PAGE SIX CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1928 SANDY LOCAL ITEMS IM P O R T A N T A Tammany Pipe Dream W E H A N D L E K E R R 'S F E E D S FOR T H IS R E A SO N :— W e believe K err's Feeds give the person who buys them the most for the dollar. This choice was m ade a fte r y e ar’s of experience in D airy and Poultry Feeds. Come in and we will explain fu rth e r aud will gladly help you solve your feed problem s. Phone 601 GILGAN’S 11 Furniture Exchange ! New and Used Furniture, Crescent Beds and Springs Pettit Mattresses Miller’s Wall Paper Murphy’s Brushing Laquer Pabco Shingle Samples Glass and Glazing = 111111 i i m 1 1111 1 1111111 m 111111 n 111111M i ii 111111111 lit 11111 ii 11111 n i m 111 1 11 1 1 1 • m 11 11 1 1 11• 11 11(• NICE LINE OF Art Goods READY FOR NEEDLEWORK Good time to buy your supply for Christmas presents K Estacada, . Oregon E lx Y COLEMAN LAMPS AND LANTERNS— Lois Sm ith is in P ortland this week- J. E. G ates, of the G ates Fuijeral SANDY T E A C H E R S R E T U R N visiting at the home of her uncle, Dr. Home, Gresham , accom panied by his The g athering of the clan of teach­ W illiam Dale. dau gh ter M argaret, attend ed the cel­ ers was on the past few days, anc’ C letus Johnson of A urora was heri ebration here M onday. w ith eight reg u lar high school in­ this week visiting some o f his boy Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen o f Marmo stru ctors and fo u r in the grades, am ’ friends. visited E stacada relatives T uesday the L utheran teacher, th e school ycai looks very interesting. The E stacada M eat Com pany has a and W ednesday of this week. fine new wagon fo r its »ountry trade purchased of the Bob Cooke Motoi KiiiimiiiiiimiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH com pany. George Rose has gone over neat s M olalla to help figh t fo rest fires. S V ernon M arshall and H arry and I ~ E v erett O sborne left fo r Hood Rivei EE the first of the week to work in the = apple orchards. Ralph Chaney, who spent some , E tim e in the harvest fields in E astern = O regon, has retu rn ed and is back in j E the E stacada Feed store, taking the | s position he had before he w ent aw ay. E Ed. S hearer of S pringw ater is be E ing boosted by his frien d s throughout the county as an independent candi­ date fo r representative from C lacka­ m as county. Have you seen those new Instant Lite Lamps and Lanterns. All you have to do is pump the air into the bowl, and hold a match just below the mantles which will light them instantly. The slickest light that you have ever seen. No generator to bother with. We carry in stock at all times mantles and generators for the old style lamps. Let s all go to the ball game Sunday and help the boys win a double header—and the pennant “Buy Your Hardware at the Hardware Store” S. & S. iiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiii = 111 III111111111111111 (11111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111H tl 11111 111 IM1111111111 | Triangle and Kerr Brands | | Poultry and Dairy Feeds J are standard with many feeders because of the the uniform quality. BO BBING, B A R B E R IN G SHOW ER BATHS AND S H O E SH IN IN G Distance is no question with us. Our equipment is at your service day or night. Gates Funeral Gresham- Home Phone 2471 Oregon Triangle Mills Inc. | i 175 Tillamook St. Portland, Oregon = 3 1926 Ford Tourings, good, each ....................$200 E 1 1926 Ford Touring with Ruckstell................... 225 E 1 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan.......................................*200 | 1 Overland Coupe-Sedan ..................................... 175 E 1 Chrysler Roadster with rumble seat ............ 650 E 1 Star Special Sport Touring, a good on e......... 200 | Friday and Saturday, September 7 and 8— Pola Negri in— 1 1925 Chevrolet Touring.................................... 150 f “BARBED W IRE” 1 1924 Maxwell Touring...................................... 200 = With Clive Brook and Einar Hanson; from the I story, “The Woman of Knockaloe” by Hall iimmimmimmn E Baine. Comedy, “Bobby Vernon in “Wedding Vows.” Ten Other Used Cars, priced from $25.00 to $100 E Sunday and Monday, September 9 and 10— Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton in Good Running Condition “FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD” Look around for the nearest exit, then run to the Liberty and see Beery and Hatton in the funniest fire film ever made. Also two reel comedy, “The Elegy.” iiiimiimiiiiiiiiini Quality Is Our First Consideration f f Wednesday and Thursday, September 12 and 13— Hessel Implement Co. | | WILLYS-KNIGHT Gresham, Oregon CHRYSLER | W HIPPET PLYMOUTH \ 1 New and Used Implements I # : Estacada Meat Co. Estacada, Oregon = iiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiim iiiiin 0 — I C E------ A trial will convince you too. Any dealer can supply you. LIBERTY THEATRE W ORK CA REFU LLY DONE DELIVER | | iMiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiimiiiiiiiiimmiift = SANEKBARBERSHOP W e have in stock at all tim et a choice line of F re th and C ured M eats — the bet! Q uality the M arket Affords. HARDWARE T H E W IN C H E S T E R STO RE Dependable Used Cars Service... ------ W E E stacada, Oregon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiii ESTACADA LOCALS The boys and girls who won prizes in the m inor sports and stu n ts on Labor Day w ere Will McWillis, Jum ­ bo M etcalf, Edwin Duboise, Al G ar­ rison, David Eshlem an, Max Gilgan, M andy S arver and Lucy M etcalf. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McCullum and daughters D orothy and M arian, and son H arlie of P ortland w ere here to atten d the L abor Day celebration. Mrs. M cCullum is a sister.o f W illiam Gilgan. Mrs. W. K aake and fam ily and Mrs. M ary Sm ith are picking hops in the Eagle Creek yards. They drive back and fo rth each day. Miss G ertrude Dillon, who has been spending her vucation a t her home here, will leave today fo r L eeburg, O re., w here she again teaches in the schools there. This is the third year fo r Miss Dillon at Leeburg. Notice for Publication D epartm ent of the In terio r, U. S. Land Office, R oseburg, O regon, August 30, 1928. Notice is hereby given th a t George M. Buser, of E stacada, O regon, who, on Septem ber 21, 1923, m ade hom e­ stead entry (was P ortland 07 1118) No. 017210, for NMt N W 'i, & SW NW>4, township .’! S., rang e 5 East, W illam ette m eridian, has filed notice o f intention to m ake th ree year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Donald J. R yan, county clerk and clerk of the county court of Clackam as county. O re., at O regon City, O regon, on the 9th day of O ctober, 1928. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: J . C. M oreland, W illiam S haffer, J . O. Botkin and A. C. A nderson, all o f Route 1, E stacada, O regon. N on Coal HAM ILL A. CANADY, s7 oB R egister. BARTHOLOMEW & LAWRENCE v iiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iim iiH ii The Fred P roctors had a fine tim e L abor day cooking th eir dinner over a cam p fire at Zig Za*r. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. H orr had as quests fo r a week Miss E dith Still o f W enatchee, W ashington. G ertrude Oak, a form er Sandy high school girl, will atten d Gresham high this year. Mr. and Mrs. R athke m ade the trip around the Loop highway re­ cently with some P ortland friends. Miss Dorothy H ughes w rites Miss M ary Sharnke th a t she will teach com m erce at M arshfield next year. Tom K ubitza has four m onths w ork with H arry M itchell near R ain­ ier Park. Tom will be a chainntan. Mr. and Mrs. F rank B ittner and sm all dau gh ter w ent to Toledo last week for a few days. B ittner is g e t­ ting his new plug plant installed there. A nna H ennessey is having much trouble with her teeth again and ha: had a num ber of ex tractions that w ere exceedingly difficult. Mrs. Alice Scales’ sister, Mrs. Fred Bay of Portland, is recovering from a recent operation. The T iffan y fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. V incent S herer attended the Salvation Arm y cam p m eeting al B arton a few tim es last week. Thelm a Hagen, form er Sandy un­ ion high school girl, g rad u ated from high school in C alifornia last Jun e and now has a splendid position as stenographer and office girl in a physician’s office with a chance of advancing. Thelm a loves h er work and has the best position of any of h er classm ates. A ndrew Oak of C herryville was a Sandy visitor Saturday. It is reported here th at Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Frace, recent Sandy peo­ ple, have separated. The F races live a t Gresham b ut the form er has been in the city fo r some tim e. E niiiiiiiitiHiimimiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiir’ l The motion picture melodrama— With Phyllis Haver, Victor Varconi, and May Robson. A big crook drama of the Chicago underworld. Comedy, “Smith’s Baby.” Friday and Saturday, September 14 and 15— Hoot Gibson in “THE RAWHIDE KID” From the story, “The Lion and the Lamb” by Peter B. Kyne. Also a big comedy. Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c