Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 04, 1928, Image 5

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tl .50 Per Year
Suba cribe Now!
. .
as [
• , • •
• •
Despite the conli:rned rains and
cold weather we sho uld be than k fu l-
there have be e n no disasters in our
neck of the woods.
~uperintendent V?dJer CANDIDATE FO R SHERIFF
sa~• the 2 null eleme1 '.t,1ry
fairest law we have for rai sing nnd
~istributing school money, a~ it l,1kes I At t h!' field nwet st a ged at the Od I
In nil the taxal,le prop<:l'ty in lhe
Fell ws' convPnl1011 at Ore ~on ( '1 L:,
roun_ty and chstr1bu t~:; th e f~nd s a~- Sulunlay P, •i·c·y T. Sla•ll l'Y of Sandy
cording . lo . thf' numb , 1· ,,f <"ht!d1·cn
.,· . , •
f or s , ,1 cn ' ff' . wo n lh e l rop l 1y
each district. An
. ef fo . l't will iJC>
. m ac:e . • tn ll I<' f' !'Ce- f ur-a ll o , o -y:.i r d c I as h vs
?t _t he ne~t session ol the leir,1_~lut u1:e six olhel' entries, all of whir>i were
1t 1s pred_1cled, t~ d o awa y w1tn this u:·der 2 r, year~ of ag·e t•xc ept one .
law, tmd 1t rern~,m~ fur the p"up!e to , In awarding- the trophy tu S helle y
fight for its retention.
i Mayo r Shannon re mark ed "If Brothe·,
Shelley keeps on runn;ng like thi f;
How many · voters hav e looke d over he will r.ure get t h<' nomi nation.' '
the Voter's phamlet anti know why '11,c: othe,· entries ,,·,•t·e ,v. W. Fo s-
they will vote for a candi,lat~ as ide : , I' of P ortland, Ly11k Wald!'on, Jes~
from personal 1easons and why they ,r. Sh•rnno n , F'l:t,e l Stanto n and P . L .
will vote for or ugain ~t the meas uie s., ! : 1Hdiea of Oregon City nnd Pet e E -
May 18 will soo n be •here .
lis of Mo l_a_ll_
a . _ _ _ __ _
\a:, is-
I c.;rd
Party at Bull Run
H ostesses at tho Bull Run card
party Satur,iay night at the Co mmun .
ii:,, ha 1 1 wc!'e Mrs. Wm. Side ll , Mrs
L . 11 :i nebe ,·g a nd Mrs. Fee. Abou t
fihy were prer.en t ard a1> unusual.:,
enjoy:,b le lime is reporteci. The qu il1
n·cently cornpiete d by t he ·w om en':
clu ;, was awi,rded to lllr~. L. Han e-
berg. Pr izes were won by Ted Han e-
berg and Ge ddelman for t he high est
sco1·es in cards, an d to N<?al R. H or ·
and Miss Irene Iverso n 1 eceived sec
o nd honors. Q t1entin Norquist an c
Earl Hile played for dancing.
Make Good Record
In the eighth gra de w.-iting c lass
of Sandy grad e sc hoo l 12 ouL of the
13 in the class received ccrlificates
for Pa!mel' me t hod wo rk a s fo ll ows:
Arletha Proctor, Alta Broo ks, Ce le sle
McIntyre, Ruth Barnett, Doro thy
Bruns, Roberta Smith and Fra nk
Christianson r ece ive d fi nal ee:·tifi- ,
cates. This gives lhe se pupil s a ' Embroidery Club Enterta:ne:I
grade of !Jl, a11d exempt:< tl1e1:i frc.,111 I Sundy Embroid ery club w"s ente r-
state tests.
I ta i?1ed bv :\1rs. F. L. Pro c tor Mo nd a,
Margaret Bell, Mary Funk, E vrl i night. I'resent were J\lrs. Zaidi;
Hite, Phyllis Christianso n and Am an - ' Krebs, Mrs. Ha ze l Brown, l\lrs. H
da Penet re ceivl!d impro ve ment cer- P erret, Mr'.,. D ittcrt, Mrs.
Ann ie
tificates a nd a g rad e of DO. Chrir,- Glo cl:ne1·, l\Iiss Gertru de llll'ini g, Mi s
tina Dunsmuir obtaine d he,· imp rove- Jame:; F olsom, Mrs. Snyder and he
ment certifica:.e in the seventh gTalle. mother, A l'ie tha P rocto r, Amanda aw
Other seventh and sixth gradc:;i- ha ,:e · Ruth Perret and the ho stes3.
, ,
Service ...
, , ,
, ,
' , , ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
Distance is no question with us. Our
equipment is at your service day or
Gates Funeral Home
' '
, , '
' '
Gresham, Oregon
c,,,.q,,. . , ~ . . g , : q , 4
A. W. Bell Lumber Co.
Pl r, l<'.; w ere ;; et fol' 72 at the din-
1wr si.,o nso red by lh~ high sc hool
l10a rd of' ed ucatio n Frida y night fo1
members of sc h oo l boards comprisi ng
the union fe derntion of tw .,Jve dis-
tricts .
It was the first event of the kind
ever held in the co u n ty to tal k o,er
sc h ool pl'Obl e1,1,;, and to unit'l the
common interests of the high and
grade schoo ls. It was a might y fine
idea and was orii~inat&d by W111. Gan-
ge r, ~• membe r of the high sc hool
board since its organization in 1 9 li".
In a 1·c>sume of the school's hiatory
lVlr. Ganger, the fir s t sp eaker. gave
facts and figures.
Though county
and state taxes have doubled in Hi
years, Mr. Ganger showed thll l'. F..
P. company alone has paid :JG per
cent of the same, and actua l resi-
,!ents the other 65 per cent.
Tran spo rtation, Mr. Ganger said.
wo uld probably be $3 870 for this
year, but tuition received will amount
to $3,000. He estimated the build-
ing· and equipmen worth $45,000.
fifr. Vedder made a strong p!Pa
J"o r retaining- the 2 mill elementary
tax, and stnted that an effort will
be made in the legislature to kill
this law by t ho se who do not r,ay
.1n y lax. He also advocated sc; me
method of relieving the he11vy pro-
perty tax.
E. F. Bruns made one of his char-
.1cteristic talks whi ch always hit th e
!1ail on the head, and ended with E,
s trong plea fo e keeping up n.e de-
velopment of the high sc hool.
Other speakers were V. D. Butler,
Glenn McIntyre, Max Kligel, Anton
Malar. For want of time Chai1·ma11
G. D. On did not call on the re-
maining c hairmen of the lo cal dis-
S"ndy high was the second union
high school formed in the cou nty.
Carver was first, but soon "evapor-
ited" for want of support. At pres-
0nt there are five union dist ricts in
.he county, and Sandy high stan ds
up a s one of the best.
The delicious feed was prepared
a nd served by the boys and girls of
t he home "ec" classes, Miss Kammer-
er supe rvising. This it is h oped is
only the beginning of ot her get-to-
~e ther meetings to talk mutual school
Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Brosius and Mr.
and ;11t-s. Raymond Smith were among
tho se atlenlling the funeral of Mrs.
W. J . Faubian at Portland Saturday.
lll r. and Mrs. E. J. Sickler of Bat
tie Axe Inn went t o the eily Jllon day
and sloi,ped at Sandy u short while
rn their wny down.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sharnke Carl
Ku bit?.a and his mother, lllrs. ' Thos.
Kubitza and Harvey, all visited the
Canby section Sunday and saw th e
wond erful tulip fieJd 3 •
Lewis Murray has returned from
California where he spent two
months. While there he spent con -
siderable time with John Motejl, a
Sandy yo ung m an who is teaching at
An effort is being made to get
Grandpa Bulger and his homing pig-
eons for the grade school picnic on
Ma y l 1.
A good program was given by all
three rooms of the Sandy grade
school Wednesday in observance of
forest week.
The girls glee club of the high
school entertained the baseball boys
at a party Tuesday night, about sixty
being present and a deli~htful social
time was enjoyed by the young folks.
Refreshments were served. Faculty
members were all present.
Mrs. Helmar Johnson went to the
P ort land Sanitarium this week to
have a goitre removed.
l\fr. and Mrs. A. J . Ault s pent S un -
day at the s ·a m Carrell home. Mr.
Carrell is now able to sit up in a
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilkinson enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkinson
of Portland Sunday at dinner. Mr.
and l\Irs. G. S. Wilkinson were also
The J. S. Donaldsons, who have
built a modern log home on the Cross
road, moved into their new house
A number of Cottrell farmers
were hauling lime from the car un-
load ed at Gresh a m the past week.
A. C. Baumback, W. A. Proctor
and Henry Hri were appraisers of
the Peter Heia land one day last
William Crynes of Cottrell hai,
moved h is house near the Bluff road .
and is putting on n small additio n,
and will open a filling station .
Rev. S. F. Pitts preaced at the re-
viva l services here one evening last
week and was greeted by many
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Alcorn of
Brightwood spent a few days in the
city last week with friends. Mr. Al-
corn predicts a prosperous season at
announces special 1 B rig
· ht woo d an d says sa l es are a II
Sandy, Oregon
, l'rv1ces honoring Mother's Day, :May ready beginning to be listed.
l 3, by George Hacking, of Portland.
3pecial music.
Mrs. Alice Scales and Wallace
Manufacturers and Dealers m
Sandy Community ch urc h Sunday have been over in Washington spend-
~chool will have a Mother's Day pro- ing a week visi~ing Marguerite Gray
-; ram May 13, and some numbers will and other relat,ves.
~lso be given at the church service
Mack Pulley and daughter, Mrs,
at night.
Eu nice Dveak, were luncheon guesb
Next Sunday night a speaker from of Mrs. Minnie Douglass recently,
city, Mr. Odium, will be present and also called on Mrs. J. M. C. Mil-
We Deliver anywhere
§ :he
.tt the Community church and will ler. Mr. Pulley was a pioneer of the
,!so come regularly for a time and Aimes district.
Phone Res. 324
Mill 131 Sandy
will organize an orchestra for the
A sale of furniture belonging t o
~ ~< . ; 7 , , q ~ , Q > ~ ~ ~-<Q'>, 0-,~..0,Q><Q></./
~hurch. A week from Sunday night Roy Van De Bogart was held at the
.\'Iiss Tiffany will speak.
local bank Saturday. The Van De
~ ,11111ll1111111111f1,-,W,11 11111 1111111111111111111ii 1111111111111111111l11111111111!-IJllllll1 1111111 (%
Sunday night, May 13, is the date Bogarts secured a divorce some time
l f the bacalaureate sermon at the ago. A. Malar was acutioneer and
~igh school. '£he speaker is not yet Fred Proctor was clerk.
a nnounced.
/ A. C. Baumback has been putting
Commencement exercises at the a septic tank at the grange hall. An
LJ_nion high school will be held on the addition to the north of the hall is
:z: ,1ght of May 18. Dr. Paul J . Orr of being planned which will con tain rest
L,i nfield college will deliver the ad- 1 ooms.
lress_ Dr. Orr is a brother of Princi-
n_ Troyer has been plowing some
pal G. D. Orr and a man of splendi d ga rdens in Sandy. Among t hose h e
plowed recently were for Mrs. E.
Sandy grange meeting will be May
Do dd and Mrs. Bennett.
12. Special Mother's Day program
Mr~. James Smith of Eagle Cre('k
·11 the afternoon.
Initiation in the
ig at St. Vincent's hospital wherr she
One of the most popular alibis of today is that one
was operated on for cancer. Mrs.
about "circumstances." The man who used to have
Sm ith is a sis ter-in-law of Jam es
a little money but is nearly down and out right now
I _Mr. and. '.'1rs . . James Lamper re-
lays all his troubles to Circumstanc s. It does save
The airplane which Captain Geo. ~e1ved a _v1s1t from the stork April
a lot of explaining that would generally show that
Wilkins used in his flight from Point
and little Dorot~y May and Mrs.
the real trouble is carele ness and extravagance.
Barro w to Spitzenberg , was de 8 ign e cl ' L,mper are Loth fine . Mrs . Lam-
by J , S. Northrup, :1 cousin of i\lr:.' JJ;·r's mothe_r ~as been w ith her, n nd
Circumstances are not accidents-someone has to
Lillian Ten Eyck or Marn,ot. Mr. r .. ,s. W. Wilktns has also as si~ted in
make them. Why should you let somrbocly make
Northrup is a chief engineer for a tl,e care of the bnby.
your circumstances? There is one sure way to make
large Lo~ Angeles company, and is
only a little pas t thirty.
them favorable for yourself-and that is to have
money in the bank, to be independent. You can
start building the sort of circum.:;tances that create
2nd door West of Meat }larket
§ i
- =
Being a Slave
- - -
of Circumstance ...
• • •
success with a savings account at this bank.
Telephone 341
Sandy, Oregon
Sandy Lumber company plant will •
noo n cho the so und of th e saw, a s _• __ • _ _ _ • _ _ _ • __ • __ • __ • __ • __
th,, r oad hlr!I been rebuilt, repair I •
1ut1de, and e,cryt h i
will soon be
1,-udy for actua l op ration, providin!{ •
ti.~ ,H,ather is ,·ea un ub!e.
First St,i-te Bank
• • •
"A Strong Bauk"
Gre3ham, Oregon
• • • • • •
Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II IIII II IIIII IIIII Ill llllllllll lllllllllllllllllll llll llllllllllllli 7
Farmns are gettin J{ quite discour- •
rged over he con inued rain~. Ev~ •
ason . •
Pl rune agrees it is an unusual
• • •
Phone Sandy 151
Sandy, Oregon
• • • • • • • • • •
MRS . J. M. C. MILL E]
. ..... . -:
Sandy, Oreron
; . :.v
: 1111s. Shnrnke, lll 1·s. 1:i. R. H,, 1p~r,
I \\ aiv~ Pal'epit, lllrs. Henry Perert,
J Ruth, Amanda, and Lola Dodd, Mrs.
~l tiler, a ll of whom rmeained fur t he
" ., ·
11 I
An adJitionu1 insln1rtor, L. K
Hn.i~g. l""''.'Pl II' ". Sh:irnkl', 11-s.
Palmt-1', ut the Arlingt1111 high Bchoul, lllt!lr 1, ull ol_ \\hum relJJIIIH(•d
has lie,·n l'll11Jluy,,d by Sundy u11iun ~u~s~s at rngl:t \\ .,,·e i lenry f " 11 et
high Sl' hool ho<1l'd for next s,•mext,• • _ ·· a1ul eorge, • l,·. and Mr ;, J.:. D. Ii ult
· n g1.11lual<.•
. ..
- 111 1 · , P· ,\ l me1 , 1s
of 0 . S. • A. unr J achie, and , Ir. Pett - ,.
C. H e wi ll drive une uf the bu si.,• s.
This will makl' a factu lty of eight KELSO WOMEN'S CLUB
regular instrncto1·s. French will be
added to the course uf sl ud y.
'.arkrose lost at lhe game lwre
Keis~ Women'!; club was jointly
Fnd ay, 12 lo 4.
No outstanding entertained by ;\Ir~. H erz and l\lrs. R.
plays wer~ made. Shelley and Harry , ~.Spoonover at the home of l\Irs Herz
Reed u111p1rC'd. Sandy lineup, Scales 1 'I hur~Jay. A i; hort memorial service
sec ond ~ase, Suckow pitcher, Uodd was_ held ~or the !ale ll lrs. Buell and
cent et·. field '.. Bacon thil'd base, Mc- b~s1ness fo the year lined up. Deli-
Cabe nght f 1cld, V. B ucon left field, emus refres h men ls and a socia l time
Pel'l' c>l first base.
were features.
Pl'esent bes ide the
The annu_a l recital of the music hostesses wc>re Irs. Pete r son, Mrs. B.
departme nt is <lated for May !J. lllrs. Wright, Mrs. John H olnl(\n, Mrs. Carl
Hol t, p ian o teacher, Mr. l\1al bel'g, vi- Anderson, Mrs. G. Huck, l\Irs. l\f.
olin, will be in cha rg .
Kligel, Mrs. Fred Decker, l\Irs. Albert
Those cakes baked by th e boys' Jonsrud, Mrs. Gilbcl't Eri, Mrs. Ho•
and g irls' cooking c lass(:S Fr iday were mer Revenue, Mrs. R. J o nsrud , Mrs.
delici ous.
Dolan and 111 rs. Joel J arl.
In h is talk at th e school board ban-
quet Friday nighl V. D. Dulle r gave CONDUCT FUNERAL FOR
statistics showing after all the
amount of m oney spent fo r e du cation
wasn't so much when compared with
Rev. S. F. Pitts, assisted by Rev.
$1, 800,0 00 that goes up in cigarette D. B. W ei n b, ronc!uctec! the last r ites
smoke, and ladies taking a s\, ing at for :.\frs. W. E. Ilt1ell last week. The
soft drinks _and randy cost $6,595 ,000. service was except inn all y beautifu l.
Save this and apply to tax es and they Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Noree n, Mr.
would be "easy."
Co nn and Mr. Palmquist composed
1t was bruu!l"ht out at th e banquet the qnartcl whi c h sang. A be autiful
that the earning vower of t he av- fhral pi ece pUL·ch:ised by the Kelso
erage boy or girl is d o ubl ed when a \v oman's c lub covere d the c.1sket.
hig·h sc hool education is completed, The chapel W>!S f ilkd w;t h fri e nds and
and the s~lnr y of the a vera ge young neighbors from the> Bluff road, and
gradu ate 1s $1 ,000.
from th e Gres ham Un den omi nat ional
church of which Rev. Pitts is pastor.
Mrs. L. L e hnfield, who 5e biL"thd:iy
occurred Saturday, entertained dur-
ing the day and evening 3 0 g uests
at a lavish fe :ist of roa st chicken a nd
othe1· good th ings galurn were pre •
pared by the hos tess, who is an ex-
ceptionally fine cook.
Man y gifts were ..,., cC>ive d by l\lrs.
Leh nt'ield and he r great grand daugh-
ter Doris Jeun H a r t, wh ose birthday
was nlso celebrated.
At lh c five
o'clock dinn er wern Mr. and 111 rs .
Frank Smith and children, Mrs. Ge o.
Keis icker and children, Mrs. Ditte rt,
Prep.iring for ln ~ti a tion
A num be 1· of Sandy grangers met
a t the ha II recently to practice the
ritu a l. Three new candidates arn to
be iniliat('d at the next m l'eti ng,
May 12 , at wh ic h time a Mot her's
D a y and an O regon Day program
will be given during the l erture hour.
Mrs. R. J o ns rud will be in charge.
Em pl oyed as Teacher
l\Jiss Velma H enso n d ec lined the
offer of the Greenwood sc hool and
Mi ss Edith Johnso n of Damascus has
been hired.
Sandy New1 continue d on l1ut pare
, ,
, ,
, ' ,
' ' , , ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
' '
, , , '
We specialize in remedying automobile ills. No
matter what ailment your automobile may be suffer-
ing from, we can give it a
Clean Bill of Health
An auto that is in good condition is a good invest-
ment. Let us examine your car and price your job.
Our Rates Are ReasonaQle
: , Sandy
For Trouble ...
It is no trouble at all to smile when yon
are lucky and things are coming your
way. It is the smile that is forced dur-
ing hard luck that see ms to almo·~t
crack your fac e.
When times are good and you are mak~
ing plenty of mon y, the futu r clo •s
not worry you. But when adver.-ily
comes in any of its forms, strikes, sick-
ness, crop fail ures and calamiti es, th •n
it is said that the prud ent man wlio has
estabfoihecl a hank account, will have
som •thing to 1 an t1p(J11 .