Eastern Ûllarkamas E S T A C A D A , OREGON, F R ID A Y , M A Y 25, 1928 V O LU M E X X II Baccalaureate Services Held THOUSANDS VISIT HIKE OVER THE WEEK E l Baccalaureate services fo r the Es­ tacada high school were held in the high school auditorium Sunday night. A. DeMoy was the interesting speaker and Rev. C. T. Cook o ffered a prayer after congregational singing o f “ Je­ LOTS POPE NOMINATED AS ASSESSOR, sus Lover o f My Soul." Other musi­ MORE T H A N H A L F TH E cal numbers were a violin solo by SOLD IN E S T A C A D A L A K E RANDALL FOR SHERIFF; Ralph Baker, accompanied by Miss Edith DeM oy and a song by four D E V E LO PM E N T. MILLER EASILY WINS. girls. There was a large attendance. GUY PACE IN CLOSE RACE Sunday School Class Party Donald J. Ryan was chosen as the republican nominee fo r county clerk in Friday’s election, over Guy Pace, by a m ajority o f 187 votes. Pace ran ahead in the western end o f the county and not until the returns were in from Eastern Clackamas did it look as i f Ryan had a chance. Ryan poled al total o f 3044 votes to 2857 for Pace. The vote on rep­ resentatives to the legislature was: Cherrick 33C2, Chindgren 3953, Clark 3874 and Sievers 4357, the three latter being nominated. Frank Andrews fo r joint represen­ tative was nominated carrying this county by almost one thousand ma­ jority. North received almost an ev. en break with Andrews in Multnomah county. Fred A. Miller fo r district attor­ ney received a vote o f 2897, to 1342 fo r Lindas and 1749 fo r Stipp. The count for commissioner was: W right 2130, T. A. Roots, 1282, H. Gibson 581, Mattoon 716 and W. H Kanne 1106. For sheriff George Randall receiv­ ed 2805 votes to 1499 fo r P. T. Shel­ ley, and 952 fo r Smith. E. T. Mass won the democratic nomination very easily, defeating Dunton by about 8 to 1 . E. L. Pope was nominated fo r assessor with 2099 votes. W. B. Stokes polled 1643, Douglas Johnson 1077 and A. C. N ew ell 932. R. M. Holman won the nomination fo r coroner with 2744 votes; Greaves had 1365 and Welsh 1489. Circuit Judge J. U. Campbell had 5370, School Superintendent Vcdder 5604, Surveyor Meldrum 4807, anc Recorder Hackett 504JJ. They had no opposition. Hal Hoss was nominated fo r the o ffic e o f secretary o f state, going over by a m ajority o f about ten thou­ sand votes. In Clackamas county he received 4256, Corey coming next with 790 and Hadley third with 782. S h eriff Mass won the democratic nomination with 2235 votes, his op­ ponent, V. H. Dunton, receiving 287. Mrs. Louis Nielsen gave a party for her Sunday school class on Sat­ urday, May 12, at her home in east part o f town. The class is called the Busy Bees, and they lived up to their name at this party. There were thirty present and all enjoyed playing games and the refreshments served by their teacher. Attend Service Miss Laura Berry o f Portland and Waldo .DeMoy, both graduates o f Estacada high, attended the baccala­ ureate services here Sunday. PLEASING ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN BY LOCAL SCHOOLS There is great activity in the Es­ tacada schools this week, with the closing exercises, picnics, etc. W ed­ nesday was senior day and the eighth grade pupils o f the surrounding dis­ tricts were entertained. A t 11 o’clock in the morning there was a program o f music by the high school orchestra, welcome address by J. G. Hayman, chairman1 o f the school board, fla g salute, singing by the assembly, class history by Irene Davis, class poem by Ruth Hale and Kenneth Dart, class will by Lillian Duncan, class prophecy by Opal Cles- ter and Elwin Beck, and awarding o f athletic and orchestra letters. Lunch was served from 12 to 1 p. m. to the visitors by the cooking class. In the afternoon the annual fresh­ man-sophomore tug-of-war tr.ok "Hiee after which there were ball games between Estacada high, winners o f the championship o f the Clackamas county B league, and Independence, winners o f the Polk county cham­ pionship, the latter winning by a score o f 14 to 4. The girls won their game by a close margin. Wednesday evening, the first, sec­ ond and third grades gave a delight­ ful program in the high school audi­ torium, consisting o f a fa iry play, and other numbers, to a capacity house. The first on the program was a “ tea p arty" by six little girls o f the first grade, which was very entertaining, and then followed a The annual Pioneers’ picnic will reading by Elmer Neilsen, a song by be held at Dinty Moore’s park on two little girls, Ruth Barr and Elene Wednesday, June 6, it was announced Follette, which was an entertaining number. Thursday. PIONEERS’ PICNIC TO BE HELD ON JUNE 6 Will Leave for the East ESTACADA LOSES CLOSE CONTEST TO HILLSBORO 1 Miss Maude Sherman, primary | teacher in the Estacada schools, with I her mother, will leave Saturday fo r I their home at Philomath, Ore., and I then in a few days will leave fo r a trip back to Michigan, their former home. They expect to be gone all RUN IN E L E V E N T H IN N IN G BY through the vacation. They will S T A N G E L ENDS GAM E A T make the trip in their own car. F IR ST BER R IES SH IPPED FROM E S T A C A D A T H U R S D A Y Estacada and the Estacada Lake Charles W eaver shipped out four development project was visited by crates o f strawberries Thursday, thousands o f people Saturday and This ¡s the first shipment and they Sunday. More than eight hundred g0 to Adams county, Wash. Mr. cars entered the park during the day W eaver says he received $2 per crate Sunday. fo r them. There are 722 lots in the plat o f _________________ the development made by the Port- Return. from San Francisco land Telegram, and a representative Mrs. Roy Beck returned Saturday o f the newspaper stated Monday f rom g an Francisco, where she went that at least half the lots were sold, w ;th hcr mother a fe w weeks ago. and the balance probably will be sold Her mother did not return as she had within a few days if the present r a te j businesss matters that detained hei o f sales continues. for a time. Purchasers o f lots are given an equal interest in the fine club house and the water front. The front is being improved, floats placed conven- iently, and the popularity o f the re­ sort is all ready established. A crew o f men are now working _______ on the opposite side o f the r iv e r ! 4 laying out streets and grubbing and Miss Rhoda Beck, teacher fo r the grading them. Part o f the crew e m -; past two years in the grade school ployed was laid o f f Saturday, but at this place, whose marriage to W. ill a short time a larger force o f m en' W. Wells o f Tenino, Wash., will be will be employed again, it is reported an event o f the last o f June, was hon- by some o f the representatives o f the ored by a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday evening at the Christian company. church, given by Mrs. Louis Neilsen, the teachers and ladies o f the church. DAVIDSON’S BAKERY NINE A fte r some delay at the church for TO P L A Y HERE SUNDAY “ the speaker” to arrive, a bridal par­ The eighth game in the Portland ty composed o f the teachers and co­ Valley baseball league will be played workers o f Miss Beck in the Estacada here Sunday afternoon when the schools, put in an appearance to the team representing Davidson’s Bakery music o f “ Here Comes the Bride.” meets the local team. First came Mrs. Manning as the The follow ing Sunday the Estacada flow er girl, who looked dainty and team w ill go to Sherwood and on sweet in her pink dress, then the June 10 to Vancouver. The next handsome and blushing bride, Miss game on the local field will be on Hunter, on the arm o f her dignified June 17. mustached father, Mrs. Gardner. Miss Florence Anderson in the latest out­ fit, especially the hat, was next in line, accompanied by Miss Kershncr, the sad, rejected suitor, and the bride’s mother, Miss Sherman. M eet­ ing them at the altar was the frail _______ and modest groom, Miss Pool, and the _ , I best man, Miss Bessie Anderson, who Sang, a fountain drink made I . ,___ .__ _______ __ „ , . . _ I made a charming young man. from the roots o f ginseng, by R. G. The parson Mrg Buejlf stepped up Marchbank o f Marchbank s C o n fe c ! and proceeded to read the Rervice, his tionery, Estacada, is proving very appearance giving a most solemn and popular, in fact this beverage had the ,.giggly>, e ffe c t. As is a freqUent oe- la.gest sale o f any one beverage sold ; currence on such occasions, much d if­ at the confectionery over the week ficulty was experienced in finding the end when there were hundreds o f v is -, ring and then the handsome parson SHOWER GIVEN FOR MISS RRODA BECK DRINK MADE FROM GINSENG IS POPULAR itors here. The country around Estacada is the largest ginseng producing section oi the entire country. Visitors who notice the beds on the hills surround- NUM BER 34 pronounced the couple married. Con- gratulations, kisses and weeping fol- ,owed and the brida, party retired to Poppy Program on tha Air An American Legion Auxiliary Poppy program will be broadcast over K O IN on Friday evening, May 25, from 9:00 to 9:50. The program is being sponsored by the Portland unit. Everyone is urged to listen in on this program. Woodcraft Party Enjoyed The W oodcraft card party Thurs­ day evening in the Masonic hall was a pleasing a ffa ir fo r about fifty . Cards were enjoyed until a late hour and Two games in a row have been lost a committee served light refresh­ by Estacada, each by an 8-7 score. In ments o f ice cream and cake. Sunday's contest at Hillsboro the score was tied in the seventh inning Visiting With Parent* and remained so until the last o f Mrs. Charles Marchbank, and Mrs. the eleventh when a hit brought in Bud Anders o f Hood River, daughters the winning run. o f Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hassell, are Russell, a new pitcher fo r Estacada here this week visiting at the parental started the game and in the third home. inning walked three men. A single brought in two runs and a home run Visit at Leihammer Home bruoght in three more. R iebhoff Mr. and Mrs. John Richards o f then went in and pitched 8 and 2-3 Portland, form erly o f Estacada, were innings, allowing but three runs. guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred L ei­ The Legionnaires were in fine form hammer one evening last week. Sunday and should have won the con­ test easily, but the pitching sta ff was o ff. A total o f ten men were walked, six o f whom made scores for their team. A ball high and wide called a strike on Sid Miller in the first o f the eleventh inning ended Estacada’s The twenty-first annual May day chance to win the game. An error marked up against Kenneth Scales picnic at the Eagle Creek grange was due to a fly he caught and as grove was held Saturday. It was not he started to throw the ball he threw as well attended perhaps, as on fo r­ it behind him and the man was called mer occasions, but as the weather was ideal, those who did attend had safe. A large number o f local fans have a delightful time. The Portland ” oipe followed the team the last two games, at least one-third o f the crowd at band furnished music fo r the occa­ Hillsboro Sunday being Estacada sion, which was enjoyed fo r its nov­ elty. A dance given by the pipers fans. Sunday’s contest will be at home in the afternoon was a feature o f the with Davidson’s. This team was de­ interesting program. A fte r a basket dinner there were feated last Sunday by Oswego 9 to 0 just after Oswego won from Estacada a fe w “ stunts” fo r the amusement o f 8 to 7. The dope is that this will be the large crowd and then all repaired an easy game i f the team is in con­ to the platform fo r the rest o f the program. The schools o f the sur­ dition. This game will start promptly at rounding districts furnished numbers 2:30 and will be the only game on | consisting o f a song by the Eagle the home grounds to be played until Creek school, an exercise by the Currinsville school entitled “ Nodding June 17. Sunday’s results and the box score o f the Flowers,” an exercise by the Douglass Ridge school and a pretty appear on page 3. number by Bety and Ruth Barr o f the LOCAL AND PERSONAL Estacada schools. Follow ing this part o f the program Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunn o f Los Marshall Dana, associate editor o f the Angeles are visiting at the J. R. Oregon Journal, gave a most inter­ Hughes home. Mrs. Dunn is a sister esting address, taking fo r his sub­ ject, “ The Grange and American o f Mrs. Hughes. Hector McPherson; N. E. Gurney, manager, and F. C. Citizenship.” Grant, master mechanic, o f the Ba­ master o f the Linn county grange, ker White Pine Lumber company o f followed with an address which con­ Baker, Ore., were visitors Monday at tinued to hold the interest o f those gathered fo r the program. the Hunt farm in Upper Garfield. Matt Glover o f Eagle Creek acted Home grown strawberries are now on the local markets. It is said there as chairman o f the day. A largely attended dance in the will be a large crop this year. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wade, who re­ evening at Cogswell hall concluded side at Clem, in Eastern Oregon, the program fo r the day. H ILLSB O RO SU N D AY GRANGE PICNIC HELD AT EAGLE CREEK return later. Mrs. D. E. Dent and Mrs. John ing the city, when informed as to page entertained the invited guests were here visiting relatives this week. the ginseng growing industry here to the number o f about fifty , with They were guests at the Wilbur Wade Visits Daughter The next on the program was a become curious enough to want to humorous readings which were appro­ home. A ll pioneers and the public in gen­ Mrs. C. T. Cook le ft the first o f eral is invited to attend. There will Dutch dance by the first graders, taste the herb, and all seem to know priate to the occasion and then Miss Ed Boner moved this week to a the week fo r Springfield, Ore., where girls, which certainly more or less about the health pro­ Beck was invited to the front, fo l­ room down the street from where he she visited a sister fo r a few duys be a basket lunch, speaking and other boys and brought down the house. They were moting qualities o f ginseng. events o f interest. lowed by two o f the bridal party was located on Main street, so that and then went to Canyonville where For a period o f a year or more R. carrying a tub o f packages and the Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunt might have her daughter teaches, to remain un­ The committee in charge o f the strictly high class in their pretty cos­ arrangements fo r the picnic is com­ tumes and “ artistic” dancing. This G. Marchbank has been experiment­ bride to be was invited to “ get busy.” more housekeeping rooms. til the 5th o f June. Rev. Cook ac­ posed o f J. C. Duus and Matt Lons- interesting number was followed by ing in concocting a drink from the Many beautiful and useful g ifts were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland arc companied her in their car to Spring- “ The Rainbow Parade," delightfully roots o f ginseng, and some o f the received, including best wishes, which rejoicing over the arrival at their field, returning the follow ing day. berry. John Stormer is president o f the association and J. K. E ly is the given by the second grade and to con­ local people who have been using it Miss Beck acknowledged with profuse home Tuesday, May 22, o f a fine clude the entertaining program was fo r quite a while, seldom take any j thanks, secretary. little boy. Mother and baby are get­ Take Charge of Store the play, “ Midsummer E ve,” by the other fountain drink. j ee cream and delicious cake was ting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilgan took Sang is a refreshing, health-pro- gerVed by a group o f young girls and A fte r a visit o f a couple o f weeks first, second and third grades. It was A street sprinkler was employed charge o f the Pointer second hand a fairy story with a fa iry queen, at his home here, Harold Server re­ moting drink and while nothing has thus ended a joyfu l and memorable in Estacada the first o f the week try ­ store first o f the week and have turned to his work in Eastern Ore­ elves and a herald, all in elaborate ever before been printed about it, occasion with all happy, even to the ing to eliminate some o f the dust on been busy getting in a new stock o f costumes o f gay spring colors. A ll all ready there is quite a demand for rejected suitor who found solace in the streets in the new resort. gon Sunday. goods and re-arranging the store. Marchbank filled an order this ^be company o f the pretty and charm- Congratulations are being extend­ did well and looked charming and it. Commencement exercises in Esta­ week that went to Colorado, and is ¡ng flow er girl. ed Mr. and Mrs. Perry Anderson or graceful. cada high school take place tonight, HIGH SCHOOL WINS _________________ the arrival Sunday, May 20, o f an Miss Sherman and Miss Pool daily receiving inquiries from people when nineteen will receive their di­ COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP 8 1-2 pound son at their home. plomas. coached the children and deserve who have visited the ginseng gardens P O STM ASTE R IN S PE C TS R U R A L D E L IV E R Y ROUTES Miss Lola Moore, a student at O much praise fo r their patience and o f Estacada and the confectionary, Hugh Jones was assisting at the Estacada high school has won the _______ S. A. C. was a week enS visitor al skill. The stage was artistically dec­ where they first became acquainted Broadway Garage this week in the her home here. Postmaster A. N. Johnson made on absence o f the propriettfr, orated with flowers and bright col­ with the beverage. A. G. baseball championship o f the class B high school league. The team de­ “ Sang” so fa r is sold by R. G. inspection trip over the routes out Antes. Mrs. A. Sagner and fam ily are ored paper. moving into the Stiner residence on Thursday the seniors and juniors Marchbank, only, and judging from 0f this postoffice first o f the week, Mrs. Margaret M idford’s aunt, who feated Canby last Friday afternoon, Broadway. went on a picnic to Oswego lake, the the way it has met with public favor Route 1 is 45 miles in length and has been visiting here fo r some time, and at the same time Sandy, with Rev. J. F. Dunlop o f Rockwood eighth grade to Canby and the other it appears likely that “ Sang” will be- route 2 is 48 miles long. The roads, left f ° r her home in California on whom Estacada was tied for first place, lost to Molalla, givin g the local was an Estacada v iiitor Saturday. picnics were held at Dinty M oore’s come as popular a drink as Coeo Mr. Johnson reports, are in fairly Thursday. Cola or other fountain beverages. good condition and are being further H. E. Worden o f the Estacadr park. Mr. 11. E. Worden drove to team the lead. West Linn high school is the win­ Pharmacy had as guests Sunday his - — improved. In a few cases the box Portland Saturday evening and was mother, Mrs. Mary Worden, his sis­ School Work on Display GRADUATION EXORCISES owners are being urged to make the accompanied on his return by his ner o f the championship in the class Samples o f the work o f the man­ TO BE HELD THIS EVENING approach more accessible. mother, daughter and a sister who A county school leage, and it is said ter, Miss Grace Worden, and his that a game will be played at an spent the day here. daughter, Miss Ruth Worden, all o f ual training class o f the Estacada Graduation exercises will be held Attend I. O. O. F. Convention high school were on display this week Mr. and Mrs. George K elly and early date with that school team. Portland. Am ong the visitors at the Wm Dale ! in the west window o f the Estacada at the Estacada high school this Fri­ Delegates from the Estacada I. O. fam ily o f Portland were guests at the home Sunday were Dr. and Mrs. W ill Pharmacy. The work is beautifully day evening. The class is composed O. F. and Rebekah lodges to the Estacada hotel Saturday. Fir* at Zig Zag Dale and son from Portland and Mrs. done and reflects much credit on the o f eight girls and eleven boys. They state convention left Tuesday morn­ Wallace Smith has bought the Max Albert KitcKing was called upon Thursday and Friday o f are: George Dale o f Wallowa, Oregon. I teacher. ing for Roseburg. The Odd Fellows Sagner residence and expects to take Thursday to get a crew o f men and Mrs. George Dale was enroute to Eu- j this week visitors will be allowed to 1 Alice Kaake, Lillian Duncan, Ruth were A rt P erry and A. G. Ames, and possession in a short time. hurry to the forest fire at Zig Zag. the high Hale, Ruby Hoffm eister, Eva Dew, the Rebekah delegates were Mrs. Victory Chapter O. E. S. o f Port-1 gene to visit her daughter, a student ! see the entire work at Opal Clester, Irene Davis and Olive Louise Linn, Mrs. J. K. Ely and Mrs. lard has extended an invitation to | Mrs. Duus Improved school. in the state university. 1 'ishop. the Estacada chapter to be its guest Wilbur W’ ade. Mrs. J'. C. Duus, who has been Dan Matson, who was employed at Mr. and Mrs. Lester Guy o f Dallas Elwin Beck, O liver Beck, Dan Jen­ on Thursday evening, June 21. staying with her (laughter in Oregon the LaDee logging camp, had to give CSharles and Will K rieger and Mrs. C. E. Ross and daughter, Mrs. City fo r the past two weeks, to take up work fo r a fe w days on account Ore., spent the week end at the nings, Carl DeMoy, Everett Osborne from Portland were Neilsen, o f Portland, were week end medical treatments, writes that she o f an accident when he fractured home o f Mr. Guy’s cousin, O. E. Sy James Fantz, Fred Voight, Sam t.heir wives three ribs. He is at his home in Es­ ron. On Sunday they drove to Gov | Whitehead, Kenneth Dart, Leonard guests at the home o f their brother visitors o f Mrs Minnie Hansen o f is much improved and thinks perhaps Julius Krieger, Sunday. eminent Camp on the Loop highway. Davis and Bernard Whitaker. Estacada. she can come home next Sunday. tacada.