Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 10, 1928, Image 1

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ÎEastmt (Ülarkantaa Nms
N U M B E R 45
J. C. Moreland o f F.stacada, com­
mander of the Carl Douglass post of
the American Legion, was elected as
district committeeman for the first
district at the state convention held
in Medford last week.
The position is really district com­
mander and an amendment was sub­
mitted changing the title o f the office
to district commander, but was de­
feated, because it might bring con­
fusion in titles. However, the dis­
trict committeemen are members of
the executive committee of the state
department, and the head o f the or­
ganization in this district. The first
district includes Clackamas, Multno­
mah, Clatsop and Columbia counties.
Portland post, with 18 votes in the
convention, voted unanimously for
Moreland, as did the other posts of
the district.
Ben Fisher o f Marshfield wa:
elected commander o f the American
Legion, Department o f Oregon with­
out opposition. The only contested
office was for vice commander.
“ Community Service” is the slogan
for the Legion the coming year. An
effort will be made to increase the
membership o f the organization dur­
ing the coming year. The member­
ship in Oregon last year, the reports
showed, was in excess by more than
one thousand that o f any former year
in the history o f the organization.
J. C. Moreland, Dr. W. W. Gilbert
and G. E. Parks represented the local
post in the convention, and Mrs. J.
W. Moore went as a delegate to the
American Legion Auxiliary conven­
tion which was held at the same time
and place.
On the return trip from Medford
the Legionnaires from Kstacada vis­
ited Crater Lake, returning via The
Dalles-Culifornia highway and the
Wapinitia cut-off.
With the exception o f the Pinna­
cles road from Crater Lake the high­
way and a section o f the Wapinitia
cutoff, the roads were in perfect con­
dition. The delegates left Estacada
Wednesday morning and returned
The next convention o f the Legion
will be held in Salem. An amend­
ment to the constitution provides
that officers o f the posts shall be
elected prior to, and shall be installed
at the first meeting in October.
Sailor Visit* M ot her
Earl R. Kennedy visited his moth­
er, Mrs. James Norris, for a few days
last week, while on furlough from
the navy. His boat is the destroyer
McCauley, No. 276. He brought his
mother a beautiful electric lamp
which he made, representing a three-
inch aircraft steel, beautifully en­
graved. The lamp is at the March-
bank confectionery, and is well worth
Guests F rom O r e g o n City
Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon of
Oregon City visited Rev. and Mrs. C.
T. Cook recently. Mrs. Shannon and
Mrs. Cook were childhood friends in
H er e F ro m Gresh am
J. E. Gates, Gresham undertaker,
who was formerly in that business in
Estacada, was in the city Tuesday on
He was accompanied by
his daughter, Miss Margaret.
Enter ta in s Friends
After the Linn picnic Sunday eve­
ning about twenty-five o f the family
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Krieger and enjoyed a social
A t t e n d s O. E. S. Meetin g
Mrs. George Armstrong was in Es­
tacada Wednesday from Camp 8 to
attend the Eastern Star party at the
home o f Mrs. O. E. Culver, honoring
Mrs. A. DeMoy.
V isi tin g Mrs. C o o k
HORSE races feature
Monday morning at 7 o ’clock, Mr.
j and Mrs. W. E. Linn, accompanied
by Mr. Linn’s sisters, Mrs. George
Harding and Mrs. E. Smith, who have
been here from the East for several A T T R A C T I V E P U R S E S O F F E R E D
weeks visiting relatives, left in Mr.
Linn's car for a trip back east to the
homes o f the ladies. They will visit
in Detroit, Mich., and at Peoria, 111.,
also other places along the route,
and expect to be absent about six
Horse racing will be among the big
weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krieger
| attractions at the Clackamas county
will assist Eddie Linn in conducting
fair this year, and according to the
the business.
plans of the fair board some of the
best racing horses in the Northwest
Called to Shelt on
are to appear on the half mile race
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ahlberg were
j track.
called to Shelton, Wash., last week,
Last year'the races were eliminated
on account o f the death o f Mr. Ald-
from the program, Put since the de­
berg’s brother-in-law. Phil Adams of
mand of the fair patrons called for
Portland looked after the business as
horse races again it was decided to
agent at the P. E. P. company depot
put on the races as afternoon at-
while Mr. Ahlberg was absent.
j tractions. A number of fast horses
[ have already been signed up for the
Mrs. B r ow n Here
pacing races.
Mrs. Hilda M. Brown, formerly
Following is the racing program
o f Viola, was in Estacada Wednesday
for the four days of the fair:
evening to attend the regular meet­
Tuesday, September 18, 2:24 trot,
ing of the Rebecca lodge. Mrs
3 heats, $200; 2:12 pace, 3 heats,
Brown now resides in Portland. This
$250. Running races— overnight en­
is her first visit here for several
19th, 2:24 pace, 3
heats, $200; 2:14 trot, 3 heats, $250.
L eihem m er« on V acation
Thursday, 2:18 trot, 3 heats, $250;
While Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leiham-
Free-for-all pace, 3 heats, $300.
mer are away on their vacation, Mr.
Friday, 2:17 pace, 3 heats, $250;
Leihammer’s parents are looking af
Free-for-all trot, 3 heats, $300. Run­
ter their home.
ning races, overnight entries.
Many improvements have been
made on the race track since the last
horse races were held at the fair at
Canby. A new grand stand has been
erected and this year an addition
has bene made to the bleachers, thus
enabling many more to witness the
Funeral services were held for Mrs.
races than in former years.
Matilda Cox on August 2, at the L.
Many special events will take place
A. Chapman chapel, with Rev. T. I.
in front o f the grand stand this year.
Kirkwood officiating. Burial was at
Among these will be the livestock
the Springwater cemetery.
parade, In which the members o f the
Mrs. Cox was born in the state of
boys' and girls’ 4-H clubs will partic­
Missouri in 1846, and died in The
ipate to contest for showmanship with
Dalles July 31, aged 82.
the elder livestock breeders. There
She was married to Lewis Neal at
will be many new faces among the
the age o f 19. Mr. Neal died several
livestock breeders at the fair this
years ago. She was one of a family
year, according to H. W. Kanne, sec­
o f eleven children who with her par­
retary, and R. C. Kuehner, county
ents crossed the plains by ox team
club leader.
and settled in Oregon where she had
Among the livestock breeders to
made her home since that time.
enter this year for the first time in
She was a loving mother, a con­
Clackamas county will be John Beck-
stant Christian, having been a mem­
ley o f Linnton. There will also be
ber of the Christian church of Estu­
a large herd from Wapato, an Ayr­
cada for a number of years, consci­
shire breeder from that section, who
entious in her actions and well loved
will bring one o f the best herds in
by her numerous friends.
Washington. This herd is also to be
She is survived by one son, Ira
taken to the state fair, which follow ;
Neal of The Dalles, and one daughter
a week later.
Mrs. Nellie Carman o f Yakima, be­
Ensley Gribble, o f Gribble Prairie,
sides numerous other relatives.
will be superintendent o f the live­
stock department, and Lloyd Kendull
Mrs. Me Willis III
is the superintendent o f the racing
Mrs. W. E. McWillis is reported on
the sick list and is confined to her
The Estacadu Bund o f 25 pieces
has been engaged to play for the four
days o f the fair, September 18, 19.
L ea v e f o r L o n g Beac h
20 and 21.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens left
Martin Staulier will be in charge
Monday morning for a short vacation o f dancing, a feature for the eve­
trip to Long Beach, where they arc nings A fine orchestra has been en­
visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson. gaged to furnish the music.
According to the fair management
Mr. Hall III
the pavilion, which has also been re­
W. E. Hall of the Home restaur­ paired, will be filled with a fine ex­
ant, was taken suddenly ill Sunday hibit this year.
and for a time was real sick, but has
The first day o f the fair will be
about recovered now.
known as Children’s day, and the
members o f the 4-H clubs o f the
county are to put on the program,
Visit at D ale Ho m e
Mrs. M. Woods o f Gresham spent except the racing. On that day the
a few days here last week visiting new livestock pavilion will be dedi­
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William cated. II. C. Seymour, state club
leader, is to be master of ceremonies
Dale, and other relatives.
and O. M. Plummer, manager of the
Pacific International exposition, will
Ret u rn f r o m V a c a t ion
Mr. and M t s . Fred ‘ Bartholomew be a guest o f honor.
The barn now under construction
and children returned Friday evening
from a short vacation to the beaches. is to be 60x120 feet.
Instead of
They brought home a supply of clams having one single.isle down the center
of the structure as those o f the other
and crabs.
livestock barns on the grounds, there
M o v e Into N ew H om e
will be two, one ut each side. The
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Rhodes moved | building is to be well lighted and ven­
Friday into their new residence re­ tilated, and so arranged that othei
cently purchased. The interior has buildings may be added at the side:
been redecorated and a new roof in future years.
put on over the old one.
Many special prizes are to be giver
this year in all departments, both
Visits W it h Old T im s Friend
home economics, which is in charge
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sweetland were of Mrs. A. H. Knight, Canby; flowers
visitors at the Methodist parsonage in charge of Avon Jesse; needlecraft
Sunday afternoon. Mr. Sweetland Mrs. Carl Joehnke in charge, and
and Rev. Cook have been friends poultry, with Mrs. W. H. Thompson,
Canby, in charge.
from childhood.
Miss Gladys Porter o f Springfield
is visiting at the home o f her aunt, B uild ing N ew R esidenc e
Mike Needenthal has commenced
Mrs. C. T. Cook.
the erection o f a new residence on
upper Broadway, which is 24x32, a
P ain tin g R es id en ce
Perry Anderson is giving his resi­ story and a half high. Joe Nichol­
son is helping to put up the building.
dence a new coat o f paint.
G o n e to Seaside
Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and daugh­
ter Ellamay and'Miss Wilma Kitch-
ing left Thursday morning by auto
for a visit of a few days at Seaside.
F O R MRS. A . D E M O Y
An event of Wednesday afternoon
wa3 the surprise farewell party given
by the local chapter of the Eastern
Star, complimenting Mrs. A. DeMoy.
one of the much prized members,
who will leave the first o f next week
to reside ut Willamette. The home
of Mrs. B. O. Culver was the scene
of this much enjoyed social ^ffair
which was attended by thirty ladies.
Guessing games were played and the
afternoon was rounded out by re­
freshments of delicious cake and ice
cream, served by a committee of la­
IN 1ST, 6 T H I N N IN G S
M ov e to W il la m ette
After a residence at this place for
j nearly twenty years, Mr. and Mrs. A.
1 DeMoy will move the first of the
week to Willamette. For several
| years Mr. DeMoy has been employed
1 in the paper mills at Oregon City and
he decided that he would no longer
live away from his family, hence the
move. They will continue to keep
the home place and have promised
to come back home real often. Miss
Edith, their daughter, expects to at­
tend the West Linn high school the
coming year. The family has hosts
of friends here who regret to have
them go away.
Estacada Legionnaires eliminated
the Wsahougal merchants from the
contest for first place in the Port­
land Valley leage Sunday afternoon
by defeating the club from over the Mrs. Botk in Entertains
river by a 3 to 0 score.
Mrs. A. W. Botkin o f Garfield was
G on e to C an non Beach
This was the hardest contest of the hostess at a luncheon at her home
Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and daughters
Luvena and Jean left Monday for entire season. The Merchants played Monday afternoon, the guests of hon­
Portland where they were joined by errorless ball throughout the game, or being Misses Selma and Alice Is­
their friend, Mrs. Hedgcock and fam­ and while they were credited with aacs and Miss Ora Conway, whose
ily, and all journeyed to Cannon the same number o f hits as the home homes are in Helena, Montana, and
Beach to spend a week o f receration. team, Russell managed to keep them who are spending the summer here.
so well scattered than at only two Mrs. Mae Reed and Miss Rosenbaum
, times in the game was there any were guests also. Mr. and Mrs. Bot­
Perry* E n j o y O u ti ng
Mr. and Mrs. William Perry and real danger of a tally for the visitors. kin and the ladies from Montana at­
Pederson in the sixth inning got tended the same college in the East
family went to Alsea last week, re­
turning Friday evening. Art Perry to third base with two out, and in the a few years ago.
and Mrs. B. O. Survey looked after eighth inning W. Erickson reached
the Liberty Theatre during their ab­ the third suck with one man out. Retu rns to Seat tle
Roberts grounded out to Russell and
Miss Nellie Rosenbaum o f Seattle,
Pederson struck out, ending the ses­ who had been visiting the Misses Sel­
sion and the chance of a score in the ma Isaacs and Ora Conway, guests
Here F rom Glad st on e
for the summer at the home of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Strickland of game.
Estacada’s first run was mude in Mae Reed, left for her home last Sat­
Gladstone visited at the home of Mrs.
Strickland's sister, Mrs. B. O. Sarver, | the beginning of the game when urday.
Minto walked, Ray Lovelace hit one
one day last week.
over the left field fence for two
bases advancing the star second sack-
er to third, and the squeeze play was
put over without a flaw on Fisher’s
The other two runs were made in
the sixth inning when Ray Lovelace
The one big contest in the Port­
The executive committee of the hit to right field for three bases, land Valley baseball league is sched­
Garden club announces the following Fisher singled scoring Ray and then uled for Sunday afternoon when the
rules for the annual flower show, to Fischer scored on two passed balls. Estacada Legionnaires go to Oswego.
According to the opinion of the A victory for Estacada would mean
be held in the Odd Fellows’ hall on
crowd, Wushougal was really enti­ a three-cornered tie for first place,
Labor Day.
All exhibits intended for prizes tled to but one hit ° K Russell. The while a victory for the lake nine will
must be in place by 10 o'clock in the members of the team were slow show­ end the Legionnaires’ chances for the
morning, when they will be judged. ing up Sunday, and when the time league championship.
TJie game will start at 2:30. The
The public will be admitted at 11 came to start the game Estacada was
short one man. Just at this time team plans to arrive in Oswego in
o ’clock.
The tables will be numbered and Haight, who has been playing third time for a good workout on the new
numbers will be drawn at the door base, arrived, and was sent to left j grounds, having played on that field
field, a position he had never played hut once this year, and that being
by exhibitors.
Each exhibitor must furnish his or before. He missed two flies that \ in the early part o f the season. It is
; expected that a large number o f locul
her own container. The judges will went for hits.
A foul ball, according to those who fans will follow the team to the home
be from Portland.
Prizes will be awarded for dahlias, could see the course o f the pellet, o f the league leuders, and winners o f
gladioli, delpheniums, single and dou­ was called fair, and counted for the the first half of the schedule.
ble asters, zumnia, marigolds, sweet third hit. The fourth and only real
hit made by the Merchants was in
peas, and general display.
the eighth inning when W. Erickson
Remember you do not need to be
batted one over the fence.
a member o f the Garden club to en­
Russell had eight strikeouts to his
title your flowers to prizes.
The Garfield Dorcas society will
credit. Kaiser o f the Merchants had
Anyone having choice garden flow­
I six strikeouts and Gaines had five, a meet with Mrs. Archie Yocum on
ers not mentioned above, please ex­
l total o f 11 for the two visiting Thursday, August 16.
hibit them, for extra prizes will be
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cushman of San
I moundmen.
given. A prize will be given for the
Al. Weinel was back in the game Diego, Calif., were guests o f Mr. and
most perfect dahlia.
Sunday, playing third base. He was Mrs. L. C. Posson last week. Mrs.
No flowers may be removed be­
o ff on batting, however, being Cushman was formerly Miss Edith
fore 9 p. m.
charged up with four strikeouts for Trowbridge and it has been eight
yaers since she left Estacadu.
as many times at bat.
C. Rex Parks returned Saturday
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Haight, who has made a perfect
| fielding score as third basemen this from a month’s vacation spent in
Misses Mary Alice and Florence year for Estacada, got one hit for British Columbia.
Mrs. Moxley has sold her place
June Reed were here from Portland two times at the plate.
to spend the week end.
Ray Lovelace starred Sunday, get­ near Morrow station to Mr. Dooley.
Morris Ely cams up from Portland ting a double and a triple for three
and visited his purents, Mr. and Mrs. trips to the plate. Minto, second
J. K. Ely, over the week end.
baseman, made the fourth hit for the
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen from Legionnaires.
Marmot were in Estacada last Bun-
This victory ties Estacada and
day to visit Mrs. Elizabeth Allen. Hillsboro for second place in the
They returned home the same day, league.
The result of the games
accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Marshall. | Sunday will no doubt decide the
Gilbert Gilgan has gone into the winner o f the pennant,
Plans for the Labor Day celebra­
rabbit business. Accompanied by his j
tion under the auspices o f the Libra­
The score:
mother they drove to Portland Sun­
ry association and the Estacada Band
(Continued on page six)
day and bought four chinchilla rab­
are very satisfactory so far. The
R ebec c as to G iv e Show
bits as foundation stock.
different committees are holding
The local Rebecca lodge will give meetings and getting the program o f
A few sanitary improvements are
being made in the grade school build­ a special show at the Liberty Theatre the day pretty well lined up. L. A.
Tuesday evening, August 21. The Chapman has charge o f the parade
Miss Anna Dillon left Saturday for title of the picture selected for this and he has been promised all kinds
a visit with friends at Eugene, Sa­ occasion is "F'inders Keepers. Laura o f assistance. The different lodges
lem and Portland and expects to be La Plante is starred in this produc­ have consented to put on drills, and
absent about a week or more.
many more have promised to get into
the parade with different “ stunts.”
Tentative plans are also being
C loth es line T h ie f Busy
Returns F rom Seat tle
The clothesline thieves are at work made for the carnival. There will be
Mrs. Mae Reed returned Saturday
evening from Seattle where she was again in Kstacada and the last report band concerts during the day and the
called to see her daughter, Mrs. R. C. shows that they made a large haul Liberty Theatre has secured splendid
The committees are
Demming, who had been seriously ill from the line at the J. H. Lovelan attractions.
with pneumonia following an attack residence. There is a clew to the | working splendidly on the cooked
j food stand and everything has been
o f the flu. She is much improved perpetrators.
arranged to serve hot dog sandwich­
and is on the way to recovery. Mrs.
Reed was accompanied home by her FOR SALE— Guernsey heifer, coming es, coffee, cakes, pies and ice cream.
The entire program will be on
three years, will have first calf
two grand children, Dorothy and
about Jan. 1. Will sell cheap if Broadway and Main streets between
Charles Demming.
taken at once. W. E. Stoothoff on Second and Third.
The carnival
Lemon ranch. Upper Garfield. Tel­ grounds are to be located on the va­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harkenrider
ephone 19-7.
2t cant lots near the postoffice.
left Saturday for Ocean Lake to visit
Everyone is invited by the com­
their daughter, Mrs. Walter Paulsen,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring, Mrs. mittee to plan to spend Labor Day in
for a week or ten days.
Gohring's mother, Mrs. John Blauth, Estacada where there will be plenty
and her guest, Mrs. William Becker, of entertainment all day and in the
G o to Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Rose and son drove to Government Camp on the evening a dance will be given with
first class orchestra music.
Loop highway Sunday.
left Sunday for Seattle.