EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1928 PAGE FOUR taught by Miss Kokel o f Molallu. The class o f three eighth graders i> George Willing, Clarence Chaney and Dorothy Kuhl and all passed with good grades. Their picnic was held on Saturday near Suter's creek GEORGE, June 7.— (Speciali.— with a good attendance. The lunch The George school closed Friday, consisted o f roasted weiners, buns, May 25, after a succe ful year, sandwiches, salad, cake and ice cream. Mr Anthony Novak of Pasadena, Calif., came up to visit her aunt and cousin Mrs. H. Howard and daughter Sarah last week. C. A. Johnson gave a surprise party on Mrs. Johnson in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gohr ing, Mr. and Mrs. Ahlberg, Mr. and Mrs. I.eihammer o f Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. ♦ M iiiiim iiim im iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN iM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iM iiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiii V Klinker and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Raulsen. Three tables o f five hun­ I C A R L D O U G L A SS POST A M ER ICAN LEGION l dred were played, the prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. Gohring, first, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, second. Julius t’uulsen, George Willing und Fred l.ins motored up to llermiston, Ore., Sunday, May 28. Mr. Paulsen and Fred Lins returned Wednesday but George expects to remain most of the summer to work.. John Willing and mother, Mrs. Mary Willing o f Sellwood spent Fri­ day and Saturday with their son, George, and Mr. Willing attended the school picnic. Mrs. F. Carruth and son Donald of at the Portland called on Mrs. Julius Paul-, sen, Sunday. Mrs. Carruth is a teacher in Washington High school and she and her son expect to take a trip East in their car after school G O O D M A N A G E M E N T E Ê G O O D MUSIC closes. Robert Miller and family spent Sunday in Viola with relatives. G O O D TIME Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Chaney and children spent Sunday evening with i i i i ii i m i i ii i i H i i i m i i i i i i i i ii m i i i ii i i i i i i m i i i i i i ii m m i i i i i i i i ii i i i i m i t i i i ii i i m i ii i i i i f Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson ant family and Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson 211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 spent Sunday afternoon at the lake in Estacada. Mrs. Ralph Duncan and Miss Edith Harkenrider o f Estacada motored oul on Monday evening to the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen and en joyed strawberry shortcake am — cream. GEORGE SCHOOL CLOSES AFTER SOCCESSFOL TEAR DANCE Saturday, June 9th E agle Creek H all I Plan Now I To Celebrate I The Fourth I At Estacada ! | Some of the Features will be— BIG P AR AD E , Many Beautiful Floats BAND CONCERTS PATR IO TIC ADDRESSES B ASEB ALL G A M E , Estacada vs. Boring M ID N IG H T M ATIN E E at the Liberty Theatre I Mammoth Fireworks Display B o d y b y F is h e r ! C ascade cTWotor Co. THE E S T A C A D A P H A R M A C Y IMPORTANT W E H A N D L E K E R R 'S F E E D S F O R T H I S R E A S O N : — W e bel iev e K e r r ’ * Feed* giv e the pers on who buy* them the most f o r the dollar. Thi* choic e was made a f t e r y e a r ’ s o f e x p e r ie n c e in Dairy and Pou ltry Feeds. Come in and we will explain further and will gladly help you solve your feed problems. B A R T H O L O M E W & LA W R E N C E P h o n e 601 E .t a c a d a , O r e g o n H er e f r o m N ew Jerse y Miss Mildred Corey o f Summer ville, New Jersey, is visiting at the j home of Mrs. W. J. Moore. She ar­ rived this week via the Panama canal and San Francisco. She is supervi­ sor o f a Presbyterian hospital and is making this trip on account o f her ( health. It is needless to say that the visitor from the east is delighted with Oregon and thinks she would like to j reside here. The News Does Job Printing NOTICE O F A N N U A L SCHOOL M EETIN G Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 108 of Clackamas County, State o f Oregon, that the annual school meeting o f said listrict will be held at the high school ludltorium, to begin at the hour of 7:30 o ’clock p. m., on the third Mon­ day of June, being the 18th day of June, A. D., 1928. This meeting is called for the pur­ pose o f electing one director to serve for the term o f three years, and one clerk to serve for the term o f one year and to transact other business | usual at such meetings. Dated this 25th day o f May, 1928. i J. G. HAYMAN, Chairman, Board of Directors. Ottest: WM. DALE, District Clerk. Publish June 1 to June 15, 1928 WANT ADS LOST— Red book containing two sales books. Geo. Lawrence and ' Son. j8 tf | HAL HOSS EXPRESSES ----------------------------------------------------------------- HIS APPRECIATION ; j OREGON CITY, May 31.— (To the • i E ditor).— Please permit me to ex- ; | press to you, and through you to the ■ republican voters o f Eastern Clack : | anias county, my deep appreciatior ■ i for the support accorded me in the : recent primary election. My vote in • my home county was gratifying to me : i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i m i i i i i i ii i m i i ii i i i i i i i i ii i m i ii i i i i i i i i ii i i i H i i m i i i i i i i i ii i i i H i i i i i i ii i ■ i and I know full well that I should not have found so many friends had ’ I it not been for the endorsement of , [ your newspaper. It is an absolute [ impossibility for a candidate to con­ tact each and every voter personally and aside from that means there is jy , only one other so effective. And that is newspaper publicity. I had my campaign so planned that where I had newspaper supportl de pended upon it almost exclusively, al though 1 did make as much o f a per­ sonal campaign over the state as 1 could. In Portland, where I had no newspaper support. I centralized my personal work, and by balancing tht two succeeded in making a consistent show ing all over the state. The reports appear to show that I was either first or second in number o f votes for this office in every coun­ ty except one, and in that county 11 had no newspaper representation whatever, and did not visit there. My success is a distinct tribute to the influence o f the up-state press. A number o f my editor friends have ( been so kind as to say that their faith in me and their knowledge of O V E R H ALF A MILLION N EW CH EV R O LE TS my ability and integrity gave them ON THE R O AD SINCE J A N U A R Y 1 something to work on, and while of course 1 felt that I was fully qual­ The latest Chevrolets have many new improvements. ified for the position, and that the Come in and look them over. We will take the press would not have supported me greatest pleasure in showing you the new ear. had I not been, I know that the co­ operation and support o f the news­ papers o f Oregon was the essential factor in winning the nomination. In Estacada, Oregon times o f elections, candidates natur­ ally turn to their friends for support. Um OJiej ^ \owest Price ever placed on an automobile with Smith’s Flower Shop and can fur­ nish flowers suitable for all occasions Van Brown and family have moved to Moffitt, Wash., where he will be employed by Cdaud Potter. Mrs. Brown has been the cook for Potter here for the last three years and Mr. Brown was the night watchman. They will be similar employed at the new lumbering operations of Potter at Moffitt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mattoon, who have been seriously ill, are greatly improved. Mrs. Mattoon is able to set up and Mr. Matton is now up and around. The work on the new road in this vicinity is being continued as rapidly as possible. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hicinbothom and Mrs. Lovell are attending the state convention o f the grange at Rainier this week. WANTED— Small, gentle pony for ( Mrs. M. L. Sevier was a business small boy. Call S. D. Dunlop, res­ visitor in Estacada first o f the week idence phone 71-51. Ite j ; RACES and Many Sports Events BIG STREET D A N C E A T NIGHT Say It With Flowers We are agents for Fortunately for me a great numboi o f my friends were in the newspaper business and their support was more I influential than any other group could have been, I was nominated without doubt as a result o f the support of the news- papers, but I am not a "newspaper” candidate and there was no collusion between publishers to put me over. Neither did my former connection as an officer in the editorial association have anything to do with my victory; I was supported in many instances by editors who had never been mem­ bers o f the association. I am very grateful for the splendid majority accorded me, am deeply ap­ preciative o f the confidence shown in me by the electorate o f Oregon, and thank you most sincerely for the fine support you gave me. As sec­ retary of state it will be my objective to give the people of this state a clear conscientious administration of theii affairs, free from politics and show ing every courtesy possible. Very truly yours, HAL E. HOSS, Republican nominee for Seci;etar> o f State. , FOR SALE — A Reliance two burner ' oil stove; almost new. Call at the Library and see it. tf | CLEARANCE SALE in Tomato Plants, 3 dozen for 25c, June 11 to June 16. 0 . V. Coop. LOST— Ring o f keys, between the News office and Morgan’s store, Saturday evening. Finder please return to News office. It ! ( FOR SALE— One Economy cream separator, 200 lbs. capacity, also j one reed baby buggy, good as new, will sell cheap. F. A. Darrow, Es­ tacada, phone 64-2. jl5 FOR SALE— Business building, good shape, at north side o f Home Res- * taurant. Ideal place for store or t work shop. Inquire Home Restaur­ ant, Estacada, Oregon. j8 WANTED— Five tons each o f red raspberries, loganberries, dewber­ ries and Himalayans. Highest cash price. Chas. Weaver, Phone 82-6, Estacada. 4tc j8 C. V. M A R T I N Real GRAY, EVERGLOW and PASTEL PARCHMENT Three new colors added to my line of Hose $ 1 .0 0 J. K . E L Y Estacada, Oregon Invest In The Progress of the Community.. j j STRAYED— Sorrel horse about 8 years old, 900 lbs., branded. Was last seen in Colton district. Please j notify News office. j8 ( REWARD— I will give $25 reward to the person that can give me any information as to who the parties were that broke into my residence. August Klett. j8 Moonbeam Hose Our town is growing. With the growth more people are using electricity and ALL the people are using MORE elec­ tricity. Our service must keep pace with this demand. W hen you invest your savings in PORTLAND ELECTRIC P O W E R CO. $6.00 First Preferred Stock You’ re investing in the progress of the community. Your investment pays a steady income and shows a steady in­ crease in value. This Stock Yields 6.25 per cent Dividends Write, call or phone today. PORTLAND Estate Estacada, o .’ egon Electric Power Co. Dr. W . W . Rhodes OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon Estacada Oregon • • • • • • • • • • 820 Electric Building Portland, Oregon