Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 29, 1928, Image 1

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OREGON CITY, June 28.— The
Clackamas county court will issue ati
order authorizing the payment of
$56,734.55 to 71 school districts of
the county from the Oregon and Cal­
ifornia land grant tux refund, it was
announced first of the week by Coun­
ty Judge C. W. Kruse.
The segregation o f the money to
the districts has been completed by
County Assessor W. B. Cook, and the
Colton district >s to receive the larg­
est amount, $12,908.54, and the
smallest sum, 10 cents, goes to Marks
Prairie district.
Appropriations to the union high
school districts follow: District No. 1,
Can by. $3.91; No. 2, Sandy, $3,-
699.99; No. 4, Molalla, $3,342.93;
No. 5, Milwaukie, $3.63. There is
$21,177.74 in the county high school
fund, making the total expenditure
o f $77,916.29 to all the districts.
The other 67 districts and the ap­
propriations follow:
District 7, Currinsville, $38.13; 10,
Fernwood, $50.37; 11, Meadowbrook,
$123.47; 12, Garfield, $85.51; 13,
Welches, $408.58; 14, Viola, $88.97;
15, Beaver Creek, $8.26; 17, Eagle
Creek, $12.60; 20, Beaver Creek,
$13.50; 21, Linn’s Mill, $414.02; 24,
Springwater, $172.25.
District No. 25, Dickey Prairie,
$93.01; 27, Maple Lane, $3.87; 32,
Clarks, $61.56; 33, North Highland,
$429.13; 35, Molalla, $3.99; 36, Lib­
eral, $0.83; 38, Marks Prairie, $0.10;
39, Sandy Ridge, $369.41; 42, Cher-
ryville, $8S*f36; 46, Sandy, $495.66;
50, Douglass Ridge, $938.57.
District No. 62, Fernwood, $81.64;
53, Colton, $12,804.54; 55, Teasel
Creek, $420; 57, George, $1900.57;
68, Elwood, $507.29; 64, Clackamas,
$1.13; 65, Beaver Lake, $741.13;
66, Marmot, $550.29; 68, Tracy,
$16.06; 72, Upper Colton, $42.46; 75,
Redlands, $114.71.
District No. 78, Dodge, $2461.77;
79, Meridian, $111.52; 80, Schuebel,
$45.71; 83, Dover, $519.44; 84, Mu-
lino, $17.83; 87, Maple Grove, $1,-
095.45; Porter, $3,115.53; 89, Bi r-
ton, $2.80; 90, Hazeldale, $317.76.
District 93, South Oak Grove, $8.37
Deep Creek, $8.97; 95, Timber Grove
$702.51; 98, Union Mills, $158.66;
99, East Mt. Scott, $3.96; 101, Falls
View, $339.32; 102, Eldorado, $24.76.
District No. 104, Cole Creek,
$1116.29; 107, Cottrell, $161.23; 108
Estacada, $61.68; 109, Twilight
$0.44; 111, South Highland, $65.97;
113, Brightwood, $2632,41; 116, Fir
Grove, $123.98; 117, North Logan,
$4.05; 121, Alberta, $373.93;, 124,
Greenwood, $596.79; 125, Hillcrest,
$233.97; 126, Echo Dell, $45.92.
District No. 301, Orient, $0.91;
302, Sycamore, $9.44; 307, Aimes,
$232.30; 309, Ladd Hill, $68.54; 311,
Scotts Mills, $152.39; 313, Cole
Creek, $2,760.50.
G ertru d e M arshall
Gertrude Fink Leads In
Miss Liberty Contest
The standing o f the candidates for immediately afterwar^ on the screen
at the Liberty Theatre.
the honor o f reigning over the cele­
The number o f votes each candi­
bration here on the Fourth, at the
date has received up to the close on
time this issue o f the News goes to
Friday will be posted on the board
press is as follows;
at the Marchbank confectionery. On
Miss Gertrude Fink ..................... 8,000 Saturday, all votes will be placed in
Miss Mary Sharnke ......................7,000 a sealed ballot box, and no one will
Miss Evelyn M eyers......................6,500 know what the other candidates have
Miss Ruby Bates
..................... 6,000 until after the close o f the contest.
Miss Gertrude Marshall .............5,000 Candidates will put their votes and
Miss Joan Lundy
2,500 cash in sealed envelopes with their
Miss Ruth Ayers .......................... 1,500 names on the outside, as well as the
Miss Catherine Beck ................... 1,500 inside. Promptly at 9 o ’clock a com­
The contest will close exactly at mittee of local business men will take
9 o ’clock, Saturday evening, June charge o f the box, count the votes
form a line in front o f the place. and announce the winners. The cash
30, and the winner will be announced prize awards will be made at once.
Joan L un dy
Between 9 o ’clock in the morning
and 6 in the afternoon over 400 cars
passed through the main entrance to
Estacada Lake park Sunday. Sev­
eral motor bouts were on the lake
and the people were fishing, boating
and swimming and enjoying picnip
The club house was open and many
enjoyed the cool and delightful re­
treat. Many were busy clearing and
getting ready to build cottages, while
many more enjoyed cottages already
Among the many visitors were Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Ropp and sons o f
Portland. They have bought lots and
expect to build a cottage this sum­
mer. They have four lots in one
section and four in another. The lo­
cation they have selected on which to
build is a pretty place fronting the
• The summer cottage with garage
being built by Miss Stella Graves o f
Estacada, fronting on the Lake Shore
drive, is about complete and will soon
Bill Thornton o f Portland, 180 lb. be ready for occupancy.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Jacobs of Portland
wrestler, has been matched with Joe
Reynolds, 182, o f Los Angeles, in a were at Estacada Lake Sunday enjoy­
wrestling match to be staged in the ing the park and doing some clearing
Odd Fellows building on the evening on their lots.
A party composed o f Mr. and Mrs.
o f July Fourth, to start at 7 :30.
The bout will be for best two out S. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Feu-
o f three falls, or a decision at the berg, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jacobs, Mr.
end o f two hours.. Nothing barred and Mrs. S. Banasky and children and
except the strangle hold. Ben Blais- Mr. and Mrs. S. Fox, all o f Portland,
dell o f Eagle Creek, known as the spent the day on their lots in the
"wrestling logger,” who promoted Lake district Sunday, and enjoyed
the match for the celebration commit­ the outing.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Jordon, with
tee, will be the referee.
friends, spent Sunday at Estacada
Lake, where Mr. Jordon has' pur­
L a D e e to C lose
The LaDee Logging company will chased lots.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson with
close down Friday evening for tgp
days. The day freight crew was taken their son and wife were clearing their
o ff Wednesday. This is on account lots Sunday and expect to build a
cottage soon. They are located on
o f the Fourth o f July vacation.
Hawthorne road.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and
G ard en C lu b to M eet
The Garden Club will meet at the family o f Portland spent the day at
home o f Mrs. U. S. Morgan Monday their cottage, which has two large
rooms and porches on the north and
afternoon at 2 o ’clock.
west side. The grounds in front are
Mrs. Henry Beers is the proud cleared and at the entrance are the
possessor o f a new piano at her | letters “ Welcome.” White stones
| These people entertained fifty guests
M ary S harnke
E v ely n M eyers
G e rtru d e Fink
Sunday, a party being given for their
daughter who had iustxbeen gradu­
ated from Jefferson high school.
Dr. H. R. Biersdorf 'and fam(jy
were enjoying their cottage Sunday,
although not completed. They had a
picnic dinner on the front porch. The
doctor is from Portland where he has
offices in the Morgan building.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garretson and
family, with friends, occupied their
neat little cottage last Sunday. Their
son Alva bought two lots while here
at that time.
Their cottae is lo­
cated on Hawthorne road.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bremm and
daughter were camped on their lots
Sunday and doing some clearing.
They expect to build next month.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olsen were
at Estacada Lake Sunday clearing
and getting ready to build a cottage.
Next to the Olsen lots are those
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Frazier who
expect to get their cottage finished
by the Fourth o f July. They arc
also located on Hawthorne road.
Nathan J. Campf. manager o f the
Clifford hotel, Portland, has a build­
ing almost completed on Grove road.
With his family he was visiting the
place Sunday.
A unique and pretty building has
been erected on Maple road in the
shape of a windmill house, which has
a room below and sleeping rooms
above. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Mileke, o f H2d street, Port­
land. Their two sons were with them
Sunday enjoying the boating, fishing
and bathing.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Fielding and
children and some friends arrived on
Saturday afternoon to their lots
which had previously been cleared,
and by Sunday evening they had al­
most completed a four-room cottage
with a bath room. The pretty place
is located on Maple road.
F. L. Garrison and W. A. Butte
bought six lots and were on hand last
Sunday finishing clearing a spot for
a cottage, which they expect to have
up this week. This place is located
on Elm road.
Quite a few o f those buying lots
are buying those ready cut houses
and after they are shipped here it
takes but a short time to put them
together and have a complete home.
derson, Nellie Gardner, Maude Sher­
man, Bessie Hunter, Aimee D. Up­
ton, and Elsie Pool. Only three of
those mentioned are new teachers,
the others having been < h the staff
last year.
T E R N O O N A T 2 :3 0
Two in a row for Estacada was
the result o f last Sunday’s ball games
on the local field. Fleischner-Mayer,
substituting for the Armory, lost by
a score of 8 to 0, getting but five
hits o ff Russell, Estacada star twirler.
Al. Weincl, third baseman for the
Legionnaires, starred with the stick,
getting four hits in four trips to the
plate, a home run with two men on,
two two bag hits, and a single.
In the second game, with the Bal-
lin F’inanee company o f Portland,
Ken Scales, pitching for the locals,
allowed only five hits, and this game
was won by a score o f 10 to 3. The
runs were due to walks and two hit
batters, Scales being wild in the first
three innings o f the game. Riebhoff
has bqen in a hospital with an in­
jured leg and the local team will
have to depend on Moreland, Scales
and Russell for next Sunday’s game
and the two games on the Fourth.
Russell and Scales went like Gig
leaguers Sunday, and with them the
team has confidence o f winning a
flock o f games.
The big contest is set for next Sun­
day afternoon when Oswego, the
leaders in the Portland Valley league,
play on the home grounds. Bill
Fischer, who went to Hoquiam in the
Timber league, three weeks ago, in
a conversation over the phone first
o f the week informed Ray Lovelace
that he would arrive here Friday and
would be with the team in Sunday's
contest as well as on the Fourth.
The box scores o f the games played
last Sunday will be found on page 5.
Positions as teachers in the Esta­
cada schools have all been filled with
the exception o f a manual training
teacher. For the high school they
are W. E. Buell, principal, Robert
Manning, Florence E. Anderson, Be­
atrice Wilder, Louise J. Noble and
G oes to E astern O r e g o n
Earl Wagner has gone to Eastern Olga A. Samuelson.
The grade teachers are Bessie An­
Oregon to work.
F oot In ju red b y L og
A log fell on Curt Sagner’s foot
about a week ago and infection set
in. He has been limping around but
says his foot is getting better.
B essie H u xley
Estacada’s Fourth of July celebra­
tion will start at 8:30 in the morning
when the Goddess o f Liberty will be
crowned by the mayor, H. C. Steph­
ens, and immediately following will
be the parade, which will form at
Broadway and Third streets.
The parade will be over at 10:00
o ’clock and at this time there will be
a band concert, and miscellaneous
sports. The speaking program will
be at 11:30. B. F. Lindas o f Oregon
City will be the principal speaker.
The first baseball game will start
at 1 o ’clock— Estacada Legionnaires
vs. Vancouver Barracks, a league
game. Immediately after this game
the Legionnaires will play the Boring
team, which has won half the games
played this year in the Portland inter­
city league.
A fine program has been arranged
at the Liberty Theatre for the enter­
tainment o f the visitors, and the show
will run continuously from 2 to 12
p. m., followed at 12:15 a. m., Thurs­
day morning with a new show for
the special benefit o f those who have
attended the dance during the eve­
There will be band concerts during
the afternoon and evening, and at
7:30 the wrestling match will be held
in the Odd Fellows building.
The street dance will start at 9
o ’clock and will continue until mid­
The fireworks display will be held
at 10:30 in the evening and will be
so placed that it will be visible from
the street dance. Daylight fireworks
displays will be given at different
times during the day.
The celebration will end with the
midnight matinee at the Liberty
Theatre, an entirely new program.
Im p rov in g D w ellin g
O. E. Smith came home from Port­
land the first o f the week and as he
The following organizations and was to have a few days’ vacation, pro­
firms have agreed to enter floats in ceeded to make some improvements
the Fourth o f July parade:
to his residence. He is putting in
Estacada State Bank
some dormor windows so as to have
Gilgan’s Furniture Exchange
a sleeping room above.
Rose’s Store
Lovelace & Lovelace
Gem Restaurant.
Barber Shops (four shops co-op).
J. K. Ely
S. & S. Hardware
Broadway Garage
Estacada Home Restaurnnt.
A call came from the Paul Lovell
Bert Chapman.
place Saturday afternoon that their
Estacada Telephone Co.
barn at Currinsville was on fire. J.
U-Need-A Bakery
K. Ely, Kay Lovelace and Rex Parks
Liberty Theatre
with one o f the chemical engines o f
Marchbank Confectionery.
the city were soon on the way to the
Linn’g Inn
fire but had not gone very far be­
Estacada Hotel
fore being informed that the blaze
Page’s Furniture Exchange.
had been extinguished.
Estacada Feed Store.
The fire was started by one o f Mr.
Americun Legion and Auxiliary.
Lovell’s little boys. He found some
D riv e« to O dell
L. A. Chapman drove to Odell,
Oregon, Saturday, accompanied by
his daughter, Mrs. Frank Schevron,
and little daughter, who had been
here visiting for a few days.
N ew s O m itted
matches and proceeded to huve a good
time by setting some hay on fire in
the barn. As soon as the fire was
going to his satisfaction, he went to
the house and informed his mother
what he had done. Fortunately it
did not have a very great start and
she was able to thus save a large and
well equipped burn, built only a few
years ago.
It has been necessary to omit a
lot o f the local news and country
correspondence this week, due to an L ib ra ry A sso c ia tio n M eetin g
unusual amount o f advertising.
The annual library association
meeting will take place Tuesday, July
3, at the library at 2 p. m. The reg­
ular year's work will be planned and
new officers elected. It is hoped that
there will be a good attendance. Ev­
eryone belonging to the association
is urged to attend and show their
Pomona Grange met at Sandy this appreciation o f their public library.
week with an attendance o f three
hundred. Matt. Glover o f Eagle, pre­ A id to H a ve S tand
The M. E. Ladies Aid will have a
sided over the session.
Report o f the 19 granges showed stand on the grounds near the post-
a large increase in membership over office on the Fourth, where the la­
that o f one year ago, with Maple­ dies will sell hot dogs and other
wood showing the largest increase in sandwiches, coffee, cake, ice cream
number o f members. This grange has and cold drinks.
a membership o f over three hundred,
the largest in the county.
A wonderful dinner and supper
was served Wednesday by the Sandy
grange, which organization furnished
the program for the evening session.
Several Pomona members were in­