E a s t e r n PAGE SIX ■- “ I! '— ■I- clackam as n ew s , F r id a y , HERE AND THERE Mary Rayden o f Chicago held three policemen at bay with a toy pistol for an hour and then surrendered. Miss Edith Graham o f St. Louis was so intent on a cross word puzzle that she didn’t know her home was burning, and was rescued with dif­ ficulty. r [O N E Y n C A N T BUY A BETTER OIL ihan THE NEW vZEROLENEy Justice Salter o f Leeds, Eng., heard 103 divorce case» in ten and one-half hours. John Mead is conductor o f a Great Western railway train on which his three sons are respectively engineer, fireman and brakeman. [®J F-jjE T H E M O D E R N O il» CURBS HEAT Mrs. Sarah Bampton, age 61, of A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT Crossville, Cal., crawled a mile to a signal box after falling from a Teacher»’ Exam» Being Held train and breaking her leg. Annuul teachers’ examinations arc Albert Bradshaw o f Sutton, Mo., being conducted this week in Oregon has been sentenced to prison for the City by the school superintendent. third time for threatening to kill Dally sessions are being held in the Masonic building. Twenty-six teach­ his mother-in-law. ers are taking the tests. Rev. C. H. Hasson o f New York city forgot a scheduled wedding and went to bed, but was awakened and Attend Bankers Meet Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens went performed the ceremony an hour to Oregon City Thursday afternoon later. to attend the Clackamas county bank­ Taken fo ra patient when he called ers association meeting, which was at a hospital to visit his son, James held at the country club. Graham o f London, aged 72, was bathed, shaved and put to bed for the night, despite his protests. Workhouse officials in London asked for a court order to make Bert Wilburns bathe, because he hadn't During a betting craze several had a bath in two years. members o f a Curdiff congregation were expelled for making wagers in church. Owing to her auto being wrecked Miss Ethel Morgan o f Waukegan, 111. At the funeral of Mrs. Janet Run had to walk two miles to church to ston at Leeds, Eng., all the mourners get married. wore bright colored clothes as she had requested. George Purison o f Chicago cut o ff Mme. Bertha Cadeur o f Toulon, Jennie Aiken’s hair with scissors at France, who died on her 106th birth­ the movies and had to pay a fine of $60 for the trick. day, had been married seven times. “ Every time I ask my husband to Richard Fawkes and his ten sons go to work he just weeps,” Mrs. J. o f Smithfield, Eng., are all shepherds C. Donald of Newark reported to the one serving King George and two police, and she was advised to sue working for John D. Rockefeller. for non-support. A baby was born to Mrs. J. C. King George sold 48 o f his Wind­ Crofen o f Chicago on a street ear sor pigs to a London butcher for while returning from a shopping trip $6,860. bad. Fred played with Wichita and Denver in the Western league, with Chattanooga in the Southern and Waco in the Texas. That Newmeyer hasn’t fogotten football was forcefully exhibited last year in Harold Lloyd's “ The Fresh- mun.” As co-director o f that picture he inserted some o f the most realistic ic football scenes ever filmed. Director Newmeyer is highly en thusiastic about “ The Quarterbuck.” After completing the film and con­ ferring with Dix, Esther Raison and the authors he said that the produc­ tion afford greater dramatic and com­ edy possibilities than any football story he had ever made. This man has probably a finer rec­ ord of comedy hits than any other director in the industry. After work­ ing as an extra, property man and as­ sistant director, Hal Roach gave him his first chance in 1918. Hut it was only after Newmeyei joined the Lloyd forces that he be­ gan to be heard from. He directed “ Grandma’s Boy,” “ A Sailor Made Man,” “ Dr. Jack,” “ Never Weaken,” “ Safety Last,” “ Why Worry ” and •‘I Do.” in addition to acting as co­ director on three o f Harold’s more recent films,— “ Hot Water,” “ Girl Shy” and “ The Freshman.” Always T rade Where You Get S. & N. Green Stamps No matter what you buy or where you buy it, be sure to ask for your discount in S. & H. Green Stamps. cash trade. Just keep in mind the substantial saving you make when you procure the famous S. & H. premiums— hundreds of which are illustrated in our catalog which we gladly furnish you — and you’ll always want to get S. & H. Green Stamps. NOTICE OF A N N U A L SCHOOL M EETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters o f school district No. 108 o f I Clackamas County, State o f Oregon, that the annual school meeting o f said district will be held at the high school auditorium, to begin at the hour o f ] 7:30 o'clock p. m., on the third Mon­ day o f June, being the 18th day of June, A. D., 1928. This meeting is called for the pur­ pose o f electing one director to serve for the term o f three years, and one clerk to serve for the term o f ont year and to transact other business- usual at such meetings. Dated this 25th day o f May, 1928. J. G. HAYMAN, Chairman. Board o f Directors Ottest: WM. DALE, District Clerk. Publish June 1 to June 15, 1928 A pin swallowed ten years ago was recently removed from the lung o f Mrs. Ellen Garth o f Fort Worth, Texas. FOOTBALL MAN DIRECTS "TH E QUARTERBACK" Ernest Bradshaw, who a few years ago was a taxicab driver in Gorton, A one-time football player, base­ Eng., has become a millionaire ship­ ball pitcher and all-round athlete to owner in Australia. direct a motion picture with a football theme. What better choice? Thirteen years after he was sepa­ The director is Fred Newmeyer rated from his parents by the Ger­ who has just completed work on man invasion of France, Raphel Re- Richard Dix’s latest Paramount star­ mon, aged 27, has been found in ring vehicle, “ The Quarterback,” Paris. which is the major attraction at the Liberty Theatre here Sunday and Attend» Grand Chapter Monday. Mrs. Ray Keith attended grand Newmeyer obtained gridiron exper­ chapter in Portland one day this ience in Denver while starring on the week. Mrs. Abbie Armstrong o f high school team. From amateur Three Links was there through the en. football he stepped into professiona’ tire session. baseball, pitching until his arm “ wenl jH m iiiiiim m im m iim im M iM iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiim im m m m iin m im im m m iiiF | M o d e l S u p p ly C o . | Harry A. La Barre = Just received, a full line of Crown Mills products— | = Flour, Coarse and Fine Graham, Favina, Kernels of f § Wheat, Pancake Flour, Pastry and Cake Flour. E Our Groceries always fresh and best quality. Try E our Froskist Ice Cream— the “ Cream Supreme.” = * i iii ii ii ii ii i i i i i i i l i i i i i i i i i i H i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i " i ”