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About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1928)
PAGE FOUR EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, lt»28 Smith, in his acceptance speech, blamed the Cool-1 id; ■ policy for the present unrest in the Latin-American countries to the south. If we remember correctly, Mr. G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher Wilson had ome little trouble of some kind or other with j “ E v e r y t h i n g f o r the B u i l d e r ” Mexico. And also there has been less political disturb-1 Published Weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Oregon AUGUST and SEPTEMBER SPECIALS ance ill Mexico and Central America during the last three Entered in the postoffice o f Estacada, Oregon, as second class matter. NO. 2 and 3 DIMENSIONS lor four years than at any time since 1912. 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 and 2x12, Random Lengths at ----------- oOo----------- SUBSCRIPTION RATES The theories of heredity of Albert E. Wiggam and In Clackamas County, one year, $1.50; Outside the county and in the per thousand feet estate o f Oregon, one year, $2; Outside the state o f Oregon, one the other egenists were given quite a jolt in the presiden $ 12.00 year, $2.60. Subscriptions are payable in advance. tial and vice presidential nomination of the two political parties. Smith w as born in the lower East Side of New i York, the son of a truck driver. Hoover’s father was a m i i i i m i i i i i i i m m i i i i i i i m m i m i i i i m i i i m i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i m i i m i i i i i i i i i i f t * AL MAKES POSITION CLEAR 'blacksmith, without intellectual distinction of record. Your Old Fountain Pen Regardless of what one thinks about A1 Smith and Curtis, born on an Indian reservation, is the son of hum his policies, he has made himself understood so far as of any make is worth the eighteenth amendment is concerned. A1 doesn’t ble parents.— Kansas City Star. S I.00 ----------- oOo----------- want the saloon back, not much, but A1 wants the prohi = towards a new CENTURY at $2.75 or more during bition act amended so the states can go into the business CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS our special sale of selling intoxicating liquors. There is a growing tendency everywhere to do away The first thing A1 and his Tammany gang want is A1 AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 8 elected president. Whatever program they believe will with the small schools and bring the children into cen elect him they are in favor of, regardless of what they be tralized points where it is more practical to educate them. lieve. And that gang really believes that this nation is Brightwood and Welches districts in Eastern Clackamas tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiim iiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ii “ wet,” at least sufficiently w’et to elect him president, county, as well as the Colton districts have realized the advantages of the larger school and two consolidations .iiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir along with the solid South and the strength his Tammany have been effected within the past w-eek. gang can muster. That is what A1 is depending on to Children in the country districts are entitled to the I CURR1NSVILLE STORE PRICES ! elect him president of the United States. same privileges in this respect as are the children of the | Kellogg’s Cornflakes, regular, 4 pkgs. .... 25<^ E The Kansas City Times, in a recent editorial said: tow ns and cities. But this is not possible, always. The j Kellogg’s Bran Flakes, each ................... 10^ E “ The fading of the farm issue between the two parties, [ Kellogg’s Pep, special, 2 for ........................ 2 3^ E one-room school has had its day, and a great day it was, for the present at least, brings into greater prominence j Jar Rubbers, per dozeh ................................... 5 ^ = but ii is as much out of place in many instances today as the major issue that is becoming increasingly important. j Tomatoes, per lb........................................ 5c^ l “ Just at this time when Governor Smith has repudia horse-drawn transportation or corduroy roads. I Potatoes, per lb..................................................2<^ i Many of the modern grade schools are made pos ted the equalization fee, which the bitter enders among \ Colonial Coffee, per lb................................... 3 5 ^ \ . political farm leaders had been stressing as the vital dif sible by the consolidation of the districts and transporta j Tunnell’s Special Coffee, per lb...................... - I5 £ E ference between republicans and democrats, thirty-one tion of the children by auto busses. It often is more eco \ Pioneer Coffee and Rose Glass...... ............. 5 2 t f l prohibition organizations of the country are calling on nomical, and far so when the actual value is taken into j Paints, Varnishes, and Enamel, per can..... E people who believe in prohibition to unite against the consideration. Just as fine schools in the country dis [ Sugar, 100 lb. sack, cash price___ $ 6 .2 5 E tricts as there are to be found in the largest cities are [ Tilack’s Spray for House F lie s ..... 50<^ and 7 5 £ E democratic nominee. made possible in this way. j Gresham Bread .............................. 9 ^ and 1 3 e I “ There is reason to believe this is what Governor Larger and better equipped schools with better qual j Davidson's Bread, per lo a f....... 10<* and 1 4 e | Smith wants. That is, he believes that the country is pre dominantly wet. He believes the sharper the issue on ified teachers are essential this day and age. The ad j W e do custom grinding and cleaning of your grain. E prohibition is, the better his chances. His whole line of vantages thus offered the children should bring about j W e haul your cattle, sheep and hogs and our prices | pre-convention and post-convention policy indicates this. many more consolidation of districts in Clackamas are right. Give us a chance. E Whether he is misled by his remarkable success in his before the opening date of the schools next year. • i..111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 own state, especially in his own city, and his conclusion ny, one o f fildom ’s greatest come iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii that the big cities will be for him and will dominate dians, and star o f “ Out A ll Night,” enough states, in addition to the solid South, to elect him, Marian Nixon, his leading lady and is a question that will not be answered until the Novem Ben Hendricks, Dorothy Earle, ber returns tell their story.” W heeler Oakman, Dan Mason and many others who appear in the sup W e believe that A l’s figures are all wrong. The country is not wet. There is a doubt about A1 carrying Oi l you ever see an ocean liner porting role. William A. Seiter directed the pic i W e specialize in remedying automobile ills. No = the solid South now. A1 may gain some republican votes standing in the middle o f a perfectly ture which is an original written by on account of his views on prohibition, but these same dry field? | matter what ailment your automobile may be suf- | There is such a penomenom at Un Gladys Lehman. views are going to lose to him democratic and indepen iversal | fering from, we can give it a § l ity, Calif., where the S. S. dent votes. King George, one o f the finest ocean H e r e F r o m A n t e l o p e W. F. Greer o f Antelope was in In his acceptance speech he o f course tried to play greyhounds ever constructed gazes CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH town over the week end and while up to the farmer, and stressed his idea in regard to flood out upon the hills with never a here sold his flock o f sheep to Frank [ control o f the Mississippi. But you’ll find that the farmer th mght or chance o f ever reaching Wheeler o f Springwater. An auto that is in good condition is a good invest- = on ocean. will prfer Herbert Hoover to handle these matters for ment. Let us exxamine your car and price your job. = The ship was built fo r the film ing them. He has had the experience by actual contact with o f the Universal super comedy, “ Out R e t u r n « to T h r e e L i n k s flood relief and the problems of the farmer. Mr. Hoover’s A ll Night,” which comes to the Lib- Mrs. Harold Wooster o f Camp 8 re OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE plan of farm relief is practical, and this is something that eriy Theatre in Estacada Wednesday turned Tuesday evening from P ort land where she had dental work done. should not be left to a man who has spent his life in the and Thursday next. It is complete She was accompanied by her son, largest city in the world, and who probably never spent in every detail, and, according to the Harry, who attended the circus. man who constructed it, could easily a day of his life on a farm. cross the oeean if by some means it S p e n d W e e k at B e a ch e s ----------- oOo----------- could be taken to the water front and Fred and Frank Marshall with their engines installed. Estacada, Oregon families spent * week at the beaches, ELECTRICITY IN THE HOME While that might be a slight exag Eastern Clackamas News iiiiiiiiin iiiiin ' Jackson Lum ber Co. Estacada Pharmacy SHIP BUILT FÜR BENNY TO FLOAT ON DRY LAND i Auto Repair Dept | Broadway Garage | Herbert Hoover in his speech accepting the nomina tion for the presidency referred to some of the indications of American progress, one of which was the fact that during the past eight years nine million more homes hiyl been equipped with electricity. Naturally most of these homes were in cities and towns, but during the last four or five years great strides have been made toward extending electricity to the rural districts as well. While the resulting benefits have been general, they have perhaps meant most to those farm women whose daily burdens have been lightened through the introduc-. tion into their homes of electric light, heat and power. Every new rural electric line which threads its way across the countryside means emancipation from drudgery for many farm housewives. ----------- oOo----------- Some merchants advertise and other merchants try to get the business they bring to town. The talking movies are going to prove to us that a lot of the stars we have admired are not as smart as we once thought they were. ----------- oOo----------- If you believe in your town you should patronize its stores and business institutions. If you do not believe in it you will probably patronize the mail order houses. ----------- oOo----------- History repeats itself. Out West, 50 years ago, those who wanted to treat said “ name yer pizen.” Today they say the same thing; and it is poison.— Florid* Times. ----------- oOo----------- If someone will take a straw vote among the boot leggers, they can create more interest, and at the same time give one an idea as to what to expect after the votes are counted November 6. ------------oOo----------- Frank H. Simonds, noted writer of international pol itics, says that Europe is opposed to the election of Mr. Hoover because it feels he would not be in favor of cut ting down the European debts. It is doubtful whether Mr. Hoover’s views on this subject will lose him many Votes in the United States where the votes count. geration, the hulk is. in all probabil ity, one o f the most p erfectly con structed crafts ever built especially fo r the filming o f a motion picture. The boat is complete in every de tail, down to the swinging doors in the hold where the cureo o f freight is swung into place by tackle from the dock. The bolts, too, are spaced and look as if bolted into place by the regular air hammer process. The passenger deck is also one of the finest pieces o f workmnaship ever done for a picture o f this type. It, too, is complete in detail, with the reyulation eompanionways and run- w. vs as seen at the water front of any larve bat city where icean trans ports dock. Royular dock engineers were employed to lay out this sec tion o f the set. Those who travel on this extraor- liuary built liner are Reginald Den returning the first o f this week. They were at Newport, T a ft and other places and enjoyed getting a good supply o f clams, crabs and other sea foods. iim iiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim iim iiiiiiiim m iiiiiim iiim iiim iiiiiin iiiiiiiii- ~ Patronize The News’ Job Printing Department Invest in Electric Pow er -oOo- You can actually own an interest in the gigantic power that turns the wheels of industry in your community. In the factories that make for prosperity- in the lights you see burning all around. Portland Electric Power Company $6.00 First Preferred Stock, offered at $98.00 a share, will net you a return of 6.12 per cent on your investment. This stock was first sold at $90.00 a share, two years ago, and has ad vanced in price three times since then. You can see your money working for you in this investment every day of the year— every hour of the day. An attractive, easy way to save money and have it grow rapidly with perfect safety. You may purchase on a small monthly savings plan if you wish. Investment Department 820 Electric Bldg. -oOo- A thorough cultural *nd professional scholarship is the outstanding char acteristic of the State University T ra in in g is off »red m 82 departments o f the O ollegf o f Literatu re. Selene« and the Arts Architecture and A llied A rts— Business Administration— Edu- Nation — Journalism— Graduato Study— L aw — Medicine— Musis — Physical Education — Sociol og y — Social W ork— Extension Division. College Year Open* Sept. 24. 1928 F o r in form a tion or catalogno w rito The R egistrar, U n iv e ro itg of O regon, Eugeno, Oro, Portland Electric Pow er Com pany Portland, Oregon Division Offices at— Salem, Oregon City, Gresham, Hillsboro, St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington.