasoline, in your barrel..................................1 8 Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Howell visite* claim to the land above described, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Van Hoy Sun­ b efo re D onald J. R yan, clerk o f the These are everyday-prices, not specials. = co u n ty c o u rt of C lackam as county, day afternoon. Mr. Van Hoy is im O regon, a t O regon C ity, O regon, o r > i i . i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i H i i i - : - proving but is not yet able to walk. the 29th day o f O ctober, 1928. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: Mr. and Mrs. George Bridge en­ G eorge Cook, A lb e rt A dlyn, E m i‘ joyed a visit with relatives from L aitnen and H enry D w yer, a ll o f E s­ J l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i mi l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l v Portland during the week end. tac ad a , O regon. RO B E R T E. CRA W FO RD , Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell and A ctin g R egister daughters were visiting relatives in N ot coal land Publish S eptem ber 14 to O ctober I f E We specialize in remedying automobile ills. No = Portland Sunday. N otice fo r P ublication E matter what ailment your automobile may be suf- | Miss Maud Madden visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger Monday afternoon. D e p artm en t o f th e In te rio r, U. S. E fering from, we can give it a § L and O ffice, R oseburg, O regon, Mary Lou, Ruth, Ann and Richard A u g u st 30, 1928. CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH Guttridge spent Sunday afternoon N otice is hereby given th a t G eorge M. B user, o f E stac ad a , O regon, who, visiting the Van Hoy children. Published W eekly on F rid ay s a t E stacada-S andy, Clackam as Co., Oregon water Entered in the postoffice of Estacada, Oregon, 60 ¿ 6 0 <* Linn’s Inn Wonderful Work Palace Laundry Man | CURRINSVILLE STORE PRICES | Auto Repair Department on S e p tem b e r 21, 1923, m ade hom e­ stead e n try (w as P o rtla n d 07468) No. 017216, fo r N t4 N W h , & SW U NW Vi, sec. 31, tw p. 3 S., ra n g e 5 E., W illam ette m eridian, has filed notice PORTLAND of in te n tio n to m ake th re e y e ar p roof, to establish claim to th e land above described, b e fo re D onald J. R yan, co u n ty clerk a n d clerk of the S P E C IA L IS T co u n ty c o u rt o f C lackam as county, in i n t e r n a l M e d ic in e f o r t h e O re., a t O regon C ity, O regon, on th e p a s t f i f t e e n year* 9th day o f O ctober, 1928. DOES NO T O P E R A T E C laim an t nam es as w itnesses: J. C. M oreland, W illiam S h a ffer, W ill b e e t J. O. B otkin and A. C. A nderson, all BENSO N H O T E L o f R oute 1, E stacad a, O regon. T H U R S D A Y , F R I D A Y , S A T U R D A Y Non Coal H A M ILL A. CANADY, s7 o5 R egister. O c t o b e r 4, 5 a n d 6 Coming to Dr. Mellenthin O f f i c e H o u r* : 1 0 e. m. to 4 p. m. T H R E E DAYS ONLY No C h a r g e f o r C o n s u l t a t i o n Dr. Mellinthin is a regular gradu­ ate in medicine and surgery and is li­ censed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adnoids. He hag to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bedwetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon who have been treated for one or the other of the above named causes. H. H. Blake, Marshfield. Elmer Booker, Condon. Thos. Burke, Willamina. Mrs. M. R. Cooper, Oregon City. D. G. Horn, Bonanza. E. M. Hurt, Arlington. Mrs. George W. Mathes, Ashland. Remember above date, that con­ sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accom­ panied by their husbands. Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Lor Angeles, California. E An auto that is in good condition is a good invest- E E ment. Let us exxamine your car and price your job. | OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE | Broadway Garage j Estacada, Oregon 'mmiimmimimmimimmiimiiimimiiimiiiiimiiimmiiiimimmimimimiiv Patronize The News’ Job Printing Department »1 Invest in Electric Power -oOo- You can actually own an interest in the gigantic power that turns the wheels of industry in your community. In the factories that make for prosperity— in the lights you see burning all around. Portland Electric Power Company $6.00 First Preferred Stock, offered at $98.00 a share, will net you a return of 6.12 per cent on your investment. This stock was first sold at $90.00 a share, two years ago, and has ad­ vanced in price three times since then. You can see your money working for you in this investment every day of the year—every hour of the day. An attractive, easy way to save money and have it grow rapidly with perfect safety. You may purchase on a small monthly savings plan if you wish. Investment Department 820 Electric Bldg. Portland Electric Power Company Portland, Oregon Division Offices at— Salem, Oregon City, Gresham, Hillsboro, St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington.