CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1928 PAGE EIGHT *iiiiiiiimiiiiiiimmiiiimiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* 1 Complete Front Axle Overhaul | $ 3 .5 0 = Keep front wheels and steering gear lined up. An | = occasional front system overhaul will save you tires | | and insure safe driving. We will: E £ 1. T ake down fro n t axle sp rin g ste e rin g co n n ectin g rods, w heel and fro n t ra d iu s ro d ; clean a n d inspect all p a rts. s £ E 2. R eplace broken a n d w orn p a rts w here w ear can n o t be tak e n up; re-bush a n d ream spindle bodies and arm s. £ £ E 3. A d ju st ste e rin g arm co n n ectin g rod ball cap s; pack fro n t hubs w ith g re a se ; rep lace w heels o a ^ ix le a n d a d ju s t bearings. = £ E £ 4. Remove a ll r u s t from sp rin g leaves, oil a n d re-assem ble; re-bush fro n t sp rin g a n d perches if necessary. £ £ E £ 5. A ssem ble fro n t system to chassis; check fro n t axle alig n m en t; til t fr o n t axle a t c o rre c t angle. £ E COOKE BOB MOTOR | COMPANY *iiimmmimimiiiiimimmimiiimiimiiimimiiiimmmmmmimiimmiimiii* ‘.tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiig D eer Season Open Complete line of Remington Ammunition in | stock. Get ready for the opening of the season | by laying in your supply now. | Sporting Goods, Kodaks and Films Boner’s Sport Shop i Estacada, Oregon ttiiiiiimiimiiimiimiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: “ SE R V IC E FOR LADIES*’ B U IL T AROUND VERY AM USIN G SIT U A TIO N ESTACADA LOCALS Mrs. C. T. Cook w en t to P o rtlan d one day last w eek to visit a physician A head w aiter, th e m ost fam ous in and rem ained a few days. all E urope, m eets a b e a u tifu l A m er­ O ne day la s t w eek M r. and Mrs. ican heiress while v a ca tio n in g a t a J. B. R obinson had as g u e sts fo r d in ­ fashionable A lpine inn. A visiting n e r in th e evening, Mr. a n d Mrs. M; k in g g re e ts him w ith delight. The O lsen, th e ir son a n d a lady frien d , h o tel a tte n d a n ts w ait on him hand all o f pluinview , O re., and Mr. and a n d foot. His every whim is im m e­ Mrs. S tep h en s o f P o rtlan d . d iate ly satisfied. D a u g h te r and T he M idford building on th e cor­ w e alth y papa decided th a t verily, this handsom e g entlem an m ust be “ som e­ n e r o f M ain a n d Second s tre e ts has received a fresh hcoat o f p a in t this o n e .” T im e flies and th e ir frien d sh ip week. <|iiickly develops. A t th e end o f his Mr. and M rs. W. H. G rabeel and fu rlo u g h , seeing th e yaw ning g u lf d a u g h te rs L avena and J e a n and Mr. w hich divides him from th e girl,, o u r and Mrs. Irv in g Sm ith and th e la tte r ’s distinguished s tra n g e r decides to m other, re tu rn e d from R oseburg on spend one glorious n ig h t and leave Sunday evening. On a cc o u n t o f the h e r life fo rev er. T he ice carnival date fo r th e opening o f th e deer ta k e s place and u fte r it— o u r frien d h u n tin g season being changed, Mr. w rite s a note d escribing th e chasm G rabeel and Mr. Sm ith had to d e fer w hich se p a ra tes them b e fo re tak in g th e ir h u n tin g trip und will spend th< th e n e x t tra in to Paris. balance o f th e ir v acation a t home. Days pass. O ne fin e evening who should e n te r his d ining room b u t the H dover At Ten g irl! W hut happens? D on't fo rg e t, she im agines th a t th e chasm he has described has to do w ith his high s ta te ; she d oesn’t realize th a t he is only a head w aiter. T h a t’s the situ atio n aro u n d which th is g re a t p ic tu re , “ Service fo r L a­ d ies,” has been built. T his will be th e fe a tu re a t the L ib e rty T h ea tre , E sta c a d a , Sunday and M onday. SANDY LOCAL ITEMS C harley Suckow a n d N. Schm itz a re hom e from the N elson-Jarl mjU th is week. E. F. B runs su ffe re d a bad sprain a t th e mill F rid a y and has to lay o ff w ork fo r a while, a lth o u g h he w ent b a ck to the mill. B a ttle Axe Inn w as th e c e n te r of m uch e x citem en t S un d ay night when several m ountain clim bers w ere lost u n til nearly m orning. Mr. and Mrs. H enry lla m n ia n s and fa m ily o f P o rtlan d a n d Mr. and Mrs. lle n r y H aselw ander visited th e Hen A photograph of th* Republican r y H am m an Sr., fam ily o f Sandy prleldential candidate taken at about the time of hla mother’s death. S u n d ay , rem aining fo r dinner. A lb ert M otjl o f Firw ood w as in tow n M onday and renew ed his sub­ FOR SA LE— E lectric p o rtab le sew ­ ing m achine, $35; th re e chairs fo r scrip tio n to the News. $5; bed a n d m attress in good con­ “ Slim ” Sm ith has been m aking his w od saw buzz a t a n u m b er o f Sandy d itio n ; oil sto v e ; ru g . A. H oern- W oodpiles this week. icker, Sandy, phone lOx. s28 ( VOICE AND PICTURES NOW SYNCHRONIZE E ngineers are now at work on a simplified photophone device suitable f for use In the home, which will make it possible, it is stated, to repro­ duce "talking mov­ ies" In the home very much as the o r d i n a r y radio broadcast program s are now being re- c e 1 v e d In more than eight million homes. T his a n ­ nouncem ent W I I made by General Jam es G. H arbord, P resident of the Radio Corporation of America, a t the form ation of a new company to be know n as "R. C. A. Photophone, Incor­ porated.” In discussing the form ation of the new company, General Harbord pointed out th a t although the Radio Corporation, General E lectric and V estlnghouse bad been preparing for Beveral years to m arket apparatus synchronizing voice and music with m otion pictures, public Introduction of the apparatus had been delayed un­ til the engineers had achieved "com ­ p lete practicability” so th a t it would be as simple to operate as a radio net, and, a t the sam e time, highly per­ fected. "The Photophone,” said General H arbord "la both simple and practi­ cal. The essential principle Is the recording of pictures and sound on one dim. W hile various m ethods have been devised for ‘talking movies,' ex­ perience has shown th a t the most practical Is th a t of recording pictures and sound on the same film. This is the method employed by the Photo- phone. It Is now possible to photo­ graph the P resident of the United S ta te s—voice as well as action—and to distribute films reproducing the event throughout the country. Uses and Operation "E asily operated reproducing appa­ ra tu s for use in theatres, schools and churches will be nationally available. An entire opera, m usical comedy or dram a can be electrically recorded on th e film, ju st as It is seen and heard, and then reproduced from the same film. W hatever can be seen or heard, w hether It Is a nightingale singing or an arm y in battle, can now be record­ ed and reproduced for both the eye and the ear. Moving picture dram as w ith complete orchestral accom pani­ m ent, or with m usic and speech, will he available to r nation-wide usé. "S tandard films w ithout the sound can be used w ithout any change In th e m achine. The only thing the op­ e ra to r has to do Is to close one sw itch y t hen he Is projecting pictures with sound, and open It when he does not w a n t the sound. Any type of 'talking film ’ can be need In the m achine. The type of sound reproducer to be used ;wlll vary with the size of the room In w hich the pictures are to be shown. T he reproducer embodies some re ­ m arkable new developm ents In acous­ tics. "S ight and hearing have been the tw o avenues of approach to the hu­ m an mind for education, religion and entertainm ent. Now one medium com bines the appeal to sight and hearing sim ultaneously, with universal accès Blblllty and availability. The com­ p lete practicability of the new a rt has already been dem onstrated, and there rem ained only the need for an intelli­ gent and serviceable system of manu- 'fa c tu re and distribution. "One can only guess a t the m any va­ ried uses of th is Invention as an In­ strum ent for the spread of knowledge, for brlnclng the people of the world closer together, and for the advance­ m ent of civilization.” Mrs. J . B. R obinson w ent to P o rt­ land M onday m orn in g w here she vis ite d relativ es a n d in th e m eantim e h a d som e d e n ta l w ork done. She ex­ p ected to be a b se n t fo r a week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. C ary and d a u g h te rs cam e up from G leneden beach T h u rsd a y nig h t. Mr. C ary re ­ m ained here u n til M onday m orning tc look a f te r business m a tte rs and was accom panied to th e beach by P o st­ m aste r A. N. Jo h n so n , who rem ained fo r a few days. Bob Smith Garage j j Headquarters for ATWATER-KENT RADIOS; TUBES, AND BATTERIES M == 13-Plate Ford Battery, Now.................................................................... $ 1 0 .0 0 Complete Line of Ford Parts and Accessories in Stock Phone Sandy 41 ^ The Secret of Our Values is BUYING POWER Saturday and Monday, Sept. 15-17 The number of Red and White Chain Stores with which we are associated throughout the country runs into thousands. Think of the buying power. No wonder we can and DO give better values—not merely on a few “leaders” but throughout the store. It will pay you to buy all your groceries at this Red and White Chain Store. CHAIN STORE PRICES— INDEPENDENT OWNERSHIP— REAL SERVICE We reserve the right to limit quantities DIAMOND MATCHES COUNCIL SLICED BEEF for best quality 6 boxes for in glass jar Two jars, 2Y>a 33c4 27c4 LUX TOILET SOAP PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS Delightfully Scented 3 bars for National Biscuit Co. Product Two-pound package 23c4 36c4 QUAKER QUICK OATS • BABO CLEANER Makes a hearty Breakfast Large Package for For all household cleaning Remarkably efficient. Two cans 28c4 25c4 Red and White SERVUS COFFEE OLEOMARGARINE Fresh Roasted; Steel Cut Fresh and pure, per lb. You’ll Like It. Per lb. 21«4 47c4 DRY ONIONS Servus Brand Three pounds for MARSHMALLOWS 10c4 SERVUS SANDWICH Fresh, large, fluffy; 10 oz. tin PICKLES 25c4 Different, Tasty; 14-oz. jar 20c> Yakima NETTED GEM POTATOES ROYAL BAKING POWDER 18c4 10 pounds for for successful baking 12-ounce can ------ Special Offer------ KELLOGG’S SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT 43c4 HEAR OUR RADIO PROGRAM Every Friday over Station KGW 6:30 p.m. Fun, Music One large and one small pkg., both 15c4 The Peoples Store-Red & White Chain H. B. SNYDBR, OWNER $ "T H E R A W H ID E K ID ,” HOOT GIBSON FILM E X C IT E S A U D IE N C E T hrills a n d spills, love and lau g h ­ te r, a re th e in g re d ie n ts th a t have been m ixed to g e th e r to m ake “ The R aw hide K id,” the U niversal W estern production sta rrin g H oot Gibson, which opens F rid a y (to n ig h t) a t the L iberty T h e a tre , E stac ad a , and will be th e a ttra c tio n fo r tw o days. In to th is p ictu re H oot brings his e ngaging perso n ality , su p erb rid in g and re alistic acting. I t is safe to say he once m ore d em o n strates his rig h t to th e title o f bein g th e sc ree n ’s g re a te s t W estern ro u g h rid e r fo r his ste lla r p e rfo rm a n ce in a cross c o u n try horse ra ce which w as film ed fo r this p ictu re is a show in itself. “ The Raw hide K id ” gives us th e best all-ro u n d W e ste rn e v er film ed, w ith ten se and d ra m a tic action in­ je c te d so as to c a rry o u t th e p la t of a well w ritte n photoplay. W ith a g roup o f fun-loving cow punchers who in ten d to b e a t th e s ta r a t his own gam e, H o o t is c a rrie d in to one of the sw ifte st p ictu res o f his career. As D ennis O ’H a rra , H oot ag air shows his ab ility to stick to a g a l­ loping horse and som e o f th e g re a te s t action p ictu res ever film ed o f a horse race w ere p h otographed fo r this pic­ tu re . E v e ry th in g from fa st gun play to fa s t horse ra cin g m akes th is pic­ tu re o f u n u su a l in te re st. G eorgia H ale, th e d a in ty and sw eet little m iss who m ay be rem em bered as C harlie C haplin's leading lady. por. tra y s th e ro le o f Je ssic a S ilverburg, th e hero in e, and she is su re enough love in te re s t. H a rry Todd, as usual, in je c ts his bag o f tric k s as a com e­ dian, w ith F ra n k H agney, W illiam H. S trau ss, Tom L inghahm and o th ers in p ro m in e n t w ell-played roles. Your Bank O ne can th in k of no o th e r in stitu tio n m ore tru ly indicative o f th e pro g ress o f a com m unity th a n its bank. A bank succeeds as its cu sto m ers succeed. A ctual assets a re the fo u n d a tio n o f its sta b ility , b u t progressive and successful depositors and borrow ers a re th e source of its gro w th and u sefulness to th e com m unity w hich it serves. Y our b a n k needs you ju s t as you need the bank. confidence brings m u tu al success. W hen you becom e a cu sto m er o f th is bank you realize th a t we ex ten d every c o u rte sy and service possible to m ake th e connection a sa tis fa c to ry and p ro fita b le one to you. ESTACADA STATE BANK Safe Deposit Boxes, $3.00 per year TH E V E R Y BEST is none too good for our customers—that’s why we use only the very best ingredients the mar­ ket aff&rds in all our products. Ask for Esta- cade-Made Bread. For sale at all local grocery stores. Use only the best. U-NEED-A BAKERY Estacada Phone 87-1 T I M E S C H E D U L E — P O R T L A N D - E S T AC AD A S T A G E S T im a of D e p a r tu r e S tation E a s te rn S ta rs will please rem em -j h e r th a t th e re will be a sta te d com . m u nieation on T uesday night, S e p ­ tem b e r 18, in th e M asonic hall. A special p ro g ram is bein g a rra n g e d fo r th e e n te rta in m e n t o f th e m em bers j a n d visitors. Rex L udlow was se n t to th e C ush­ m an hospital, T acom a, last w eek, a f I te r h aving had an ex am in atio n a t th e v e te ra n 's hospital in P ortland. Q uite a n u m b er o f seventh g ra d ers I o f E stac ad a w ent to O regon C ity on | T h u rsd ay o f last w eek to ta k e addi- SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitS 1 tional state t«9ts. M utual Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Portland Clackamas Carver Barton Eagle Creek Cedar Brook Estacada S tation .v. .v. ^v. .v. jV. ir. 10:00 10:35 10:50 11:06 11:15 11:18 11:30 a. a. a. a. a. a, a. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 2:00 2:35 2:50 3:05 8:16 3:18 3(30 p. p. p. p. p. p. p. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. T l im ime a o t f d D e e p p a a r r t t u r e IT S u n d a y 6:20 6:55 7:06 7:25 7:35 7:38 7:50 p. p. p. p. p. p. p. *T S u n d a y O n ly 11:00 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:15 12:18 12:30 p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. V S u n a d a y ▼ ¿ S a a i t u r u d a y T t I o Estacada *6:15 a. in. 8:30 a .m . 4:30 p .m . 7:00 Eagle Cr. 6:30 a. m. 8:46 a. m. 4:45 p. m. 7:15 Barton 6:35 a .m . 8:55 a .m . 4:55 p .m . 7:25 Carver 6:50 a .m . 9:10 a .m . 5:10 p .m . 7:35 Clack’mas 7:00 a .m . 9:20 a .m . 6:20 p .m . 7:45 Portland 7:35 a, m. 9:55 a .m . 6:00 p .m . 8:30 * Daily E x c e p t S u n d a y . ra. m. m. m. m. m. m. p .m . 8 :1 5 p .m . p. m. 8:30 p. m. p .m . 8:40 p .m . p .m . 9:05 p .m . p .m . 9:10 p .m . p .m . 0:45 p .m . V S a t u r d a y Only. THE NEWS FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING.