VOLUME XXII ÎEastmt (Elarkctmas H mm ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY G, 1928 MRS. W ARD JO N E S D IE S IN O R EG O N CITY H O S P IT A L R etu rn s from C alifo rn ia NUMBER 10 V isit Miss S tu rg eo n Eddie Linn, who accompanied Mr. ESTACADA CLUB WINS Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shriner, friends RAIN INTERFERES WITH Mrs. Ward Jones of Clackamas, HILLSBORO CLUB TO and Vivian Mrs. Lusk and daughter. Miss of Miss Maude Sturgeon, who reside Gorham, on a trip to Califor­ in Portland, were visitors of Miss nia, returned home last Friday, having THREE GAMES IN ROW Sturgeon Wednesday. daughter of J. J. Davis, passed away PLAY HERE SUNDAY CELEBRATION PLANS at the Oregon City hospital Thursday ! gone as far as San Francisco with them. They were detained some on M ISS FIN K C H O SEN AS GO D D ESS O F L IB E R T Y ; M ISS M EY ER S IS C L O SE SECOND morning following an operation for O ccupy C ary R esidence g: 11 stone3. At this time no arrange­ N E W SC H E D U L E D R A W N U P FOR the way on account of the illness of O SW E G O D E F E A T E D BY 9 TO 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ecker of Port­ Mr. Lusk, who went to California to ments for the funeral have been an­ land arrived Tuesday evening and will SECO N D H A L F O F SE A SO N ; SC O R E ; BA R R A C K S LOSE improve his health. nounced. remain in Estacadu for u time, occu­ pying the W. F. Cary residence. F IV E GAM ES H E R E T W O C O N T E ST S H ere From P o rtlan d V isit at L aw rence Home Mr. and Mrs. Albert Belfils of Mrs. George Went of Portland was visited Albert’s mother, Mrs. The second half of the 1928 base­ the guest of her friend, Mrs. George Estacada Legionnaires have been Despite the rainy weather the cel­ Portland Myrtle Belfils, at this place a few ball season in the Portland Valley Lawrence, last wqek. pluying winning baseball during the ebration on the Fourth went off as deys last week. League starts Sunday when the Hills­ past week. The double header on the scheduled, with slight variations of boro club comes to Estacada. The Bull R un People H ere Fourth counted five straight wins for the program. The Goddess of Lib­ M rs. S m ith lit and Mrs. W. L. Maplethorpe Estacada since losing u game. erty, Miss Fink, was crowned at the Mrs. O. E. Smith was on the sick new schedule gives Estacada five of of Mr. visited Estacada rela­ The big feature event of the base­ baud stand in the park, one hour later list last week, but is about well again the seven games to play at home. tives Bull and Run attended the celebrution ball seuson was the Oswego game on Sellwood has been taken into the than planned, the first of the day’s now. here Wednesday. league and Estucaad will play one Sunday. Chief Manning, who had program. game there and one game at Oswego, pitched twelve games this season, The town was filled with cars be­ D rive to M ontana F u n eral H eld fo r H. B eers with only one defeat, and who had rest being played at home. fore the parade got under way and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade and chil­ the Oswego won the cup in the first Funeral services were held last never been batted out of the box, the streets were lined with people dren of Estacada left the first of last half, Hillsboro second place, Thursday for Hobart Beers, brother was "easy” for the Legionnaires, and along the line of march. There were week on an auto trip to Montana to Sherwood third taking of Henry Beers of this place, who walked out in the seventh inning af­ and Estacada a number of prettily decorated cars visit relatives. They expect to be Oswego was defeated in two fourth. died at the Good Samaritan hospital ter the score stood 8 to 4 against games absent one month. Art Perry Is in in the parade and a real nice float in Portland, June 25. him. only, by Estacada and Hillsboro. The entered by the U-Need-A Bakery. charge of Wade's service station dur­ winner of the second schedule will But for an error in the first inning First prize in the parade went .to ing their absence. play off a series with Oswego to de­ the score would have been 9 to 1 in Mrs. Harry A. LaBarre, and the en­ favor of Estacada. termine the champions. LEGION AND AUXILIARY try of the American Legion was given The schedule following was ar­ The games on the Fourth were second place. LARGE FORCE EMPLOYED ranged and adopted by the managers rather tame, both being very one­ CHOOSE DELEGATES sided affairs. Shiftless Aughto, a vehicle entered of the eight clubs at a meeting held The home team beat by a soap company of Oregon City, IN M I. HOOD FOREST in Portland Monday night: Vancouver Baracks 9 to 3 in the was given first prize for the most July 8— Hillsboro at Estacada, first contest and 7 to 1 in the second. The last meeting until after the comical entry, second going to the Davidson’s Bakery at Sellwood, Os­ summer Russell started in the box for Es­ vacation of the American Le­ Broadway Garage. Ranger A. W. Armstrong of the wego at Sherwood and Washougal at gion and the American Legion Aux­ tacada, but after an eight run lead Following the parade a patriotic Forest been piled up against the soldiers now has fifty men out Vancouver Barracks. iliary was held at the Odd Fellows had program was given at the band stand on trails, service July 15— Davidson’s Bakery at Es­ the manager decided to save him for roads, and in the protection hall Monday evening. The meeting in the park, B. F. Lindas of Oregon ft rce. A large share of the person­ tacada, Vancouver Barracks at Os-1 a hard contest next Sunday and Rie- had been arranged to be held at the City giving a splendid patriotic ad­ nel are local men and many of them wego, Sellwood at Hillsboro and Sher­ bhoff finished the game. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland dress. a e for the first time learning that wood at Washougal. but on account of the cool weather The second battle was easier than The ball game at the park, dancing p.' July 22— Estacada at Sellwood, first. Kenneth Scales, pitching otection of the National forests is it at the Masonic hall, and band con­ not entirely a summer outing on pay. Davidson’s at Washougal, Vancouver was held at the usual meeting place the Estacada, allowed but three hits certs during the afternoon enter­ The watershed of the South Fork at Sherwood and Hillsboro at Oswego. in town. A potluck dinner was a for and while he got himself into a hole feature of the program. tained the crowds. July 29— Vancouver Barracks at' to put the ball over the plate, of the Clackamas river from which The street dance was not held be­ Oregon City and West Lynn gets its Estacada, Davidson’s Bakery at Os­ Delegates were chosen to the state failure the result was never in doubt after convention which meets in Medford in cause of the threatening weather, but water has been closed by or­ wego, Washougal at Hillsboro, and August, as follows: Legion—J. C. the first inning. Ray Lovelace was a dance in the evening was given in der of supply, the district forester to all u.;e Sellwood at Sherwood. Moreland, G. E. Parks and Dr. W. W. | the receiver in this game and starred the club house in the park, which was except that this does not prohibit August 5— Washougal at Estacada, Gilbert; Auxiliary— Mrs. J. W. Moore with the bat, getting the longest home well attended. a. tual settlers from going to and Davidson’s Bakery at Sherwood, Van-, delegate and Mrs. Grover Kiggins, al­ run over center ever seen on this The program ended with a fire­ from their homes. All persons are couver at Hillsboro and Oswego at ternate. The expenses of the dele­ field. works display on the hill east of town p ohibited being on this area Sellwood. gates will be paid by the organiza­ Due to a misunderstanding the which was highly enjoyed by those until further from August 12— Estacada at Oswego. Boring team did not come to play notice unless with a per­ tion. who waited for it. A midnight mati­ mit from the district ranger, A. W. Davidson’s at Vancouver Barracks, their scheduled game. Some of the nee at the Liberty also entertained a Armstrong. This action was neces­ Sherwood at Hillsboro, Sellwood at baseball committee decided to have O pens P ressing Shop large number of visitors. Mr. Armstrong says, on account Washougal. their game in the morning at 10:30, Miss Gertrude Fink was chosen as sary, Arthur Freeman, who came to Es- I j and August 19— Sherwood at Estacada of the hazard created by fishermen Boring was not notified until the Goddess of Liberty winning by a crossing the area. from Idaho a few weeks ago afternoon Davidson’s Bakery at Hillsboro, Van­ tacada on Tuesday. The manager to join the Legionnaire baseball club, small margin over Miss Evelyn Mey­ A very unusual situation for this couver Barracks at Sellwood and said he was unable to get his men to­ has opened a cleaning and pressing gether irr time ers, Miss Gertrude Marshall taking season of the year is that foggy Washougal at Oswego. and that he would not third place and Miss Mary Sharnke v-eather shop in the LaBaare building in con-1 with visibil­ play. Word was sent back for them nectiort with the barber shop. H e! fourth. The other candidates for the ity to such has an interferred that it has been T each er Visit» come on and play according to the appreciate any business thrown to honor dropped out before the end of difficult, and in extent some cases imposai- Miss Olga Samuelson, who taught will schedule, but not until after other the contest. his way by the baseball fans as well j fc e to date, to see far enough from in the high school here last year, and as the general public. arrangements had been made by the Estacada entertained a large crowd the lookout stations to properly set Boring manager. who has been retained for the coming and had the weather been favorable v ;) and orient the fire-finding instiu- school year, attended the celebration Goes to G leneden it is not easy to estimate the number n.ents. Mrs. R. E. Baxter, who has been 1 G uests of Rhodes of people who would have been here. George Cook of the Garfield dis- here on the Fourth. visiting Mrs. N. B. Ecker, left Mon- ^ Miss Lola Johnson of Aurora was The officers of the band wish to t.ict, and an employee of the forest day evening for Portland and Tuesday \ the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. express their appreciation to all those service, has been honored by his se­ Closes B a b re r Shop Jess Denny has closed his barber accompanied her niece and family | Rhodes last week. who assisted in making the celebra­ lection as a member of the inter- shop on Main street and is working and several other families to Glen- J tion a success. It was the co-opera­ forest flying squadron. The mem­ tion received that made the under­ bers of this squadron are selected as for Bert Lundberg while the latter eden Beach on the coast to visit the H ere From G resham is on his vacation. W. F. Cary family. Mrs. Baxter will Among the Fourth of July visitors taking possible. o/erhead if large fires occur on any remain there for a few weeks’ visit. in Estacada from Gresham were Mr. Miss Gertrude Fink also wishes to cf the three large forests in Washing­ and Mrs. Sherman Kilgore und fam ­ thank her friends for their support ton and Oregon. The squadron was L ooney Goes to H ospital Wilbur Looney was taken to a | ily. G uests of D ales in the Goddess of Liberty contest. fortunate in having a local man of Portland hospital the latter part of Dr. and Mrs. Will Dale and son lbs capabilities available. last week to be operated on. At this Billy from Portland were guests at S pend F o u rth at Home Goes to R oseburg time he is reported to be getting the home of Mr. Dale’s parents, Mr. Harry Osborne and Maurice Bul­ U. S. Morgan reurned Wednesday S ervices to Be H eld R egularly evening of last week from a business A committee has charge of the ser- alnog as well as could be expected. and Mrs. William Dale, W ednesday.) lard came down from the mountains spend the Fourth at their homes trip to Roseburg. Miss Lillian Dale, of Wallowa, who is j to v ces at the M. E. church while Rev. here. attending summer school in Portland, ! C. T. Cook is absent. Next Sunday H ere fo r th e F o u rth S. & S. H A R D W A R E O F F E R S morning A. DeMoy will speak. Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Rexxx Ludlow en­ was also present. V isit W ith Elys FA R M E R N E W S E R V IC E day evening W. W. Dillon, general joyed a visit from the latter's father Mrs. Jack Norton and baby ar­ H ere From A ntelope s -cretary of the Spokane, Wash., Y. and mother from Portland, on the rived from Portland Tuesday to visit Sam Powell of the George district M. C. A., will have charge of the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny and at of her parents, Mr. and has been employed by the S. & S. services. Mr. Dillon is much in de­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Duus of Ante­ Mrs. the J. home K. Ely, for a few days. Hardware store in the rapacity of mand as a speaker in Spokane and V isits at O sborne Hom e lope, Ore., form er residents of Esta­ salesman. Mr. Powell will “carry surrounding communities. cada, attended the celebration here E. A. Whitman, nephew of Mrs. A rrive From E ast the hardware store to the farm er” John Osborne, came up from Port­ Wednesday. Mrs. George Harding of Detroit, As a part of his duties he will list K aake F am ily E n te rta in s land, where he has been attending Mich., and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Pe­ the farm machinery carried by the A pleasant family gathering was college, to spend the week end at the H ere From M ilw aukie different farmers of the district, and held at the William Kaake home on Osborne home. He left Monday for Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ritchie and oria, Illinois, sisters of W. E. Linn when repairs are needed the neces- the Fourth by members of the Keller California. family, formerly of Estacada, but j and Mrs. Julius Krieger, arrived last say information as to make, model, family, honoring the sisters of J. W. now of Milwaukie, were among the Saturday to visit relatives here for a etc., will be available. The firm will and J. K. Keller of Dodge, who are T aken to H ospital celebation visitors in Estacada Wed­ few weeks. give the farm 24-hour service in the here from the East visiting. They Mrs. Ford Darrow was taken to a nesday. Spend W eek E nd H ere furnishing of repairs, and in many r.re Mrs. Meno Good of Bronson, Portland hospital Tuesday suffering The Misses Mary Alice and Flor­ cases 12 hour service, Mr. Powell Mich., Mrs. C. W. Brooks of Kala­ with a very bad attack of rheuma­ G lads in Bloom states. The first to report the blooming of ence June Reed spent the week end mazoo, Mich., and Mrs. Joseph Keller tism. Mr. Powell is an engineer and has of Toledo, Ohio. gladiolus this year was Mrs. Ray at their home here. had years of experience in installing Keith of Faraday. The plant stands H ere from M aupin water systems and farm machinery V isits G ran d p aren ts four and one-half feet high and the Com e fo r the F ou rth ment, and benefit ofedtthis? pnah The Misses Elaine and Elma A. E. Trautman was in Estacada flower is very large and beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Fifer were quipment, and the farmers of this Shuck of Yamhill, Ore., are visiting Monday morning. He lives at Mau here from Portland to visit relatives vicinity are to have the benefit of his their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. pin, Oregon, and came over the Spend the F o u rth at R hododendron and attend the celebration Wednes­ experience without additional cost. G. Moore, at the Estacada hotel. Miss mountain with a drove of sheep to Mrs. R. R. Cooke, her father and day. Lola Moore and her mother were graze during the summer months. mother and the children, spent the T each er C hosen Portland visitors this week. Fourth at their summer cottage at L eaves on V acation V isiting G ra n d p are n ts University of Oregon, June 30.— Rhododendron on the Loop highway. C. Rex Parks left Friday for Van­ Miss Fanny Maule has been visit­ couver, B. C., and other cities in the Miss Beatrice Wilder, who has been | G ohrings R etu rn Canadian province, to spend his va­ employed as teacher in the high ’ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring ar­ ing with her grandparents, Mr. and H ere From P o rtlan d school at Estacada for the com ing; rived home Friday evening from a O. J. Skaggs, for the past week. She Perry and William Hirte with theit cation. He expects to be away at year, has an excellent record in activ­ short vacation trip to Tacoma, Seat­ left Thursday night for her home at wives were here from Portland for least two weeks. Payette, Idaho. the Fourth of July and were guests ities and scholarship at the Univer­ tle and British Columbia. P o rtlan d S tars H ere at the Home restaurant. sity from which she graduated this | Sigafoos and Smith, baseball stars June.. She is an accomplished musi- [ H ere from C alifo rn ia A tte n d P om ona G range ............ on the Portland Beaver club, wete cian and has been prominent in mus­ Mrs. S. H. Irvine and family of Mrs. George Kitching and her H eer fo r C elebartion ical activities on the campus. She Lodi, Calif., were visiting her sister, mother, Mrs. Rose Lovell, attended Morris Ely accompanied by his picnicking in Estacada one day last played the violin in the -University Mrs. F. Edmonson, at the Estacada Pomona grange at Sandy Wednesdaj f friend, Steve Gardner, came up from week and called on Ray Lovelace hotel, last week. 1 of last week. Portland to attend the celebration. while in town. orchestia. Her home is at Band. V isits Folks H ere Miss Irene Hayden visited home folks in Estacada Wednesday and re­ turned to Portland Thursday morn­ ing. L eave for K ansas Rev. C. T. Cook, pastor of the M. E. church of Estacada, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Geraldine Cook, left Tuesday morning for Valley Falls, Kan., to see Mr. Cook’s mother, who is very sick. They are driving through in their car. MASONS ANO STARS GO TO FOREST GROVE About twenty-five went from Es­ tacada to Forest Grove Sunday to visit the Masonic and Eastern Star home. They drove over and most of them enjoyed a picnic dinner in the park at that place, after which they went back to the home where services were held at 2 o’clock. The program was entertaining and consisted of singing, prayer by A. De Moy, instrumental selections by the Misses Evelyn, Pauline, and Fred Buell, two violins and the piano; ad­ dress by A. C. Daig of Oswego; vocal solo by Mrs. Harry Kitching, “ In That City Four Square,” with Miss Edith DeMoy at the piano; reading by Mrs. Herrick of Lakeview; vocal solo by Mr. Hollinger. Several chapters and lodged were visitors at the home that day. Those going from Estacada were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell, Misses Pau­ line, Evelyn and Fred Buell, Mrs. N. B. Ecker, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Rose, Miss Pauline and Richard Rose, Mrs. O. E. Culver, Mrs. Harry Kitching, Mrs. Fred Leihanuner and mother, Mrs. Thumburg, Mrs. O. E. Syron, Mrs. George Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. A. DeMoy, Mr. and Mrs. George El­ lis, Mr. and rMs. H. C. Stephens, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen and Mrs. Mar­ shall. M ISS BECK BECO M ES B R ID E O F L E ST E R W E L L S Miss Rhoda Beck of Estacada be­ came the bride of L. Lester Wells of Yacolt, Wash., Friday evening, June 29, at the home of the bride’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Berk, Rev. D. E. Dent of the Estucada Christian church performing the marriage, us­ ing the ring ceremony. Miss Cathleen Beck, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Wells was attended by Jack Aikins as best man. Preceeding the ceremony. Miss Cathleen Beck sang “Love's Old Sweet Song” and Miss Elva Shibley played the wedding march. The bride wore a charming gown of apricot colored crepe dc chine and carried a lovely bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. The maid's dress was a flowered rayon voile. After the ceremony, which was per­ formed in the double windows with wild orange blossoms, ferns and roses forming an arch, the happy young couple, their relatives and the few friends present, partook of splendid refreshments including the bride’s cake which she cut, served by Mr. and Mrs. Beck and family, and then the newlyweds left for Portland fol­ lowed by a shower of rice and the best wishes of all present. The bride was u teacher in the grade school here two years and the love and esteem in which she is held was shown by the numerous and beautiful presents. They will reside in Yacolt, Wash., where their many friends wish them a long, pleasant and prosperous life. Those from out of town attending the wedding were the groom's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Johnson, Verna Johnson, Kenneth Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hergren, all of Tenino, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shibley, Springwater, and Mrs. D. E. Dent, wife of the minister, Gresham. Other invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nielsen and Mrs. N. B. Ecker.