Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, August 31, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y NEW S, F R ID A Y , AU G U ST 31, 1928
Teating Block Tin
Mountain» a» Protection
It would be necessary to have a
Ths weather bureau aaya a town
surrounded by nearby mountalna U che;ulcal analysis made to tell wheth­
not ao likely to be Injured by winds er block tin Is pure. A block-tm pipe
aa It would be If these mountains did will have the characteristic white
not exist.
Winds often are very color of tin on a tiled surfuce. it will
strong In mountain passes or gups, be soft and easily bent, and It will
but severe storms do not particularly “ crackle” on rapid bending. This “ tin
favor 'alleys, except where the val­ cry” Is due to the motion of the large
leys lie In the generul direction the tin crystals. The melting point of
storm would take If there were no pure tin Is about 232 degrees centi­
grade, and this gives another method
hills or valleys there.
o f checking the purity.
Jess Cromer o f Springwater, with
his threshing crew, has about fin ­
ished threshing fo r Viola farmers«
He did a good and quick job. Thq
grain turned out pretty good.
W e had a small shower o f rain
here Monday morning but not enough
to settle the dust.
Traveling Booh
Last Saturday Wm. Hiccinbotham
Uae of Medicine»
Few traveling-books are better than
and daughter Mildred and a friend of
a good anthology of poetry In which
It la Instinct for human beings to
Stevenson, Wash., arrived to spend
every page contains something com­ take medicine when they are not feel­
plete and perfect In Itself. The brief ing well, but the Indiscriminate use j the week end at the Sevier home. On
f medicines does more harm than | Sunday afternoon they, with
respites from labor which the self-
The home medicine chest, Hiccinbotham and Esther left for Ne
immolated tourist allows himself can­
not be more delightfully filled than which Is usually located In the bath­ tarts to spend a week camping there.
with the reading o f poetry, which may room, should be planned with care,
Mrs. John Randolph and daughtei
even be got by heart.—Aldous Huxley, and It should be located high enough
so that small children cannot reach Norma are spending a few days in
In “ Along the Road."
Portland with relatives and friends.
Mis.-, Norma will soon leave fo r he
M a n ’ s Proper Outlook
Looking Forward
school in Lane county, which begin:
There Is no true and constant gen­
The modern man no longer pre­ September 7.
tleness without humility; while we are
so fond o f ourselves, we are easily serves the memories of his great­
Helen Powers has returned to her
offended with others. Let us be per­ grandfather, but he Is engaged In home here after spending a week
suaded that nothing Is due to us, and
j with relatives in Portland.
then nothing will disturb us. Let us biography of his great-grandson. In­
M s. Wm. Hiccinbotham and he
often think of our own lnHrmltles,
and we shall become Indulgent toward o f the dead we shudder abjectly under daughter Esther have been spending
those o f others.— Francois l>e La the shndow of the babe unborn.— a week with her parents and othe.
Gilbert.K. Chesterton.
relatives in Estacada.
Mothe Fenelon.
Miss Beulah Hiccinbotham o f Port
land spent last
Sunday with hei
I f we could have looked out from
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H
It was an ancien: king who ex­
some Egyptian point of vantage and
claimed he had no stronger garrison
seen the pyramids rising before our Sevier.
than the affections of his people. So
Mi-s Anna Bateson is staying witl
eyes how privileged we would have
with all men In positions of leader­ felt. So should we feel In seeing man
her ister, Mrs. Pearl Mattox, whih
ship. They cannot command real loy­ wielding the materials of the earth to
alty through fear. They cannot com­ his advantage In modern skyscrapers. John is working at the saw mill it
Washington fo r Claud Potter.
mand respect by force. The only loy­ — Woman’s Home Companion.
Mr. Powers, father o f the Power:
alty that has value Is the loyalty In­
spired by affection.— Exchange.
brothers, is taking treatments ii
Fish Stories
Portland at present. He hasn’t beei
It Is reported from America that a
She Knew It
man drowning In the sea was pushed feeling well fo r some time. He cam:
A little miss of four years was sit­ ashore by a shoal of friendly por
here fronClîaker, Ore., recently.
ting on her aunt's lap, when sudden­ poises. We understand that a meeting
There will be
preaching at tin
ly the aunt leaned down and gave of prominent British fishermen has
church Sunday by Rev. C. T. Cook
her a big hug, saying: “ My, but you’re been hastily summoned to think of a
o f Estacada, at 9:45.
sweet I” The little oi I bs complacently better one.—London Humorist.
Mr. Hubbard and J. H. Sevier mad:
raised her big blue eyes to her auntie’s
face and replied: “ That’s what they
a business trip to Woodburn Monday
That Tricky Budget
all think."
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Powers mad:
Annual occurrence: After the fam­
ily budget was all straightened away a trip to Carver after peaches Mon
A New W orld!
the other night so that Income just day evening.
“ When 1 walk out of my house Into balanced expenses In the family’s
my garden," wrote Alexander Smith, next fiscal year, it was discovered no
“ I walk out of tny habitual self, m.v provision hnd been made for groceries.
thoughts. . . . Its gate —Terre Haute Tribune.
gives entrance to another kingdom,
with Its own Interests and annals and
Most Delicate Dog
Incidents. It Is a place of escape and
Ordinarily the Russian wolf hound
Is considered a beast of the cold
northern wastes, hardy beyond man’s
In a Quandary
endurance. However, It Is one of the
Absent-Minded Naturalist—Now, let most dellcnte of the dogs, sligh*
me think— have I been so foolish as changes In temperature being fatal to
to bring these clubs Instead of my It.
collecting equipment, or have I been
Idiotic enough to come here Instead
Kennel Advertisement
of going to the golf links?
W e wish to thank our friends who
A kiss will last but a day, ten
pounds of candy she will eat and for­ have helped us in our great sorrow
Wrong Idea of Sin
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tompkins.,
get; the roses you send will fade with
More should be written ubout the the dawn, but a Persian kitten or a
pleasures of virtue. The old theology nice puppy Is an hourly reminder of
gave the Impression that sin Is de­ you.—Exchange.
lightful and that those who forego
It give up what Is most thrilling In
Highways Built to Last
life.— American Magazine.
The Romun highways have endured
to the present time because their foun­
The Moon Debunked
dations were four and five feet deep
As good proof as any that the moon and made of various types of stone
Is not made of green cheese Is offered suited to the locality, principally lime­
by a little McPherson girl. She says stone and lava.
It cannot be true becuuse God made
the moon two days before he made
London’s Peace Guardians
cows.— Capper’s Weekly.
The city of London has one policy
Publicity Can Do a Lot
After nil publicity without some­
thing bnck of It never accomplished a
great deal In this world. At the same
time It can do a lot for a worth­
while proposition.— Atchison Globe.
Up to Dad
Another advantage to having father
play with the children is that It be­
comes father's duty to explain why
the new skillet was being used vs
borne plate In the baseball game.
Vegetably Speaking
“ L ife ’s a game of shellin' peas,"
■ays Util Kens, the neighborhood phil­
osopher, “ and the good sports are
willin' to take podluck.”—Farm and
The weather makes ns tired and
disgusted at times. Rut would It be
any better If men Instead of the Lord
controlled It?—Atchison Globe.
Doetn’t Look It» Age
Scientists at the University of Cali­
fornia, after a geologic survey of Colo­
rado, Utah and Arizona, claim the
world Is 75,000,000 years old.
One of the first signs of Inexpert-
euse Is thinking a thing's unusunl be­
cause It never happened to you be-
fo*a.—Farm and Fireside.
Where’» the Humor?
Probably the world's greatest hu­
morist was the man who named them
“sasy payments.” — Louisville Times.
man to each acre
the population.
however, Is based
lation as the city
There is to be a lawn social at the
M. E. parsonage this Friday evening,
to which everybody is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norton drove in
from Portland W e d n e s d a y eve­
ning to visit at the home o f Mrs. N or­
ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Ely. Mr. Norton returned home the
next morning, leaving the w ife and
baby fo r a more extended visit.
Rev. C. T. Cook and children were
in Portland Monday on business.
Rev. A. S. Hisey o f Salem, district
superintendent, held-the fourth quar­
terly conference o f the local Meth­
odist church Thursday evening. The
annual conference meets at
River, September 19.
Misses Selma and A lice Isaacs and
Ora Conway, who have been spend
ing their vacation at Estacada at the
home o f Mrs. Mae Reed, le ft for their
home in Helena, Mont., Saturday.
Guy Graham arrived last Friday toj
join his w ife and children who are
visiting at the Margaret Schock home
in Estacada.
Mrs. Lena Underwood and son Les­
ter le ft
Sunday fo r
Wash., where they will remain during
the apple packing season.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Andrus o f
Hood River spent the week end in
The long-lost art of conversation
has been found; It le possessed bv
certain people who try to play bridge.
—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Title of High Honor
Mahatma In Hindu means grent-
souled one. It Is also the name of the
high priest or wise leader o f the the-
Ant Egg» Human Food
Ant eggs are known ns ant rice In
some parts of Africa, and constitute
one of the principal foods o f the na­
Highly Popular Fruit
Recipe of Su ccess
The man who does a little more
tl»gn his share each clay will event­
ually succeed.—Atchison Globe.
Strawberries are grown for home
use In every state In the Union, and
commercially In at least half of them.
No Shackle», Pleate
A good woman as truly gives life
to her husband as to her children.—
John Andrew Holmes.
Sandy Drug Co.
Phone 331
Sandy, Oregon
Try our gods—they are always fresh. If you like
them, tell your friends; if you don’t like them,
Tell us.
in this section of Clackamas County
Duke & Proctor
It’s Nice to Have It
The synoptic gospels are those
which have the same point of view—
that Is, they show agreements In
their subject, order, language, etc.
They are Matthew, Mark and Luke.
A paper dollar lasts about seven
months In circulation, and all of ours
require about seven seconds to get In­
to circulation.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
High and Low
School Students
Reed Sandy Steinman
Gospels in Agreement
Short Lived Dollars
Miller complimented her
guest, Mrs. George Perret, with an
invitation to luncheon at Marvel Inn,
The C. J. and G. S. Wilkinson fam ­
ilies made the Mt. Hood Loop trip
C. Sharnke hag been painting large
signs fo r Marvel Inn proprietors, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud.
"Grandm a” Krebs went to T illa ­
mook Saturday with her son Otto,
who dorve here from Sherwood, and
Otto and fam ily and “ Grandma” a t­
tended the dedication o f a church at
Tillamook Sunday.
The W ill Updegrave fam ily had a
fine ten-day outing at Crater Lake,
and way points, returning Monday
evening via Yachats.
They report
the coast fog gy and cold.
Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Steinman and
David went to Corvallis to visit Mr.
Steinman'g brother, Sunday.
Edna, Ruby and Lois, le ft fo r the
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sparks drove
hop yards at Aurora Monday morn­ to Portland Saturday evening und
ing. They will probably stay through visited relatives until the next day.
the season, enjoying an outing as
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Chapman went
well as making a fe w dollars.
to Odell Sunday to visit their daugh­
Multnomah and Clackamas coun­
ter and family, returning Monday.
ty W. C. T. U. are holding an in­
The local band held an extra prac­
stitute at The Oaks the latter part o f
this week. Quite a number o f Es­ tice meeting Monday night, with E.
A. Dykes as the leader.
tacada members o f the organization
Miss Edna Kirkelie o f Portland and
ire planning to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branch Riley,
Miss Frances Pickett o f Seattle were
Albert Kitching, who was very ill
noted poet and lecturer o f Portland,
end guests o f Virginia Southern
with an attack o f pneumonia, being
visited Marvel Inn at Sandy Tues­
obliged to come down from the moun­
day evening.
turned from an extended visit East.
tains, is reported to be getting along
nicely at the present time.
He is
employed in the forest service.
and to every 12 of
This latter figure,
on the night popu­
area has few resi­
Culture and education and wealth
do not create happiness, but a few
poor people would risk contentment
for a few more shekels.—American
Estacada, visiting at the home of
Miss Edith Harkenrider, operator Mrs. Andrus’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
at the local telephone o ffice, is now A. S. Hassell.
enjoying her vacation. She spent a
The Estacada Library will open
few days at the coast and then re­ Saturday, September 1, a fter the
turned home fo r a day or two, after month’s vacation. It is hoped that a
which she le ft fo r Bucoda, Wash., to number o f new books will be on the
visit with her sister and family.
' shelves at that time.
Quite a large number o f Indians
Mrs. Sarah Scott, who has been
have been in Estacada lately selling
visiting relatives in Kansas fo r sev­
eral weeks, arrived borne the latter
Irving Douglass, while working in
part o f lust week.
the pulp mill at Faraday, fe ll and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitaker and
injured one o f his legs quite severely
the first o f the week, laying him up son Bernard drove to Corvallis Sun­
day to get peaches to can and also to
fo r a few days.
Mrs. M ollie Bates and daughters visit relatives.
Sandy, Oregon
Your Financial Bookkeeper
W e Have a
It would take a lot of book-keeping for
you to keep a record of every expendi­
ture and yet it should be kept if finances
are efficiently handled.
The Clackamas County Bank acts as
your book-keeper if you carry a Check­
ing Account here. The cancelled
checks, too, act as unquestionable re­
ceipts for all money checked out.
Beautiful, Special Cushion
that will interest purchasers from our shop and
service station.
C lackamas C ouniy B ank S'I
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iii
Drive in for information
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iii
The Pastor Say i t
The most Important thing is not to
keep love, but to have IL— Woman's
Moms Companion.
Mineral» in Celery
^reu. potassium magnesium, calcium
gud phosphorus are found la celery.
Chinese Like Shark Fin»
Shark fins are a favorite food with
the Chinese, who will pay )1 apiece
for them.
Peoples Service Station
Phone Sandy 208
Sandy, Oregon