Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, September 14, 1928, Image 1

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    C l ACK a m a s C ounty N ew s
The county health officer, after
having had Estacada city water ana­
lyzed, recommended to the city coun­
cil the immediate installation o f a
chlorination system for the purifica­
tion of the water.
The water does not contain any­
thing that could be classed as serious,
the News has been informed, but the
city water is badly polluted. The
chlorine plant advised will make the
water safe, but. it may at times have
a bad taste.
The council, at the meeting held on
Tuesday evening, ordered a plant in­
stalled immediately that would rem­
edy the condition.
Walter L. Wheldon presented to
the city fathers an application for ap­
pointment as night watchman, which
was tabled for the present. The mat­
ter of procuring a car load o f gravel
for city streets was left up to the
street and alley committee.
Mayor H. C. Stephens, Councilmer.
Osborne, Rose, Duus and Morgan
and Recorder Dale were present.
The need o f an adequate water sys­
tem for the Estacada has been the
subject o f considerable discussion
for a long time. “ The present coun
cil does not propose to take any fur­
ther action other than to make the
water safe,” a member of the boar<
stated Wednesday, “ as the term- of
the mayor and three couneiinien ex
pire this year, and this is a mattei
that will come up after the electior
o f the new board.”
F. L. Proctor, Sandy banker,
literally stepped into a hornet’s
nest Sunday while up the
were starting out nicely, Fred
and Verne Alt had each pulled
out a fish, when Proctor heard
something buz— zip— and h<
was surrounded! Hornet stings
are not funny, and when Fred
could not fight them o ff he did
the only thing possible to get
away from them— he jumped
into the river, after having
been stung several times.
He finally got rid o f the hor­
nets and when he started to
pull out his fishline the hook
caught in the lobe o f his ear
and required a Sandy doctor to
cut it out.
Fred is undaunted, however,
and says he is going fishing
again next Sunday.
Estacada schools opened Monday
morning with an enrollment of 93 in
the high school and 124 tn the grade.
This number is estimated to be about
two-thirds of the final enrollment.
Many o f the boys and girls of the
community are busy picking prunes
or working in the hop yards. There
are eight teachers employed in the
high school and six in the grades.
W. E. Buell is principal.
Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Junker, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Suckow, Henry and
O f local interest is the announce Will Widmer, Mr. and Mrs. Gotfried
ment that the Ford assembling plant Sr. and the Junior Gotfried Stuckis
in Portland began operations thi: all went to Lents Wednesday to at­
week and while but few cars per daj tend the funeral of Conrad Strasser.
are being turned out now, the capac­ ■tO, who was a pioneer on Sandyridge
ity will be gradually increased ant and lived on what is now the Will
within a few weeks 75 cars per day- Bell home.
will be delivered to dealers from thi:
Dealers expect, before a grea
while to be able to make immediate
delivery to purchasers.
Rev. J. J. Handsaker o f Portland
J. G. Hayman o f Estacada is buy­
ing prunes for the cannery this year. •vas the speaker Sunday at Spring-
It is said that many o f the prunes vater, George and Eagle Creek on
will be marketed this way instead of he circuit o f Rev. T. I. Kirkwood,
vlr. Handsaker has been for eleven
being dried.
,-ears director o f Near East Relief
ATTACHMENT PROVES POPULAF and announced to his congregations
The Cascade Chevrolet company hat after twelve years o f service
n which the Near East Relief has
put on one o f the Dual-Duty exten
sions on the Art Perry Chevrolet aved more than a million lives, that
truck last week, and also one on a he end o f the task is in sight.
“ We were organized to take care
truck belonging to O. R. Walters ol
Boring, this week. This unit double: af the refugees driven from their
the capacity o f the Chevrolet trucl aomes by the Turks. We have m a ­
and the Cascade company has th< stered to more than 130,000 ehild-
en, but have taken none in for the
state agency for this device. The en
thusiastic reception given it by local ast six years, not since the burning
owners o f trucks indicates an enor­ if the city o f Smyrna. At that time
ve picked up 22,000 children ana’
mous demand for them throughou
noved them out of Turkey, and nov
the state o f Oregon.
>ur remaining task is three-fold.
MT. HOOD PLEASES VISITORS First, we are trying to give special
Mrs. G. S. Wilkinson o f Cottrell training to several hundred very
was most pleasantly surprised by the promising young people, who are ev
arrival o f her brothers, W. D. and dently destined for leadership in the
A. M. Pierce o f Courtland, N. Y., Near East, if we can give them train
and they will spend the week here. ng provided by the American col-
The Loop trip was made Sunday and eges.
The Estacada high school,
the visitors said the sight o f Hood Mr. Handsacker reports, is planning
and the Loop trip was worth the en­ o give valuable help in this.
tire trip out here.
"The second thing we are attempt -
ng is to give help to 200,000 refu­
LEAVING FOR APPLE FIELDS gees, just as we have helped a mill-
Several people o f the Sandy com­ on already, and once they are on
munity are leaving for the Hood Riv
heir feet they will ask nothing more
er apple orchards, among them being i f us.
included Mrs. Dora Matthews am
“ The third thing is to provide foi
Mrs. Ben Alt, who will assist in sort
he 32,000 children who are still in
ing apples at White Salmon. Mrs
iur care. They are orphans exiled
Nash and Mrs. Bettis will also worl
from their own country and all we
isk o f the American public for them
s sufficient funds to keep them unti
.hey are sixteen years o f age. Wt
Guests over Labor Day at the Will
ertainly could do no less; we should
iam Ganger home, Bull Run, were
io much more.”
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sture and son
In all his addresses Mr. Handsakei
Claude o f St. John, Mr. and Mrs. J
M. Hollow-ell and son and daughtei levoted much time to an account of
o f Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. Home .he work of C. C. Thurber, whose
Hollowell and Miss Nina Hollowel itory was told in the Estacada high
This man, al-
o f Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs. school last spring.
though invalided home six years ago
John Mulkey o f Portland.
has gone back to Greece, and there
William Stubee, a former residen !g serving the children, many of
here, was an Estacada visitor first whom he rescued from death in Tur
key six years ago.
o f the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boring of
Boring were hosts to 25 relatives on
Labor Day. A big basket dinner was
served and a fine social time is r e -i
The Robert Jonsruds of Sandy had;
a short visit from the Glenn Ode-
kirks, friends o f Miss Eunice Jons-
rud of Los Angeles, Sunday. Mr.
The following is the daily program
Odekirk builds airplanes for the Bach
company, and drove up in a large o f the Clackamas County Fair, which
customs made Peerless automobile opens at the Canby fair grounds on
he constructed himself, the unusual Tuesday, September 18, and to con­
tinue for four days. The Estacada
car attracting much attention.
Band will furnish music for the en­
DISTRICTS NOT CONSOLIDATED tire four days of the show.
Brightwood and Welches schools,
Tuesday, September 18, is chil­
though voting to consolidate, did not dren’s day and all school children
decide in which district school should will be admitted free. Judging of
be taught this term, so are going exhibits, band music, dedication of
ahead as formerly, each in his own 4-H boys’ and girls’ club livestock
school house. However, three sites building, opening ceremony, with H.
are to be voted upon, it is said, and j C. Seymour, state club leader, mas­
preparations will then be started to ter o f ceremonies; boys’ bicycle ra­
build upon the site chosen.
Mrs. | ces; Ford and pig relay races; boys’
Eva McDougal is teaching at Bright- j and girls’ pony race; special enter­
wood and J^rs. Arlie Mitchell at tainment, free movies, dancing, run­
ning and harness races are the fea­
Estacada Legionnaires lost the Os­
wego game and the championship of
the Portland Valley Baseball league
here Sunday afternoon in a one-sided
contest. The Lake nine were hitting
Sunday and nothing could stop them.
Riebhoff started the game for the
home club and allowed but four hits
in the three innings he pitched, but
he lost control and after three walks
was pulled out of the game.
Ken Scales went into the box and
allowed but one hit, but was also
wild and after walking three men he
was relieved by Jude Moreland, who
finished the game.
Riebhoff was charged with allow­
ing seven runs, Scales three and Jude
four, giving the Oswego club a total
of fourteen runs. Estacada had but
two scores in the game.
Had three errors made by Estacada
been left out o f the game, it would
probably have been fairly close, al­
though Oswego outplayed the Legion­
naires, and certainly were entitled to
Mrs. J. D. Fasching of Portland
In the second contest with Hillsboro ¡was quite badly injured Sunday af-
the home team won by the close score I ternoon, when the car in which she
of 3 to 2. Throughout most o f the was riding with her husband, Dr. D.
game the score had stood 2 to 1 in fa ­ J. Fasching, overturned a short dis­
vor of Estacada. In the ninth in­ tance this side of Currinsville.
ning, with two men out and twq
They were en route to Estacada
strikes on the batter,, Hoag, Hillsboro when a car driven by J. R. Lampaugh
second baseman, hit one over the also o f Portland struck their car and
fence for a home run, tying the wrecked the machine.
score. It looked as if Estacada had
Mrs. Fasching was brought to the
lost a double header, but an error, office o f her brother, Dr. W. W.
and two hits brought in the winning Rhodes, in Estacada, where it was
found that three ribs were broken
This was the fifth game the Le­ and she was otherwise badly bruised,
gionnaires had played the Oswego j Her husband suffered a bad scalp
club, each having won two games and wound and was cut on the face and
this victory gave the Lake nine the ' legs.
best o f it by one game.
Lampaugh admitted that it was hip
Hillsboro and Estacada now have fault and agreed to pay for all the
met four times this year, each having ] damages done.
won two games, and the two teams
are tied for second honors in the CREDIT ASSOCIATION TO
Portland Valley league.
Neither team favored a playoff and
There will be a meeting o f the
as there is a cup for the runner up, Eastern Clackamas Business Men’s
the winner will be decided in some Credit association at the city hall
way other than on the diamond.
in Estacada (this) Friday evening, at
The gate receipts for the game 8:30. Business men o f Estacada and
here Sunday were the largest on rec­ Eastern Clackamas county are invited
ord in the league this year, amounting to attend.
to approximately $290. Throughout
the season Estacada receipts exceeded LENZES
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lenz and daugh­
those o f any other town in the league.
The baseball committee of the Le ter, Miss Thelma Lenz o f Sandy, left
gion, in a tentative report to the post for California last week for a month’s
Monday night, estimated that there stay. They will visit the Lenzes* oth­
would be a slight loss after all out­ er daughter at Ventura.
standing bills were paid, counting the
equipment on hand as an asset.
Ed. Hein and Miss Bertha Freheit
of Portland were married at a big
church wedding September 6, at the
Lutheran church in the city. Mrs.
Edith Purse, sister o f the groom, was
matron o f honor. About two hun­
dred attended the reception at the
home o f the bride's parents after the
There was a poor attendance at the ceremony. Mr. Hein was formerly a
P. T. A. meeting held Wednesday af Sandy young man.
ternoon at the grade school building
in Estacada and it was decided to TUREL BUILDING NEW ROAD
postpone the election o f officers un­
Stanley Turel, who operates a shin­
til next Wednesday afternoon, Sep­ gle mill at Zig Zag park on the old
tember 19.
Truman road, is building two miles of
Mrs. Nellie Gardner acted as pres­ road to reach his cedar holdings up
ident at the meeting held this week, on Buck creek.
in the absence o f the president, Mrs.
R. R. Cooke.
tures for the opening day.
All local people planning to attend
the Clackamas County Fair at Canby
next week are urged to buy their
tickets at the office of the Clackamas
County News in Sandy. The News
has undertaken to help out the di­
rectors by selling tickets.
Emil Newman o f Sandyridge, a
newcomer who bought the John Mey­
er place, is hauling wood to Monta-
villa, making three trips daily. New­
man is also marketing three acres o f
cucumbers, large fine ones.
land is evidently productive for cu­
cumbers, as he gets half a ton at a
picking. Mr. Newman is the first to
try raising cucumbers in that locality.
Wednesday, September 19— (Live­
stock and poultry day)— Final judg­
ing, band concert, club demonstra­
tions, grandstand show, Ford and pig
relay race, livestock parade, free
movies, dancing, running and har­
Everett and Harry Osborne and
ness races.
Dan Jennings, all o f Estacada, were
Thursday, September 20— Farm robbed of clothing and a tent in El-
and industrial day (school children lensburg last week, losing approxi­
admitted free')— Boys’ and girls’ club mately $200 worth o f personal e f­
demonstrations, baby clinic, county fects.
The boys went to Yakima to get a
wide basket luncheon, band concert,
boys’ bicycle race, boys’ and girls’ job picking apples. They were too
pony race, big grand stand show, early and started back home. At El-
Ford and pig relay race, big night lensburg, Wash., they stopped for din­
show with fireworks drama and Na­ ner, and parked their car in front of
tional Guard sham battle, dancing, a restaurant.
When they went back they found
awarding of $1000 in cash and mer­
chandise prizes donated by Oregon that all their clothing, which was un­
City business men, running and har­ der the rumble seat, had been stolen;
also a tent which was spread over the
ness races.
Friday, September 21— Greater back o f the car. The boys arrived
Union o f Clubs day— Band concerts, home Friday evening.
club demonstrations, grand stand
show, Ford and pig relay race, old
time fiddlers’ contest, fourth annual
meeting and banquet o f Greater Un­
Harry Snyder, proprietor o f the
ion of Clubs, free movies, dancing, People’s Store o f Estacada, the Red
running and harness races.
& White chain store, announces that
On the last day o f the fair Marion with this week he is discontinuing the
county will be largely represented, use o f circulars for the purpose of
as Marion county Federated Union advertising his grocery specials, and
o f Clubs is to send a large delega­ will publish the list each week in the
tion. There will be about two hun­ News.
dred members from that club besides
You will find a big assortment of
several hundred from the Clackamas real bargains in The People’s Store
County Greater Union o f Clubs. A ad in the News this week. Watch for
banquet is to be served in the pa­ them every issue, as they will be the
means o f a big saving to you.
Attention is called to the Red &
Many improvements have been
made on the grounds for this year’s White radio programs over Station
fair, and tourists are to be given the KGW every Friday evening.
privilege o f camping and attending
the fair without charge.
The A. W. Bell Lumber company
mill is cutting 30,000 feet o f lumber
per day and is selling the greater
part o f the output to the Copeland
company. Logging is being rushed in
the Minnie Tietz timber. Willie
Fischer is “ high climb” and can “ skin
up a tree like a cat” the boys say.
Mrs. Marie Scrutton, mother o f W. The slab wood is sold both locally
C. Scrutton of this place, passed away and in the city.
at her home in Portland September
I I , aged 68 years. Funeral services
Sandy grade school has added art
were held this afternoon at 2 o ’clock
at the chapel o f Miller & Tracey. In­ and physical “ ed” and definitely
cineration private at the Portland graded classes in music and penman­
ship will also be featured. The entire
school will have an hour and a half
twice each week given to these sub­
Mrs. Zenger will teach physi­
Miss Florence June Reed is home cal “ ed” and Mr. Van Fleet, penman­
from Portland. She is preparing to ship; Mrs. Brown, music; Mr. Mal-
return to the 0. S. C. when school lery, art, all of whom have specialized
in their work.
A French military outpost in the
arid wastes o f Moroco— the decks and
; cabins o f an ocean liner— Paris!
Lester Townsend was nominated These are among the interesting and 1 The local Rebekah lodge entertain­
for commander o f the Carl Douglass diversified settings for “ The Forbid­ ed the children o f the members Wed­
post of the American Legion for the den Woman,” a dramatic picture star- nesday night at the lodge hall. There
.coming year at the meeting held in | ring Jetta Goudal, which will be the were 18 present and they enjoyed the
the Odd Fellow building in Estacada feature attraction at the Liberty The­ occasion very much.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Eshleman started
Monday night. Lloyd Ewalt was atre, Estacada, next Wednesday and
out the first of the week to take theii
nominated for the office o f vice com­ Thursday.
vacation. They went to the southern
mander, Ted Ahlberg for adjutant,
A story o f brother love, “ The For­
Bob Cooke for finance officer and bidden Woman” chronicles the futile part o f the state where Dave expected
Barney Gilbride for sergeant at arms. love o f a siren spy in the service of to shoot a deer or two. Now that it
The election will be held at the next Morocco, who marries a French col­ has rained he probably will be al­
meeting o f the post, which will be onel in quest o f secret information, lowed to hunt. They expect to bi
absent one week.
early in October.
only to fall desperately in love with
Mr. and Mrs. Hass Tracy drove to
Dr. W. W. Gilbert gave a report her husband's brother.
the first o f the week to
of the state convention at Medford.
Miss Goudal in the title role is sup- (
The Auxiliary met and after the twq ported by Victor Varconi, who por­ look over the cannery at that place
organizations held their business trays her husband, and Joseph Schild- They sold their prunes there, which
are being shipped green.
meetings a lunch was served by a kraut, her husband's brother.
There is but one more Sunday be­
committee o f the ladies.
There were two pie tins left at the fore Rev. C. T. Cook has to go to
The planer used for some time at ladies’ stand Labor Day which the the annual conference, which will
the C. L. Ross mill was taken out and owner may have by calling at the Gii- be held at Hood River, beginning on
September 17.
moved to other quarters last week gan store.
Mr. and Mrs. August Hoernicker
have sold their property on Main
street to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stein-
man, who will take possession as soon
as the Lundy family is able to get
a house.
Since selling this house
the Hoernickers have decided to keep
their residence.
The Clackamas County News has
opened an office adjoining the Beers
real estate office, installed a print­
ing plant, and is now ready for bust
iness. Everyone is invited to drop
in for a friendly greeting.
Orders for all kinds o f printing,
advertising, and subscriptions may
be left at the Sandy office. Samples
o f stationery, cards, etc., are on
display. The News phone is Sandy
361. Phone in your news items.