Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, September 14, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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P\ ' E FOY R
TY ; . WS,
,m the individual farm r. "A nation which i pending I t 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rn~
inety billion a year can w 11 afford an xpenditur of a I~
f w hundr d million .for a workabl program that will § ADV RTISERS-ATTE NTION !
give one-third of its population th ir fair hat· of th na- §
Adv rti ing copy mu t be in the ew offic
C , I•:. l',\l(K .', Jo:d,tor nnd l'ulilislwr
C. REX PARKS, Advl•rtising Manag r lion's pro perity."
not lat r than 4 p. m., on Wedne day .
----0 0-----
.\IH S .. J. .\I.( ' . l\llLLEH. Sandy Nl•w, Editor
will appear in the
l'u bli ht•d \\ t·d l} on J I idny · at Edl <"adu Sandy, Clackuma.
o., Oregon
w the following w k.
Entered in the postoffice of Estacada, Oregon, as second cl I matter.
The wide pread improvement of rural road of all -
otic s h reby given of an increase in aclverti ing
cla e ha aided in developing certain type' of rural
rate effective Octob r 1, to occa ional ad-
chool , notably the junior high ·chool, according to Em- -
111 ! ' l n,·k·111111H c·ount . , 11 1• yu1r, I 50; Out. ide the county and in the stat
1erti' r . Thi increase will be approxi-
o r On• •on, '"ll' y1• 11·, , :.!.00; Out. idc thC' ~tat o! Oregon, one year, eiy
. Ferri , profe' or of rural educatin at ornell.
ly 15 per cent. It cl
not affect regu-
• :.!./i U. Fon•ign, .,:;. uo pl'r yt·ar. Suh.criptions are puyabl in adv nee.
The motori t of Oregon ha noted thi developm nt
over the pa t ten years and know that the statement of ··
the profes or is true.
- Publisher, Clackamas County News
In hi recent r port, issued by the U. . bur au of cl- -
With th0 op ning of another school y ar, th prob- ucation, he note that r liable mean of transportation fi:
l m of encour:iging th chilcl to make th most of th op- have greatly extended-in fact doubled-the distance , _ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J>Ortunities \\ hich the school offers again present it elf. from which chool can be reached by pupil . This has
it is a woblem in \\ h ich parent· a: w 11 a· teach rs ·hould made it po ible to develop three or four year junior high
tak' a k' •n inter !-iL
schools, in many ·mall centers.unable to upport four-year
P •rhaps the most imporlirnt oLjective to be ought high chool , older pupil going daily to adjoining com-
Wonderful Work
is to a,., ahn in th' child a real dC'sire for knowledge. It munities having high chools which erv everal mall
You will be delighted with our laundry and cleaning
i-,hould be pointed ouL that it is po:- ·ible to derive enjoy. communities.
work. We call W edne day and Saturday
There are now 1,174 center of population under
rnent from the pursuit of school studies if one approaches
tht•m with a g'l 11uine ambition to learn. The child should 2,500 having junior high chool .
of each week.
not b' led to fer! that going to school is an unpl asant
A a direct r sult of our modern road program, a mil-
cluty. Ile should be impr s::;ed with the fact that it is a lion children in farm homes have more regular attendanc
1irivilPge to be appreciated, not only as a preparation for and longer. chool year , and one, two and even three mor
aft£11· lifr, but as a mean::; of pr s nt happines and satis- years of advanced public schoo_ling than was wi~hin their
faction as w 11.
. reach a few years ago. Good highway have no mfluence ~.;;;;=====================;=.1
, 'om(• ehildren appear to re:1lize this without much more profound than thi .
arguing, but ot lwr.· :eem to be naturally averse to mental
- - - -oOo- - - -
.. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111'.;..
,,ffor , and require patient handling in order to arou e
Why doe n't ome efficiency expert devise a way to =_
th •ir interf'st in school \\ ork.
investigate disaster before they happen?
Parents should not !)lace the entire responsibility
Wh ea t , b y th e sac k , per 100 lbs . ................. . $2 • 20
upon the teaclwrs, but should co-operate with them, not
Now that the peace pact is signed the nations may go
Ground white Oats, per lb . .. ... .... .... ...... .. ..... .... ..... . 2c
only in in sisting upon punctual attendance, but also in ahead preparing for war without exciting suspicion.
Crown Cake Flour ................. ........ .................. .. 35¢ _
Jpacling the child to adopt a proper attitude toward his
_ Raisins, 4 lb. sk. ... .................. .. ... ... .. ... ..... ........... 30c
i:;tucli s.
An exchange confides that "explosives are now be- - Kellogg' Pep, special, 5 for ... ........ .............. ... 55¢ -
Sanely ancl Estacada schools have a fine corps of ing made from corn." If they refer to the liquid kind,
Keilogg's Bran Flakes ... ................. ................. .. l 0 e
tC'aelwrs. Th 'Y have b en carefully sel •cted, after a clo e they certainly are powerful.
Kellogg's Corn Flal e~, 3 for ....... ... ...... ....... ..... .. 25¢ -
i,.;tucly of their qualifications by m n in the communities
Silver Loaf Flour, 49's ... ... .... .. ................. ....... $1.85
who have lw n elected for that purpose. 'fhese teacher ,
Harvey Starkweather, nominated for congr
in this
Pride of ,1/aldo Hills, 49's ..... ...... ........ .... ....... $1. 75
if given the parent coop ration lo which they are entitled, di. trict, seems to be in about the ame fix a "The Man = c. and H. ugar, net ca h, per 100 lb. sk .... $6.00
will do evc1ything po:~dbl for the aclvanc ment of the Without a Country." He's got to be a candidate without
Grit, 100 lb . .... ..... .... .. ....... - ............ ........... ... .. $1.10 -
childr •n- your children.
a party, it seems.
We tern Oy ter Shell, 100 lb. sack ... .. ..... ..... . $1.15 _
- - - oOo
- Western Oyster Shell, 100 lb. ack .. ...... .. ... .. . $1.50
300 Page Tablets ........ ...... ... .. ... ..... .... ... ... .... ... .. .. 100 -
advantage over the regularly nominated democratic can- - Flour acks, While They La t ...... .. .... ... ....... .. .... l 0 c -
Clackamas County News
Palace Laundry M an
Whil e Constitution Day, ptember 17, is not a legal
holiday it is olJs rvecl with appropriate exerci es in many
~chools, a cl various patriotic ~,ocieti es employ th e occa-
~on to renew acquaintanc s with the provi ions of our na-
lion's organic law.
The onstitution of the Unit cl tates was adopted
on 8 ptemb r 17, 1787, by the convention appointed in
1rnr:•ntance of a resolution of ongre . Wa hington pre-
1:1idl'cl ov 'I' lite conv ntion, which was compo ed of 55
cl<1legates, repre:enling ach of the original 17 tates ex-
· •pl lthoclp Island, :rnd that body was in ses 'ion nearly
four months. The final draft of the on titution was
maclp by Cut wrneur Morris a del gate of Penn ylvania.
D<'l,rnare \\as the first state to ratify th
lion whi,:,h it dicl on Decemb r 7, 17 7, and Rhode Island
was tlw lasl, its date of ratification b ing May 29, 1790.
1'111 first trn am nclm nts, POI ularly known a the
of Rights. numb
were r proposed
and adopted
lh rPquirPcl
of stat s together,
by December
15, 1791.
Only two oth r amenclments W re adopted prior to the
('ivil war, ancl betwe n 1 65 and 1 70 three more were
adcled. Since thC'n four aclclitional amendments have
h e<.. 11 adopted, ])l'OViding for th income tax, clir ct elec-
ti on of nited Slate' s nators, prohibition and ·women's
Tlw Con:tilution iR 011(' of the world' grrate t doc-
um n ts, ancl PWl'V ri t izen sh ou Id mak him elf familiar
\\ ith its prm·i•; ion~. t•ven though :::;ome of th m have b en
J C( l Ill
· rec nl Yl':ll'f1.
:-ar 11 ,v 1 I 1srt>gal'<
didates. He will not have to spend a lot of time making _
excuses for the party.
Spend Your Money at Home
Give Us a Chance on Your Purchases
- - harp
- pre making pub- ~, ••
Those fellow who
about the
lie entiment will have to guess again. The new papers ------------=----==---===-----:::=--
. t on, ' w1 •th t wo or th ree excep t• 10n ' ·111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .;.
of the state o f W as h mg
to quote the Shelton, Wash., Journal, was.oppo ed to. t~e
Auto Repair Department
re-election of Gov. Roland H. Hartley. H1 every official
act during the four-year term of his office. ha been crit-
We specialize in remedying automobile ill . No
icized. From the large t to the smallest newspapers in = matter what ailment your automobile may be suf-
the state with tho e "two or three exception ," they have § fering from, we can give it a
done all Zvithin their power to beat Hartley, and now It ~p-
pears that he is still the fir t choice of a large maJonty §
of the citizen of Wahington.
§ An auto that i in good condition is a good invest-
- -- --
ment. Let us exxamine your car and price your job. _
an answer to these questions in the §
n .
services Sunday.
Ch h
" ~. Smp.r,inmgowrant1·negr-wSou1·nshd1·apyastchloli. at 10 §_
Sa y Lut eran
George-Sundayschool at 2 p. m., :
Rev .. ?t:r. Sc.hoen, the ne'," Lu th _ church service at 3.
eran minister, 1s expected this week, Eagle Creek-Sunday school at
Estacada, Ore g on
and sm·vices are announced for next 10:30 a. m., evening service at 8 ;,
Sunday afternoon at at 3 o'clock. o'clock, p. m. Tl10s. I. Kirkwood, ···111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-:-
Rev. Messerli of Oregon City, also Minister.
some Portland ministers, are to take
Patronize The News ' Job Printing Department
part in wclc.:iming the new pastor to :,-,
_ ===========
his n;~,i::r~ .. ~~ :;.et ~:a::~h
The services begin at 10 o'clock,
Broadway Garage
Invest 1·n Electr1·c Po-.ATer
00 1 - - -
t~~ : :i~as~~;-
pulpit at 11 o'clock.
Sandy Community Church
As u~ual, Ikl'IH'rt Hoov I' shows his remarkable fac- Sandy Community church services
----oOo - - -
ulty for gc>tling to th> bottom of things when he tack!
will be held ut 8 o'clock in the eve-
nd ay school at 10 a. m.
tht• J)rnbl '111 of farm reli •f. He is d finite. He see the ning.
Y OU Can ac t Ua II Y 0Wn an 1Il
· t ere t 1n
· th e gigan1,lC
1 •
St. Su
Catholic Church
power th a t t Urn th e W h ee I S
iwc d. ]l p SL'l'S the difficulties. Like the good conomic
Mass e\'ery :unday morn(ng at
of indu try in your community. In the factorie that make for prosperity-
engi1wpr h' is, he has ~urv y •cl the job in all it aspects st. Michael's catholic church, at :::::
in the light you ee burning all around.
and lw has dra\\ n the blu prints, and, like a man who sa nd y.
Portland El ctric Pow r Company 6.00 First Preferred Stock, offered at
Jon'· his\\ Ol'k, he some ho\\ gets ov 'I' th, idea that he and
Eotacada Mcthodiot Church
9 .00 a hare, will net you a return of 6.12 per cent on your inve tment.
110 OtH' 1 t bl', is the man to do it.
Do not pray for easy lives! Pray
$90 00
d h
· cane 1· 1date stat d a pro bl em to be strong men and worn nl Do -
1 "toe wa 11 t o at
are, two years ago, an
as a - -
l'\'l'r J 1.\S a pre~H • l 'ntlal
lTIOl'l' clt>arl.,·. mw lyZL'cl 111()\'C carefully, and ass rt d mor
not pray for tasks equal to your
vanced in price three time ince then.
l':t1'11l'stly his dl'lt•rmination to ~oh, it, than has th r _ po" ers. Pray for power equal to
You can ee your money working for you in thi inve tment every day of the _
ta~k! Then th doing of your :::::
year- very hour of the day.
l n1bliean nomillt'I' in di-4eU~. ing ,1g·1 irulturnl I lief in his your
work will be no miricle. But you -
HJWl't'h of aCt'l'ptanee.
shall wonder at yourself, Rt th rich•
An attractiv 'ea y way to ave money and have it grow rapidly with perfect
"ThP lllOJ'l' urgent ('COllOlllical problem today i in ne s of your life which has come to
af ty.
agrirultun•," is Iii · opPnin" s 'nten ' e on the ubj ct. "It you by the grace of God.
You may purcha e on a mall monthly avings plan if you wish.
mu:-t b \ solv >d if \\ l' ar to bring prnsperity and content- We would be gl d to se you at
nwnt lo OIH'-third of Olli 1wople directly and to all of lll' church ne t unday. Th morning
Investment Department
p 'ople indir 'eh. \ l havp ple lged m·~ Iv to find a ubject at 11 o·ciock will be "The
20 Electric Bldg.
~olution. Th s ,lrl' .. ilt'lllll 1 }p lg·~ and they will b ful- 1 Pilgrim's Journey." In the evenint
fill ,d bv tlw l'l'JHlbliran partv."
t 7 :30, "Removing th tone." 'un-
· J
1 •
} l
1 ·
I l' ·1• ()J'l' ( j t'a 1 llhT
\\ It l l't' llll'l ll':-.,
( iagnos .
t h day d chool is h"ld n inter ting place
d to I = -
• l
d f en your c 1 ren; ye, n come _
aus . · 0 [ l It' lrouu l'.
ll'.V :ti'' our 111 num
r- n
your If. It alw Ys meet t 10
fm· ht•r l:1riff prnll'l'I ion, elll':qwr li:rnsportation f r farm m.
c.:ird1 I w !com to all- . T:1
prndUl'l:-, h,•lll'r 1fo,trihution, arnl n •org-anization of th
ook, pa tor.
1lWI kt>ling· S_\'. lt'lll
Tlwn lw Jll'0<.'l l'd . to sho\\ what he, :l~ I
Preobyteri n
tlw Ill'\\' lt :1d1•J' of hi::; p:11-tr \\ ill clt) to put through 1 gi la- Th ubject for our ('On id ration
ti11n that will gin' tlw farnwr tlw nl't. 1l d I' Ii f.
thi Sunday i "The hri~t or th
r o ti nw ,,·i 11 b , Inst, l\lr. Hoov r h 1 c Jar , in put tin
m rican Road " Thi ubj ct IS an-
tlH'st' varinth nwa~Ul't' into
t\>rt. ''The l' ublican nounc d ,nth p lo ie~ to Or. E -
Portland regon
platform of \ ,1. :in , 1 ffinnali •e progiam, and n ,ct,, nlv
nley J~nt ml hi book nti~~ J.
The hri t hrist
of th or lnd1
n Ro n d. r ad,
n· ivi . ' 1011
ff. ice 3 t -
ti lt' t 1 t• l :II ·1 .t>< l l' :1 1 1()1',~, t· HJ) l 11 f I l').!tTJ. . I a t· 1011 anu l a ppr pnatlon~
tli re i
th Indi
t 11 put 1t mln Inn•', It' a-.::t'I' ~.
i th r not al O
hri;,t of the
Sal m, O regon Cit , Gresham Hillsboro, St. Hele ns and St. Johna, Oregon
i\lr. Tlom't'I' has no patien t with th po.~ibl obj c- merican road! t th r di!r r-
and V ncouver, W shington.
tion that th· t't dl'l':ll p·n\'t'lllllH'llt nuw ha\' to a lvance enc
n we kno, him~ Ito" can
Bolll1' hund1 •tb uf million' of et pita!·\\ ithout oblig tion ·• no hini ?
ay e try to Ii nd 1 ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111
El ectr1c
. p ower C ompany