S U B S C R IP T IO N SANDY NEWS SECTION P R IC E $ 1 .5 0 Par Y aar S u b ic riba N o w ) EDITORIAL SAN DY The splendid new Boitano bridge across Deep creek at Sandyridge is now completed. The county bridge crew worked two weeks or more on the structure. The mail carrier, no doubt, is one of the happiest “ pa­ trons” o f the bridge, as the old one was unsafe for so long. The tragic passing of Gerald Wil­ cox was a great shock to this section. The Wilcox family lived at Deep creek on Sandyridge a few years ago. The following were remembered with a picnic party Sunday in honor of their several birthdays, at Jonsrud grove, the affair being sponsored by Mrs. Will Bell. The birthdays were all of relatives, and come within a few days of each other: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bell, Ellsworth Bell, little Bobby, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell, David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell, Lois Bates, Florence DeShazer, Chas. Updegrave, Gladys Linn. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lohrman’s thirty- fourth wedding anniversary and Alla- vena Light's birthday were also re­ membered with invitations. Present were the Charlie Linn fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates, Lois Bates, the James Smiths, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gibson, Sam Wilson, the Chas. Updegrave family, the A. W., Will and Albert Bell families. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas. James Bell, the Lohrmans, Ed. Littlepage and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitching, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cooke, the Dunns, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson. Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, the Light family, Jim Watkins, Stanley Bacon und tin J. G. DeShazer family. B a b y B oy B orn A rriv e F rom Iow a Dr. and Mrs. Louis Gambee are the happy parents o f a baby boy, born August 2, at Portland. He is Louis Phaton, and weighed 9 1-2 pounds. Mrs. Gambee is the young­ est daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Canning of Kelso. Mrs. L. B. Greene was almost overcome with delight Saturday when her sister, Mrs. Cora Christianson and baby Chester, surprised her by drop­ ping ini from Iowa. Mrs. L. Lehnfield and family went to the Greene home to see Mrs. Christianson, who is the latter’s sister, also. • • • • It is too bad petty thievery has started again in Sandy. For a num­ ber of years “ long fingers" have not snitched other people’s effects, but recently there is considerable com­ plaint. Mrs. I'ete Lenz had bedding, jelly, fruit, etc., stolen recently. The house was broken into. * * * * A. W. Cook, Damascus, pioneer of 1852, says a fir grove marks the spot o f the old Indian fort at Damascus. It stands on a rocky point. * * * * A D. A. R. member o f the Willamette chapter says the organization is ready to place a marker at Martin Peter­ son’s grave whenever the local society is ready. This matter should receive attention by local pioneers. * * * * * D R . C H A S . P. JO H N S O N • * D en tist * * * * * Practice limited to extraction o f teeth and minor oral surgery, nerve blocking & gas anesthesia 453 Morgan Bldg. Portland * * * * S herers to R em ain H ere Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sherer will remain here, perhaps until after the first o f the year, although Mr. Sherei has sold his interest in the City Gar­ age. C elebrates T h ird B irth day * .. S ch u eb el, B e a ttie & M iller * * * * * Attorneys at Law 6 per cent state school money to loan on farms; General law prac- ljce. Bank o f Oregon City Bldg. Oregon City Oregon » * e * * * * * D R . F. C. * * O ffice 2nd door West o f Meat Market e e * B R O S1U S, M. D. T e le p h o n e * « 341 Sandy, Oregon * G uests o f G an gers Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ganger have as • * guests Miss Violet Fieldstitch and * Miss Iris League of Twin Falls, Idaho. These young ladies drove from that state and will enter Oregon “ U” in September. e • • D R . H. A . S C H N E ID E R D E N T IS T P h on e S an dy 151 * Sandy, Oregon Little Jenan Goheen’s third birth­ was remembered with a small party arranged by her mother, Edna Goheen. Beside the latter family Mrs. Ruby Loundree, Jr., Mrs. Dun­ can and little ones and Robert No- ack were present. * day * * * * * LOCALS FUNERAL SERVICE HELD PICNIC GIVEN IN HONOR Charles Shurnke, after a week FOR MRS. CLARA LAYMAN OF SEVERAL BIRTHDAYS | of Mrs. visiting at Jennings Lodge, is home O ren G an gers E ntertain On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oren Gan • ger entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert * Murray and babies at dinner. The * Gangers also recently entertained Mr. Postmaster Ronald E. Esson at­ tended the Oregon branch of the Na­ tional association o f Postmasters at Portland Friday and Saturday. On Last rites were conducted Monday Saturday the association was enter­ at Pleusant Home Baptist church foi tained by Montgomery Ward & Co., Mrs. Clara Layman, 67, who passed at a big luncheon, the final business August 11, at the home of her daugh­ session being on during the lunch. 1 Wm. Morand of Boring was also pres- ter, Mrs. F. L. Proctor, Sandy. Mrs. Layman was born October 20, i ent and was made on honorary mem­ 1860, in Knox county. 111., and lived ber, in honor of many year» of ser- at Pleasant Home 30 years. For sev­ I vice as postmaster. eral months Mrs. Layman had been very ill and suffered much. She is Son B orn to S trow b rid g es Mr. and Mrs. Justice Strowbridge survived by her husband, Nathan E. Layman, four daughters, Mrs. Ida L. j are rejoicing over the arrival o f an West, Mrs. Effie Hoffman, Mrs. Ella eight pound son, Justice Raymond. Surlier and Mrs. Proctor, also three Jr., born Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bosholm. The sons: George, Ernest and Lawrence. Rev. Gordon Johnson conducted baby is o f pioneer stock, his late the service. Interment was at Pleas­ grandfather being a Firwood pioneer. The child was horn on the first wed­ ant Home cemetery. ding anniversary o f its parents. | again. Mies Frieda Nitsch has been wrap­ ping butter at the creamery recently in place of Mrs. Bennett, whose hand has been troubling her. The Henry Perret family went to ! Eastern Oregon Sunday to see Mrs. Perrett's sister. With the I’errets was Mrs. Pete Stone who made her first trip across the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hauglum, Mr. and Mrs. Brook and the Robert Grayr are all at Bar View spending the week. The Watkins-Wilkinson huckleber­ ry ramping party hud very good luck a week ago, the two families getting 10-17 gallons of berries. All picked one whole day and the men a half day. They were on a mountain near Gueat« F rom A rizon a Swim. Mrs. J. M. C. Miller has relatives Friedel Wunische has been in the Sellwood hospital for a week and will with her this week from Arizona. return sometime this week, it is said. They are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arm­ The latest diagnosis is reported as strong and son Jack, and Frank and Ruth Armstrong, who drove the 2200 Bright’s disease. Electric lights were turned on at miles in five days. The Armstrongs Alder creek Sunday night for the are also visiting part o f the time at first time. The work o f building the the home o f Mr. and Mrs. James line will no doubt continue on up the Lawrence at Gresham, the latter and Mrs. Miller being sisters o f Mr. mountains. Mrs. J. M. C. Miller spent part of Armstrong. This is the third brother three days at Portland last week at­ and family visiting Mrs. Miller in the tending the League of Western Writ­ last month. ers at the Multnomah hotel. A poet’s breakfast was an event of the meet- S ervices at C ath olic C hu rch A mission church service is being ing Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Horr went to held every morning this week at the Mnryhill recently to attend the wed­ Catholic church by Rev. Father Boni- ding of Mr. Horr’s cousin, Horace ventura and Paul Gagnon. The above are guests at the Charles Sharnke Rahskopf. Charley Suckow and N. Schmitz home. were home over Sunday from the Nelson-Jarl mill. P urchases C a rrow R esid en ce Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmitz have Oscar Gunderson o f the Jonsrud recently been fixing up the interior Gunderson firm has purchased the o f their house and also purchasing Will Carrow residence and is making some new furnishings. some improvements on the same be­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs have fore moving here from the Gunder­ rented the Junker rooms where the son farm, around September 1. highway office held forth in the Junker building. B uys R u n y on P lace Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith left Fri­ Twenty acres o f the old Runyon day for Kansas after spending the place, Cherryville, has been purchased winter here and at Seattle with their ! by F. J. Wynne of Bend. Wynne op­ children. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith erates a branch Troy laundry at o f Seattle took “ Grandpa and Grand- Bend. ma” home via automobile. Miss Elizabeth Canning, who grad-' C lu b S ocia l P ostp on ed uated from the state normal at the The Sandy Women’s club social first o f the summer session, will re­ evening was again postponed, due to sume her work as principal of Lynch a visit from the stork to Mr. and Mrs. school next month. Miss Canning has J. Strowbridge at the Willard Bos- taught at Lynch a number o f years. holm home. The Bosholms were go­ Mrs. Caspar Junker and grand­ ing to entertain. daughter Betty Jean Schmitz left Monday for a few days’ visit w ith, A tte n d M oth er's F un eral Mrs. Lester Clinefelter, at Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Creighton Among those going up to Govern­ went to the city last week to attend ment Camp Sunday to find huckleber­ ries were J. W. Dixon and daughter the funeral of Mrs. Creighton’s Dorothy, Mrs. James Ogden and mother. * and Mrs. Sidell at one o f their lovely Dick, Anna Hennessey and Jim Al­ V isit at N ew p ort lison. dinners. Mrs. Anna Hennessey and Jim Alli­ Mrs. Lee McCabe, who left for Canada last week to visit her parents, son recently made a trip to Newport arrived on Friday. Mrs. McCabe had where they bought salmon for can­ 0 0 not been to her Canadian home for ning purposes. 0 0 13 years. She will return in about 0 0 Alta DeShazer and Velma Henson two months, via Chicago. 0 0 Rev. and Mrs. Dobberfuhl were were down from Tawney’s to make 0 home Saturday and called to see H. a short visit at the J. G. DeShazer Distance is no question with us. Our 0 1 Hamman and family and Miss Frieda home, recently. equipment is at your service day or 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell had the Dobberfuhl went back to Mt. Angel night. 0 with her parents to stay over Sunday. latter’s relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Nich­ 0 0 Frieda has been staying at the Har­ olson o f Wilsonville as week end 0 0 guests. per home. 0 0 The J. D. DeShazers and Will Bells Mrs. Elsie Albel and son who have 0 Phone 2471 Gresham* Oregon 0 taken over the Sandy Bakery-Lunch, had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs are getting along nicely with the Albert Douglass o f Stevenson, Wash Fred Junker, who has been in San work. Mrs. Pete Lenz is still help­ «’i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i * ing with the business. Mr. and Mrs. Francisco for about two weeks, if Coult, former owners, have moved to quite pleased with the big city. He is with relatives and hopes to find work Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duke were out j there. This bank has a service to render to the mem- f for a short visit, returning to the Mrs. Coons and son o f Portland | bers of this community. For twenty years it has = city Sunday evening. spent the week end at the McCormick | safeguarded the savings and commercial accounts 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Harper visited home. Mrs. McCormick, Roxie and Sunday at Jennings Lodge at the the boys have gone to Haines, Eastern o f Eastern Multnomah and Clackams counties. Oregon, with Mrs. Coons for a two W e have every facility of a modern bank— we = home o f Mr. and Mrs. Cushing. Mrs. weeks’ stay. Laura Crawford who is with the can help you in the transaction of business, help = Cushings and has been ill, is much The Perret Garage and the old you to save money, give unprejudiced advice on § improved and hopes to come back Meinig warehouse are each looking well in a new coat o f paint. money matters and investments, and loan you money | to Sandy soon for a visit. Wm. Ganger feels lucky that his Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erl and family on legitimate business transactions. are back from a vacation at the hand is as well as ever. He recently Without advertising you would never know | beaches. suffered from blood poison incurred the spirit of helpfulness and friendliness that this | Bill Alt will soon begin work for by handling a “ muck stick,” which really means a "shovel.” institution extends to you. We want to get acquaint- 1 the Sandy Lumber company again. Bob Edwards and wife have re­ ed with you— to have you as one o f our clients— and | Fritz Strosser o f Portland was at only through the medium of our newspapers can wç | the Widmer, Suckow and other homes turned from Klamath Falls where visiting last week, and also called on they spent a week. Edwards is the tell our story. | Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Junker. Strosser mechanic at Bob Smith’s Garage. Read our advertisements— you may find a help- | who lived on Sandyride years ago Mrs. Annie Glockner and daughter ful suggestion or a new idea in them that will bene- | had not been out here for twenty- Winnifred went to the city Saturday afternoon. five years. fit you. When you do ask us about it. Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Horr had as Caspar Junker still carries a very When we can be o f service call— black eye from a fall against a parti­ week end guests Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Day 1441 Night, 1446, 315, or 3706 tion in the barn, caused by Junker Rich o f Grand Forks, N. I). Rich is try ing to get the best of an unruly Mr. Horr’s uncle. The Riches are also visiting the Horr relatives in calf. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pihl took the Gresham The Ashpole family o f Dover have latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ruther, to the city Sunday for a drive, re­ been entertaining relatives from Iowa Gresham, Oregon recently. maining here until after church. Service... A tten d s P ostm asters C on v en tion M RS J M. C. M IL L E R E d itor S an dy, O reg on O b serv e W ed d in g A n n iversa ry Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith hud a fine chicken dinner party honoring the fifty-second wedding anniversary o f the former’s parents, which was on August 9. Present at the dinner be­ sides the hosts and family were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith, Arletha and Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith and children o f Seattle, Mrs. Hazel Mur­ ray and Hollis, and the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. S e m e n b r e n n e r P la ce S old The E. R. Sensenbrenner place on Sandyridge has been sold to J. W. McClosky, of Freewater. Geo. Beers made the transfer. G ra n g e to M eet S ep tem b er 8 The next regular meeting of the Sandy Grange will be held at night, September 8, as everyone is so busy it is hard to spend the day just now. S on B orn to H a selw a n d er. Tuesday morning the stork arrived at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Heinie Haselwander and left an eight pound boy. Mrs. L. Schroeder came out from the city to he with her daugh­ ter. Mrs. Emma Newman is taking care of the mother and child. Im proves R esidence Herman Miller and John Hamman reshingled the Hoffman house and wood shed where the Pete Lenz fam­ ily are living. Has F allin g C on tract Ed Everett has taken the contract for falling forty acres o f timber at Frank Gannon suffered a broken the Sandy Lumber company logging, ankle and other injuries Monday and has moved into camp. while working at the Rose logging in Dover district. He was rushed to a O rr R etu rn s F rom V a ca tion hospital in Portland. Mrs. Gannon Principal G. D. Orr and family spent the night with Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan went to see him have returned from their vacation and Mr. Orr is busy with school bus­ Tuesday. iness again. S u ffe r s B rok en A n k le W ill R epair Chu rch At a congregational meeting of the Lutheran members it was decided to paint the interior, fix the roof, and ulso paint and paper two room» in the parsonage. KILLS 'em dead* Has C o rd w o o d C on tra ct A. C. Martin began work Tuesday on a contract o f stacking cordwood near the highway at Firwood for Dixon and Howitt. FLY SPRAY At grocers, drnggitta. hardware. d opart me ot •tores and Standard *>il Service Stations. Packed in kits (with improved spraver), pinta, quarts. gslloti$,5-¿»Hons, barrels and % barrels STANDARD O IL C O M P A N Y O F C A L I F O R N I A The summit of our achievement— a service perfect in every detail and managed with a quiet tact that dignifies each part o f the final arrangements. Gresham Funeral Parlors Non-Sectarian Phone 1901 G ates Funeral H om e •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii W h y W e A d v e r tis e First State Bank I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ! Let Your Money Work While W aiting-- During the time you are waiting for some desired investment, put your mon­ ey in a Time Deposit Account here at the Clackamas County Bank. Many of our patrons find this plan very practical in keeping their funds work­ ing at all times. Perhaps you, too, would find such an account profitable. C lackamas C ouniy B am ! ___' SANDY, OREGON