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About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1928)
EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928 BARTON Mrs. Marie Gibson delightfully en tcrtained the Good Will club Thurs day o f last week. Those present were Mrs. Marie Wallace, Mrs. Ruth White head, Mrs. Grace Still, Mrs. Bee Wal lace, Mrs. Bartrum, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Grace Randalls, Mrs. Earl Odell and baby, Mrs. Gladys Odell, Mrs. Lena Pedersen, Mrs. Hattie Peter sen and her mother, Mrs. L. Peter sen, Miss Martha Whitehead, Misse; Adeline and Eleanor Pedersen, Miss Loretta Wallace, Miss Margaret Brown. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruth White head. Sam Whitehead is helping Adolph Still haul cord wood. Rev. and Mrs. Barry were enter tained at dinner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whitehead Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen and family o f Portland spent Sunday vis Ring their relatives, Mrs. Lena Pe. dersen and family. A community picnic was given by the Sunday school last Thursday or Deep Creek. An enjoyable time was spent by those present. Races and swimming were the principal sports enjoyed by the younger set. Many prizes were given. Mr. Slack and daughter Oma and Miss Martha Whitehead returned lat< Monday from a six-day outing al Wildcat. They brought with then-. 20 gallons of huckleberries. The trip was made on horseback and they re ported a pleasant time. A shower was given in honor of Mrs. Atlee Erickson (Alice Udell) at the home o f her aunt, Mrs. Marie Gibson, Tuesday night by the Good Will club and friends. Many beauti ful and useful gifts were received Mrs. Erickson’s marriage came as e surprise to her friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen called on Mrs. George Forman while visiting here Sunday. Mrs. Gus Whitehead and Mrs. Ar thur Larsen were here Tuesday from Bridal Veil. C. T. Whitehead and Robert Rob inson left Tuesday evening for Bridal Veil. The .camp started up again Monday after a layoff o f a couple of months. Johnny Hickman is still looking for the person that put salt >o the gas tank o f his auto a week ago Sat urday night.. It was a mean trie! to play and if Johnny ever finds the guilty guy it will be just too bad foi him. Clyde McMurray o f Gresham was clerking at the Gibson store Tuesday while Mr. Gibson was away on bus iness. L. A. CHAPMAN MORTICIAN Calls attended day or night Mortuary I. O. O. F. Bldg. Telephone No. 21-61 FOR SALE— Ford touring 1926 mod el, 6 tires, in good running order. Also one .38 calibre Colt’s Army Special revolver, holster and belt with cartridges, two suit cases and miscellaneous personal effects. For complete particulars phone 45-11, Albert Kitching or Bud Muir at Squaw Mountain Road Camp. It = Member Affiliated Buyers U. S. MORGAN, Prop. COMPLETE LINE OF FEED AND GROCERIES Saturday and Monday WE DELIVER — PHONE YOUR ORDERS WEEK END FEATURES FOR August 25 and 27 KELLOGG’S Bran Flakes Large Package 47<* 3 for 25c Lindsay’s RIPE OLIVES l ’s Tall Picnic Size OLEOMARGARINE Guaranteed Highest Quality, 1-lb Carton SNOWDRIFT 4 lb. Tin 91c* Q /i MARSHMALLOWS Fireside Brand DeLuxe Quality 5-lb. Tins $ 1.20 2 0 <* 2 for 29c 2 for 39c MALTED MILK Thompsons Double Malted Chocolate Flavored 1-lb. Can Van Camp’s PORK and BEANS Medium Size No 2 Can 1 0 <* 3 for 25c 49<* Shavers Brand GRAPE FRUIT Fancy Florida Pack 1-lb. Can Gold Bar JAR RUBBERS Highest Quality Red Double Dipped 2 pkgs. for Pound, 25c JELL-X-CELL Jell Desert, All Flavors Finest Quality 3 pHs. for 23c* RAISINS Gray Ribbon Brand Finest Seedless Raisins 4-lb. Bag 28c* 13c* 2 for 25c 15 c* P E A S Rodman, Fancy Petit Pois Sweet, 2’s CREAM OF WHEAT large package 23c* 24<* PICKLING SPICES Vinegar ........................ Gal. 35c Whole Pkg. 9c Allspice ” 9c Chilli Pepper ” 9c Cinnamon .... ” 9c Cloves ........... ” 9c Mustard Seed ” 9c Pickling Spice 2 for 45c Sugar Prices are Advancing— Ask for Our Special on Sugar This Week fo r Economical Transportation ü CHEVRO LET Come take a Ride - • * and you will know why Chevrolet is of ^ th e Nation for 1928 / ^ i r s t C hoice Dr. H. M. Kramer DENTIST Estacada, Oregon O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment One of the most spectacular achievements in automobile history is the manner in which today’s Chevrolet is increasing its margin of leadership as the world’s largest builder of automobiles. Since January 1st more than 750,000 Bigger and Better Chevrolets have been delivered I , O f f i c e P h on e 315 O. D. EBY Attorney at Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon A. B. COFFEE Affiliated Buyers Highest Quality 1 lb. pkg. 15<* FOR SALE— Hungarian vetch and gray oat seed, one-third vetch, two- Bids will be received for bus trans thirds oats. Elmer Anderson, Ea portation o f high school students to j gle Creek. Phone 42-13. a31 and from school, District No. 108, Clackamas County, Estacada, Oregon | ANCONA PULLETS— A few fancy up to and including August 25, to birds for only $1 each. Cockerels 7 p. m. There will be 30 students. ( for $1.50 each. Eagle Creek Trad more or less. Route, via Springwater ing Company. It to Carver to Eagle Creek and Esta cada. The route is 30 miles in length BULBS from choice dahlias, 25c one way. each. Orders taken. Mrs. Ray By order of Board o f Directors, Wilcox, Estacada. a31 = District No. 108. PLAIN SEWING and dress making a24 3t WM. DALE, Clerk. neatly and quickly done at reason able prices. Children’s sewing a specialty. Mrs. Wiley Howell, Springwater. a24tf CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to the friends and neigh bors for their kindness and the floral offerings in our late bereavement.— Mrs. Lydia M. Park, Mrs. Semour Lankins, Mrs. F. N. Cadonau and Mr. Matt Park. Come take a ride! Learn why Chevrolet is first choice of the nation for 1928. Experience the effortless handling, the supreme comfort and high-speed endurance that have been such im portant factors in the sensational popularity it is enjoying in every section of the land! Learn by sitting at the wheel of this great new car what amazing performance is now available in a low-priced automobile! Come take a ride—today! City, Oregon Dr. M. M. Martindale C H IR O P R A C T O R of Oregon City Trips to Estacada discontinued until latter part o f September T o o r in f $ 4 Q f o r R oadster . . » Walter W. Gilbert, M. D. Physician and Surgeon J X . .... »595 Office Hours 9 to 6 and Evenings ESTACADA OREGON T h e 4 -D oor S e d a n ............ The C o n v e r tib le The COACH a " b H o ,« ....* 6 9 5 *585 T h e Im p eria l % n i P L andau ■•••• * Utility truck $ 5 2 0 (C Ju u iU im l)) L ig h t O e ii v e r y ^ 3 7 5 (C h a s sis wt*4>) A l l peinas L «*. h . F lint. M i c h . S. E. Wootter FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY Tel. 77-3 Estacada, Ore. Oregon m m iiiiiiiiiiiim iiM im m iiim m im iiiiiM — j-j |5 S E E [ to your p a rticu la r taste— = cut to c o n fo r m strictly w ith — y o u r in d ividu al r e q u ire - E m ents. E Permanent waving in our Port- E land shop. Complete informa- «5 5 tion here. | Tip Top Barber Shop | S Masonic Building, K now Chevrolet Performance First National Bank Bldg. Oregon City | Haircutting... T h e y in c lu d a th e low est h a n d lin g a n d fcaan c i ng chargea a va ila h io C D., D. C., E. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys Practice in AU Courta R eal E state L oans, In su ran ce R entals Estacada = Dr. W. W. Rhodes OSTEOPATHIC Physician end Snrgeen Estacada POW ER Wherever hHl* are «tempest, the fame of the Chevrolet m otor isgreatest - -because it is built on the valve in head« which provides all the power advantages o f overhead direct bring. Oregon SM O O TH N ESS C h e v r o le t ’ s d e lig h tfu l im o o fh n r t * it t h ie v e d bv the use o f aliov invar strut ' ' / y . , P**tons, and by the accurate counter-bai- ancmg o f reciprocating parts. A C C E L E R A T IO N Chevrolet flashes out and away when you r t* n throttle becamm ** rh* advantages o f light invar strut pistons, large valves, and carburetor equipped with an acceleration welL Cascade Chevrolet Co, Estacada. Oregon C. V. MARTIN Real Estate Estacada, Oregon Q U A L 4848532348532353484 Estacada Feed Store The common duties of life are the shrines where prayer is to transform work and workers until we become conscious o f the living presence and possess abounding joy. What does the Christian character or balanced life mean. It is this: Faith without credulity, conviction without bigotry, charity without con_ descention, courage without pugnac ity, self respect without vanity, hu FOUND— Fountain pen. Owner can mility without pride, love o f humanity get same at the News office upon without sentimentality and meekness proper identification and payment with power. o f this ad. It The welcome you will receive FOR SALE— One Boyle-Daton gas comes from the feeling o f doing to pump, like new. Priced for quick all. We ask you to come next Sun sale $50. Eagle Creek Trading day at 11 o ’clock in the morning and hear a discussion of the subject, “ A Company. It Closed Door and a Waiting Savior.” FOR SALE — SHINGLES— 95 per Also come in the evening at 8 o ’clock cent perfects, $3.10 per thousand, when the subject will be “ The Right delivered. Paul Klaetsch, Tele eous Man.” Our prayer meeting has phone 83-11. s28 been changed to 7 :30 on Thursday FOR SALE— Four foot cord wood, evenings. The Sunday school meets second growth, $4.50 delivered in each Sunday morning at 10 o ’clock, Estacada. Joe Nicholson, Phone with a good corps o f teachers and 83-3. a24 workers. FOR SALE— Team of horses, cheap. We will be delighted to have you See them any evening. Raymond DeShazer, Eagle Creek. 2t next Sunday at the church services, and will give you a royal welcome. FOR SALE— Five pigs, 11 weeks old; — C. T. Cook, pastor. also Chester White brood sow. A. Steinke, Route 1, Estacada. Tele phone 34-131. a24 CALL FOR BIDS HELP WANTED— The Apple Grow- ers association, Hood River, will want steady, reliable help about September 10, to harvest the fall crop o f apples and pears. Good cabins, camps furnished. Bring bedding and cooking utensils. Will also need experienced apple and pear packers. A beginner's class in packing will commence on September 5. 2t Home Owned— Personal Service I ...................................................................... The Christian Endeavor o f Nora Memorial church will be led on Aug ust 26 by Mrs. Weatherby. The topic is “ What the World Owes to Relig ious Leaders.” Mrs. H. H. Anders and family have gone to the mountains after huckle berries. J. J. Davis has traded his farm to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johansen of Portland. Mr. Davis has lived in the Garfield distirct for sixty years and will be missed by his neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Henrickson and son Ray are home after attending the Adventist camp meeting at For est Grove, which was largely attend ed by people from several Eastern states. The C. E. club had a weiner roast August 15 at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. Anders, 31 being present and all had a very enjoyable time. The next meeting will bo September 19 at the Jas. Rccher home. WANT ADS CHURCHES 53 GARFIELD PAGE THREE T Y A T L O W C O S T