eastern PAGE SIX ■¡•pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIlH clackam as IN TER E STIN G new s , _____ FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1928 •4 __________ FACTS 1 For Nearly 20 Years! | | = = 1 1 = § E | | The Model T Ford led the motor industry and it still is used by more people than any other automobile. More than eight million Model T Fords are in active service today— an indication of their sturdy worth, reliability and economy. Because of the tremendous investment which people have in these cars and because so many of them will be driven for two, three, and even five more years, the Ford Motor Company will continue to make re- placement parts until, as Henry Ford himself says, “ the last Model T is o ff the road.’' 1 B O B It is said that one in every 23 1 American men is named William and | one among each 29 of the country’s feminine population answers to the = name Mary. I | Cooke Motor Co. | ................................................................... ......................................................................... .......................... Additional Sandy News C hildren P ickin g Berrie* W il l T e a c h W e lc h e » Sc ho ol Miss Anna Iiingness is employed Many of the grade school children are listed to pick berries, and some to teach the Welches school again next year. are all ready at work. Has Hand Crushed Gue» t o f Mrs. Mur ray Miss Oral Powell was a recent J. C. Bagley, who is employed at the Dixon-IIowitt mill, suffered a guest at the home of Mrs. Hazel Mur­ ray. The wedding o f Miss Powell crushed hand last week. will occur this summer. Has A p pen diciti s Op era ti on Anna Stout o f Brightwood school who was operated on for appendici­ tis was unable to complete her school work and graduate with her class. Anna is still poorly. No T r a c e o f Burglar No trace of the robber that broke into the Perret garage at Sandy Fri­ day night has been found. Around $250 worth o f tires and inner tubes were stolen. Ent erta in on D e c o r a tio n Da y Mr. and Mrs. Raymond entertained Mrs. Murray’s former nurses over Decoration Day and the young lad attended the Legion dunce with theii hosts. Mrs. M aller y Here Mrs. H. H. Mallery of Newberg, mother o f R. W. Mallery, Sandy grammar school principal, was here Saturday and Sunday as a guest of Mrs. J. M. C. Miller and attended the graduating exercises on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Duke Entertain Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duke enter­ night. tained Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Collier o f Astoria from Friday until Sunday. T w e n t y - A c r e T ra ct Sold Twenty acres belonging to R. Pres­ Mrs. Duke’s father was also a Sunday ton located on the Bluff Road, was dinner guest. sold last week to O. A. Bagley o f Po­ catello, Idaho. The Bagleys have five W o r k in g in Portlan d Marguerite Burnett is working in children at home, four o f which will a candy factory in the city, and attend the Kelso school next year. Mildred Barnett will probably remain This acreage is all clear. George at Government Camp hotel ull sum­ Beers o f Sandy made the deal. mer to help in the dining room. R o a d Petition B e f o r e C our t Class Shown in Journal The Sandy union high boys’ cook­ ing class picture was in Tuesday’s Oregon Journal. These boys are bound to make famous chefs if they stay with it. Visits at Jen ning s L o d g e Commissioner W. A. Proctor assist­ ed Mrs. Miller recently in getting no­ tices posted and meeting the various requirements o f the new law to get a road petition before the county court. One o f the new demands is that the petitioner must mail ull prop­ erty owners concerned a registered letter, including one to “ oneself,” the petitioner. Mrs. S. R. Harper went to Jen­ nings Lodge to see Mrs. Laura Craw­ ford who is just up from California. Mrs. Crawford’s broken arm has not L ea v e f o r the East recovered enntirely. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Sture, former Sandy folk, left Gresham this week Mrs. Victoria Nelson has been en­ for Des Moines, where they will at­ tertaining Miss Richards of Los An­ tend the national conference o f the geles the past week, and Miss Rich­ Augustinian synod. While in the ards attended the graduation exer­ East they will visit in Illinois and cises with Mrs. Nelson Saturday Minnesota. Stanley and Verne are night. with their grandmother, Mrs. Sture. who is now living in Vancouver, Washington. W ill Start East Carl Sharnke, Ed. Schmitz and Emil ('arrow say they will start on a Giv e Dinn er P ar ty trip east in two weeks. Their many Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eri were hosts friends are wondering if the boys at a lovely dinner party given for the are going to bring back cooks with Sandy past matrons and past patrons them. of Mountain View chapter O. E. S. last week, at the regular monthly L e g io n D a n c e Held meeting o f this club. Present beside The American Legion post o f Mr. and Mrs. Eri were Mr. and Mrs. Gresham dance at Sandy I. O. O. E. E. F. Bruns, Jack Greenwood o f Ori­ hall Tuesday night was a pleasant ent, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Townsend, social event according to those pres­ Mrs. G. O. McIntyre, Mrs. C. L. Hen­ ent and a fair sized crowd is re­ son, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Morgan. ported. P ri s oner A p p e a r » C heer fu l WANT ADS COLUMN The Everything Peoples Store in Season = § : The oldest ice skates in the world ■ have been discovered in the museum = : in Prague, dating back to the fifth i : j century, B. C., and are fashioned | : from the botes o f cattle. | Joseph Travers o f Worcester, Mass, = is the ow ner-of what he claims to be = the oldest currency printed in the | United States— an $8 bill made in 1776 by Hall and Sellers o f Phila­ delphia. The famous yacht, America, the first winner o f the cup which bears its name, was built in New York by George Steers and launched in March of 1851. Double Stamps Eighty billion kilowatt hours o f electricity were used in the United States in 1927. Subscribe for the Eastern Clacka­ mas News, $1.50 per year. Saturday, June 2 CHURCHES Methodist C hu rch “ Come unto Me.” Peace, happi- ness and contentment were prom- ised to all who would turn from sin and walk in the paths of righteous- ness, by our Lord and Master. Al- though this promise was made many years ago, it is true today. The church, which represents our Lord on this earth, has the same message for you, and in the name o f the Mas- ter says “ come.” The church offers devotion to men and women, boys and girls, all ages. It is an organization to spread the knowledge o f Christ and salvation from sin. It also offers encourage­ ment, sympathy, and fellowship. The church is in your community to serve humanity. Support the church by regular at­ tendance. Regular church attendance and participation in its activities will strengthen your character. Nothing in life can take the place o f the church. “ Come unto Me and I will give you rest.” The subject for the 11 o ’clock ser­ vice next Sunday, “ Progressive Pow­ er o f the Gospel over the Soul,” and at 8 o'clock in the evening, “ Fisher­ man.” You always get a welcome at the Methodist church. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Epworth League at 7 p. m.. C. T. Cook, pastor. SEE == ^E ^3 =j ^E = ^E = W e give Double Stamps on all ac­ counts paid in full and on all Cash Purchases. S5: EE EE EE ~ Ü * * * THE PEOPLES STORE ESTACADA, OREGON = H. B. SNYDER, Proprietor J. W . S A U N D E R S Route 1, Estacada P ainting and P ap er H a n g in g N ot ic e f o r Pub lication * Fine Line o f Wall Paper Department o f the Interior, U. S. * Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Land office at Roseburg, Oregon, May 9. 1928. Notice is hereby given that Leslie Dr. H, M. Kramer L. Phelps o f Cherryville, Oregon, DENTIST who, on March 30, 1925, made H. E. Estacada, Oregon (was Portland No. 07697) No. 017,- 309 for NVfe N W ‘/4 , & SWVi NWVi O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. section 15, township 2 south, range Evenings by appointment 5 east, Willamette meridian, has O f f i c e P h o n e 315 filed notice o f intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before K. F. Frazer, U. S. commissioner, at L. A . C H A P M A N Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon, on the M ORTICIAN 27th day o f June, 1928. Calls attended dev or night Claimant names as witnesses: Mortuary I. O. O. F. Bldg. Samuel R. Cox, Minnie Douglass. I Telephone No. 21-51 Isac Thayer, Waldo Douglass, all o f j Cherryville, Oregon, non-coal HAMILL A. CANADY, i May 18, June 8. Register. PIES FOR DESSERT! Our pies are as good as homemade. Pure, nutritious, wholesome. Only the best ma­ terials go into our pies. ~ U-NEED-A BAKERY _ Estacada Phone 87-1 Your Vacation S. E. Wooster Real E st at e Loa ns , Insurance Rent als SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon for the County o f Clacka­ FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY mas. Tel. 77-3 Estacada, Ore. Harriet Munnick, plaintiff; vs. Adrian Munnick, defendant. To Adrain Munnick, the above named! O. D. EBY defendant: A t t o r n e y at L a w In the name o f the state o f Oregon i General Practice Confidential you are hereby required to appeal Adviser and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Oregon City, O r e g o n suit within four weeks from the date o f the first publication o f this sum­ mons, May 11, 1928, and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plain­ Dr. M. M. Martindale tiff will apply to the court for the CH IROPRACTOR relief prayed for in plaintiff’s com­ o f Oregon City plaint, to-wit; a decree dissolving the ! Monday and Friday Evenings bonds o f matrimony heretofore and after 6 o ’clock now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the custody o f her O f f i c e at L in n ’ » Inn minor child. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge ’ Walter W. Gilbert, M. D. o f the above entitled court made and * P hy si cian a n d S u r g e o n entered this 9th day o f May, 1928, * O ffice Hours 9 to 6 directing that such publication bt * and Evenings made in the Eastern Clackamas News OREGON in Clackamas County, Oregon, once * ESTACADA each week for four successive weeks from date of first publication hereof. Date o f 1st publication. May 11, 1928 * C. D., D. C„ E. C. LATOURETTE Last publication June 8, 1928. * Attorney» ELISHA A. BAKER, * Practice in A l l Courts Attorney for the Plaintiff. First National Bank Bldg. Postoffice Address: 604 606 Porter * Oregoa Building, Portland. Oregon. j8 * Oregon City While at the courthouse Tuesday Mrs. Miller saw Earl Jones at the LOST— Mink fur, between Sandy and jail. Earl looks well and appeared Pleasant Home, Friday evening. cheerful, but mnde no comment Reward. Inquire Sandy Barber about the awful tragedy for which he Shop. Up is held. iano Lessons ...... Art lessons................ Id entifi es S to len Tire« French lessons ............ 50c H. Perret went to the city Tuesday Dorothy Jonsrud, Bluff Road and identified his tires that were Phone 20x2. It stolen Friday night. Sheriff E. T. Mass helped locate the thieving ring The menu for the grange dance Sat­ in the city. Perret feels lucky to get urday liight is chicken, cold ham, the $250 worth o f tires and tubes potato and cabbage salad, pickles, back. jelly, bread, butter, cream banana pie, strawberries, assorted cakes, F o u r Pair Twins in O r e g o n ia n coffee. Food placed on tables.; The picture o f the four pair o f Price 50c. Up | twins that were in Sandy union high Schueb el, B eattie A Miller school the past year were in Sunday’s Vi»it at Hillsb oro Attorneys at Law Oregonian, the "Identical expedi- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keith and daugh­ 6 per cent state school money to tional twins,” Lewis and Clark Lund ter Ellen drove to Hillsboro to spend loan on farms; General law prac­ graduated last week but the other the week end with Mr. Keith's sister tice. Bank o f Oregon City Bldg. three sets will be in school again and family, who moved to Portland Oregon City Oregon the coming term. one day this week. 1 e e e e e e e e e e e will be more pleasant if you avoid the an­ noyance o f attempting to cash personal checks away from home. Carry some of our TRAVELER’S CHECKS Self identifying and good everywhere. Secure a supply before you start. E S T A C A D A STA TE BANK Safe Deposit Boxes, $3.00 per year. Ice Orders! Have all your orders for Ice in by 10:00 o’clock * BROADWAY GARAGE * * * * * * RICHFIELD More Power for the »ame price Tebe Tire Patching PLUMBING — TIN WORK STORACE Truck Line Terminal Estacada Meat Co. Estacada, Oregon