iEastmt (Elarkamas E S T A C A D A , OREGON, F R ID A Y , VO LU M E X X II ANNUAL GRANGE PICNIC Ì0 BE HELD SATURDAY E AG LE CRE E K E X PE C T IN G BIG CROW D FOR T H IS E VE N T. GOOD PRO G RAM . Aberdeen Montesano and several other places last Monday and Tues day. Day stopped at Centralia to visit his mother fo r a day, who is in a hospital there. He says she is getting along fine and he expects her home in a short time. W illard Trullinger, while cultivat­ ing his hop field Monday morning had the mistfortune o f breaking the transmission on the tractor, causing a day o f delay and hard labor in making the repairs. The ground is in excellent shape fo r cultivating und delay means a great deul at this time o f the year. Mrs. Emery Ford has returned home after a visit with her mother in Taeomp. Her mother has been ill but is improving. Eagle Creek Trading company an­ nounces that they now have a good watch dog und that no more tools will be stolen from the front porch. Eagle Creek Grange will give its annual picnic Saturday, May 19, in the grove at the grange hall. A fine program has been arranged fo r the day. A m a musical feature the Scottish Bagpipers o f Portland will appear. Marshall Dana and Hector McPher­ son will speak, and each school in this district will furnish one number on the program. In the evening a dance will be held Guests at L aw re nce Home Am ong the guests at the G. E. at Cogswell hall. The grange in­ Lawrence home Sunday were Dr. and j vite: everyone to attend. Ti e Mothers' Day program held Mrs. I. N. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening at the Presbyterian Duane Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Brat- church was well nttended. Those ney all o f Portland, and Mr. and assisting in the special music were Mrs. S. E. Lawrence and two daugh Mrs. Koler, Mr::. Weatherby, Miss ters o f Estacada. Hay. any, Grant Test and William Sprains An kle Sanders. S. E. Lawrence made a mistep The Ladies Aid Society gave a sil­ ver ;ea at the home o f Mrs. A. C. Monday morning and sprained his Cog well Friday afternoon. Lilacs le ft ankle quite badly so that he was and Scotch broom were used e ffe c t­ laid up a few days first o f the week. ively jn decorating the rooms and tea was served to the follow ing: Mrs. Ely Suter, Mrs. Paul Still, Mrs. Still, Sr. Mr s L. C. Felker, Mrs. Wm. Sanders Mrs. A. D. Burnett, Mrs. Emma Clingingsmith, Mrs. Lyle Conner Mrs. E. Ford, Mrs. O laf Spildie, Mrs W alter Douglas, Miss Pamela Kenny, “ His Uncle’s Niece,” the high Mrs. Oscar Judd, Mrs. Homer Glover school play given on Friday and Sat­ Mrs. Roy Douglass, Miss Homer Pow­ urday evenings o f last week, was one ell, Mrs. Mutt Ciover, Mis. W ill Doug o f the best ever given here by local lass. Mis. E. L. Meyers, Mrs. E talent. To begin with, it is a good Stockley, Mrs. George W. Duncan play and each part was well charac­ Mrs. Emma Thomas, Mrs. A. C. Cogs­ terized and all showed the result o f well. Mrs. E. P „ Kingston, Mrs. L a­ careful training. m e Gibson, Mrs. C. O. Troupe, anc Robert Marchbank deserves special Mrs. Blaisdell. The comrnitt.-e ii mention fo r the difficu lt dual role charge o f • vfreshnients and the pro­ he handled, as does also Elwin Beck gram was composed o f Mrs. A. D who impersonated a young lady, the Burnett, Mrs. Homer Glover, Mis niece.. Wm. Sanders and Mrs. A. C. Cogs Dan Jennings as the cranky old well. uncle was good as was also the wid­ A large number o f Eagle Creel ow, Olive Bishop, in search o f her fans journeyed to Oswego Sunda; runaway husband who turned out to to attended the Estacada-Oswegr be the man who was trying to marry baseball game. the wealthy niece and in private life George Donaldson. Portland butch _ none other but the modest and un­ er, was out this week and bought sev. assuming Carl DeMoy. en lambs and two veals from B. F Blanche Armstrong and Ruby Forrester. The lambs, three month! Bates were charming in their respec­ old, averaged 74 pounds each. tive roles and Fred Buell and Bob Mrs. Mitchell o f Sandy apd hei Hayden also assisted m aterially in daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs producing the excellent play. Ganger and children o f Bull Run The high school orchestra contrib­ were Sunday evening supper guest uted entertainment before the per­ at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. B. F formance and also between acts. Forrester. Principal W. E. Buell coached the Howard Lungwell was home ovei play and there was a very good at­ the week end form the logging camp tendance. The proceeds amounted at Jewel, Oregon. to $63.20. B. F. Forrester is doing some good work tidying up the graves at the M i x Gorham Leaves Forrester cemetery. Miss Vivian Gorharn, who has been O liver Suter had the thrilling ex perience o f an airplane ride ovei connected with the Lovelacc-Gorham Portland Sunday, May 6. The fly general merchandise store at Esta­ ing fascinated him to such an extent cada fo r some time and who recently- that he is contemplating taking a sold her interest in the same, left course in aeronautics. Who knows' Monday fo r her home in Missoula He may develop into another Lindy Montana. "HIS UNCLE'S NIECE" WINS LOCAL APPROVAL some day. “ Fortune favors the brave.” Chris Langwell, who has been ail­ ing fo r some time with intestinal trouble, is taking treatments in Port­ land, hoping an operation will not be necessary. Ben Blaisdell is cutting wood with his drag saw fo r Egbert Foster. Adolph Still has 600 cords o f wood on the Louis Gerber place which he is now hauling to Barton. Miss Barnett made a trip to Salem over the week end to vist her par­ ents who recently moved there from Dallas. Mrs. Carl Rheberg visited her mother in Portland over the week end. Homer Glover and William San­ ders made a business trip to Silver- ton Thursday. Mrs. Glover and son Clifton and Mrs. Sanders accompan- ied them. Foster Meyers, Sam Felker Ronald Burnett and Eunice Boyles were all home from 0. A. C. over the week end. Corrine Trullinger was home from the U. o f O. Mrs. W. A. Smith o f Portland, with Margaret, Theran and Roger were out from town Saturday to visit a few hours with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cogswell, ac- companed by Mrs. Wm. Sanders, and Murray Day, motored to Centralia, CLEAN UP WEEK GET FOR NIA! 21 IO 26 M AY 18, C E LEB RA TE A N N IV E R S A R Y O F W O O D C R A F T LODGE E. P. MALLORY, FORMER CITIZEN, DIES IN PORTLANO f o r Alaska Dan Jennings le ft Sunday fo r Se­ attle where he took a steamer for Alaska to work in a salmon cannery. Dan was a senior in Estacada high school this year and although he was obliged to leave before com­ mencement, was given his diploma as he had enough credits to entitle him to it. Visits in Estacada J. C. Jacques o f Portland formerly o f Estacada, visited here on last Thursday. Ale ln n i Banquet May 26 The Alumni association o f Esta­ cada high school will have its annual banquet at the Estacada hotel on Saturday evening, May 26, at 7 Store M ak ing Improvements The People’s Store has installed o’clock. a large refrigerator this week, and has torn a yay the old porch in front P a r t y f o r Miss Gorham A theatre party honoring Miss and will shortly put up an attractive awning in its place. This is an im­ Vivian Gorham was held in Portland provement that adds much to the ap­ Friday evening which comprised si> pearance o f the store and this corner. o f her friends. Mrs. W. W. Rhodes entertained with a dinner party in R ob ert Y. Currin her honor before she le ft fo r her Banquet Called O f f A short history o f the life o f the The father and son banquet, which home in Missoula, Montana. late Robert Young Currifi, who for was to have been held Wednesday many years resided at Currinsville ; evening in the I. 0 . O. F. hall, was Church Plans Clen-up Day will be published in the News next There will he a community meet called o ff. week. Mr. Currin died last week ing at the Zion church to clean up at his home in Idaho. j the cemetery fo r Decoration day. Return» from Eastern Oregon Harold Sarver returned home on I Everyone is invited to come, bring Mis» C td s n su Returns Thursday from Eastern Oregon, I a basket dinner and tools with which Miss Avis Cadanau, who taught in where he has been working on a to work. Eastern Oregon during the past — Mrs. Mary Roberts. ranch fo r some time. school year, has returned home, her school having been closed two week? i ago. I Visit Mr. M cW illis Mrs. W . E. M cW illis and son Willie and .daughter Mrs. Harry Grable, drove to Portland Sunday to visit Mr. M cW illis at St. Vincent’s hos­ pital. M oth er’ s Day Observed On Mother’s Day the W omer home was the scene o f a merry home com­ ing o f their children, there being 2f present to enjoy a visit with mother and “ dad.” Proclamation to bring health, beauty, sanitation and The Estacada high school baseball team met the Molalla high on the local ground* Friday afternoon and the visitors lost by a score o f 5 to 3. O. E. S. Meets Mountain Chapter O. E. S. en­ joyed a most pleasant meeting Tues­ day night. There were over forty present which included three visitors. The refreshments committee consist­ ing o f Mrs. Mary Smith, Mr. and L O C A L T E A M O U T P L A Y S LA K E Mrs. E. D. Allen, Miss Maude Stur­ geon and Mrs. Kobley certainly made N IN E A L L TH E T IM E BUT the dining hall a bower o f summer decorations. The large table with LOSES ON FLUKES. its decoration o f flowers and pretty favors, with a small Maypole dance illustrated with dolls und ribbons in Estacada was one run behind in the center was very attractive. A fte r the ninth inning, two outs and Kaj >artaking o f refreshments, a mem­ Lovelace at hat. He hit a two bagget ber o f the past matron's club pre­ and brought in a run, tieing thi sented the chapter with six dozen score. Bill Fischer was up next am glasses and received a vote o f thanks. lie singled and Miller und Loveluct came in, giving Estacada a two-run W. C. T. U. Meets lead at the close o f the first half ol The W. C. T. U. meeting Monday the ninth. Everyone believed thi afternoon at the home o f Mrs. E. E. game was over. Hannah, was a most enjoyable a f­ Thu last half o f the ninth spoilei fair. There were 36 present und the the game. Calkins, first Oswego ladies enjoyed the remarks o f their batter, hit a hard one to Eddie county president, Mrs. Andrews, very Schmitz and was out at first. Chiel much. Other features o f the pro­ Manning hit out to Tony Bronson gram were also entertaining. and was out. Brooks hit a bad oni to Eddie at short, who failed to con­ Business Men Meet nect in time to make the out. Suntle- Several o f the business men o f the leaf got a long two-hase hit and city met with the council at the city when Gebhardt made first basi hall Friday evening to try to work on an error the score was tied, with on a plan to put on a night watch­ a man on second. Roberts came up man at night. A fte r considerable to bat when the runner started to discussion the meeting adjourned steal third. Moreland threw the ball without any definite action being to Sid Miller which should have been taken. an easy out, but Sid failed to get it and the winning score came in for Oswego. An attempted steal under the cir­ cumstances was acclaimed to be one af the most foolish things ever known n baseball, and was such a complete departure from the expected, that Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely, George ihey got away with it and it cost W alter and mother, Mrs. Nellie Wal­ Estacada the game. Sid Miller starred fo r Estacada ter, and Glen Ely drove to lone Sat­ throughout the game, making foui urday afternoon to attend the fun­ aits, two singles and two doubles, and eral o f Mr. E ly’s sister, Mrs. Ista- the other time at hat he hit and tht lena Bauernfeind, who passed away bull was fumbled and M iller scored May 9. Funeral services were held Sunday at lone, and she was hurried making three runs in all. Eddie Schmitz had more chances at Heppner, Oregon. Mrs. Bauernfeind was quite well in the game than any one man, and handled them like a major, only to known in this vieinity, as she lived fo r a number o f years at Currinsville. lose one in the last, and the game. Jude Moreland pitched a wonder She was 72 years old and her hus­ ful game, allowing but four hits in band died in 1902. She is survived seven and one-third innings, having by one son, Martin, who resides at elieved R iebhoff in the second aftei Morgan, Oregon. ESTACADA LOSES CLOSE CONIESI10 OSWEGO SISTER OF J. K. ELY PASSES AWAY MAY 9 four runs had been made, and yet he might have saved the day i f he had held the throw to third in the ninth. Tom Scales, a fter the game, said ne thought he was responsible fo i losing the game. Arnold Lovelace said he was responsible fo r the loss of the game. Two or three other players wanted to take the blame (Continued on page 3) LOT S A L E S T A R T S IN E S T A C A D A L A K E P R O PE R T Y Promotion o f Estacala Lake sum mer homesites property is by a Portland newspaper, it was learned Wednesday, when lots were first o f­ fered fo r sale. Within a few hour! after the announcement was madt a large number o f lots had already been sold. The property between the townsite o f Estacada over to the driveway paralleling the river the property has hut divided into lots, hut noth­ ing is to be sold from the driveway to the water front and those purchas ing lots will be given a right to the water front, and also to the club house. No concessions o f any kind will be permitted in the Estacada Lake prop­ erty, the Telegram states, as it it only a five minutes walk from town. There are approxximately seven hundred and fifty lots in the prop­ erty now on the market, and one of the salesmen predicted that the; would all he sold within a week. Included in the purchase o f the property was a large tract on the opposite side o f the river. While no definite statement has been madi it i expected that the development of this property will begin within a short time. satisfaction to the City of Estacada I hereby designate the wek of M a y 21-26, 1928 as Defeat s Molella High NUM BER 33 1928 Several Neighbors of Woodcraft o f Estacada chartered a bus Thurs­ day evening and attended the birth j day anniversary ceiehrution o f Mrs. Minnie Hiner, grand guardian o f the M A Y O R PR O C LAIM S W E E K FOR Neighbors o f Woodcraft, in the ha!) R E M O V A L OF RUBBAGE o f Multnomah camp No. 77, Wood­ men o f the W orld, Portland. It. was AN D BUFITI-Y IN G C IT Y also the 31st anniversary o f the founding o f the ordec. There was an attendance o f about one thousand The week o f May 21 to 26, inclu­ 32 members were initiated and 25 ju sive has been set aside by the mayor veniles. Sixteen guards put on thi and city council as Clean-up Week, work. Mayor Baker and J. 0. W il­ and everyone is expected to clean up son, clerk o f the camp, were thi and beautify their premises during speakers. The Estacada contingent this period. report a wonderful time. The cumpuign is under the super­ vision o f a committee o f the council Celebrates 12th Birthday and those who fail to comply will he Ellowmae Smith celebrated hei reminded by other means than a re­ twelfth birthday Monday evening quest, according to one o f the city a fte r school by having a few o f thi officials. girls from the sixth, seventh an< A ll refuse such us cans, broken eighth grades and Mrs. Gardner, Mist glass and the like, must be put in Bessie Anderson and Miss Beck, boxes or sacks that it may be easily teachers, meet her at the home of handled and placed where it can he her brother, Wallace Smith, where reached by a truck. A small fee to they enjoyed refreshments und a few pay the expenses will he collected hours visiting. fo r hauling. The Garden club has interested Here from Marmot themselves in the clean-up campaign Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen from and there has been a general demand Marmot were in Estacada this week fo r a good cleanup o f the city, and to attend the 0 . E. S. meeting Tues­ it is expected that a good job will day night, being the guests o f Mrs be done. Elizabeth Allen while here. The council recently purchased a site to be used us a city dump and now that there is a means o f dis­ posing o f the accumulations o f the last year o f junk, the people of Es­ tacada will welcome a chance to get rid o f the undesirable, and at the same time make the community Edwin P. Mallory, 48, late o f T aft more sanitary as well as Improve Oregon, died in Portland May 7, af the appeanree. ter an illness o f over five years. He was a brother o f L. C. Possor P R IM A R Y M U SIC AL PROGRAM o f Estacada and in his early man­ TO BE G IV E N M A Y 23 hood resided here. Other members o f the fam ily who survive him arc The first, second and third grudes his widow, Mrs. Mamie G. Mallory o f the Estacada schools are giving a and three sisters, Mrs. Katie Luce musical program on Wednesday eve­ Mrs. Lieu Eastman and Jean Mal- ning, May 23, 8 o ’clock, at the high iory of Grand Junction, Mich. school. The pupils are being coached He was a member o f Cloverdalc by Miss Sherman and Miss Poole. lodge A. F. & A. M., and the local A musical fairy play entitled Masonic lodge conducted the services “ Midsummer E ve” will be given be­ at the cemetery. Kev. C. T. Cook sides a fe w other numbers. The had charge o f the services at one characteis o f the play include Dor­ o’clock May 10, at the Methodist othy, a lost child, elves, hearald, the church at Estacada, interment being dawn, the fairy queen and fairy flow in the 1. 0. O. F. cemetery. eis, and will be in elaborate costumes o f gay spring colors.. No admission Spends W e e k End in Portland will be charged and everyone is in­ Mrs. N. B. Ecker spent Mothers vited. Day with her daughter and fam ily in Portland. Leaves puts CLEAN-UP AND BEAUTIFY WEEK H. C STEPHENS, Mayor I Mrs. Dale Returns Visit H e r* Sunday Mrs. J. L. Hewitt and daughter Miss Ruth H ewitt o f Portland visited Estacada relatives Saturday. NEW T E L E P H O N E BOOK OU T TH IS W E E K The new telephone directory o f the Estacada Telephone and T ele­ graph company is now ready fo r dis­ tribution and is being sent out from the local telephone office. There is far more names in the new book and some changes in the numbers o f sub­ scribers. The management o f the telephone company requests that subscribers always call by number that it may he possible to give the best possible service. When it is necessary fo r the operator to look up a number you not only are being delayed, but are causing others a delay in getting their connections, A. Smith, manager o f the system, informs the public. PER M IT N ECESSARY BEFORE S T A R T IN G C A M P F IR E Camp fire permits are necessary before starting a fire in any timbered area on and after May 16, A. W. Armstrong, local forest ranger, warns those who plan to go into the woods for an outing. In the upper Eagle Creek country permits may be had from A. W. Lee near Bissel. A t Estacada they may be secured from Boh Marchbank and when be­ yond Camp H permits can be gotten at the Oak Grove forest ranger sta­ tion. The law regarding camp fire* will he strictly enforced, Mr. Arm ­ strong says. Notice o f Grang e Meeting Ther will be a meeting at Garfield Grange hall on Saturday night at 8 o’clock. There will he several speak­ ers to talk on the “ United Union.” — Mrs. Mary Roberts. Mrs. William Dale, who has been ! visiting her daughter and son uni’ Visitors of Marshalls I their families at Dufur, Oregon, foi Mrs. M. M. Martindale and three a couple o f weeks, returned home children o f Oregon City were callers Thursday evening. at the I). M. Marshall home on Mon­ day afternoon. Visits will, Grandmother Miss Vera Nichols, granddaughter Linn’s Inn has made a few im­ of Mrs. Matt Lonsberry, was a guest provements o f late. A new fountain at the Lonsberry home all last week. connected up with the Erigidair is Her home is at Beaver Creek. being installed.