PAGE TWO CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1828 The Circuitor Has a Notion That CH E R R Y V ILLE ITEMS — With the County Agent you will bear with him just once more on the subject of flower gar­ dens when you take into considera­ tion that it wont be long now till we are deprived o f them. Even now there’s a flash o f flame in the vine maple; the Virginia creeper on the Fall Bordeaux Spray east wall at Mrs. Suter’s is splashed A protective coating o f bordeaux with crimson; the wild rose is ablaze with red pips— and we know they are (4-4-50) just ahead of the fall rains the campfires of the invader who is essential in the control o f several our horticultural diseases. merely bides his time. Some still of night, not 80 *ar off» when the moon Among the more important of these lights his way, he will scale the wall are: Anthracnosc o f the apple (unless and a white blanket will be spread sprayed in July or August). over our flower gardens. European canker o f the pear and With this thought in mind I stopped the other evening, and gazed apple long upon the beauty spot that Mr. Peach blight o f the peach and ap Roy L. Meyers, o f Eagle Creek, has so rlc°b generously placed «lose to the high- Anthracnose of the bramble fruits way, where the weary traveler may Septoria of the bramble fruits, imbibe the inspiration and peace that Moss and lichens o f the fruit and is there. As I stood looking, not see- nu‘ trees, ing things in detail, but conscious ofl Thoroughness o f application should the glory o f the whole plan, the set-1 ieceive especial attention with these ting sun played full upon a hedge o f sprays. African Marigolds that borders the Strawberry Crown Borer east, bringing out the flaming orange The cr<,wn borer is the most ser and the clear gold hues. There was | ious insect Pcst of strawberries. In something in the carnival beauty o f t‘*ted plants do not niake the rank the scene that sent my spirit groping | luxuriant, late summer and fall for memories, lost voices— other days, j ffr°wth that healthy plants do. All carefree days. “ Have glimpses th a tjiu c^* P‘ an‘ s should be pulled, carried would make me less forlorn,’’ l q u o t-iout o f the field an<1 burned. A careful survey o f the strawberry ed and turned to meet the gardener) fields should be made at this time of himself. While Mr. Meyers is not a farmer; but the year for this purpose. he knows his flowers; and I have a this is not a complete remedy for the very strong notion that had not Fi­ crown borer, it will go a long way in nance not intrigued him at such an holding it in check. Seed Cover Crops Now early age, landscape architecture Failing to seed a cover crop one would have claimed him. As it is, he is achieving great season is a step backwards; one things. It is no small task to arrange j which will require several season’s plantings so that from early spring efforts to overcome. The only fruit until frost every section o f the gar- ¡ or nut growers in the Northwest jus- den will be abloom. It takes a born I tified in not seeding cover crops are gardener to do this— with so many ¡ those having five tons of stable ma- wonderful things offered by dazzling nure or 2 1-2 tons o f sheep manure seed, bulb and plant catalog. I asked ¡ or 2 1-2 tons o f clover straw or 1 1-4 Mr. Meyers if he planned thihs garden tons o f clover hay or 1 ton of alfalfa on paper, and wus told that he did hay or 2 tons o f straw plus 100 to not. I was sure o f the answer be- j 150 pounds o f sulphate of amonia pel fore I got it. Mr. Meyers’ garden acre of fruit or nuts grown to apply, isn’t the paper planned kind. It’s a I ---------- Four-H Club» haert-garden, if you know what I Four-H club livestock members at mean. No arrogance; no cold dig nity; no stiff formality. Just beauty, the county fair furnish everything but the bedding, which is furnished instinctively grouped. Yes, it wont be long now. Long by the fair board. This is the first year that it hat summer days that seemed to drag their feet have quickened their step. beer, insisted upon that all club mem­ They soon will take flight, picking bers have their individual water up as they go the things o f summer, buckets, feed boxes and troughs. In accordance with all sanitary not overlooking the flower gardens It would be well if we paused in thi methods o f handling livestock, vet­ hurry and bustle o f every day life erinarians have urged these rules be long enough to become acquainted I strictly adhered to when the club with the spirit of the garden, th e! members move into their new barn, spirit of beauty and peace, while yet GETS NEW FORD COUPE we may— before the invader sculee Ed Everett o f the Sandy Lumbar the wnll, white blanket in hand. company has purchased a new Ford coupe from the Bob Smith Garage Dear Circuitor:— o f Sandy. I deeply regret that I was not home when you called at Bonnie Brook I WISHES HE HAD BO UGHT Farm last week, but was glad to TOW NSITE OF SANDY learn through the Clackamas County News that you had found pleasure Mr. Klein o f Portiand> who U8ed in taking a walk among the flowers t0 buy catt]e here 45 years ugo ca„ e(1 in my garden. I on the Junkers, Sunday. Klein says It does not look like the picture I ,le was offere<| all o f Sandy in .*them have seen o f the Garden of Geth- days” for $500, and is now sorry he semane, but I am striving each year did not take it. Mr. Lang, another to make it more like it. friend o f the Junkers, also called Yes, the dahlia is a favorite flower Sunday. o f mine and no plant in the flora1 kingdom has made such marked im­ ELIZABET H GERDES KILLED provement in size, form and coloring IN AN AU T O AC CIDENT in the past few years as has the dah­ lia. No garden is complete without Elizabeth, a daughter o f Henry a show of these brilliant and stately Gerdes, a pioneer who kept the first flowers, and nothing gives greater f store in Sandy, was killed Labor Day returns for a little money and care | in an accident at Agate Beach, near Their easy culture should appeal t, ¡Newport. Henry and Christine Ger- all and the freedom from disease and des were with her in the car, but es- insect pests is another great asset. caped injury when the car crashed The dahlia is so profuse in bloom) over a thirty-foot embankment. It seems to me that I could not Henry, her brother, is a member of have an armful o f flowers the whole the Sandy pioneer society. season through without the duhlia.: ------------------------- So 1 hope that lovers o f the beautiful GANGERS CALLED TO ST. JOHN will at least give a corner in their I ---------- garden to this wonderful flower. and Mrs. William Ganger were Dear Mr. Circuitor, do come again called to St. John last week because and if I am not at home please re- <>* ‘ he sudden death o f a friend, Eu- main until I have seen you— go in gene Reid, who died suddenly of and make yourself at home— put heart failure, at Olallie Lake, on La- your nag in in the stable; there is hor Day. He was camping at the plenty of corn in the crib, and you l«ke with his wife and daughter. Mr. will always find a welcome at Bonnie Reid seemed in usual health, but all Ilrook Fnrm. Sincerely, a‘ once collapsed. GRANT TEST FARMERS WISHING FOR The P. T. A. put the school house and grounds in A -l condition for the beginning of school and received a liberal sum from the school board. Being women, they will know how to get their money’s worth when they spend it. Hop picking began in Dan Stalh- necker’s yard Monday with the neigh­ bors finding pleasure and profit in picking. Mrs. M. Park made a trip with the Louis Vallen family to Walton. Ore., last week where they visited relatives and friends. U. N. Beckley ig reported to b» ill. Everet and Irwin Stahlnecker re­ turned from the hop fields at Wil sonville Sunday. School began Monday with Miss Shoemaker of Portland as teacher. Jimmie Spitler has returned from Sherwood where he worked during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pahl and child­ ren and Ivan Yost o f Sandy are vis­ iting relatives here this week. There has been u labor turnover at the Sandy Lumber company mill re-1 cently, due to sickness, etc, around five new families having moved in. Ray Palmquist wus down last week with an attack o f gripp and was < threatened with pneumonia. It is reported that Juck Greenwood 1 has bought out his partner, Bill Lenz. and that Greenwood will have entir« charge o f the logging. It is also re­ ported that twenty additional acres o f timber is purchased. Mrs. Dave Douglass, Waldo and F'loyd, stayed with the arduous labor of picking huckleberries until 160 gallons were either marketed or put up for home use. “ Red’’ Nelson has been home spend ing a week’s vacation. He left for Taft again Monday. GO TO W AR M SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales and small son Wallace left Monday for the mountains for a few days stay at the Warm Springs. Portland office Auto Ft. Term. — East 2406 181 E. Water St Estacada, Oregon Gresham Funeral Parlors Phone 1901 iiim m iiiim iiiim m im im iiiim m iiiiiiim iiiiiiiiim m m im m m m m m iim m m : = y i Sandy Creamery I Sandy, Oregon HOUSEWIVES,— USE OUR 11 Genuine Delco, Remy and North East auto lights and Bosch parts for generators and starters V Mountain Meadow Bntter A HOME PRODUCT S E jjz Phone Sandy 56 E =;imiimmiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiimimmmiiiiH E iiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiimiiiiiiiHiiriiHMiii.-iiiinimimiimii’L Sandy Shoe Shop Oregon City Battery Shop Con Hilgers § Phone 124 12th and Main § i | = = E Oregon City E | .‘ HuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiimmimimiiiiiiiimiMiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiir- E THE SHOE RE-BUILDER IN OUR TOWN— His mind is not upon the “ COST,” Or how much “ PAY” he’ll get; Upon his WORK, his thoughts engrossed, And over it he’ll sweat. “ Pay” doesn’t worry him a bit; His face will beam with PRIDE, If work he’s done has made a “ hit,” And folks are SATISFIED. | MEN’S AND BOYS’ DRESS AND WORK SHOES | 60 ¿ 60 C 60 C =- i1111111111111■111111111II1111111111 III 1111: 111m111M11111111111111! 111111111II1111!111II11111111111^ — -------------- ------------------ ^ --------------------------------- ---------- — Good Old Fashion CHICKEN DINNER | SUNDAY 60 ¿ — — *— First Class Auto Repairing | ELECTRIC WORK Let us price your job Linn’s Inn 6 0 ^ — iiiliiiiiiilillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirr Our work and prices will satisfy you. 60 C | City Garage | Sandy, Oregon | 7:)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimimiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiimiiiiin Sandy Drug Co. RONALD E. ESSON, Ph. C., Prop. EASTMAN KODAKS FISHING TACKLE FOUNTAIN EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL Phone 331 SUPPLIES Sandy, Oregon W e H ave a SANDY WOOD INDUSTRY ON THE UPGRA DE RAIN More wood is being shipped from Farmers in and around the Sandy Sandy vicinity than ever before and section are watching the skies with a hope thnt Jupe may get busy. The the market is more steady. Hundreds ground is so dry plowing is impossi- o f cords are being stacked by the ble and rain is also needed for berry! highway while side roads are dry, and will be shipped via truck later. Judd fields ami late potatoes. Bros., a new wood firm at Gresham,! JARLS ENT ERTAIN REL ATIVES is said to have purchased about five j thousand cords near Sandy and many! Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jnrl entertained other firms are contracting, beside twelve relatives at a big dinner Sun­ the slabwood dealers that buy up the j day at their Kelso farm home. Ver- mill product. A. C. Martin of Sandy nie Jarl was home from White Sal­ has nbout finished stacking three mon where he is driving a logging hundred cords of wood for Dixon- . [ truck, for the event. 1 Howitt. J. G. Hayman Non-Sectarian uiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiimtMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiir E Willard Batteries, $9.00 FOR THE CANNERY To serve our patrons well and make each service a stepping stone towards their confidence is the de­ sire and constant endeavor of our organization. E S T A C A D A TRUCK SERVICE Insured Carrier Furniture Moving a Specialty Daily Service ESTACADA to PORTLAND Order all goods delivered to auto Freight Terminal, 181 E. Water Street, Portland. ED. STEINMAN Office 72-1— Estacada— Res 11-3 Estacada, Oregon Buying Prunes Beautiful, Special Cushion that will interest purchasers from our shop and service station. Drive in for information Peoples Service Station Phone Sandy 208 • *« Sandy, Oregon