SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $ 1 .5 0 P e r Y e a r S u b s cr ib e N o w I EDITORIAL SANDY NEWS SECTION SANDY FUNERAL HELO FOR TROS. DUNN THURSDAY SANDY LOCALS LOCALS Mrs. Joe Caldo’s mother, Mrs. Free admission to the Gresham Pall bearers at the Tommy Dunn Fields, arrived from Chicago last Fair will be a big drawing card. New rites were Joe Hall, Al. Haworth, week to spend the summer here. buildings have been erected for the George Hempe, John Holman, Byron After ail o f R. B. June’s suffering public convenience. The fair opens Edwards and Max Kligel. it was found necessary to take o f f July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murray had as Thomas Dunn, 05, whose funeral, his leg last week. A. C. Thomas went * * * * Sunday guests Miss Orrel Powell and Hollis Smith o f Monmouth, and in the conducted by Rev. Father Boniven- to see Mr. Jones after the operation. With four families o f Wilkinsons G. D. Orr plans to guide a party and two o f them named “ George” it evening Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duke and ture and assistant, was held here on of local high school students and oth­ Thursday. He was born near Camas, Lewis Murray were added to the will be a case o f finding out “ who’s Wash., and was married to Miss Eva- ers up Mt. Hood Sunday, July 21. who and which is which in the Cot­ party. There will probably be over twenty Rev. F. Dobberfuhl will preach his line Hite o f Orient in 1901. trell district. They settled in the Kelso district in the party which will go to the tim­ farewell sermon Sunday, July 22. * • * * Anna Hennessey, Mr. and Mrs. living at the present Dunn home since berline Saturday night. After all “ Jupe” seemed to know! Mrs. Pete Lenz and daughter Miss George Hennessey and Jim Allison 1905. Tommy had been crippled 26 what he was about— the gruin crops celebrated the Fourth at Washougal years and suffered much at times. Thelma Lenz are working in the Ba­ around here promise to be better than He was a man much loved and be­ kery-Lunch. with a party o f 18. All enjoyed a for severul years. Nellie and Pattie Greenwood will fine dinner and big time. Later in sides his family left many friends. play in a piano recital at the Fine the week Mrs. Hennessey was a guest Interment was at Sandy. B erries P r o f ita b le The surviving ure Mrs. Dunn, a Arts building in the city Thursday of her son and wife at the Multnomah It is estimated that $15000 came daughter, Mrs. W. G. Kenton, and night. These children are fast be­ hotel at dinner. into the Dover section from the straw­ Arthur Trinckets, step son of Ben son Lloyd, Mrs. Patrick Dunn, his coming famous. They are daughters berry crop just harvested. The ber­ Pickens, had his leg broken Tuesday mother, also one sister and three of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenwood ries averaged a ton and a quarter to night in a smash up near Rhododen­ brothers. formerly o f Bull Run but now of the acre and there were 100 acres in dron. Orient. Virgil A schoff was driving the Dover district. A larger acreage the Ford coupe in which he and seven S p end Fou rth H ere Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duke had sev­ will be planted this fall. Grain looks youngsters were riding. It is said Mr. and Mrs. Ileinie Junker and eral guests the latter part of the better at Dover than it has for five there was a head-on collision. The Clifford were out here to spend the week, including Mi-, and Mrs. De La years, the hay is fine, and all that injured boy was taken to Gresham. Fountain, who spent part of two days Fourth with relatives. is needed to harvest bumper crops and Calvin Collier and friend, Mr. Many inquiries are coming in from is good weather. and Mrs. Charles Collier and Mr. Col­ real pioneers of this section now liv­ Mill f o r Sale lier Sr., who were week end guests, ing in outside districts, so another The Pagh mill has been offered D a u g h t e r B or n wonderful time is in store for the lo for sale since the timber is cut and leaving Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bruce (Ruth Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Coon (Dorothy cal meeting o f the society on July 29. no more is available. ’ Gossett) are happy parents, their first Mattingly) are rejoicing over the ar­ The Union High School board was j baby, a nine-pound brown-eyed girl rival o f an eight and one half pound reorganized Saturday night, A. C. W il l G o to Iowa ; arriving at their home last week. daughter at their Molalla home. A. Baumback being elected chairman, E. Mrs. C. W. Bruce is making prep­ Frank Beers, who was so badly in­ J. Mattingly o f Sandy is a much F. Bruns vice chairman and J. A. arations to start back to Iowa on a jured May 7 by being cut with a saw pleased grandpa. Hall was re-elected clerk. visit soon and will bring her mother at his Eagle Creek mill, was here Will Updegrave is home from the home with her when she returns. j with Mrs. Beers recently and is able A. W. Bell has moved his family hospital and is getting along nicely. to get around with crutches. Fred to his mill on Sandyridge for the John Nelson and Mrs. Nelson are H ou se B e in g I m p r ov ed ! Wagner Jr., manages the mill, summer. on a trip to San Francisco where Dr. A. Williams is having his house i Mrs. Hoyt has been appointed jan­ they motored in a new car to spend stuccoed and says he is now almost itor for the Sandy grade school. The the Fourth with Mrs. Nelson’s sis­ TO HOLDERS OF ready to do his own housekeeping, Hoyts live on the Marshall place ter, Mrs. Annie McKinney. and will be when he gets the plumbing which they purchased two years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alt drove to installed. , on the road south o f the school. Wapanitia Sunday and investigated Mrs. Laura Mack was visiting Mrs. the price o f alfalfa hay, which they Le av es f o r K e n tu ck y Lola Thiess a few days the past week. found too “ steep” in price to pur Mrs. Joel Jail put Ethel Williams Mrs. Mack is a former teacher of chase. on the train recently to send her back this vicinity. T h e T re a s u ry offers a new Mrs. A. C. Baumback left for a 3/-6 p e r c e n t . 12-15 year to Kentucky to her home. An aunt Announcements have been received trip to Iowa about ten days ago and T r e a s u r y b o n d in e x c h a n g o will meet her at Louisville. Ethel | here of the marriage o f Ruth, eldest for T h i r d L i b e r t y 'L o a n Bonds. will return the latter part o f August. came here last year and attended the daughter o f Dr. and Mrs. Barendrick, Mrs. Baumback is visiting relatives T h e n ew b o n d s w ill bear Kelso school. former Sandy residents, to Paul Car i n t e r e s t f r o m J u l y 16, 1928. and friends at her old home. Interest on T h ird L iberty michael. Both arc o f McMinnville. Mrs. Robert Gray and little son ar< L o a n B o n d s s u r r e n d e r e d for 1 Remember the Sunday school all- recovering from a bad attack o f ton P rep a r in g f o r Patient exc ha ng e will be paid in full Mrs. R. F. Dittert’s recent patient ! day meeting at the G. Stucki home to Sept em be r 15, 1928. silitis. A. C. Baumback is working on a has gone to Bend but another is ! Sunday, beginning at 10 o ’clock. H ol de rs should consult their Mrs. Louise Allen, Corvallis, Miss b a n k s at o n c e f o r f u r t h e r d e ­ hurry up job o f moving ten building; coming soon. Mrs. Dittert has fixed tails of this offering. at Valley Junction, Polk county up her home for nursing and no doubt ! Maxine Allen, Adams, Ore., Miss An- where the highway is being straight­ will soon have all she can take care dra Allen and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Third Liberty Loan Bond* ened. E. F. Buell went with Baum­ o f as such a convenience is badly Allen o f Rickreal were recent over mature on September 15, night guests at the home o f Mr. and needed at Sandy. back on the work. 1928, and will cease to Mrs. Fred Decker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koennicke and bear interest on that date. Friedel Wuinsche, who took ill children took a 400 mile auto trip Mr«. Da hrens III Adolph Dahrens has been in the while working on the road a week over the Fourth, going to Astoria. A. W . M E LL O N , Long Beach, on through Washington city with his mother the past week ago, has had a severe time with ery- Secretary o f the Treasury. points and back via Longview, re­ as she is very ill from hemmorrhage 1 sipelas and has been confined to his W a s h i n g t o n , July 5, 1928. o f the brain. Mrs. Helen Dahrens bed. turning at midnight Thursday. Following is the report o f Sandy has also been with her. Mrs. Adolph Dahrens has had her parents and postoffice: Domestic letters register­ brother and sister with her all the ed 426, a gain o f 114; foreign 19, a week. Her brother is recovering from ¡gain of 5; domestic money orders is­ sued 1410; foreign 17; C. O. D. arti­ an operation on his lip. cles 18, gain o f 14; insured articles ! 229, loss o f 12. Fails F ro m W in d o w There will be a meeting o f the H. A. Ten Eyck says his son Bobby Sandy, Oregon out o f the upstair window.shrdluet members o f Pleasant Home cemetery must be born to fly as he “ flew ” out association at the Pleasant Home M. Manufacturers and Dealers in o f the upstairs window while in his E. church Friday night, July 13. All sleep one night and landed on the lot owners are asked to come. ROUGH AND DRESSED FIR AND CEDAR Mrs. Floyd Mack of Gresham is to ground safely. Ten Eyck heard the LUMBER boy hit and jumped out o f the down­ have a large display o f fancy work stairs window himself expecting to , from Sandy and vicinity entered al ORDERS FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE see the child crushed. Bobby awoke the Gresham fair which begins July 25. Prizes will be given. Call Mrs. crying but was uninjured. Mack if interested, who says “ send We Deliver anywhere something all ready on hand.” P o w e r L ine E x te n d e d The Theodore Koennicke’s have The new light and power line is Phone Res. 324 . Mill 131 Sandy been entertaining Mrs. Rupp, sister now installed as far as Cedar creek by the Mt. Hood Electric company. o f the former from San Francisco, The Willard Bosholm home was the for three weeks. Mrs. Rupp had not 4'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM 2: first to have “ juice” turned on Sat­ been here for about fifteen years. urday night. Hewitts, at Cedar She is now at Seattle. Third Liberty Loan Bonds ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR PIONEER MEETING A meeting was held Sunday at the Jonsrud Grove by officers of the Sandy Pioneer and Early Settler’s society and arrangements were com­ pleted for the third annual picnic of the society. Caspar Junker was appointed chair­ man o f the refreshments committee, Mrs. Alice Webster, chairman of the reception committee, Mrs. Robert Jonsrud assistant and John Revenue toastmaster. Everything is lining up for the big­ gest time “ yet.” Bring basket dinner, cup and spoon. C offee free. i When stored in the banks of the country forms a basis of credit that is of material advantage to you and the community in which you live. The money which is held in hiding or carried in the pocket is of no benefit to anyone. One might as well expect returns from the iron and copper ore or gold nuggets stored in the depths of the earth. It is said that statistics show that if all the unnecessary money carried in pockets were properly invested the returns therefrom would pay all of our taxes. Provide yourself with a check book and pay by check rather than with cash. Check books furnished free. E | | creek, celebrated by having a display o f colored lights on the front o f their * D R . C H A S . P. J O H N S O N lovely log residence which overlooks Dentist Cedar creek. Poles are set as far * Practice limited to extraction o f as Alder creek. * teeth and minor oral surgery, * nerve blocking & gas anesthesia Thiev e* W o r k Hardship * 453 Morgan Bldg. Portland The parties who stole the Rhode Island Red hens from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frenz o f Sandyridge the night S chueb el, B eat ti e & Miller before the Fourth, worked a terrible *.. Attorneys at Law hardship on the family. The largest hens were selected, their heads * 6 per cent state school money to thrown on the ground and no doubt * loan on farms; General law prac- a feast was heM at the expense of * tice. Bank o f Oregon City Bldg. Oregon the Frenz family which could ill af­ * Oregon City ford it. Between one and two dozen laying hens were taken by the thieves * j Fat he r o f P. T. S helley Dead * P. T. Shelley and Jonnie attended * the funeral o f the former's father. Rev. Troy Shelley, 83, at Hood River, * July 5. Mrs. Shelley was unable to go and leave her mother. Rev. Shel­ ley was a pioneer and very active un­ til the past year or two. He learned to drive an auto after he was 75. “A Strong Bank” The well known evangelist, Billy Gresham, Oregon Ë Sunday, conducted the funeral. Mr. Shelley came over the Barlow trail fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- in the early days. First State Bank I I DR F. C B R O S I U S , M. D. O ffice 2nd door West o f Meat Market Sale o f F ar m A n n o u n c e d Sale of the former I). Brooks Ho­ gan farm o f 70 acres at Cottrell, is announced. The purchasers are Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkinson o f Aimes, who are prominent Ayrshire dairy­ men. The new owners will move on the place soon, it is said. W o r k i n g f o r Pick le F a c t o r y Charles Dubarko is delivering pick­ les for the Kircher Pickle factory all over the country and is letting the wood business rest for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ten Eyck and tioys were in Sanwy recently. Ten Eyck is a prominent rancher at Mar­ mot. G. D. Orr and fumily had a short visit Sunday from Dr. Paul J. Orr and family and Mr. Davis of Seattle. Mrs. Lottie Tomlinson, former San­ dy teacher, was in Sandy Tuesday night. N o t ic e to Creditor s No. 3884 In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for the County o f Clack­ amas. In Probate. In the matter o f the estate of Frances T. Stockton, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned hag been appointed by the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the county o f Clackamas, depart­ ment o f probate, administrator o f the estate o f Frances T. Stockton, de­ ceased, and has qualified. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre­ sent the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned, at the office o f the Eastern Clackamas News, Estacada, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date hereof. Dated and first published June 22, 1928. Date o f last publication, July 20, 1928. W. L. STOCKTON, Administrator. McGUIRK & SCHNEIDER, 203-5 Withrow Bldg., Gresham, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. 6-22 7-20 Gates Funeral Home Gresham- Oregon aiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiin E Reserve District No. 12 Charter No. 71 E R E PO R T OF C ONDITION OF THE | CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK j E E 1 s s = = E E E E B = ” At Sandy, in the State o f Oregon, at the close o f business June E 30, 1928. = RESOURCES = Loans and discounts .................................................. $138,959.28 E Overdrafts secured and unsecured ........ 806.46 s U. S. Government securities owned ................................ 12,600.00 Other bonds, warrants and securities 117,805.57 Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments etc. 3,250.00 Banking house, $3,200; furniture and fixtures $3,850 7,050.00 Real estate owned other than banking house . . 800.00 Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, approved re- serve agents of this bank .......................................... 12,972.44 Net amounts due from other banks, bankers and trust companies .................................................................... 45,629.66 Total rash and due from banks $58,602.10 Total ................................................................................ $334,373.41 E E E E E E E E E S 5 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ............................................................. $ 20,000.00 Surplus Fund 7,000.00 Undivided profits | | ,lt9 sl6 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid ........................................ 8,096..35 842.81 £ £ = z: D E M A N D D E P O S I T S , s u b je c t to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the state o f Oregon, county, cities or other public funds . 154,192.74 Demand certificates o f deposit outstanding 200.00 Cashier's checks outstanding. 920.59 Certified checks outstanding 75.00 Total demand deposits, subject to reserve $155,388.33 T I M E A N D S A V I N G S DEPOSITS su bje c t to reserve: Time certificates of deposit outstanding 5,133.06 Savings deposits, payable subject to notice .. 146,009.21 Total o f time and saving deposits $151,142.27. Total ................................................................................$334,373.41 = E Sandy, Oregon Minister H ere Phone 2471 ' £ D R . H. A. S C H N E I D E R DEN TIST P h o n e Sandy 151 An all day and evening family cel. ebration waa an event at the J. W. Dixon home. Dixon and wife and daughter went to the coast to stay a week, but Jim eared little ubout what the wild waves were saying and in two days they were home again and Jim had a real celebration with the following: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Howitt, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Ganger and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. James Og­ den and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Howitt and daughters Edna and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Poole. Distance is no question with us. Our equipment is at your service day or night. * £ • E • :£ * ) s . z- z: E • E • E * * Dixon* C elebrate Service... | £ 5 Is jz = • W eds Miss Martha Hoffman must have been a lovely bride judging from the pictures in the Oregonian and Journal Sunday. She is now Mrs. Oscar Brandes. Martha was a very popular Sandy girl before the Hoffmans moved to the city two years ago. De­ tails o f the wedding have not been re­ ceived here but “ we all” wish the couple well. E Sandy, Oregon Oregon Visit O r r F am ily F o r m e r Resident E * * = * T e le p h o n e 341 San dy , Rev. S. C. Schoen and wife were here Sunday calling on the Lutheran congregation. They will leave for Wisconsin again at once and if the pastorate there releases Mr. Schoen they will move here in September. Rev. R. Messerli, Oregon City, will Radford-Jacobson W edding The wedding o f Floyd Radford and supply the pulpit after the present Mary Jacobson on July 5 is an­ pastor leaves. nounced. The bride was a resident of Dodge park. The couple were duly Mitchell I m pr ov ing chivaried at the Alonzo Radford home Ned Mitchell, who was injured the same evening, and Floyd brought when he fell from the P. E. P. flume on the candy and cigars. About for­ where he was employed, was taken to ty were present. Mr. and Mrs. Rad­ the hospital and is getting along ford will make their residence at the very nicely. head works soon. A. W. Bell Lumber Co. I Money Is Not | Wealth--But MRS. J. M. C. M I L L E R E ditor E E E £ j£ jz E E E £ State o f Oregon, County o f Clackamas, ss. £ I, Fred I*. Proctor, cashier o f the above named bank, do sol- emnly swear that the above statement is true to the heat of my z: knowledge and belief. FRED L. PROCTOR, Cashier. E CORRECT ATTEST Subscribed and sworn to before me W. A. PROCTOR this 7th dav •< July, 1928. J. G. 8LBRET RONALD E. ESSON, Notary Public. CECIL O. DUKE, My commission expires Feb. 4, 1930. Directors. ' r: 1111 ii ill i i 11111111111111 ill 111111 il 1111 it 111111 if i ii 1111111 il 111 li l m i m 11111 m 5 5 E E i 111 ill i ill 11111111 izt