PAGE TWO EAGLE CREEK EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1028 Scotts Mills were Elwood visitors on Sunday. Otis Vallen started to harvest his crop of grain the latter part of last Eagle Creek Trading Com­ pany Adds Many Improvements IMPORTANT W E H A N D L E K E R R ’S F E E D S F O R T H IS R E A S O N : — W e believe K e r r ’» Feed» give the perso n who buy» them Grant Test, who has been laid up I th e m ost fo r th e dollar. Thi» choice was m ade a f t e r y e a r ’» for two weeks with inflamatory rheu- * Rydyweski family visited at The Kagle Creek Trading Company The store now carries a fine large of e x p e rie n c e in D airy a n d P o u ltry Feed». matism in his right knee, is improv- t*le h°me °f Mr. Sosinski in Colton I of Eagle Creek, L. P. Connor, man­ fresh stock of groceries, hardware, Come in and we will explain further and will gladly help you solve ager, has made many improvements men's ware, etc., in addition to ice ing slowly and able to be around1 Sunday, your feed problems. again. Kenneth Shultz has been help- Gerhardt and W alter Moehuke and in and around their place of business cream, soft drinks, lunches, etc., as BARTHOLOMEW & LAWRENCE ing him with his chores. *>ete Rydyweski were Oregon City during the last few weeks, made nec- well as gas, oil, and auto supplies. E sta c a d a , O re g o n cssary by the ever increasing business The plan and purpose of the com­ Murray Day had a letter from his visitors Sunday, P h o n e 601 pany is to furnish local people and mother stating she was very weak Amy Edwards and Reba Spitler are of the company. und not able to be up. Mrs. Day is visiting friends in I ortland this week, The building has been remodeled tourists with everything they may at the home of her niece, Mrs. Pete Eleanor Anderson of Colton is and enlarged until it is three times need that is supplied from a general Nelson, at Dayton, Oregon. spending a few weeks at the home of the capacity of the old structure. The store. A P’rigidaire has been installed display space is exactly twice as large to keep ice cream, drinks, etc., in Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weir of Clack- Miss Val,en- ••• amas and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Felker Stahlnecker went to V\ ilson- and the warehouse capacity at pres­ condition to serve at all times. and family were callers at the home v'Be Saturday to purchase a stove for ent is just four times that of the bus­ Mr. Cononr say» “I am supplying Bread is one of our most important foods. See that iness when Mr. Connor took charge the Eagle Creek people with an up- of Grant Test Sunday afternoon. ' ^'8 *10P dryer. your family gets the best. Our breads are pure, about one year ago. to-date general store, and I wish to Herbert Suter and Paul Forrester, — -------- wholesome and appetizing. Sold at all local stores. An attractive feature of the new extend every courtesy possible to .the motored to Salem Sunday. building is a screened-in porch where people of the community. I am of­ Mr. and Mrs. William Hyde with Ask For It luncheons and refreshments are fering quality merchandise and ser­ SPRINGWATER Dorothy Ann and Donald, called Sun-: served. This is very convenient for vice at the lowest price possible, and day afternoon to see Mrs. Kenny, | U -N E E D -A B A K E R Y the Eagle Creek people as well as will appreciate the opportunity to who has been laid up with a slight at­ tack of sciatica rheumatism. ! Mrs- Wilt*y Howe11 rt>turnud re- tourists, and is appreciated, as shown- serve you.” Estacada Phone 87-1 The new entrance into Mrs. K. H.1 cent|y from Hillockburn where she by its large patronage. In connection with the business is Kenny’s place, with the name “Doon had been working for a couple of The company has joined the Affil­ a automobile repair shop and garage Lodge” done in rustic letters over the months, and will be glad to have you iated Buyers' organization and has service, operated by Emery Ford. Patronize The News’ Job Printing Department gate, is being much admired. ‘‘Doon phone any news items you may have arranged the stock in the store to Attention is called to the adver­ Lodge” was the name of Mrs. Ken­ to her by Monday evening of each conform with the “serve yourself” tisement in this week’s edition of ideu. The News. ny’s birthplace in Ireland, “Doon” week. meaning a “fort” in the Irish lan­ The Robert and Joseph Guttridge families were shopping in Oregon Minnville over the week end. guage. Joe Robertson was overcome by W. A. Smith returned to Portland * r'<*ay- Thursday. He was planning to takei Bcrry Peking is finished in this UPPER EAGLE CREEK the terrific heat last week while working on the road but is much his family to the coast in their new neighborhood with a good crop re­ Studebaker car, recently purchased ported by all the growers, though John Hoffmeister of Damascus improved the last few days. there has been some loss, due to the passed through the neighborhood Fri­ from Mrs. Cox’ daughter. The regular monthly meeting of rain and hot sun. day posting bills announcing his auc­ H ere F rom S p o k a n e Eagle Creek Grange will be held at Haying is in full swing and har­ tion sale. Perry Cahill arrived last week and the hall Friday evening, August 17, vest has started with the cutting of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapman of was accompanied home by Mrs. Ca­ fall wheat and rye by several farmers. beginning at 8 o’clock. All members Pendleton and Mrs. Louis E. Badoux hill, who has been visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chandler and and are requested to be present. son of Walla Walla were here for some time. The two boys son and Mrs. Claud Van Hoy and guests little of Mrs. Linnie Gibson over remained for a more extended visit S T A N D A R D OIL C O M P A N Y OF C A L I F O R N I A children were out from Oregon City the week end. with their grandparents and other They were on their Monday to the Van Hoy farm where relatives. The Cahills are now resi­ the coast. they were looking after corps and way Mr. to and GEORGE Mrs. Roy Douglass and doing some work in the garden. They family spent the day Sunday at thi dents of Spokaqe. report Mr. Van Hoy is recovering G ib b . L e a se . N e w .p a p e r Saturday and Monday Special! ? Mr. and Mrs. Rendleman of Port­ very slowly from his illness and it is Gresham fair. WASHOUGAL, July 31. — The land, and Miss Kokel of Molalla were feared it will be quite some time be­ We have a window full of real bargains that range f Washougal Record has been leased guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. fore he will be able to come back to to William P. Dunton, who has been in price from 25c to 35c. Among these items is a 12 | UPPER GARFIELD his place. Leo Rath. editor of a community paper at Sunday guests of Mrs. Elsie Dew Herman Hansen, who was quite ser qt. Water Pail, 14 qt. galvanized pail, 2 qt. enameled ¿ Parkrose station, Portland, for the were her children Mr. and Mrs. Al­ iously injured recently when his tea» Coffee Pot, 16 qt. enameled Dish Pan with and £ bert Lins, and daughter and Dorothy ran away from him, was brought The topic for the Garfield Chris­ past three years. He will take charge without handle, and 8-hole Muffin Tin for 25c. $ August 1- The present editor U. H tian Endeavor meeting Sunday is Dew of Estacada, and Mr. and Mrs. home from Oregon City hospital last Better come early while the window' is full because Gibbs, has had charge of the paper “ Show Your Colors.” Paul Ritzer George VVeiderhold and son and Eva week much improved. for three and one-half years. He will will lead. they w'on’t last long at these prices. Miss Schroeder of Portland visited Dew. Other guests were Mr. and during the week end with her friend, W. C. Taylor was home from Mc- remain in Washougal. Mrs. Theo. Hardess of Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen and David Mrs. Archie Howell and family. Berrow called on Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cushman of “The Winchester Store” San Diego, Cal., were visiting Mr. Wilson on Sunday. Your Hardware at the Hardware Store Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen and and Mrs. J. E. Moger Monday. Mrs. son Otto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cushman will be remembered by a C. Duus in Estacada Sunday after­ few here as Miss Edith Trowbridge of Currinsville. noon. ■ é I M i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111111 I I I i 111 I H 111 I t i I 11 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1111 II 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 i l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mrs. Marie Klinker returned home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler and after a two weeks’ visit with her daughters Viola, Luella and Frances = Paints, Oils, Roofing, Builders’ Hardware daughter, Mrs. Charles Horgcr and were Sunday visitors at the Carl Howell home. family of Barton. The farmers are busy these days Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swanson making hay, and some have started to and children and Mrs. Brian Moore and children went on a picnic to Clear cut their grain. C. A. Johnson and son took a trip creek at Viola Sunday, meeting a to the Condon country for a few number of friends from Oregon City. days to witness harvesting with the Barbara Looney of Portland is vis­ iting her aunt, Mrs. Byron Cogswell combine. Estacada, Oregon Miss M argaret Glenn of California and family. was a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Held, Kathleen Beck and Jack Akins were visitors at the Wiley Howell for a short time recently. ‘EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER’ Samuel Mueller of Portland was home Sunday. in the neighborhood calling on friends Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shibley were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. and neighbors recently. H. Widmer and son Will of Sandy Shibley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fire Brick, Drain Tile, Sewer Tile, Cement Blocks = Ridge visited with their daughter and E. Beck. sister, Mrs. Leo Rath and family. I 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1I I11 i r t l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I ! I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I It I M I I I I I I ll-' T Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Julius VIOLA Paulsen. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker of Portland are out on their ranch for several The farmers are busy now cutting ^ days, to harvest their crop. getting ready for the 1 j? Ms. Larson and son Robert mo­ their grain, while some are bailing their | ^ tored to Portland on Saturday to thresher, sj bring Mr. Larson home, who is work­ hay Mr. crop. and Mrs. O. Brown of Albany ^ ing there. Friday and Saturday, August 10 and 11— here one day last week to see ! & Mrs. Emily Koehler of San Fran­ were Polly Moran and J. Ferrell MacDonald in William Mattoon, Mrs. Brown’s fath- ! A cisco, and her mother, Mrs. Harder? er, “BRINGING UP FATHER” who is no* very well. of Portland, are visiting their broth­ John Mattox and Ernie Evenson Hall Roach presents Stan Laurel in the All-Star er and son, Ed. Harders. gone to work at the Potter mill Comedy, “Leave ’Em Laughing.” Miss Mabel White and a friend in have Washington. from Almeda, Calif., made a brief Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lankin have v visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and moved to Gresham. Eldon is to be § Mrs. II. Johnson, and also called on Sunday and Monday, August 12 and 13— her cousin, Mrs. H. Klinker and fam­ the agent for the Ward company, j & j selling their products of spices, , \ l The Big King Vidor Production— ily. and other articles. “THE CROWD” The new play shed on the school tracts Here's a tire that combines good looks, high quality Helen Powers, daughter of grounds is about completed and is be­ Mr. Miss With James Murray, Eleanor Boardman and and Mrs. Emery Powers, who and low price. It is not an unknown brand. It is ing painted. Bert Roach. Pathe News and Krazy Kat comic. ! spent last week with her grand par- built by tiie world's largest manufacturer of tires. ; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Evenson of Red- It’s a genuine Goodyear Pathfinder. j land, has gone to Gresham with her It’s a tire you’ll be proud to own. Fine looking— uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wednesday and Thursday, August 15 and 16— quality built from carcass to tread—larger—heavier Lankin. Rod La Rocque in William Unulell has sold part of his and sturdier. No need to take a chance on risky “THE FIGHTING EAGLE” Mis» Martha Tanney and Miss Ma- farm to a couple of men from Port- medium brands. With Phyylis Haver. From “The Adventures bel Cadonau of Portland visited the land, who will build some camping latter’s sister. Mrs. M. Park, Sunday, shacks on Clear Creek, where there of Gerard” by Conan Doyle. Comedy, Charley LOOK AT THESE PRICES William Pahl of Sandy bought a is a park, Chase in “Crazy Like a Fox.” horse of U. N. Berkley recently. Viola has a fine road as fur as it 30x3' ó Clin. fab. $ 6.30 29x4.40 Balloon $ 8.05 Mrs. Perry Cahill of Spokane vis- goes. Too bud there wasn't money Cd. 6.55 ited at the home of her uncle, M. enough to finishing the graveling. It 31x5.00 Balloon 12.10 30x3V!» Clin. Friday and Saturday, August 17 and 18— oversize Park, last week. will be an extra expense next spring Double feature, Ranger, the wonder dog in 32x6.00 Balloon 17.00 32x4 S. S. cord 12.25 Miss La. Velle Palmer of Halsey, to have to grade it over again, after “BREED OF COURAGE” Ore., who taught in this district four the winter rains, 33x6.00 Balloon 17.30 33x5 S. S. Cord 23.00 George Walsh, supported by an excellent cast in years ago, is visiting friends here this , BUFAD Save Tire Money S. & S. HARDWARE Jackson Lumber Co. LIBERTY THEATRE i Week. S a rv e r R esidence Im p ro v ed Orel Vallen, Everet and Irwin The B. O. Sarver residence on up- Stahlnecker went to Wiltonville Sun- per Broadway ig being improved by day to visit friends and swim in the the addition of porches across the Willamette. j north and west side, new paint and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vallen, Mr. other improvements, which will make "nd Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Sanders of the home much more attractive. Cascade Chevrolet Company Estacada, Oregon “STRIVING FOR FORTUNE” A stirring romance of men and ships. Coming—Reginald Denny in “Out All Night.” Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c