E S T A C A D A , OREGON, F R ID A Y , J U L Y 20, 1928 V O LU M E X X II WHEELER KILLED Ai FARADAY BY SAW TO P OF HEAD C U T O FF W HEN THROW N IN T O M AC H IN E B Y PIE C E OF LOG ) - > Kasper Wheeler was instantly killed Tuesday evening at the W. E. Gilbert mill at Faraday when he was thrown into a saw. The top o f his head was cut off. The accident happened about 9:30 in the evening. He was working on the night shift with several other men and had remarked just a short time before the accident that the place was too dangerous and that he was going to quit Saturday. Witnesses said that he seemed to have been struck by a piece o f wood and thrown near the saw and his hand was caught and it seemed that he was jerked into the machine from this contact with the saw. A doctor was called immediately but Wheeler died instantly. He had resided in this community fo r a number o f years, but very little is known o f his family. A deputy sheriff from Oregon City went thru his effects at the house where he lived, but could find no address o f relatives. It is said, however, that he has a sister living in Pennsylvania, one in Kansas, and a brother in Switzerland where Kasper was born. He was about 65 years old and came to this country many years ago. L. A. Chapman, local mortician took charge o f the body and the fun­ eral commitment took place Thurs­ day afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the I. O. O. F. cemetery, Estacada. ‘TH E OLD F R O N T IE R ” P A G E A N T TO BE G IV E N “ The Old Frontier,” the great Oregon pageant piav is to be given ag..in this year at Gladstone Chau­ tauqua park, July 24, 25 and 26. This fine historical event will be pre­ sented on the evening o f these dates beginning at 8 o ’clock and is under the auspices o f all the community bodies o f Oregon C ity nnd Gladstone. The park will be open at 4 p. m. and that will give an opportunity fo r cars to enter, take picnic dinner and be on hand fo r the play. The story o f McLoughlin and thej many characters o f those days is very definitely told in eight episodes along with the wonderful frontier music by a large chorus. Some 300 participants -are enrolled this year, and that it will be an unusually at tractive entertainment seems cer­ tain. The admission is but 50 cents and 25 cents fo r children. Church Service Enjoyed The service o f songs at the M. E. church Sunday evening proved an innovation to those who participated and the evening was enjoyed by all present. Miss Ruth Dillon had the program in charge and favorite hymns were sung and interesting bits regarding the writing or history were given. Am ong those who gave talks were Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, Mrs. Mary Smith, W. H. Grabeel, Mrs. J. G. Hayman and others. Mr. Hayman gave a history o f the Methodist hym­ nal now in use in most o f the church­ es and Mrs. Harry Kitching sang her favorite song. Miss Ethel Hayman was the organist. Here from California Miss Johanna Lichthorn and sister- in-law, Mrs. A lb ert Lichthorn, ar­ rived the latter part o f last week from Northern California. Mr*. Lichthorn came back to see her moth­ er, Mrs. P. S. Stamp, who is very ill in a Portland hospital. Legion Dance at Eagle Creek Carl Douglass post o f the Am eri­ can Legion is giving a dance at the Eagle Creek hall on Saturday eve­ ning, July 21, to tfhich the public is invited. Good music has been provided fo r the occasion. Here for Funeral Herman K lett o f Portland came to Estacada Thursday morning to attend the funeral o f his friend, Kasper Wheeler. Hara from Marmot Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen o f Marmot ware Estacada visitors Wednesday. L IN N C LA N TO M E ET A T D IN T Y M OORE’S P A R K Cooke's Garden Attractive Park On Main Street The library association is to hold Invitations have been mailed to a meeting at the library Friday a f­ the members o f the Linn fam ily to ternoon, July 27, at 2 o’clock, and attend the tenth annual reunion and From a city dump where all re- made this old city dump into a very every member o f the association is picnic at Dinty M oore’s park on Ea­ attractive place. ! fuse was unloaded und one o f the gle Creek, Sunday, August 5. The The brush, and rock were cleared urged to be present as business o f E S T A C A D A W IN S C O N TE ST BY most unsightly places in the country first picnic o f this fam ily was held away, paths built back on the hill­ importance is to be transacted. Ev­ 21 TO 4 SCORE IN L A S T here ten years ago when the sisters to a very attractive park, is Bob side, flowers planted between the ery person who has a membership o f W. E. Linn were visiting here. Cooke’s Garden, just north o f the pathways, trees planted at differen t I card in the library is urged to at­ S U N D A Y ’S C O NTE ST They reside in the East but are here garage. places and a row o f cedar trees set tend this meeting. It is your library and you should be interested in ev­ now on a visit and will attend the Along with the improvement o f out on the border. The level part tenth reunion and picnic o f the his property, Mr. Cooke planned a has been seeded and made into a erything connected with it. Estacada Legionnaires won from family. small park that could be used as nice lawn. Davidson's Bakery here Sunday a f­ Caring fo r Carrier Pigeon The garage property has been re­ picnic grounds fo r visitors to Esta­ A few days ago a carrier pigeon ternoon by a score o f 21 to 4 in the Here from Portland cada. When the city lost the park modeled and the painters are just was flyin g around the residence o f second game o f this series in the Adolph Phillips o f Portland, ac­ on the river, it le ft the town without finishing with their job now, and Portland V alley Baseball league. companied by his two sons, visited a picnic site o f any kind, and Mr. Bob Cooke has one o f the finest Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore residence Kenneth Scales o f Sandy, pitching on Terruce addition, and a boy shoi Estacada Wednesday. Mr. Phillips Cooke has endeavored to supply this and neatest appearing garages in the fo r the local team, allowed ten scat­ owns the property on Main street want, on a small scale, and at the state, considering its size, and while at it, thinking it was a hawk. Mrs. tered hits in the game, and the Es­ which was used fo r a number o f same time beautify his surroundings. it has cost a considerable sum to Moore carefully picked it up and tacada team gathered 24 hits o f f dressed its wounds and now has it in years by William Dale when he was The fill on Main street le ft a very make all these improvements, Mr. Krieger, Ivison and Lehl pitching fo r in the general merchandise business miserable looking hole north o f tht Cooke feels that it has been money a box und it will be liberated as soon I as it is well enough to fly. It has the visitors. here. Cooke Garage. Mr. Cooke bought a well spent. The result o f the contest was never He invites the public to make use a band on its leg marked No. 54. fe w lots between his building and in doubt a fte r the first inning. Bill Mother V ery 111 o f Bob Cooke's Gardens as a picnic the Methodist church, and a fter the Fischer hit a home run in the first Sherman« in East Word comes from Rev. C. T. Cook expenditure o f quite a large sum has ground at any time. fram e with two men on, and again Letters from Miss Maude Sherman that his mother 's very low and it who with her mother le ft fo r an in the third inning socked another is only a question o f a short time ED S T E IN M A N BUYS FOUR INJURED IN W R E C K auto trip East shortly a fter school over the center field fence fo r a until she passes. Rev. Cook, with T R U C K IN G SE R V IC E N E A R GEORGE S U N D A Y Miller closed, reports that they arrived at circuit, with one on. Sid his daughter, Miss Geraldine, drove their destination without mishap and hit out a home run in the eigth in­ Miss V irgie Campbell o f Raymond, through to Kansus to see his mother, George Kitching has sold his in­ ning with two men on bases. enjoyed the trip very much. leaving here two weeks ago. terest in the Estacada-Portland M iss Mildred Matsoq o f Oregon City The Sellwood game fo r next Sun­ truck service to Ed. Steinman, his and Miss Carlyne C a liff und Jack day, which was scheduled to be Here from Saskatchewan Drive to Portland i C aliff o f George escaped serious in- partner. Mr. Kitching, in company played at Sellwood, has been changed Mr. and Mrs. J. W hitler and six Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Linn, accom­ with his w ife and fam ily, le ft for ¡ju ry Sunday when their car was to Estacada, and the Legionnaires panied by Mr. Linn’s sisters, Mrs. Condon and Eastern Oregon points wrecked near the C a liff home. Miss children arrived a fe w days ago from w ill entertain the Portland team on Campbell buffered a badly cut limb Saskatchewan, Canada, to visit Mrs. George Harding o f Detroit and Mrs. Thursduy to look up a location. the local grounds Sunday afternoon and several bad bruises, Jack suf­ W hitler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Elmer Smith o f Peoria, 111., who are This game w ill no Mayo. The fam ily is en route to L ob starting at 2:30. here on a visit, drove to Portland Mrs. Dale Injured fered a badly cut leg and Miss Mat- doubt be a close contest, as the team Angeles to visit a sister. Thursday. son suffered a sprained hip and Miss Mrs. William Dale, while picking from Sellwood has a victory over berries in the yard last Thursday, j C a liff had two mashed fingers and Davidson’s by a wide margin, and fe ll from a box and injured her j a badly bruised shoulder. lost to Hillsboro last Sunday by a The young people had come to Es- knee quite badly and has been con­ score o f 4 to 5. fined to her bed since. It is getting ! tadaca after the mail and morning In the second h a lf o f the schedule better, howevet, and she will prob­ | papers and on their return while Oswego, Hillsboro and Washougal ; driving about fifteen miles per hour ably be able to get around again have each won two games, Estacada met a car in a arther bad place and soon. and Sellwood have each won and after passing when an attempt was J. B. Woodard and Charles | lost a game and Sherwood, Barracks Herman Hanson, a farm er living made to get back on the road the car Straight o f Park Place were each and Davidson’s have each lost the in the Springwater district was ser­ M A R K E T ROAD TO BE H ARD SU RFACED SOON went across to the other side and fined $50 in Justice S. E. W ooster’s two games played. iously injured last Friday afternoon then dashed back across the road court here last week, on a charge o f when he was thrown from a hayrake Washougal won from Sherwood The county commissioners have again and finally rolled over and having salmon in their possession un­ and dragged fo r some distance by his last Sunday by a score o f 21 to 10 called fo r bids fo r concrete surfacing landed cross ways on the road. lawfully. A large number o f similar and Oswego and Vancouver Barracks team o f horses that had become The injured were brought to Es­ cases have been tried in Oregon City o f a strip o f road east o f Estacada, frightened and ran away. played a 12 inning game with the which is a part o f Market Road tacada at once and were given medi­ this year, without a single conviction, Mr. Hanson is about 60 years o f Lake nine coming out on the long cal aid by Dr. W. W. Gilbert. The most cases having resulted in hung end o f an 8-7 score. age and had been working in the No. 2. car was badly damaged. juries. field alone. About four o’clock he Curley Duncan was in Estacada’s Here from Chicago The convictions came as a part o f a lineup last Sunday fo r the first time came staggering to his home and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Parker o f Stevens on Vacation long war staged by the game com­ and while he is a good ball player Dr. W. W . Gilbert was immediately Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Stevens are mission against fish poachers in this Chicago ure visiting Mrs. K. H. and called. An examination revealed he showed the lack o f practice. Tw o taking a short vacation this week. county. Both Woodard and Straight that he had sustained a severe cut Miss Pamela Kenny at Eagle Creek. new men are scheduled to go into Mrs. Parker is a daughter o f Mrs. They le ft Wednesday fo r Roseburg. are well known to game authorities on his head, about ten inches long, the game fo r Estacada next Sunday, Corvallis and other places in the and were captured on the Clackamas and with the weak spots in the team and body bruises. A t first it was Kenny. southern, part o f the state and then river near the river mill with salmon patched up, Estacada should win ev­ thought that the skull had been fra c­ will go to Gleneden beach to spend BAND E M PLO Y E D FOR in their possession. tured, which was not the case. ery game during the rest o r the sea­ C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y F A IR j the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. According to State Game Warden son. There are but fiv e games le ft He was rushed to a hospital in The Estacada Band has been em­ F. Cary. C lifford, deputies are removing to be played this year, four o f them Oregon City and his condition was ployed by the fa ir board to play for barbed wire and hooks from the river at home, and the Oswego game away. said to be critical. No one witnessed Chaplin in “ The Circus” the entire fou r days o f the Clacka­ so that no bathers or swimmers will the accident and what caused the The box score o f Sunday's con­ mas County Fair at Canby this year. Don’t fo rg e t Charlie Chaplin in be injured. test follows: horses to run has not been learned. It is agreed that at least a twenty- “ The Circus” at the Liberty Theatre Estacada AB R H O A E piece band will be on duty during the July 25 and 26. FROM T H E G R E A T O U T Bronson ss ....... 5 3 2 3 4 Has Broken Ribs 0 entire show. T. Scales rf DOORS TO B R O A D W A Y ....... 3 1 1 2 0 0 J. R. Hughes is laid up with a few Returns from Portland ! cf. 6 4 4 2 0 0 broken ribs, caused by a fa ll about 6 4 4 6 3 0 LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. K. Ely and son Glenn drove to Lois Wilson, beautiful star Qf “ The S. Miller 2b ...... a week ago. ....... 5 1 3 3 1 2 Portland last Sunday to bring Mrs. Covered W agon,” “ North o f 36,” A. Lovelace lb 6 0 0 7 1 0 Spends Day in City other outstanding Russell If . ......... 1 1 3 1 0 0 Richard Hayman has gone to E ly home. She had been visiting her and countless Duncan 3b ....... 5 1 1 t 1 1 H. A. LaBarre o f the Model Sup­ Eastern Oregon to work in the har­ daughter in the city fo r a week. screen successes, comes to the Lib­ K. Scales p i ....... 4 3 3 1 4 0 ply company spent the day Wednes­ vest fields. erty Theatre here Sunday and Mon­ ' ....... 3 8 3 1 0 0 day in Portland on business. day as the featured player in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitaker re­ Breaks Wrist — —— — — __ ___ Mrs. John Stormer, who fe ll and FBO production, ‘ The Gingham G irl.’ 47 21 24 27 14 3 turned Tuesday evening from a few broke the bones in her le ft wrist on<1 Bates Reported III The picture affords her a part o f ’s AB R 11 O A E days visit at Corvallis. day last week, is at her home now particular appeal, and Miss Wilson, Becker 2b ........ 5 0 0 1 0 0 Ed Bates has been feelin g quite Mrs. Minnie Hanson and daughter Lehl ss ........ 4 0 0 1 2 2 poorly here o f late and does not get Estelle went to Portland Wednesday and getting along nicely . as the country girl who ventures c ..... G 1 2 8 0 0 down town as much as usual, the morning to visit friends, returning simultaneously into love and business, 1 4 1 2 i 1 0 LOCAL AND PERSONAL will even strengthen her hold on th e ! News is sorry to report. r f .. . 4 0 2 3 0 0 the follow ing day. ......... 4 1 1 r> 1 0 hearts o f theatregoers. ......... 3 t 0 2 3 0 Home on Furlough In “ The Gingham G irl” she is seen j Mrs. J. F. Dunlop was the guest LaBelle If ......... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Ed. Krigbaum, who is a member of as Mary Thompson, a g irl who starts Peeler 3b ......... 3 o f Mrs. W. H. Grabeel Sunday. 0 2 1 1 0 the U. S. navy, has been in this lo­ her business career as a baker o f | Ivison p ......... 1 0 0 0 0 2 S. E. Wooster is excavating in cality fo r several days visiting his cookies fo r the village store keeper front o f his residence fo r a garage. Totals 37 4 10 24 K 4 parents in the Garfield district. and eventually goes to the city and The H arry Kitching property is Three base hits, Krieger. First on becomes the active owner o f a big j being fixed up in style with a stone balls o f f Scales 1, Ivison 1. Two Aid Taking Vacation cookie factory. And, as often hap­ base hits Ray Lovelace, S. Miller, K. or cement walled terrace in the \ The sale oil the Cascade Garage to The Methodist Ladies Aid held a pens, the course o f true love persists [ Scales and H. Miller. Home rune, front, which will make a great im­ meeting Wednesday at the home o f ! L. E. Padberg o f Portland was com­ in running very unevenly. Fischer 2, S. Miller. Struck out the appearance o f the Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, which is the pleted Thursday, Roy W ilcox and F. provement There is statrling senes o f a "stu ­ by Scales 5, by Krieger 3, by Ivison Double plays, Bronson to A. last meeting fo r a fe w weeks, as the M. Forman selling their interests in property when completed. dio party” in Greenwich Village, with 2. Mr. and Mrs. George Townsend of Mary unwittingly becoming the cen- J Lovelace. Hit by pitcher, Bronson, the stock and equipment, as well as ladies are taking a vacation. Peeler, Ivison. Umpire, Gus liankc. Camp 8 were dinner guests o f Mr | ter o f the evening's happenings, and the Chevrolet agency. and Mrs. W. J. Moore Tuesday eve­ Nebraskans Hold Reunion Mr. Forman retains the building there are other sequences laid in a Returning to Alaska A most enjoyable event took place and real estate property adjoining. ning. lively N ew York cafe, with a “ floor Mrs. C. M. O ’ Neal and three chil­ Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. The new owner is in charge of Mrs. Frank Harkenrider is visiting show” in full operation. dren, who have been spending the W. L. Jones o f Vancouver, Wash., the business today. Bob Frazier o f with her daughter and fam ily at Bu- j The exceptional cast surrounding past year in Oregon and Washing­ when a number o f their old time Portland w ill be in charge o f the coda, Wash. Miss Wilson includes George K. A r-i ton, will leave first o f the week for Winside, Nebr., friends met there place and L. E. Padberg will also Mrs. A va Bronson went to Port-, thur. Hazel Keener, Jed I’ routy, Der- | La Touche, Alaska, there home. and enjoyed a picnic dinner. Mrs. be here, a son o f the owner. anld Saturday to visit her mother elys Perdue, Jerry Miley and Betty They have been visiting here fo r the N. fb Ecker o f Estacada was one of Mr. W ilcox will leave at once fo r who lives in California but is visiting Francisco. Direction o f “ The Ging­ past few weeks at the home o f Mrs. the guests. Reminiscenses o f events Antelope where he has extensive in Portland. ham G irl” was in charge o f David ' O ’N eal’s mother, Mrs. Shankland. and friends o f their form er Nebras­ \ property interests. Mr. Forman will Jess Stubbs, form erly o f Estacailn Kirkland. ka home, made the time pass too j retain his residence here but will de­ and Faraday, now residing in P ort­ MRS. W M M ATTO O N DIF.S quickly and the occasion was a jolly vote much o f hij^tim e to business land was here fo r a short visit Fri Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pogue o f Yam ­ A T HOMF. IN V IO L A one. The guests included Mr. and affairs in Eastern Oregon where he day. He was en route to the powei hill, Oregon, are the parents o f a Mrs. Wm. Mattoon o f Viola, who Mrs. Burt Smith and daughter. Miss owns a large wheat ranch and other plant at Camp 8 to do some special 9% pound girl born July 16. Mrs. Ruth Smith o f Forest Grove, Mr. and property. work fo r the P. E. P. company. He Pogue was form erly Miss Mary has resided in this section fo r many years, passed away at her home in Mrs. Matt H. Boyle o f Portland, was accompanied by his w ife andj Woodle o f Estacada. Viola Friday. The funeral arrange­ Mrs. R. E. Baxter, late o f Chicago, Returns to Portland daughter Lillie. 111., and Mrs. Ecker. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Snyder le ft Mrs. Gladys Duus, accompanied by ments had not been made when the Monday fo r Portland. Mr. Snydei Famoui Picture Here some friends, was here from Ante­ News went to press. Mrs. Mattoon was the w ife o f The Estacada Band has changed has been in Estacada fo r some time Charlie Chaplin w ill be at the Lib­ lope, Oregon, last week gathering the evening for practice from Mon being one o f the salesmen for the erty Theatre Wednesday and Thurs­ and canning berries. She visited at former county commissioner Wm. Estacada Lake project. day to Friday. day, July 25 and 26, in “ The Circus.” . the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus. Mattoon. FINEO FOR ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF SALMON HANSON INJURED WHEN TEAM RUNS AWAY PORILANO PEOPLE BUY THE CASCADE GARAGE J