EASTERN SHHINCwAiïti FA 1 H (11 Ik HELO SEPTEMBEH 14 The members o f the Springwater fail board met Tuesday evening at tlie L. S. Tenny home uiul completed arrangements for the premium list for the fair, which is to be held on September 14 this year. The Five Hundred club met with Mr. and Airs. It. IV Cogswell Satur­ day evening. Five tables were in play with high honors going to Mr. and Mrs. John Keller. The 4-H Sewing club girls accom­ panied by their leader, Ethyl Young, went on a picnic to Clear Creek Sat­ urday. Mrs. 1. M. Park was a dinner guest o f her daughter, Mrs. Brian Moore. W ednesday. Mrs. Carl W ard visited Mrs. Carl Howell Wednesday afternoon. Albert dormer i home visiting his pirents for u few days before leav­ ing about May 15 for a trip to Alaska. M is. Karl Shibley and children were in Purtland over the week end. Callers at the J. Ft Aioger home over the week end were Mrs. Carl Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell, Miss Maud Madden and Mrs. Mary Hobson. Sunday their 3on John and Mrs. T. I. Kirkwood and daughter also called. Mrs. Herman Hansen is in Port­ land visiting her sister for a few days. She received the sad news of the death o f a brother in Iowa re­ cently and is quite broken up over it. Mrs. John Kiggins is home from the Oregon City hospital much im ­ proved in health but still very weak. ?slie I. Phelps of t heiiyville, Oregon, who, on March ,'fo, 1925, made H. E. (was I'mtland No. 0 7 6 9 7 ) No. 017, 309 for S ' . N W 1. , & S W> , N W . section 15, township south, range fi east, Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before K. F. Frazer, U. S. commissioner, at Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Oregon, on the 27th Jay o f Jude, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: Samuel R. Cox, Minnie Douglass Isac Thayer, Waldo Douglass, all of Cherryville, Oregon, non-coal H A M IL L A. C A N A D Y , May 18, June 8. Register. 2 Lost Pet. 1 .833 1 .800 .677 3 .500 3 .500 4 .333 4 .333 5 .000 Last S u n d a y ’ » Resu Us Oswego 8, Eslucudu 7. Waahoufptl 8, Hillsboro 2. Davidson's 7, Armory 5. Sherwood 5, Barracks 4. Next Sunday’« Games Estacada at Hillsboro. Washougal at Sherwood. Armory at Vancouver. Duvidson’s at Oswego. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon for the County o f Clacka­ mas. (Continued from page 1) hut it appears more as if luck, or Harriet Munnick, plaintiff; vs. flukes was really responsible. Adrian Munnick. defendant. Ray Lovelace had marked up to his credit in this game three hits, which brings his batting average up to .619, the leader in the Estacada club, and probably the Portland Val­ ley league. Estacada apparently played better ball throughout the game, and should have won. However, in a short time the OBwego club will come to Es­ tacada for a game on the home grounds. I The Legionnaires got 13 hits o ff Manning, while Oswego had five o ff William Pinkley, Jr., who had his ! Riebhoff and four o ff Moreland, tonsils removed some time ago ati The game next Sunday will be at Bremerton, W ash., is much improved, j Hillsboro. The team will probably The many friends o f Floyd Davis | travel in private cars and expects to 10 30 Sunday. up and around again after his ill-1 The score: ness. Estacada B R H O A E 5 0 0 1 2 3 5 2 A . Lovelace lb. 1 14 1 1 o Miller 3b ......... ...5 3 4 1 1 2 R. Lovelace cf. ...5 0 d 2 3 Fischer c ......... . 5 0 3 4 1 0 5 0 0 T. Scales cf .... 0 0 l 4 0 0 5 i Schmitz ss 1 The men of the neighborhood gave K. Scales rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 a day’s work on the clearing o f the Riebhoff p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 cemetery Saturday. The ladies served Moreland p ... .2 0 0 0 2 0 a basket dinner and coffee. Another 41 7 12 26 13 3 Totals day’s burning this fall and the prem­ Oswego A F. U R 11 0 ises will be neat and trim. Brooks 2b 5 1 1 3 2 Mr. and Mrs. W alter Cox and baby 1 1 3 0 C ...4 o f Bull Run were dinner guests j t Gebhardt ss i .3 1 0 11 0 the home o f Mr. Cox’s sister, Mrs. 0 .2 1 1 0 0 ..3 2 0 0 3 0 Otis Vallen, Sunday. 1 2 l 0 0 The Elwood Sunday school and a Rittenhouse rf ...4 <) 0 0 1 2 2 few -o th e r folks motored to Timbéis] Calkins 4 1 1 H Ü Ö Grove Sunday to see the fallen pile 4 1 1 0 1 0 o f stones known as “ the buried city.” 8 .35 8 9 27 3 They look interesting and are well To Ailruiii Munnick, the above named defendant: In the name o f the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appea. and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication o f thC sum­ mons, May I I , 1928, and if you fad to answer for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff’s com plaint, to-w it; a decree dissolving the bonds o f matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the custody of her minor child. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge o f the above entitled court made and entered this 9th day o f May, 1928, directing that such publication be made in the Eastern Clackamas News in Clackamas County, Oregon, once each week for four successive weeks from date of first publication hereof. Date o f 1st publication. May 11, 1928 Last publication, June i , 1928. E L ISH A A. B A K ER . Attorney for the Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 604 606 Porter Building, Portland, Oregon jl ELECT A CITIZEN OF CLACKAMAS COUN­ TY TO AN IMPOR­ TANT STATE OFFICE HAL HOSS (Paid A dv.) rW ÏL W ® ?' FZ CLACKAMAS J BY VOTING FOR for Secretary of State For IT) Years a Loyal Resident of Clackamas County PLEDGED TO A CLEAN ADMINISTRATION ~ fl Republican Candidate for EXPERIENCED IN THE OFFICE R e p r e s e n t a t iv e äc’-'t? W' -rii. 8? '“fo x » i 1 f f l r .¿i)* —V ÂffwjMKfPM âï£r. ” ia. ta J wnm EJSIH i Jai Jlisc. afflfaBWl Æs m J i a R n ' J M m Ê S worth seeing. A. W . Stauffer stripped the greas in his car in Clear Creek canyon Monday and sent an S. O. S. for a neighbor to tow him home. U. N. Berkley who was with him enroute to Portland finished the rest of the trip to Estacada depot on foot, and purchased a Ford roadster in Port­ land and returned home in it. Mrs. C.E . Ernst o f Portland spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. W . Jones left Friday for a trip to Eastern Oregon. Roy Brown is working at a saw mill in Polk county. Frank Bitner and fam ily spent Sunday at the home o f his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Bitner. VOTE 55 X For Ë Re-Election (Paid A dv.) G U Y H.PACE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR County Clerk A World War Veteran GEORGE Seven veers your chief deputy county clerk, assures you of my qualifications for the office. If nominated and elected I will discharge the duties of the office faithfully and conscientiously and in a business­ like manner. (Paid adv.) . STOKES! ................................................................. W . B . “ B i l l y ” ! Harold Joyner, road supervisor with a crew o f men, is doing some grading on the road this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hackaney of Portland were guests on Sunday of Mrs. Elsie Dew and family. Mrs. Henry Joyner dressed about twenty rabbits and took them to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Louise Harders, after spend­ ing the winter in Portland, is visiting lier son Ed Harders. The county club leader. Mr. Kueh- ner and his wife o f Oregon City, and their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier o f Portladn, were guests or Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. C. A. John­ son and family. Innings pitched by Riebhoff 1 2-3 hits 5, runs 4 ; Moreland, hits 4, runs 4. Struckout by Riebhoff 1, More land 2, Manning « ; Base on balls, o ff Manning 1, o ff Riebhoff 2, o ff More land 1. Three base hits, Rittenhouse Two base hits, Miller 2, R. Lovelact 2. Double play, A. Lovelace to Bron son to A. Lovelace; Smith, Bronsoi to A . Lovelace. Losing pitcher, Rie b h o ff; umpire Hanke. Time of ganu 2 hours 15 minutes. R. M. HOLMAN Candidate for Republican Nomination for C O R O N E R FROM TRAVELER TO HINDU PRINCE JUST STEP FOR BANGBORN From a dapper globe trotter to a dusky faced fake Prince from India, is a mere step for some folk. Such is the chamleon-like changes made by Franklin I’ angborn, feature player in “ My Friend from India,” a Pathe- DeMille farce comedy, in which he portrays the title role. This comedy will be on view at the Liberty Thea­ tre here Wednesday and Thursday o f ne xxvtxashrdletaoinmfwyphrdlu o f next week. Pangborn is a wealthy traveler in the comedy, w’ho through with his contact with a friend, consents to act the role o f his fictitious friend from India. A bottle o f iodine is su ffi­ cient to tan his Caucausian complex­ ion to the darker hue of u native o f India. Elinor Fair portrays the femine role opposite Franklin Pangborn in “ My Friend from India,” and thi supporting cast includes Ben Hen­ dricks, Ethel W ales, Lous Natheaux, • nd Jeannette L off. Primary Election May 18 (paid adv.) Z OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Not a politician but years of practical business ex- =j perience qualify me for the office. Vote 75 X W e are Agents for SMITH’ S FLOWER SHOP Leave your order early Bull Run visiting with friends and | relatives. The 3 -B ’s club met at the home of | Mrs. Dale Kelly May 3. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Schaefer wer« hostesses at dinner Thursday when they entertained Ray Hayden. Har­ old W ooster and son Harry. Dr. H. M. Kramer Attorneys at Law 6 per cent state school money to loan on farm s; General law prac­ tice. Bunk of Oregoji City Bldg. Oregon City Oregon Estacada, Oregon O ffice hours i) a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment DENTIST Office Phone 315 Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7783. j THREE LINKS Flowe s For All Occasions Schuebel, P-eattie & Miller Portland-Carver-Estacada Stages C A R D OF T H A N K S For all kindness and sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement and for the floral offerings, we wish o express our sincere thanks. Es­ C o u n t y ' ^ A s s e s s o r I pecially do we thank the local Ma •onic order for their many acts o! Mr. and Mrs. John McGinnis and kindness.— Mrs. Mamie G. Mallory children spent the week end with ■»nd L. C. Posson. Jim’s mother. Mrs. Eggens left Monday for her home in Portland after a few weeks L. A. CHAPMAN im iiiim m iiiiim m m im iiiiiiiim iiiiiH iiiiiiin iiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiH iiH iiiH iiiiiiiiiim i'’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ear! MORTICIAN Gunter. Calls attended day or night Mortuary I. O. O. F. Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. George Ramsey and Telephone No. 21-51 Leon Young spent a few days in Republican Candidate for VOTE 79 X S. E. Woo»ter Real Estate Loans, Insurance Rentals * * F A RM L O A N S A S P E C IA L T Y Tel. 7 7-3 Estacada, Ore. • , * ESTACADA TO PORTLAND L IN N ’S IN N , Estacada, Oregon— D A IL Y • P.M. P.M. 6.20 2.00 Lv. Portland 2 :3 0 6 :6 0 Lv. Clackamas 2 :4 0 7 :0 0 Lv. Carver 3 :0 5 7 :2 5 Lv. Barton 3 :1 5 7 :3 5 Lv. Eagle Creek 3 :30 7 :5 0 Ar. Estacada •Daily except Sundny S O N D A — Le..ve Portland 10 a. 1 " i AM. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. (A ) P.M. P.M. A.M . 8 :3 0 8 :0 0 4 :3 0 Estacada 4 :4 5 8 :45 Eagle Creek 8 :15 8 :2 5 4 :5 5 8 :5 6 Barton 5 :1 5 9 :1 6 8 :4 5 Carver 9 :2 5 5 :2 5 Clackamas 8: 15 9 :3 0 6 :0 0 1 0 :0 0 Portland (A ) Saturday Only. Leave Estacada 4 :3 0 p. m. CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite I O JT\ J U l Grocery and Restau- M & v> 1 rants in Estacada and L O N G LO A F Vicinity. IhuKit ituinSti c f