Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 04, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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Eastern Clackamas News
E. Parks, Editor and Publisher
Published W eekly <>n Fridays at Estacada, Oregon
E n te re d in th e p o sto ffice of E sta c a d a , O regon,
class m a tte r.
C lackam as C ounty, one y e a r, $ 1 .5 0 ; O utside th e c o u n ty a n d in th e
» sta te o f O regon, one y ear, $ 2 ; O utside th e sta te o f O regon, one
y e a r, $2.50. S ub scrip tio n s a re payable in advance.
Despite the contention of the Hoover propagandists,
to the contrary, notwithstanding, the progress of the
race by Governor Frank O. Lowden for the republican
presidential nomination at the oncoming national conven­
tion to be held in Kansas City in June is entirely satisfac­
tory to his backers and campaign managers, says National
Farm News.
Optimism reigns supreme in the Lowden camp fol­
lowing his sensational victory in Illinois, when the repub­
lican state convention instructed its entire delegation—
61 strong, to vote for Frank O. Lowden at Kansas City.
“Recognition of the farm question is going to be the
underlying factor in the coming 1928 campaign,’’ in the
opinion of Rep. L. J. Dickinson of Iowra. “In my judg­
ment,” he declared last week, “this is resulting in a large
number of uninstructed delegates from various states,
with the purpose of being prepared to meet the situation
that will confront the convention.”
“It is conceded,” he continued, “that A1 Smith, with
a national reputation as the friend of the common man,
is going to be the democratic nominee. The republican
nomination, therefore, must be made with a view of meet­
ing this situation. I am still convinced that Governor
Lowden is the outstanding national figure to meet the
situation as far as the republican party is concerned.”
----------- 0 O 0 -----------
Mail Order Competition
In spite of warnings and pleadings by the press and
safety organizations, the unending slaughter of human
beings in highway accidents shows no indication of being
Figures compiled by the American Road Builders’
association, made public recently, show that during the
year 1927 in the United States there were 26,818 killed
and 798,700 seriously injured on the streets and highways
of the country.
The number killed was greater than that enrolled in
the entire regular army of the United States in 1897.
Suppose that during that year every officer and soldier
had been killed. The tragedy would have shocked the
nation. Yet little attention is paid to an even greater
tragedy in 1927. Suppose that every man, woman and
child in the city of Boston were either killed or seriously
injured. It would be a less disaster than befell the coun­
try as a whole from highway accidents alone last year,
and, so far as can be judged, less than will occur during
1928 and each year in the future.
While many accidents are seemingly unavoidable,
the great majority of them are due to plain carelessness
or foolhardiness. And it seems impossible to keep a fool
away from a steering wheel.
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When you have that mail order all made out, and you
are going to send away that money that you will
never see again, bring that list into us and wye will
meet any of their prices. Besides getting service at
once, you are spending your money at home, where
you will derive some benefits. Money sent out of
your community to the mail order houses is gone
forever. Give us a chance.
Come to the ball game Sunday; Estacada vs Armory
Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5—
With Lionel Barrymore and Jacquelin Gadsdon.
A big mystery play with lots of action. Comedy,
“What Even7 Iceman Knows.”
Also a special added attraction Friday night
Over at Sandy last wreek a meeting of several school
boards was held for the purpose of discussing matters of
vital importance to all school directors and districts. It
is a fine idea, and one that should be carried out by the
school boards throughout the county. As a rule the mem­
bers of the boards selected to manage the schools are
chosen without much consideration and it often happens
that they know7 little about the management of the insti­
tutions under their direction.
A school for school boards probably would not be
popular w'ith the average member, but get-togther meet­
ings such as that held at Sandy certainly w7ould do no
damage and would be a great benefit to those who are
really interested in fulfilling the duties of their office in
the best pssible manner.
----------- oOo------------
The news wonders if the editorial writer for the
Portland Telegram gets his ideas from pictures of prize
fighters shadow-boxing.
----------- oOo------------
There may be some who can see no good in baseball,
but as a means of developing community spirit, it has no
equal in this section of the country.
only, Quby Bros. Dog Circuc and Vaudeville
Sunday and Monday, May 6 and 7—
A big Paramount picture with an all-star junior
cast. Also Pathe News and Snapshots.
Wednesday and Thursday, May 9 and 10—
With Joseph Sehildkraut and Lya DePuttl.
Also “Casey of the Coast Guard”
Also on Wednesday and Thursday night we
have an added attraction—Al. Davies and
Grace Wilson in a dancing, singing and com­
edy act at regular admission prices
Co-operative marketing of products has made steady
progress among Canadian farmers and the results have
Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12—
been generally satisfactory. Among the successful en­
Yakima Canutt in “THE IRON RIDER”
terprises of this nature is the Canadian wheat pool, ac­
And a big double comedy, “Monkey Business”
cording to A. J. McPhail, president of the selling agency
and “The Soap Suds Lady.”
of the organization.
COMING SOON—Harold Lloyd in “SPEEDY”
Like many other similar projects, this pool is the
result of years of effort in education and organization,
Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c
extending over a quarter of a century. These efforts have
finally resulted in securing wide support for the wheat : - T iiiir iT im m T iim iiiiiiH iiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH U iii< i> > iH ii^
pool, not only by the farmers, but by business and pro­
fessional men as well, according to Mr. McPhail.
S p a g h e tti, V erm icelli o r
4 K ellogg’s C orn F lak es
In a recent address he declared that the farmers of
M acaroni; 3 fo r .............. 25c
E conom y C offee, g u a rn td 35c
Western Canada “will never surrender the control they
Sw iss F u ll C ream Cheese
B aby chick m ash and
h a lf lb. size ........................ 2Sc
now exercise over the merchandising of their own grain.”
scratch , p e r 100 lbs.... $3.50
R ipe Olives ............................ 15c
Although co-operative marketing among farmers ev­
D eveloping m ash and scr. $3.50
Del M onte C offee, lb ..... 50c
W h ea t B ran, sack .............. $1.35
erywhere has generally been faced with many obstacles,
H om e b ra n d T oilet p a p er
20 fo r $1.00; each ........... 5c
W e ste rn Clam shell sk — $1.15
chief of which has been the skepticism and indifference
P rid e W aldo H ills F lo u r $1.75
C atsup, A m er. B eau ty , ....... 15c
of the farmers themselves, the idea underlying it is sound.
S eal o f O regon F lo u r, 49 $2.25
j= are being driven from 2 to 72 miles per hour in high =§
T ree Ripe b ra n d peaches
C oopers dipping pow der fo r
Wherever loyalty of the pool’s membership has been
y o u r sheep, p k g ............... $1.85
see th is one. 2 l-2s.
combined with a capable selling organization, the ad­ illuminimi.iminiHinmitiiiiiiiiiiiiniinuiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiinitiiiiiiiHnii-: == gear and from dead stop to 50 miles per hour in one ==
bloc k distance.
vancement of the enterprise has generally been gratify­
ing. Within a few7 years it is believed that the co-opera­
= come in and see for yourself how far they excel al! EE
tive marketing plan will gain unanimous approval among
others in the four class, and most of the sixes.
really progressive and business-like farmers everywhere.
The New
| Durant-Star Cars (
----------- 0 O 0 -----------
The Prince of Wales fell off his horse again a few
Republican Candidate for
days ago and the daily press carried the item as usual.
re-nomination for
The editor has always heard that if a dog bit a man, that
wasn’t news. But if a man bit a dog, that would be news.
If the Prince should ride once without falling, that, ac­
cording to what newswriters have been taught, would be
at least entitled to a No. 4 head.
----------- 0 O 0 -----------
One candidate for sheriff of Clackamas county wron
a 50-yard dash at Oregon City Saturday. If he could keep
up the same speed until May 18 he would be reasonably imnmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimimiiimimiimimmmmmmmmmmiv
sure of getting the nomination, any way.
----------- oOo-----------
Four Years Service as §1
The News has received complaints of garbage, brok­
en glass, cans and the like being dumped along the public
highways near town. Another argument in favor of the
Pledged to More
city council immediately acquiring a dump.
Paved Roads
----------- oOo-----------
Along with the observance of special days and weeks
it is suggested that a national Grade Crossing Day be ob­
served. It probably would be observed, all right, if they
would keep the trains off the crossings that day.
----------- oOo---------
The Portland Telegram appears to have gone the
Oregon City paper four better. The former is now getting:
Republican Candidate |
out six funny papers a week to its closest competitors
for County
----------- oOo-----------
»• *
An exchange says that the silk worm and honey bee
are the only domesticated insects. How about the polit­
ical bee?
----------- oOo-----------
Many folks now days are strange. They will spend
(Paid Advertisement)
their time listening over a $800 radio set to hear a record j |
played on a $75 phonograph.
j ?imiiimimmmmimmmmmmmmmmiiimmmmmiimmmmmmmmmi-e-
sales and service
Auto Repairs Since Autos W ere Made
District Attorney
Thomas A. |
largest dosed carforthe
W orld’s lowest price
Deliveries start
at once
J. V. Barr & Sons