EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1928 PAGE THREE Coxey, who is now 74, operates a silica sand com­ pany in Ohio and also has oil interests in Oklahoma. The negro vice presidential candidate is Simon P. W. Drew, a preacher and real estate operator. G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher Thus again is illustrated the saying that “politics Published Weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Oregon makes strange bed-fellows.” E ntered in the postofTice of Estacada, Oregon, as second class m atter. . ------------oOo----------- Eastern Clackam as N e ws Plumbing Supplies... SHEET METAL WORKS, STORAGE, GAS, OILS Richfield—More Poweivfor the Same Price M O R E P O W E R F O R T H E F O U R T H O F JU L Y C E L E B R A T IO N Broadway' Garage C O N C ED E N O M IN A T IO N O F SM IT H SU B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S E stac a d a , O regon That A1 Smith of New York will receive the nomina­ tion of the democratic convention for the presidency of the United States is practically conceded by his most bit­ ter opponents. Without a doubt Mr. Smith is the strong­ ■ i i i i i i i i m i m i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i m i i i i i i i i i m i i k est candidate the party can put up for the office. G IL G A N ’S The News figures that A1 and Hoover will each poll something near the normal vote of their respective par­ ties. Some of the republican Catholic vote will go to the democratic nominee, and some democrats will vote for I New and Used Furniture, Crescent Beds and Springs § Hoover because of their religious views. But the result Pettit Mattresses Miller’s Wall Paper so far as religion is concerned will have little bearing on j Portable Phonograph and 50 records ..... $ 15.00 = the total vote. And the prohibition proposition will no Murphy’s Brushing Laquer doubt work out about the same way, Hoover probably getting the best of the trade, because so many more of | C E L E B R A T E T H E F O U R T H IN E ST A C A D A | the people in the country are in favor of prohibition. ' i l l 111 i l l I i l l 11 i l l I i l l i n i i n i l l I I I I i l l 111111 i l l i i l l i i l l 111111 I I I l i l l 11 i l l 11111 m 11 i l l 1111 i n i l l I i l l i •: F O U R T H O F JU L Y PR A Y E R Herbert Hoover will be elected president with about By Rev. Joseph R. Sizoo, M. D., pastor of New York Ave­ the same number of votes that Coolidge had four years nue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. ago, less the vote of the state of New York. G od of ou r fa th e rs, G od of th e ages, ou r G od, If you do not agree with this, make your own guess. In Clackamas County, one year, $1.50; Outside the county and in the estate of Oregon, one year, $2; Outside the state of Oregon, one year, $2.50. Subscriptions are payable in advance. j Furniture Exchange | we th a n k T h ee th a t in all tim es of crisis w hen the resources of m en shrivel th e resources of G od u nfold. T hou h ast nev er fo rg o tte n or fo rsa k e n those w ho put th e ir tru st in T hee. T his n a tio n is a n e te rn a l w itness to thy p rovidence a n d care. O n this holy d ay we pause a g a in to a ck n o w led g e th a t g u id an ce in the a ffa irs of our country. W e bless T hee th a t th o u h a st v in d ic a te d ag ain th a t in th e a ffa irs of n atio n s, as in th e lives of m en, th a t “they th a t p u t th e ir tru s t in G od shall n ev er be p u t to sh am e.” W h e re v e r m en h av e lived by a deep a n d a b id in g faith in T hee, th ere freed o m has been • born. A ccept ou r u n feig n e d th a n k s fo r those w ho have given th e ir all fo r love of, co u n try . W e c a n n o t ex alt th em now b u t w e can e x a lt ourselves by living out th e ideals to w hich th ey held fast. W e have w isdom enough, we h av e w e a lth enough, b u t w e h av e n ot re v ­ eren ce enough fo r T hee. D eepen th a t rev eren ce in us today. G ive us th e ir c o u rag e b o rn o f w aiting, th e ir p a ­ tien ce b e g o tte n of h ig h resolves, th e ir fa ith b o rn of assu ra n c e of T hy u n fa lte rin g presence. M ay p ro s­ p e rity ab o u n d , m ay p eace be esta b lish e d in th e w orld a n d m ay T h y kin g d o m com e. U nto T hee, O illim ita b le Love, F a th e r, Son and H oly G host, shall w e give all th e p raise, w orld w ith ­ out end. A m en. frOronite ----------- oOo----------- ' LY SPR A Y The most expensive automobile manufactured in the United States is the Rolls-Royce, Lonsdale model, priced at $19,885. Still the fellow with a second hand Henry enjoys his car more than the man who owns the expen­ sive machine. % oOo- Science has so far failed to improve the quality of the gas with which campaign orators are inflated. flies -mosquitoes, roaches tfmoths.lice and many other insects STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CA LIFO RN IA ----------- oOo----------- HOT W E A T H E R Decide now to spend the Fourth of July in Estacada. Something doing all the time. ----------- oOo----------- Texas wants Jones as candidate for vice president. A case of trying to keep up with the Smiths. L et’s All C e le b ra te the F o u rth in E sta c a d a S. & S. HARDWARE “ T h e W in c h e ste r S to re ” | P O L IT IC S M A K ES S T R A N G E B E D -FE L L O W S Paints, Oils, Roofing, Builders’ Hardware W E K E E P T H E F A IT H The presidential campaign of 1928 presents one unique feature at least. It is that of a white man running for president and a negro candidate for vice president on the same ticket—that of the Interracial independent po­ litical party. Possibly a good many of you have never heard of this party, but its leaders claim fifteen million negroes are favorable to it; a ridiculous claim, of course. But many have heard of its presidential candidate, who is none other than “General” Jacob S. Coxey, leader of Coxey’s Army of 1894, composed of jobless men who marched to Washington to obtain relief, but accomplished little except to call attention to the widespread unemploy­ ment then existing. Some of them were even arrested for tresspassing on the capitol grounds._________________ _ in all of our efforts. We take over the personal responsibilities of those who want the last ar­ rangements to be marked with decorous respect ( Jackson Lumber Co. GRESHAM FUNERAL PARLORS J. E. M ETZGER, LICENCED Estacada, Oregon Dl RECTOR, “ E V E R Y T H IN G F O R T H E B U IL D E R ’ P H O N E S l f ) Q l * ------ Fire Brick, Drain Tile, Sewer Tile, Cement Blocks ::n nmii imii in ni mi il mm; il i mm unii mumm ni il i il i liiiiiniii in mi ni ni h in i iiiiiiii.; "iiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiiiii* ¿ iiiiiim iiim iiiM iiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiii im iii iiiiiiim iiiim iiiiim iim iiiiiiim iiim iiiii* L IB E R T Y T H E A T R E [ | Fine assortment of Fireworks, Ice Cream and Soft | 1 Drinks. Celebrate this Glorious Day in Estacada. f } Model Supply Company F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y , Ju n e 29 a n d 30— Tim McCoy in f “T H È L A W O F T H E R A N G E ” with Joan Crawford. Comedy, “The Sting of the Stings.” Also we will have H. A. LaBARRE, Proprietor T H E N O R M A N D Y G IRLS ?iiiiiiiimimimmiiMmiiiimmmmmimmmiiimmiimiiimiiiiMimimmiiiim" in a big vaudeville revue. Prices—25 and 50 cents S unday, M onday a n d T uesday, Ju ly 1, 2 and H a ro ld Lloyd in “ S P E E D Y ’ Reduction Also Pathe News Reel. In Price... LO W EST PR IC E S 10c and 35c. W ed n esd ay , Ju ly F o u rth , sta rtin g a t 2 p. m .—- “ IN OLD K E N T U C K Y ” With James Murray and Helene Costello. Com­ edy, “The Second One Hundred Years.” LLO YD IN H IS T O R Y O F GOODYEAR M idnight M atinee— s ta rtin g T h u rsd ay a. m., 12:15— Rudolph Schildkraut in T IR E S “TH E COUNTRY D O CTO R” Comedy, “One Wild Ride. Come in and get your car re-tired for the Fourth Cascade oAlotor Co. Estacada, Oregon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiK liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiim m m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiM i ----------- oOo----------- | Fireworks For the Fourth f is with us again, and why not get a new Perfection Oil Stove for the hot summer months. Do you know that more than half the homes using oil stoves use the New Perfection?. They are more satisfactory and dependable—quick lighting, fast cooking, clean and odorless, economical and convenient. At its low price the Perfection is unquestionably the great­ est oil stove value on the market. L IB E R T Y TH EATR E] Estacada, Oregon | | SU N D A Y , M O N D A Y and TU E SD A Y , JU L Y 1, 2, 3 | | Admission Prices: Adults 35 Cents; Children, 10c. | iniiiiimimiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmiiiiiiimiimmimmmmiiiiimimimmiK Ju ly 6 a n d 7— Y ak im a C a n u tt in “ W IL D H O R SE C A N Y O N ” Comedy, “A Jungle Romeo,” featuring Snooky, the Humanzee. Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c