Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 22, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Eastern Clackamas News
G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher
Published Weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Oregon
E n te re d in th e po sto ffice of E stac ad a , O regon,
class m a tte r.
C lackam as C ounty, one y e ar, $1.50; O utside th e co u n ty a n d in th e
ss ta te o f O regon, one year, $ 2 ; O utside th e s ta te o f O regon, one
y e ar, $2.50. S ub scrip tio n s a re payable in advance.
of its few readers if it were not for the chance that copies
might get out to places where the editor and his methods
were not understood. Take this item, clipped from this
weeks effort of Koen:
“The judge spends little time in the courthouse
Richfield-—More Power for the Same Price
and less and less as time passes.
“ ‘Please tell me where I can find the man who
takes care of the poor?’ asks a man using two crutches
and barely able to walk.
“ ‘There is no one here to do that work,” is the
Estacada, Oregon
“ ‘No one here,’ repeats the down and out, plaint­
ively looking about to see if there is any sympathy
:■ 1111111111111111111 : 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ■ 11111111111111111111111111111 ...
“In the course of the week there are hundreds |
of such cases, with now and then a man or woman
who indulges in naughty swear words applied to of­
ficials who are seldom on the job. The fact that the
New and Used FURNITURE
head of the county administration comes and goes
at his pleasure is spreading to other officials anti of­
Guaranteed 20 years; priced right
ten you find the three young women employed in the
county clerk’s office the only ones who can be found
around for hours at a time.”
see these Miller samples.
If there are “hundreds of such cases” in the county,
in a week, the News wonders what is to become of the
county. This statement is probably as near true, at that,
as the rest of the malicious statements made by that paper
in regard to the county court and county officers.
A t f r o c e r s , d ru g g is ts ,
ard w are,
d e p u r im e n t
The Banner Courier is a disgrace to the newspaper
lore« a n d S ta n d a rd O i l
e r v ic e S ta tio n s . P a c k e d
profession. Under the guise of “news” the editor prints
i k i t s (w ith im p ro v e d
vfO *'
p ra y e r), p in ts , q u a r ts ,
his editorials without regard for truth, and, in a style so
allo n s,5 -g a l Io n s ,b a rre ls
ud lA b a r r e ls .
common a century ago vents his wrath apparently to his
complete satisfaction.
Constructive criticism of public officials is always de­
sirable, but when criticism has but one purpose and idea in
mind, and that destructive, it, in time becomes disgusting.
The county officials have looked upon these attacks
with silent contempt, and so have the newspapers of the
county because the source did not warrant consideration,
but there should be a limit some place. And when libel­
ous attacks on the county as a whole are made, that should
be the limit.
However, if the county officials become as “rotten”
as the Banner Courier, the News would favor recalling the
last one of them.
is still on and going strong. Have you been in to
see these bargains? Better come while the stock is
a num ber o f people a re grow ling be­
complete. Did you get your FREE fly swatter?
cause the oil g e ts on th e ir cars.
And don’t forget to come to Estacada the Fourth of
A n um ber o f V iola people w ent
and celebrate in the good old-fashioned way.
to Logan M onday a fte rn o o n to a t­
You will not be sorry.
tend the fu n e ra l o f Sam G erber, who
T he m any frie n d s o f Miss Rose
Plumbing Supplies...
Broadway' Garage
| F u rn itu re E xchange |
Everything is moving along fine for the biggest cele­
bration that has ever been staged in Eastern Clackamas
county. Additional entertainment features are being ar­
ranged daily, and the committee is now assured that every­
thing will work out in fine order, with the possible excep­
tion of the parade. The list of the business firms which
have pledged floats will be published next week, and it is
hoped that others will decide to enter.
Estacada cannot afford to fall down on this partic­
ular part of the day’s program. This is the one event that
offers the business firms of the city a chance to get them­
selves before the public, and to really derive some bene­
fits from the big undertaking. Every firm in town should
get up a nice float of some description. The people will
not expect to see the expensive floats here they saw in
Portland last week, but, nevertheless, they can be inex­
pensive and interesting as well.
Few of the men engaged in business in Estacada are
members of the band or the celebration committee. They
have not been asked to give their time to the hard task of
working out the details and plans of the day’s entertain­
ment. In most cases the most that is asked of them in the
way of helping arrange the program is to enter floats and
if they do not take enough interest in their home com­
munity to do this, it certainly will be discouraging to the
committee, to say the least.
The Estacada celebration is well advertised. It has
been given a lot of publicity in the Portland newspapers,
and especially the Telegram. There will be a large crowd
in town that day. It is necesasry that we put over a big
show. Failure would be something the community never
could live down. And the band and the committee are de­
termined that it will be a big show. And the small part
asked of the business firms, the News believes, will be
was well know n here.
Buy Your HARDWARE at the HARDWARE Store '
T rachsel, la te V iola school tea ch e r,
faithfully carried out as agreed.
w ere su rp rise d to le a rn of her m a r­
The American Legion and Auxiliary have pledged riage to Mr. W ood o f C a rv e r recen tly .
a float for the parade, and a committee appointed to ar­ H er frie n d s join in w ishing them a
range for it. This committee met Tuesday night and be­ long a n d happy life.
gan working on the plan. The Masonic and Eastern Star W o rth R andolph a n d his m other-
A. W. S ta u ffe r a n d fa m ily w ere
lodges, the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows, and the churches in-law, Mrs. T horpe o f Los A ngeles, O regon
C ity v isito rs Sunday.
a re h e re on a visit a t th e hom e of
.« 1111 m 11 j ; 111111111111111111111 ti11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m 1111111111111111
and ladies organizations should all be represented.
Mr. a n d Mrs. Jo h n R andolph. The
A farew ell p a rty w as given by th e
It is time to start now. Do not wait until the day be­ fo rm e r’s w ife is on a visit w ith re l­ young people a t th e W. Jo n e s home I Paints, Oils, Roofing, Builders’ Hardware
fore the Fourth and then say you haven’t time. Do it now! atives in D etro it, M ichigan.
S a tu rd ay n ig h t a 3 E unice a n d E ddy
A fte r fifte e n days v acation th e a re leaving th is w eek w ith th e ir
----------- oOo-----------
m ail c a rrie r, Wm. G raham , is on his m other fo r Idaho.
This week, next week, and then the fireworks!
ro u te again. He visited in O lym pia,
D an S ta h ln e c k er and M. P a rk w ere
W ash., a t th e hom e o f his sister, Mrs. business v isito rs in O regon C ity on
----------- oOo-----------
Rogers. He b ro u g h t his s ite r so she F riday.
The News wonders how much Mr. Hoover will could
v isit w ith th e ir re la tiv e s fo r a
M rs. D an S ta h ln e c k er a tte n d e d the
Hooverize when he becomes president of the United w eek o r tw o, a t th e hom e o f Mr. and U nited
B re th re n c o n fere n ce in O re­
Mrs. A ndrew G raham .
gon C ity th e p a st w eek a n d also took
Estacada, Oregon
T he a n n u a l school m eetin g was the s ta te te a c h e r’s exam ination.
----------- oOo--------
a t th e school house on M onday
A lvin F ritz o ff and P a u l M unson
Anyway its cheaper, more comfortable, and easier to held
a fte rn o o n . The sam e d ire c to r and le ft F rid a y fo r U nderw ood, W ash.,
attend a national convention by radio. Control will now clerk w ere re-elected fo r a n o th e r w here th e y w ill w ork in th e o rch ard s
be switched from Kansas City to Houston.
term .
th in n in g apples.
The road w ork h e re on th e new j Jim m ie E d w ard s is w ork in g a t
----------- oOo------------
m ark e t ro a d is still going on w ith Sherwood.
Fire Brick, Drain Tile, Sewer Tile, Cement Blocks
Remember the good old days when you started the Joel
L a C roy as fo re m a n and B ruce i Mr. a n d Mrs. M att Ja g m ire w ent
afternoon with a croquet game and ended with a buggy Randolph in charge o f th e blasting. to P o rtla n d F riday.
ride? Didn’t you have a swell time?
T hey su re m ake th e stu m p s and rock
So f a r no d am ag e has been
----------- oOo-----------
Mr. and Mrs. R ay R ickard o f C or­
Will Rogers some time ago advised the democrats Rev. C. T. Cook, w ho cam e over vallis
su rp rise d Mr. and M rs. F ra n k
against holding a convention this year. He told them to h e r on S un d ay to fill his a p p o in t­ W h ita k er T h u rsd ay evening. T hey
save the money to buy votes. Must have known that Her­ m ent to preach, had som e tro u b le drove th ro u g h and le ft ag ain fo r th e ir
g e ttin g over th a t p a r t o f th e Spring- hom e F rid a y m orning. Mrs. R ickard
bert Hoover was going to be the republican nominee.
w a ter hill th a t has been oiled. Q uite is a siste r o f M rs. W hitak er.
----------- oOo-----------
Friday and Saturday, June 22 and 23—
Well, folks, it looks as if the United States senate
This time sure—Clara Bow in
would be presided over next year by a former “blanket”
tM a n H w i
Indian. Probably would be a good thing for the nation
Mickey McGuire in “Mickey’s Eleven”
if he would take along his hatchet.
----------- oOo-----------
Sunday and Monday, June 24 and 25—
The work of the republican national convention is all
Thomas Meighan in
over except the committee appointed to call on Mr. Curtis
and Mr. Hoover and inform them that they received the
Filmed amid the majestic mountains and the
nomination of their party. Just imagine, if you can, the
sweeping wheat fields of Canada. Also news
surprise in store for them.
reel and snapshots.
----------- oOo-----------
Wednesday and Thursday, June 27 and 28—
Ralph Smith, who was a republican candidate for
Mae Robson and Phyllis Haver in
the nomination for sheriff of Clackamas county in the
May primaries, is in jail in Oregn City for failing to pay
with a fine supporting cast headed by Harrison
alimony. The cost of divorces seems to have kept pace
Ford and Franklin Pangborn. A clean delight­
with the cost of everything else one needs.
ful comedy with laughs in every scene. «
----------- oOo-----------
ever placed on an automobile with
Comedy, “Smith’s Vacation.”
The average home brewer throws together a little
sugar, malt and yeast into a few gallons of water and de­
Friday and Saturday, June 29 and 30—
fies nature to do her worst. And she generally does.—
Tim McCoy A
Exchange. And so does the man or woman who drinks OVER HALF A MILLION NEW CHEVROLETS
it—quite often.
with Joan Crawford. Comedy, “The Sting of
----------- oOo-----------
the Stings.” Also we will have
The latest Chevrolets have many new improvements.
Come in and look them over. We will take the
vaudeville revue.
greatest pleasure in showing you the new car.
The dirty, uncalled for attacks being made on the
county court and officers by the Koen propaganda sheet,
July 1, 2 and 3— Harold Lloyd in “SPEEDY”
better known as the Banner Courier of Oregon City, are
Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c
Estacada, Oregon
becoming disgusting, to say the least. It really would
make no difference what the paper prints for the benefit
'em dead
The Winchester Sale...
Cascade ¿TVlotor Co.
im m iiim m m m im m iim iiiim iiiiim iiim m im m m
I Jackson Lumber Co.