NUMBER 51 ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 VOLUME XXII “AMERICA FIRST" SUBJECT SANDY HIGH SCHOOL I COMMUNITY CLUB AT BORING OF LECTURE AT LIBERTY ENROLLMENT INCREASES ELECTS SET OF OFFICERS “America First” is the subject of a I More enrollments are made at Boring Community club met Fri- lecture to be given by Judge John A. I Sandy union high school this week ) day. The officers elected are Mrs. Jeffrey of Portland at the Liberty and the school machinery is going i V. A. Mendenhall, president; Mrs. Theatre in Estacada next Tuesday- very smoothly, in fact it is said to be | Nora Richey, secretary; Mrs. John ATTENDANCE LARGEST IN THE evening, starting at 8 o’clock. Invi­ RECEIVES OREGON CITY CHAM­ starting out the best ever. BROTHER OF GOVERNOR BUY§ Meyers, treasurer. The entertain­ tations are being mailed to several ment committee is Mrs. L. H. Malli- ELMER GLOCKNER “AVIATOR” BER OF COMMERCE $25 HISTORY OF CANBY SHOW HOMSITE ON SANDY RIVER coat, Miss Schweitzer and Mrs. Al­ hundred people in Eastern Clackamus Elmer Glockner, if all fares well, county to attend this lecture by the bert Johnston. Electric lights were FOR BEST EXHIBIT REPORTS INDICATE BLUFF NEAR SCHOOL will soon be designated as the Sandy committee in charge of arrangements. installed in the school building last aviator. Elmer has been quietly No admission fee will be charged. week, and the club will raise money for some time and is getting One of the most attractive home- to install lights in the play shed. Friday (today) is the closing date Springwater Fair was declared the studying ENDEAVOR on fine in the art. He has already sites of the most successful fair ever held CHRISTIAN best community fair given in Clack­ on the Bluff road has been sold RALLY HELD IN ESTACADA amas county this year and was given taken a plane from the Rankin field LOCATES OLD PUPILS in Clackamas county, from the stand­ by Fred Strong to Mr. and Mrs. Pat­ While over in Washington. He is working making the Loop Monday, point of attendance, as well as ex the $25 cash prize offered by the terson of Portland. The lot is 275 At the Christian church in Esta­ at the Bell mill, but at stated times feet wide, and extends down the Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Minnesota hibits. The opening day, despite the cada Wednesday evening a rally of Oregon City Chamber of Commerce goes to the city and flies, and is earn­ the Jonsrud-Gunderson sign rain with a gate equal to that of the Christian Endeavor societies of East­ for the best exhibit. adjoining the George Strong noticed ing money to go on with his course. bluff, at Sandy, and proceeded to look up record day last year. The fair was held Friday of last place. ern Clackamas county, led by Miss the Robert Jonsrud family because Thursday was the big day of the Clara Tait, county prayer meeting week and was well attended by local Mr. Patterson looked at acreage he had known ITEMS Jonsrud back home. four-day show. Feature events of chairman, and John Runyon of Mil- people as well as Estacada and from Mr. BRIGHTWOOD up the mountain but liked the bluff and Mrs. John Allen were in the best. He is a brother of Gover­ Hansen, a former teacher, soon found the day were the baby clinic undei waukie, song leader, Viola Ogden- all sections of Eastern Clackamas Sandy recently on a shopping trip. Gilbert and John Jonsrud of the supervision of Dr. W. H. Miller, state secretary, and Hershel Beaupre county. I. L. Patterson and plans to build that Mrs. Della Tucker returned a few nor Sandy hud been pupils of his fifty county health officer; closing of the president of the county union, were While the number of exhibits was days ago from the city a lovely home in which to spend where she about five months of the year. years ago in Minnesota. He was de­ merchants’ carnival; sham battel fire­ among those taking part. After the not as large as those of former years, was the guest of friends. Mrs. Tuck­ lighted and the entire Hansen party works drama "The Birth of a Na­ devotional service and talks, a social this was more than made up in the and her son entertain frequently, George Beers, Sandy real estate will be back again before the senior tion” and the “Spirit of No Man’s hour was enjoyed. It was announced quality of the products shown. The er man, reports the sale of five acres and the latter returned to the city of the Henry Cook place to Mrs. Hansens leave for their home. Their Land” by Company D of the 186th that the annual convention of the poultry and livestock on exhibition with their guests. son, who is the director of the new infantry. county C. E. union will be held a! was high class, as well as the farm, Dr. and Mrs. Snow, who have spent Edith Jennings of Portland. A site Oriental theatre orchestra, drove the Today is Union of Clubs day, and Estacada November 2, 3 and 4. A orchard and garden products. will be cleared at once for building summer at their pretty cottage a large modern residence, which will purty around the Loop. a program has been arranged foi large attendance, probably two hun­ Ed. Shearer had as fine a display the have returned to the city, but be electrically lighted and Sandy wa­ this day that will be filled with in­ dred or more, is expected. of barred rock chickens as one will here, COYOTES KILL DAHL SHEEP will spend week ends here most of ter teresting events. Among those will will be installed. The location is Coyotes are reported killing sheep see at any fair any where. There the year. be a fiddlers’ contest and the fourth TEACHER HAS TENSE MOMENTS was also a fine exhibit of Rhode Is­ on the Mt. Hood Loop highway, a in Mrs. Rosie Dahl’s flocks at Wild­ — annual banquet of the Union oi Miss Olive Vandermost, new teach­ land Reds and turkeys. short distance west of Cedar Creek. cat, by Williams, the camp packer. ENTERPRISE EDITOR VISITS clubs, which will held at 6:15 in thi1 er at Sandyridge, has “tense” mo­ Mr. Shibley had his purebred Editor E. E. Brodie of the Oregon James Reynolds has purchased 45 One coyote mother killed a sheep, evening. The program during the ments teaching 40 pupils in the intri­ Guernsey herd at the show and they City Enterprise and Mrs. Brodie at­ acres of the old Burton acreage on called in her five youngsters, and in banquet will include, “America, invo­ cacies of eight grades. Miss Van­ attracted considerable attention. Bluff road and will clear and a few minutes the entire sheep was the Springwater Fair Friday the cation, address of welcome, response, dermost evidently needs to send out A large tent was erected for the tended build at once. The land is not im­ gone. and on their return stopped off in committee reports, vocal solo by an S. 0. S. call. Instead of hiring livestock and the poultry was placed ( Estacada for a short visit. Mr. and proved. The Reynolds family are Miss Woodside, address, ‘Flax” by another teacher some other arrange­ in the shed adjoining the grange hall Mrs. Brodie drove through Estacad: living on the old Sharnke place. LODGE PLANS CLAM FEED Colonel Bartrum, who will also dis­ ment may be made to overcome the where the farm products were on ex­ Lake The live wire Boring Odd Fellows’ addition before leaving for then FINED FOR FAILURE TO play flax products; and awarding of congestion. hibit. lodge already smacking their lip* | home. EXTINGUISH CAMP FIRE for the are clam cup for best physical boy or girl. In the hall were exhibits of corn, feed which they are Marion county club is expected to potatoes, beans, several kinds of nutSj planning to have at their first Octo­ W. J. Wright, mail carrier of ber meeting. A few be represented by one hundred mem­ tomatoes, grapes, apples melons, friends may be Troutdale, Ore., plead guilty to the bers, and will bring along the Hub- pears, prunes, etc., a fine assortment invited to eat clams, also. charge of leaving a campfire unex­ bard band. of each, as well as flowers, canned tinguished on the Clackamas river BORING SCHOOL HAS Music for the entire program i; goods and needlework. September 15. The complaint was being furnished by the Estacadr RECORD ATTENDANCE One portion of the building was sworn to by A. W. Armstrong, for­ band of 21 pieces. They make th< The Estacada Parent-Teachers as­ taken up with 4-H Girls and Boys’ ranger, and Wright appeared be; Boring school had 97 pupils en­ trip back and forth each day by autc sociation met Wednesday afternoon club work exhibits, which were of a The reception for the teachers of est the Estacada schools was held at the fore Justice S. E. Wooster, who as­ rolled last week with more to follow. bus, C. A. Dykes, member of thi at the grade school building with a very high order. The teachers are L. H Mallicoat, Methodist church Thursday evening sessed a fine of $25. band, furnishing the transportation large attendance. The following of was furnished during the of I Miss Marie Ecklees, Miss Velma Hen­ last week, and proved an enjoy­ Eastern Clackamas county folks ficers were named for the coming day Music by the Estacada band. A speak­ able event. All of the teachers were BALLOUS MOVE TO TOLEDO son. Henson, a Sandy girl, has are attending in large numbers, ant' year: ing program was given in the after­ present. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ballou, who 20 first Miss graders, 34 pupils in all. on Thursday there was an unusually Mrs. R. R. Cooke, re-elected pres­ noon, O. M. Plummer of the Pacific were located in the Junker cottage at large representation from Estacadr ident; Mrs. L. W. Yocum, vice pres­ International Livestock exhibition be­ Rev. T. C. Cook gave the address Sandy, are now in Toledo, where Bal­ NEW FORDS DELIVERED of welcome which was responded to lou is at work with Frank Bittner in and surrounding section. ident; Miss Noble, secretary and ing the principal speaker. Mrs. H. C. Gohring of Estacada by Principal W. E. Buell. The pro­ The racing program each day ha treasurer. A fine dinner was served by the gram of the evening consisted of in­ the new plug mill. Mr. and Mrs. E. has received delivery of her new been a big drawing card, with tin Next month the session will be Springwater which was en­ strumental and vocal music, games L. Palmer, the new high school Model A Ford coupe from the Bob feature races to be held Friday af a social meeting and refreshment) joyed by the ladies, teacher, have moved into the cottage Cooke Motor company of Estacada. large crowd in attend­ and readings. ternoon, as one of the closing event! will be served. The object of the ance. vacated by the Ballous. Henry Tannler has received the first of the big show. meeting will be to get acquainted The fair, taken as a whole, was a Refreshments were served to round Model A Fordor delivered in the Es­ out the pleasures of the evening. DINNER GIVEN MISS SHELLEY tacada with the teachers. territory by Mr. Cooke. big success, and due credit is given More than sixty were present. RELATIVES VISIT WOOSTERS Miss Jonnie Shelley, who will leave Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster were DOBBERFUHLS HAVE WRECK the officers of the board for their this week for Oregon “U” was a surprised Wednesday by a visit of Struck by a city motorist that wa.- efforts, and to those who brought ii SANDY MINISTER INSTALLED luncheon and dinner guest of Miss ESTACADA LOCALS several of Mr. Wooster’s brothers and hogging two-thirds of the road near their exhibits. Rev. M. Schoen who arrived with Mary Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Hop picking in the Glover yards at sisters and other relatives, who had Kelso, Sunday night, seven of the his family Friday from Wisconsin, Mrs. J. U. Campbell of Oregon City, Eagle Creek was finished Thursday of dinner with them. Those present were Dobberfuhl family miraculously es­ ESTACADA LOCALS was installed as pastor of the Luth­ last week. Mrs. Shelley was also a this week. Quite a number from Es­ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carothers and Wil­ caped with minor injuries when their eran church Sunday night, by Rev. guest at the dinner. Jonnie will be tacada assisted gathering the crop. lie Lewis of Oreana, Idaho; Mr. an< Ford was wrecked. The car war W. F. Cary arrived from the coas F. Dobberfuhl, the recent local pas­ entertained this week by other soror­ Mr. and Mrs. in H. C. Gohring en­ Mrs. C. A. Carothers of Gresham overturned, and Mrs. Dobberfuhl and Monday evening and will remain here tor. Rev. Schoen gave a response, ity girls. tertained Saturday evening with a for a few days getting the family lo­ Mrs. W. Smith and son Roy of Port­ baby could not get out until the car after which the congregation wel­ large card party. land and Mrs. Sarah Whitehead of was lifted. Miss Frieda Dobberfuhl cated for the winter and looking aftei comed the new minister, his wife and F. WUINSCHE RETURNS HOME Mrs. E. E. Ilanah and sister-in-law Clackamas. It was a happy occa­ drove and all were coming from Mt. business matters. three children, serving refreshments Fred Wuinsche, Sandyridge, who Mrs. Stocker, left Wednesday for sion for them as they had not been Angel to attend the services at Sand} Mrs. Frank Moore, who has been in the adjoining school building. was so ill for a long time he was Portland and Pendleton where they together for many years. Lutheran church. Rev. Dobberfuhl ill for several weeks, was taken t< hardly expected to live, came home will visit relatives for a few days. was riding in Rev. G. C. Messerli’s a Portland hospital Tuesday. Mrs SANDY LOCAL ITEMS from the Oregon City hospital two Miss Hattie Story returned thi* SHOWER FOR MRS. ROY MILLER car. Mollie Bates is looking after her chil weeks ago and looks “brand new.” week from an extended visit at the Mrs. Ralph Ahnert, Mrs. Albert dren. Joe Vaeretti brought home three Wuinsche says he also feels fine. home of her sister at Banks, Ore. Lins and Mrs. Ralph Wade planned SANDY LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. W. R. Woodworth and little fancy bred Shropshire sheep from members of Victory chap­ and carried out a most successful daughter left Wednesday for a trip Canby Friday to use as foundation EPWORTH LEAGUE REORGANIZE ter Twenty O. E. S. of Portland were enter-, “shower” party Thursday evening Bill Lenz of Welches, is talking of back to her old home near Bismark, stock for his band. The Epworth league at the Meth­ honoring Mrs. Roy Miller, a recent going to California for the winter to N. D., to visit her mother and other Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duke were odist church of Estacada was reor tained by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron night at their home here. bride. The party was held at thi try the sunny southern skies for his relatives. She has not seen her moth­ hosts at dinner Saturday night to Mr. ganized Sunday evening by Miss No Saturday Mrs. Greenleaf, Mrs. Syron’s sister home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade rheumatic troubles. ble. The new officers are Waltei er for fifteen years. and Mrs. Fred Connors and Mrs. was among the guests. Cards were and was thoroughly enjoyed by all Thomas Hoffman, Sandy plumber, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dartt, who Nellie Bower, and on Sunday enter; Smith, president; Claude Cook, vice the diversion and a jolly time was present. The time was spent in play­ will soon leave for some southern have been living in their cottage in tained a number of city guests at president; Lavena Grabeel, secretary, ing games and dancing and ended city in which to locate where the the Estacada Lake addition, have dinner. and Ivan Saunders, treasurer. They reported. with splendid refreshments. plumbing season lasts the year round bought the Stubee property on Sec­ Mrs. R. S. Smith of Sandy, who has expect to have real live meetings Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Symms and son and Mrs. Symms' mother, Mrs. Hoffman's destination has not been ond street and moved in the first of been in bed nearly three weeks, re­ hereafter. Carrie Hisiop, were guests at the O. definitely decided. the week. RETURNS FROM LOOKOUT ceived a telegram in honor of her E. Syron home Sunday. Mrs. E. Dodd and Lola returned Carl DeMoy, who has been sta­ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore took a birthday, Friday, from her brother TOURIST, HUCKLE­ Mr. and Mrs. William Sales, Mr. tioned at Fish Creek lookout station from the coast Friday where they motor trip over into Washington on at Chicago. Mr. Cross did not know and Mrs. Clyde Stone and Mrs. Edna BERRIES AND SHEEP the past 11 weeks, returned home Sat- spent a week. Monday. They went to Washouga' of her illness, however. Stanley all of Troutdale, Oregon, vis­ urday. Carl says that while he war Mrs. S. R. Harper is at Seaside where they were entertained ovei Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud, pro­ ited Mountain chapter O. E. S., Tues­ PROFITABLE CROPS there he had three pet deer, which be­ for a week’s outing and will also visit night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. prietors of Marvel Inn, are well day night. Cannon beach. Mrs. L. Thiess is U. H. Gibbs and coming back home The base of Mt. Hood is not only came so tarne that he got several pleased with the patronage they have Mrs. Jake Moss and her sister and snapshots of them. Only one severe looking after the Harper household Tuesday they called on the Dykeman had, although opening the inn so late a scenic spot, but boasts of three Mrs. A. Sagner and children returned special crops—tourists, huckleberries fire was seen from hia post and tha- while Mrs. Harper is away. family at Vancouver. in the season. The new rock-faced Sunday from the hop yards. Mrs. Carl Power plans to hold a and sheep. Figure, if possible, the was at the LaDee logging camp Perry Hirte of Portland, lumber fire place is completed and the spe­ While away his folks moved to Wil­ sale of her fancy jersey herd early inspector, was in this vicinity Monday cial dining room addition is under vast number of lamb chops and leg ESTACADA W. C. T. U. next month. lamette to reside. o’ mutton roasts; the pieces of huck­ and visited his mother, Mrs. W. E. cover. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Mr. and Mrs. George Gundersor Hall, for a short time. Pete Resare, Gresham plasterer, leberry pie— thousands and thous­ are getting nicely settled in their res­ J. W. Carson is selling off his per­ is riding in a new Pontiac sedan, pur­ ands of them, the “makins” of which Officers of the Estacada W. C. T. ESTACADA LOCALS idence at Sandy, the former Carrow sonal property preparatory to joining chased from the Sandy Garage. are grown up the mountains. U. were elected at a meeting held Mrs. Minine Hanson and daughter home. Mrs. Carson in Ohio, where they will It is reported that Bent Bros, Also vision the cream— anothei Thursilay, as follows: Mrs. Betty Estelle visited relatives in Portland Henry Hamman is still very ill and make their home. Mrs. Carson left have laid off about fifty employes, product of the grass covered slopes; Weatherby, president; Mrs. Mary two days this week. Estelle re­ is gradually getting weaker. for Ohio several days ago. All oi not all local, however, at the Bear then try to vision the thousands upon Smith, vice president; Mrs. Matt mained for a few days’ longer visit W. H. Mersinger has been busy their relatives reside back there. creek dam. This will affect a num­ thousands of tourists that spend their Glover, secretary and Mrs. E. E. Han­ Mrs. Hanson returning Wednesday at the grade school for several days The paved road up Main street is ber of workers from Sandy section) money eating the chops— the pie and nah was re-elected as treasurer. evening. recently doing odd jobs, and Herman getting to be in very bad condition milk and cream— not only at all the The state president of the union, Mrs. R. A. Bradford, mother o' Wendland has also worked a day or as it is full of holes and needs to be The local Camp Fire girls held popular resorts, but these product) Mrs. Ada Jolly, and the county pres­ Mrs. William Weingart, visited at the I two. repaired before further damage is their first meeting after the summet are carried to the city—and all over ident, Mrs. E. B. Andrews, were both Weingart home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loundree have done. present and their talks gave inspira­ vacation Wednesday afternoon at the Oregon. Mrs. Rose Wilcox of Antelope vis j moved into their pretty new home. The first frost of the season came home of Glen Cary. Some folks minimize the assets at tion to the twenty-five or more la­ ited relatives in this community las- The Lundy family moved into the last week and killed vines and many our own bark door and look upon dies present. It was an all-day meet; week. Kehres house where the Loundrees of the more tender plants in the low­ A large number of Estacada people the mountains as “just scenery.” We ing and a question box proved of Mrs. Fred Johnson of Faraday i have been living. er places in Estacada. attended the county fair Thursday. have that— and more. Boost for Mt. much interest both fore and after­ reported to be having poor health j Next Monday Rev. E. T. Schoen Miss Edith DeMoy was in this vi - 1 The Estacada band is making musiq Hood, the tourists, the berries an<) noon. A banquet was spread in the again and is confined to her home j will open the Lutheran parochial cinity the latter part of last week I for the occasion and say that it it the sheep, and all other local pro­ basement of the M. E. church at the most of the time. school. visiting with friends. noon hour. bigger and better than ever this year. ducts! SPRINGWATER FAIR IS AWARDED FIRS! PRIZE CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR ENOS FRIDAY ms. COOKE RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT OF P . U REAL ESTATE DEALS NUMEROUS AI SANDY RECEPTION HELD FOR ESTACADA TEACHERS