CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1928 recently brought home from the hos­ pital. Mr. Omet is the father o f Mrs After entertaining several guests Wintermute and Mrs. Dewey Alt. for a few days, Mrs. Della Tucker Miss Mary Shurnke attended the of Brightwood went to the city with wedding o f Ed Hein, formerly of her visitors for a few days. Sandy, last week in Portland, and SA N D Y LO C A L ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Francis Williamson of Rhododendron and a guest went to the city Tuesduy. Mr. William­ son is recreation manuger for the forest service in the Rhododendron district. ALWAYS OPEN PAGE FIVE Mrs. Edwards of Montesano, Wash., last week. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bitner have about reeovered from an attack o f the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Horr and while in the city was the guest of K. W. Mallery motored to Bull Run Miss Bertha Hoffman. Sunday afternoon and called at the Miss Willenc Botkin, a teacher at William Ganger and also at the Nor- Lynch school, visited Sandy grade quist homes. school two days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganger of n DR. H. A. SCHNEIDER DENTIST Phone Sandy 151 Sandy, Oregon At S. E. Wooster Cascade Chevrolet Co. =2 Estacada, Oregon | H * • • • EE EE EE ¡¡j ss == I Accounting and Management, Advertis­ ing and Selling, banking aud Finance, General Business, Real Estate, Secre­ tarial Training. Marketing, etc. i — M ILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS (B.S. degree) Cavalry, Infantry. Field Artillery, Enginecn» MINES (B.S., M.S. degrees) Geology, Mining Flag meet ing. lurgy Metal­ ENGINEERING (B.S., M.S. de­ grees) PHARMACY (Ph.C., B.S., M S. degrees) Civil (Structural, Highway, Sanitary, Hydraulic, Railroad Construction); Electrical (Power, Railways, Lighting, High Voltage, T elephony); Mechanical (Machine Design, Heat Power, Veuti- laUon. Heating, Gas, Refrigeration, Aeronautical) ; Industrial Shot Admin­ istration VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (B.S., M.S. degrees) Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analy­ sis. Pharmacognosy. Admirmtr at ion. Supervision, aud Teach­ ing of Agriculture, C< n rnerce. Haase Economics. Industrial Arts. The School of Basic Arts and Sciences, Industrial Journalism, Lituary Practice, Physical F.ducaiioti, anil Music— service departments not leading to degree»— addilirmal training supplementary to the major curricula. For Catalogue and Other Information Addreaa T H E R E G IS T R A R OREGON S T A T E A G R I C U L T U R A L COLLEGE CORVALLIS a \ Ì////0//Ì} Ioosteis CANBY, OREGON • * • * * H H == == EE |Ei S S §5 H BIG DAYS A Sept. 18-19-20-21 * * The Million Dollar HORSE RACING EVERY DAY Valet AutoStrop Razor shoivs the necessit y o f st r op pi ng before each shave ~ ~ ~ Harness and Running Races BEST HORSES ON THE FASTEST T R A C K || Walter W. Gilbert, M. D. * Operator» COMMERCE (U.S. degree; M.S. in Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology) Clothing, Textiles, and Related Arts; Food* and Nutrition; Household Ad­ ministration ; Institutional Management. County Fair == CHIROPRACTOR o f Oregon City Trips to Estacada discontinued until latter part of September Experienced CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (B.S., M.S. degrees) L egging Engineering, Lumber M an«' faeture, Technical Forestry. HOME ECONOMICS (B.S, M.S. degrees) S T R O P P I N G IS E S S E N T I A L T O T H E P E R F E C T S H A V E 4 Dr. M. M. Martindale Waving Animal Husbandry, Farm Management, Horticulture, and 17 other majors. FORESTRY (B.S.. M.S. degrees) TW E N T Y -SE C O N D A N N U A L C L A C K A M A S | Attorney at Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, Oregon Complete Equipment AGRICULTURE (B.S^ M S. degrees) sz O. D. EBY Permanent Affords this type of education in its 10 degree-granting schools and departments I | DENTIST Estacada, Oregon O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment O ffice Phone 315 Barber shop in Masonic Bldg. Beauty shop next door to stage terminal. New Low Prices Oregon State Agricultural College 91484848232300010202000101020202010200000000010200010202010002000002010002020100000100020001010001 Dr. H. M. Kramer Barber & Beauty Shop TH E LAND-GRANT COL- * ( 2 5 & ^ l £ G k s , as described by Senator curricula were established «-/ Morrill, , ci “ to offer an opportunity in every state for a liberal and practical education . . for the world'* business, for the indus­ trial pursuits and professions of life." .r. Schneider’s mother, Mrs. Ella Schneider, was out over Sunday to visit at her son's home. | After a strenuous season of work Mr. and Mrs. George C'alverly of Cal. very’s resort near Swim, will, no doubt, soon leave on a vacation trip Mrs. Orville Manary, Orient, is for two weeks, over Mt. Jefferson home from the hospital but not ut way. Cl earance Sale DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON Dentist Practice limited to extraction of teeth and minor oral surgery, nerve blocking & gas anesthesia 453 Morgan Bldg. Portland D., D. C„ E. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys Practice in All Courts First National Bank Bldg. Iregon City Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branch Riley and the former's parents were dinner guests at Marvel Inn Sunday. Frank Branch Riley, who advertises Oregon scenery so widely is impressed with the beauty o f Sandy gorge as viewed from the Inn. Mrs. D. S. Webster enjoyed a visit Bull Run had the latter's sister, Mrs. "Dad” Omet o f Brightwood was from her brother and wife, Mr. and Joseph Justin and children of Klum ESTACADA HOTEL Physician and Surgeon O ffice Hours 9 to 6 and Evenings ESTACADA OREGON ath Falls as guests over Labor l)a,\ all strong. Mrs. Manary had an op­ vacation. eration for appendicitis. IN TH E N O R T H W E ST T U E S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 18TH Children’s Day, School children admitted free Judging of exhibits— Band Music— Dedication of New Boys’ and Girls’ club Building— opening ceremonies— Boys’ Bicycle Race— ord and Pig Relay— Boys’ and Girls Pony Race— Special Entertainment before Grandstand — Free Movies — Dancing. RUNNING AN D H ARNESS RACES. Everywhere wise men are turning to the improveJ Valet AutoStrop Razor because it is teaching them the vital importance o f never shaving with a blade that has not been properly stropped. W E D N E SD A Y , SEPTEMBER 19TH Livestock and Poultry Day Final Judging— Band Music— Club Demonstrations— Big Grandstand Show — Ford and Pig Relay— Livestock Parade— Free Movies— Dancing RUNNING A N D H ARNESS RACES All barbers know that until it is stropped the cutting edge o f every blade is a row o f tiny needle points that scrape and tear the skin. Stropping smooths them out. With the automatic self-stropping device o f the new V’alet AutoStrop Razor you can do this in a few seconds. And the new model offers you many other modern features exclusive in this razor. It is the result of 21 years o f experiment and the expenditure o f a million dollars. T H U R S D A Y , SEPT. 20TH Farm and Industrial Day, School Children Admitted Free Boys’ and Girls’ Club Demonsrations— Baby Clinic — County W ide Basket Luncheon— Band Music— Boys’ Bicycle Race— Boys’ and Girls’ Pony Race— Big Grandstand Show— Ford and Pig Relay— Big Night Show with Fireworks Drama and National Guard Sham Battle— Dancing— Awarding of $1000 in cash and merchandise prizes given by Oregon City Business Men. RUNNING AND HARNESS RACES == = FR ID AY, SEPTEMBER 21ST Greater Union of Clubs Day Band Music— Club Demonstrations— Big Grandstand Show— Ford and Pig Relay— Old Time Fiddlers’ Contest— Fourth Annual Meeting and Banquet of Greater Clackamas Union of Clubs— Free Movies Dancing— Close o f Fair. RUNNING AND H ARNESS RACES = FREE PARKING = S TQ ECAUSE it solves the problem o f men with stubborn •U beards, the new Valet AutoStrop Razor is taxing our factories’ capacity to meet America’s demand. PLENTY OF PICNIC 1 COME TO CANBY! Clackamas County Fair Association H ER M AN CHINDGREN, Pres. H. W . K ANNE, Sec’y AND CAMPING SPACE Both the razor and the blades have been distinctly bettered. Made o f the costliest steel, treated by the exclusive Valetite process. Valet blades have a perfect edge. The self-stropping feature keeps them so. New type guard gives you full use o f the shaving surface o f these keener blades. Instantly inserted or removed by pressing a button. Locked in a firm non-flexihle grip, they put blade vi­ bration and razor pull out of the picture for good. No need to remove the blade to strop and clean it. Try this new Million Dollar Razor. You'll quickly learn to like It. And once you know its soothing shaves and friendly angle, you’ll •tick to it for life. Beautifully finished models complete stith blades and an improved strop in handsome cases at $1.00 to $25. = COME TO CANBY! S BRENTON VEDDER, Director W A R D B. L A W T O N , Director ■ ¡¡j Also A New and Finer Shaving Cream % 35c V A LE T Au\o S t r o p mio o% m t © »». 1 R AZO R AutoStrop Safety Razor Company, Inc., 656 First Ave., New York City