EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1928 PAGE SIX LEA G U E STANDING *llllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllll . w. ! Estacada ..... ............. 5 ........ 5 Oswego ....... Hillsboro ....... 5 ......... 4 Washougal ............ 2 Sellwood 2 Ba da ..... | Sherwood i Ü = Davidson’s L. 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 6 | Service as Usual | | | | § § = E | Your Model T Ford is still the world’s greatest au- tomobile value. The new model Ford car has caused many inquiries to come to us regarding parts and service on the present Model T Ford. The own- er of today may rest assured that over 10,000 Ford agencies in this country will be equipped to render service and supply parts for the old Aodel T car as long as it is on the road. 1 WE USE GENUINE I FORD PARTS rj | s Pet .833 .833 .832 .6G7 .333 .332 .167 .060 Result s Last Sunday Estacada 1 1, Oswego y. Hanks 10 Davidson’s G. Washougal G, Sellwood 1. 1 1 ills ho ro H, Sherwood 7 (1 2 in ). Where They Play Next Sunday = Sherwood at Estacada Wnshouga! at Oswego. Davidson’s at Hillsboro. Bunks at Scllwood. A G o o d F o u n d a t i o n T o B u i l d U pon . ESTACADA TAKES G A M E | FROM OSWEGO TEAM Double Stamps ONLY | BOB I Cooke Motor Co. I (Continued from page one) basemen running back and taking - ......................... - ... i- i ■ ■■ .......... — — ::i iii mi iiiiiii ii iiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii limn i; in i *iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Hum it. the fly away from Ray Lovelace. The crowd was wild at times dur­ E ing the contest. At least half the Ians in the grandstand and along the E t r: side lines was boosting for Estacada. Plan your fall and winter feeding now. Natur- E The score: Estacada— AB R H O A E Minto 2b ......... 5 1 2 3 4 1 ally a Tried and Proven feed is the one you will G 2 3 12 0 1 A. Lovelace lb R. Lovelace cf 4 1 2 3 U 0 select to return you the most in eggs or milk, si Fischer c ......... 5 2 i 5 0 1 Miller If ....... 5 2 2 1 0 ( Any dealer can supply you with Weinel 2b ....... . 5 0 1 1 1 0 Bronson ss ..... .. 4 2 2 2 3 0 Scales rf ......... .. 2 U 0 0 U Ü KERR’S EGG PRODUCER Jennings r f ..... .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 KERR’S MILK RATION lluight 3 b .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bussell p ......... . 5 1 3 0 3 0 *im iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiii> iiiiiiM ' | Poultrymen — Saturday, August 18 ON ALL CASH PURCHASES AND ACCOUNTS PAID IN FULL Dairymen | T ota ls......... Oswego— Brooks ss ....... | 175 Tillamook St. Portland, Oregon e Cebhardt lb .... ^ I H I I M 1111 111 (1111I I 11111 I I I 11111111111111111111M 11M 111111111I I 11 111 111 111MI i I M! 1111! 1111 HI I i 11! f Simons rf ....... Roberts 2b ..... Rittenhouse cf.. Lehl c ............ Shipley 3b ESTACADA TRUCK LINE V/essling If D A IL Y TRIPS FROM E S T A C A D A TO PO RTLA ND Manning p Sundeleaf p .... Leave all freight at warehouse. In ordering your freight sent thru us you receive personal service both in Estacada and Portland that Totals ....... will save time and money Triangle Mills Inc. 43 11 16 AB B H . 5 2 1 . 4 i 0 . 4 2 1 . 4 2 1 . 5 2 5 4 0 2 . 5 0 3 . 3 u U 1 0 0 5 0 1 The fact that this store has become a member of the Red and White chain organization does not interfere with the giving of S. & H. trading stamps. Green Stamps will be given as in the past. Your Prosperity is at Stake 27 11 3 O A E 2 4 E 9 U 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 8 1 1 0 5 0 3 0 (J 0 u l. 0 Ü 0 RED & WHITE GROCERS Live “IN” the Community— not “ON” the Community The independent ownership plan of the Red and White Store is the ideal grocery plan— it gives you chain store prices and yet keeps our community prosperous. 40 9 14 27 11 6 “ YO U CAN DO BETTER A T A RED AND W H ITE STORE” by Innings Score Call and Deliver Service KITCH1NG & STE1NMAN Estacada 0 0 0 2 U 0 7 0 2— 11 EAst 2406 Portland Phone 61-5 Eitacada 0 0 0 4 1 0— 9 Oswego 2 0 2 Innings pitched by Sundeleaf 6, at bat 2(1, hits 9, runs 6; innings pitched stomach of J. C. Christens, a car by Manning 1!, at bat 17, hits 7, runs Here and There Because Ben Shadow of St. Louis pcnter of St. Paul. 5. Three base hits— Weinel, shipley H. B. SNYDER, OWNER and Lehl. First on balls o ff Russell tried to kiss her, Miss Mary Grome 5, o ff Sundeleaf 2, o ff Manning 1. cut o ff part of his ear with a bread- Mrs. Mary Rehburg, 71, of Cleve­ Two base hits— Miller, A. Lovelace, knife. land, was fined $10(1 when she ad Russell 2, Minto, liittonhouse 2, Si­ Struck out by Rus- mitted in police court that she hud mons, Brooks. Words underscored by Mrs. Emily sold beer to support her invalid hu.> si 1 1, by Sundeleaf 4, by Manning 4. Double play, Bronson to Minto to A. Punchard of London in a poem re­ band. Lovelace. Umpires Demmon and jim im im iiiiiiiiim iiiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim im iim ii sulted in her husband being granted Here and There Hand. Time 2:40. a divorce. Mrs. Edith Teague of Kansas City found a snake coiled in her bed Shrine Much Visited Mrs. Jane Webb of Hanbury, Nine nails were removed from tin and killed it with her shoe. H ALOW ATS and CROSLEYS It Is nelieved that the tomb of the I Eng., celebrated her 100th birthday | Unknown Soldier In Arlington ceme­ in the same house where she was Come in and let us give you a demonstration tery luis been decorated more often born. than any monument or memorial, tak­ Sporting Goods, Kodaks and Films GOc 60¿ GÜ¿ ing Into consideration the length ol time that it has been built. Scarcely Charles Belt, 7 years old, o f Lex a day passes that a wreath Is not ington, Ky., has suffered no ill ef­ placed upon the tomb In tribute, and fects, despite the fact that he de­ often two or three are laid there on voured a 10-pound supper at a res­ Estacada, Oregon the same day. taurant recently. f RADIO BARGAINS I Boner’s Sport Shop Chicken Dinner The oldest relic of the early ages yet found In Yorkshire, England, is believed to be an ancient stone Im­ plement discovered at Eston Nab, near Mhldlesborongh. It Is said to be about 75,000 years old. The discov­ ery, some think, establishes for the first time the existence of a race of subhuman beings In northern Britain. Linios Inn 60¿ biimiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMmiiiiiiMiiimiiiiMM> Relic of Ancljnt Race S U N D A Y 60C Time Lost by Sickness A bulletin . f the committee on ad­ ministrative practice of the American Public Health association says that estimates from various sources, pub­ lished In February, 1!>27, state that the average annual loss to wage earn­ ers 1n the United States on account of sickness usually ' tries from six to nine days per person. Geologists believe that the great Andes mountain chain on the western coast of South Aferica is the young- . est mountain range in the world. In China and Japan religious per­ sons write prayers on paper, which is then burned in a ceremonial fire. Try a Want Ad in the News. SANEKBARBERSHOP BOBBING, BARB ERING SHOWER BATHS A N D SHOE SHINING Action of Lightning The mysterious quirk of lightning that tears off the sole of a shoe or the whole shoe of the person who may be struck Is not mysterious at all. Many persons have perspiring feet. The electric holt encounters the perspira­ tion, converts It to steam and the en­ suing explosion blows otT the sole or shoe. WORK CAREFU LLY DONE If Your Radio Is for Sale See Us. Fail to Hold Audience Common speakers have only one set of ideas and one set of words to clothe them in; and these are always ready at the mouth; so people come faster out of a chnrch when It Is al­ most empty than when a crowd Is at the door.—Jonathan Swift. Life’s Tribulations An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches anil children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite f 4 ^ If ^ Grocery and Restau- I t U U t J W i n rants in Estacada and LO N G LOAF Vicinity. Ibietst numte i c f «b Msftttmfsmilf “ tail when the new car arrived I found tt was one shade lighter than my dress.” remarked a well-dressed woman, “hut then, ns I told my hus­ band, we all have our crosses ”— Terre Haute Tribune. Everybody Interested The whole family owns the car. That la. when the car Is Idle It Is mother’s car when tt Is In nse It ts the children’s oar. and when disabled or with a tire down It Is dad’s ear.— Pratt Republican. If you expect to buy a new one, try out the NEW ELECTRIC ATWATER-KENT in your own home. iiimmmHimiiiiiiiiimiimiiimmimmiiiiiimmmmiiiiiiiimMtiiiiiiiiimuimi \ ESTACADA REBECCA LODGE’S SPECIAL— Tuesday, August 21 Laura La Plante in “ FINDERS KEEPERS” Also the W hirlwind Comedy “ HANDS OFF” n iim iiim iiiiiiiiiiiim m iim iiiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m m iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Third Liberty Bonds Are called for payment September 15 and interest ceases after that date. No Obligations This bank will be pleased to forward these bonds for payment for any holders of the same. Estacada Pharmacy ESTACADA STATE BANK Safe Deposit Boxes, $3.00 per year. !iiii!!iits:iii¡iiiiiiiiiiiiiii¡!m i:ii!im ii:iiiii *- 1 m iiii;iiiii!iiii;i!m m m i!!::i:m iii;:: The Peoples Store— Red & White Chain s -r