* íE a s tm t (Ülarkam as ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1928 VOLUME XXII NINETEEN GRADUATED FROM ESTACADA HIGH RETURNS HOME FROM NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Boat Sail» Fine Claude Cook, son o f Rev. and Mrs C. T. Cook, has made a boat whicl sails “ just fine,” so Claude says. Ht tried it out down in the river a fev days ago. Confectionery Redecorated The interior o f the Bob March bank confectionery and restauran! has received a fresh coat o f pain and looks very attractive now. School Board Meets The school board and a few citi zens met one night last week and pre­ pared the school budget for next yeai which the people of this district wil have the opportunity of acceptini or rejecting as they see fit, on the 18th day o f June at 7:30 p. in., in th< high school auditorium. The budget is about the same as last year. Mrs. Duus Returns Mrs. J. C. Duus returned iron Oregon City Thursday where she hai been for some time receiving medica' aid. She is feeling much improved Raturns to Portland Mrs. A. C. Hurst, who has been here visiting for a couple o f weeks returned to Portland Tuesday. Go to the Coast Mr. and Mrs. Will Perry and fam ily left after the show Sunday nigh: for a trip to the coast, returning oti Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wooster Improving Mrs. Harold Wooster, who has been confined in an Oregon City hospital for some time, was reported as not getting along so well the last o f the week, but since has rallied and again is improving. Here Frr.m Antelope Mrs. Ghulys Duus from Antelope, Ore., was here this week visiting rel­ atives and friends. Visits at Nawberg Mrs. Mae Reed went to Newberg to visit her brother, returning Wed­ nesday evening. PLANS PROCEED FDR CELEBRATION ON 4TH PUPILS PASS EIGHTH GRADE TESTS OF LOCAL SCHOOL mm _________________________ NUMBER 35 ESTACADA BEATS 40,000 MILES WITH LINDBERGH I HERE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY The eighth graders o f the Estaeada The actual motion pictures of the schools who passed and will be eli­ ' daring achievements o f Colonel Chits. gible to enter high school next year A. Lindbergh that have thrilled the are Lavena Grabeel, Glen Cary, Ne­ world, will be shown on the screen SPEAKING, SPORTS, BASEBALL va Lemon, Louise Armstrong, Evelyn MORELAND PITCHES FINE GAME at the Liberty Theatre here next Weingart, Lyle Darrow, Glen March- Wednesday and Thursday. GAME AND STREET DANCE ALLOWING BAKERS BUT bank, Harold Bishop, and Paul Syron. More thrilling, more dramatic than TO BE FEATURES SEVEN SAFE HITS There were 16 in the class and six of any screen story ever written! Never the number will take examinations in all history has the world known in one or more subjects in June. anything to compare with the daring Plans are getting under way for One o f the best ball games o f the and success o f the “ Lone Eagle”— the celebration to be held in Esta- Attends Alumni Banquet season was played on the Estaeada perhaps never will again. Perhaps Miss Mary Alice Reed came up field Sunday afternoon when David­ never again will such amazing motion cada on July Fourth. Committees are being selected and the tentative from Portland to attend the Alumni son’s bakery team in the Portland pictures be possible. For at last you program being outlined us fast as banquet Saturday evening at the Es­ Valley league was defeated by the can fly with Lindbergh to Paris, to possible. A meeting o f the general tacada hotel. She is a graduate of Estaeada Legionnaires by it 3 to 1 Belgium, to London; you can join the millions that have cheered him committee wu . held W ednesday eve­ Estaeada high. score. ning and another is to be held next Jude Moreland did the tossing act abroad, in every state in the union, Monday evening, after which date Entertains for Portland Friends for the home team, with no relief in and on his latest trip throughout Lat­ Mrs. A. L. Crockett entertained sight if the bakers started hitting. in America. Don’t miss the actual more definite announcements can be at her home a bridge party for her This was Jude's first complete game motion pictures o f the most amazing made. A prominent speaker is being se­ friends from Portland, aftewads o f pitching for several years, and he scenes in history. cured for the day, and a program of showing them the new pak improve­ managed to keep the Portlanders sports and interesting events to take ments. reasonably out o f danger throughout New Barber Shop A barber shop is being fitted up up the e ntire day is planned. the contest. A baseball game between the Le­ Leave for Corvallis The home team Sunday was shy in the front part of the Marchbank Mrs. Frank Whitaker and son two regulars and also Malcom Rie- pool hall, being removed fron: the Guest of Miss Gardner gionnaires and a good team from out­ Miss Lola Johnson, formerly o f Es­ side is being arranged and will be Bernard left early Sunduy morning bhoff, who has been the mainstay on room at the rear o f the confec­ tacada, was a guest o f .Miss Alarían one of the main attractions for the for Corvallis where they met rela­ the pitching staff throughout the sea­ tionery. tives and enjoyed a day of visiting. son. Eddie Schmitz along with Rie- Gardner for a few days lust week afternoon. and attended the commencement A dance will be held in the after­ bhoff was fighting fire last Sunday Return to Estaeada Mrs. Aimee Dobson Upton and her sreises Friday evening at the Mgh noon and also in the evening, prob-i Visit at Gladstone and Kenneth Scales was sjck, making school. ably a street dance, at night. The Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and it necessary to place a new man at sister, Mrs. Lillian Downs Dobson, committee at first decided to give a daughter Jean drove to Gladstone on hortstop as well as a new fielder in returned to Estaeada the latter part o f last week. They have been teach­ Here from Three Links dance at Eagle Creek in the evening Memorial Day, to visit at the home o f the left garden. Mrs. George Armstrong came down but it appeared that a majority fa ­ Mrs. Grabeel’s parents. They re­ Tony Bronson, who has been play­ ing near Pendleton. Mrs. Dobson left from Three Links to attend the grad­ vored the dance being held on the turned the same day. ing second sack, took shortstop posi­ Monday for an extended trip East, uating exercises Friday evening. street here in front o f the p ostoffice.' tion, and was the star in the game. where she will visit relatives in Ne­ ________________ A contest for the selection o f the Tony had seven chances and made braska and Minnesota. Goddess o f Liberty to reign over the good on everyone of them, two plays throngs on the Fourth is planned, de­ bordering on the sensational. tails o f the contest to be announced Jennings played an errorless game in witkin a short time. left field. Business men who have so far been No pitcher in a Portland Valley _______________ i approached on the subject are in fa ­ league game this year has been given Sheriff Mass believes that he has vor o f a big celebration, and the better support than that given Jude The sixteenth annual banquet and ! plan of the band for the observance the man who was responsible for the Moreland by the Legionnaires in business meeting of the Estaeada OREGON CITY, May 31.— During o f the day will, to a big extent, be series o f robberies in Estaeada re­ Sunday’s contest. The bakers’ lone high school Alumni association was governed according to the degree of cently, according to a story in the tally in the fifth frame was made on the past week an organization has held at the Estaeada hotel on the been accomplished o f nearly all civic co-operation tendered by the business Morning Enterprise. a fluke when Ray Lovelace threw evening o f May 26. Forty-seven bodies that is considered one of the The thief was taken by the Port­ firms o f the city. the ball from center to Miller at members partook o f the bountiful’ most complete community hookups \\ hin a few days the committee land police after “ Snoose” Johnson third as a runner was advancing. dinner which was interspersed with that this city has ever had. It has will make a canvas o f the town and who is believed to be responsible fot I( looked as if it would be an easy .¡lever program numbers. Lloyd: aftoiward will be more able to dis­ many robberies was seriously wound­ out, but the ball made a sudden turn been- uonc in the interests o f again Ewalt, president, acted as toustmaster re-enacting the Oregon pageant, “ The ed. Loot, including tires and tubes cus; i he plans and arrangements for for some reason or other and passed ind gave a short review o f the or­ Old Pioneer,” during July o f this taken from the Sandy garage Friday the day. the sack and the runner scored. ganization in his address of welcome summer at Gladstone park. Since the park is not available, night was recover with the capture of Arnold Lovelace, first sacker fot which was fittingly responded to i y The pageant play created such an the speaking and many o f the events Johnson, Sheriff Mass announced. the Legionnaires, in addition to play­ Elwin Beck, president o f the els The sheriff believes that Johnson emphatic impression at the Chautau­ for the day will have to be held on ing a perfect game at first, starred >f 1928. the i .cant lots around the postoffice, was the leader of the gang that has with the stick, hitting Bliss, David­ qua during the last session that the O fficers elected for the coming been robbing stores and garages in demand was very general to have it the committee has decided. son twirler, for two doubles and as /ear were Oliver Suter, president; continued and especially in the face different towns in Clackamas county. many singles, in five times up. Ray Lovelace, vice president; Foster of the adjournment o f the Chautau­ Will Keep Vegetables Fresh Dykes went in as a pinch hitter Vleyers, secretary; Mary Alice Reed, qua this summer. The Lovelace store is keeping u p , Visit in Portland for Jennings in the ninth, but with reasurer. “ The Old Frontier” expresses so with the improvement spirit and is Mrs. Julius Krieger and daughter no effective result, hitting into the The balance o f the evening was completely the traditions o f old Ore­ havii: ’ a large sheet iron receptacle Wanda went to Portland Friday and second baseman’s mit. pent in dancing and visiting. Two gon and the romance and adventure made for vegetables so as to have visited with relatives until Saturday Bliss for the visitors pitched a feature dances consisting of mem­ pertaining to its early days and when runn ag water over them all the time evening. fine game, allowing twelve hits, badly bers o f the primary grade who gave the question was persented the opin­ to keep them fresh. scattered except >» the eighth inning the Dutch dance and the little Bar: ion that it should go on, similar to when they bunched five bingles foi girls with a pretty dance, added to Campfire Girls on Trip many other well known spectacles in Breaks Sedan Glass three runs. the merriment and entertainment of other cities, was unanimous among Seven o f the campfire girls, ac­ The first accident from playing Gus Hanke o f Sherwood umpired the occasion. the citizens. companied by their guardian, Miss ball ( n Main street occurred Tuesday the game to the complete satisfac­ The spacious and beautiful dining when a boy threw a ball into the ear Bessie Anderson, and Miss Hunter tion o f both sides, and a special re hall was artistically decorated with Island quest has been made for Mr. Hanke’r "SHANGHAIED” IS BIG o f A. Smith, which was parked on the left Sunday afternoon for the class colors. THRILLER HERE TODAY Park, near Canby, to camp for a services at the game in his home stree , breaking one o f the glass. week. The girls making the trip are town next Sunday. He covers every As a picture o f the sea in which Old Settler’s Picnic Lavena Grabeel, Glen Cary, Neva play, is emphatic in his decisions am no mutiny or fighting on shipboard Visit at Sparks Home Everyone should remember the Old occurs, “ Shanghaied,” Ralp Ince’s Mi. and Mrs. George Morrow of Lemon, Lois Smith, Lois Bates, Carol (Continued on page 3) Settlers’ picnic next Wednesday at great maritime production is said to I’ortl mil were visitors in Estaeada Yocum, Catherine Marden and Cath­ Dinty Moore’s park. Tell your erine O’ Brien. hold a unique position in the annals Sunduy at the A. E. Sparks home. New Ticket Saleslady friends. Mrs. B. O. Sarver sold tickets at of fildom. While thrilling action is the key­ Guests of Haymans the Liberty Theatre Monday night in Leave for the East Garden Club to Meet note of this great sea picture, which Mi. and Mrs. J. C. Pimm and fam­ the absence o f Mrs. Will Perry. Miss Maude Sherman and her The Estaeada Garden club will hold will be at the Liberty Theatre here ily o f Portland were guests o f Mr. mother did not get away until Mon­ a meeting on Monday afternoon, Friday and Saturday, the director and Mrs. J. G. Hayman Sunday. Visit at Gladstone day when they left for Athena, in June 4, at the home o f Mrs. Henry Mrs. B. O. Sarver and son Harry has not resorted to the hackneyed Eastern Oregon, to remain a few days Beers. All members are urged to be Mrs. Dodson Gets Quilt mutiny and sea fight for his climax, 1 and then will proceed on their auto and Lula Kingston visited Mrs. Sar present. but instead has depended upon a sub­ The pretty quilt which the Camp trip to different points in the East ver's sister at Gladstone Wednesday tle play o f emotions to produce the Fire girls hail to sell was given to to visit relatives. Visiting Mrs. Eckcr high dramatic point in the story. Mrs. Ben Dodson. Move Into New Home Mrs. R. E. Baxter, sister-in-law of “ Shanghaied” is based on a story Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lins moved Mrs. Nina B. Ecker, is here visiting Spend Week End at Coast Here Mrs. McPherson o f the Barbary coast, San Francisco’s into their new house Wednesday. the Ecker family. She arrived in colorful water front, and a girl who Mi. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring left Among those who went to Port­ Portland Friday and Sunday after­ Saturday for Corvallis where they land Sunday to hear Aimee McPher­ dances in one o f the toughest joints. Here from Rockwood noon Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Boyle, Wal­ were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Fred son at the municipal auditorium Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Dunlop and Forced to take part in a plot against den Boyle anil J. C. Ecker drove out Kist and family and drove to the were Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaake, Lloyd family o f Roekwood were here or the man she loves, she gains his hat­ to Estaeada with her and all enjoye.1 coast to spend the week end. Make, Mrs. Fasel and Mr. and Mrs. Thursday looking after the straw- red. For revenge, he takes her to a dinner at the home o f Mrs. W. F. E. E. Hannah. berry crop on their place south of sea with him to make her repay in Cary. It had been 15 years since Cues' at Lawrence Home work what she has helped to rob him town. Mrs. Baxter last met her relative of. Out o f this situation comes a Miss Ethyl Young of Portland, who Here from St. Helens She is from Marseills, 111., and had taught one o f the grades in the drama o f love and hate which has Here from Independence H. B. Davis came from St. Helens never been farther west than Denver Springwater school last year, was a Miss Lelia Howe from Indepen­ been acclaimed by critics as being gm s; at the G. E. Lawrence home to be present at the graduation ex­ dence was a week end visitor at her one o f the most gripping ever filmed. ercises when his son Leonard and Eagle Creek Merchant Here Ince, who also directed the picture, Sunday. home here. daughter Irene graduated. Monday L. P. Conner o f Eagle Creek, who is starred as the sturdy man o f the morning the family left for St. Hel­ owns and opeartes the firm known l i ­ NOVARRO FEATURED IN sea, too hard to see love in revenge. IMPROVEMENTS BEING MADE the Eagle Creek Trailing company, "ROAD TO ROMANCE” ens to make their home. AT FISH HATCHERY Patsy Ruth Miller plays the tough was a business visitor in the city little cabaret girl. Wednesday. Mr. Conner is ,a. tin - “ The Road to Romance,” starring Visit Mr. and Mrs. Linn A new dam and many other im­ extensive improvements in he prop Ramon Novarro, will be shown at the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Otter from provements are being made at the Linn’s Inn Improved erty at Eagle Creek. He said that Liberty Theatre here Sunday and Portland were visitors o f Mr. and Delph Creek fish hatchery in the Linn’s Inn has been improved by the crowds coming to the Lake here Monday. This is said to be Novarro’s Mrs. Ed. Linn at Linn’s Inn Saturday Garfield district. The work is being new paper and paint and looks very during the past few day- had mailt be - 1 picture since Ben Hur. The evening. done under the supervision o f J. C. neat and clean with the other im­ a big difference in the volume of ’ ory is based on Joseph Conrad’s Moreland, who is in charge o f the provements o f the building. fa. .»us story o f Cuba in the days of business done. hatchery, and the crew o f men em­ Ralph DeShazer Here pi ‘.e and the Spanish Main. ployed on the job are residents of Thirty Babies Examined Ramon Navarro, typical Spanish Ralph DeShazer o f Dover was in the community. Considerable interest was mani­ actor is seen in another Spanish r ,b M r-- e to Hammond Residence this community last week looking for fested in the child clinic at the high school Thursday. There were about “ The Road to Romance,” whiih i I he Mr. and Mis. Robert Manning certified seed potatoes. Anyone hav­ Entertain» Bridge Club major attraction at the Liberty The; moved last Saturday to the Hammond ing them for sale can address Mr. Mrs. W. E. Linn was hostess to thirty babies presented for exami­ DeShazer at Eagle Creek, Route 1. tre here Sunday and Monday. nation. residence. the bridge club Monday afternoon. Upton A. Upton bus returned from an extended tour of the country go­ ing as far east a.s New York City. His object was to advertise for his COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES and Mrs. Upton’s son Keith, who left home over a year and a half ago. HELD FRIDAY.— DR. HEW- Mr. Upton stopped in Chicago for ETT GIVES ADDRESS. many days both going and returning to advertise for Keith, as it was from that place that he wrote to his par­ Newspa­ Nineteen girls and boys received ents February 17, 1927. their diplomas at the graduating ex pers in various parts o f the United ercises o f the Estaeada high school States are co-operating in endeavor last Friday evening at the auditoriun ing to locate the missing lad, Mr. before a large audience o f pupils Upton reports. parents and friends. J. G. Dayman president o f the school hoard, made Here From Hood River Bud Anders of Hood River arrived the presentation. A thoughtful lesson to the grado here Saturday evening to ..visit al the ates was given by Dean Roy E. Hassell home and Sunday returned Hewett o f the Willamette University to Hood River, accompanied by his who delivered the commencement ad­ wife and Mrs. Charles MarclihnnU, dress, on “ A Present Problem,” deal­ who had been visiting their paren . ing with the awfulness of war and Mr. and Mrs. Hassell for the past pleading that the boys and girls bt week or ten days. educated for resistance should thi question o f war ever be brought UI again. The invocation was given by Rev. C. T. Cook and the salutatory by Fred Voight. Olive Bishop gave thi valedictory and the musical numbers were a cornet solo, “ Perfect Day,” by Leonard Davis; mandolin solo “ Alberta Caprice,” by Irene Davis vocal solo, “ F’orgotten,” Elvin Beck cornet solo, “ The Heart Bowed Down,” by Kenneth Dart. The stage presented a very at tractive appearance with decoration: o f purple and gold, class colors, an< bouquets o f cut flowers. “ Die try ing,” the class motto, in letters ol blossoms, adorned the center o f th stage above the curtain. The graduates are Alice Kaake Lillian Duncan, Ruth Hale, Ruby Hoffmeister, Eva Dew, Opal Clester Irene Davis, Olive Bishop, Elwii Beck, Oliver Beck, Carl DeMoy, Ev­ erett Osborne, James Fantz, Fre> Voight, Sam Whitehead, Kennet Dart, Leonard Davis, Bernard Whitt ker and Dan Jennings. There seems to be something sol emn and sad about the graduatin; o f a class, as it forms the climax o a certain period in their lives an- the beginning o f a new one. Then too, the class has been intimately as sociated together for four years forming ties which are severed to t more or less extent. -N BURGLAR WHO ROBDED STORE HERE CAPTURED ANNUAL ALUMNI BANQUET HELD AT HDTEL ESTACAGA I lliE OLu rRONTIEFT TO BE AGAIN STAGED