April 22 to 28 Is “American Forest Week." Protect and Preserve the Forests VOLUME XXII îEaatmt (ftlarkamaa News ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, A PR IL 27, 1928. IN TER ESTIN G DISPLAY BY U. S. FO REST SERV ICE EAGLE CREEK GRANCE PLANS FOR MAY PICNIC EXTRA SEATS AVAILABLE TO W ASHOUGAL SUNDAY i NUM BER 30 REI6UHF BLANKS NINE SIX STORES ENTERED FUNERAL SERVICES The forest t-rvice display in the The picnic com m ittee of Eagle One of th e large stages has been | w est window of the E stacada Phar­ Creek grange m et S aturday and m ade OF DAVIDSON BAKERY BY BURGLARS TUESDAY to tran sp o rt the ball players . . . EUSER secured macy is quite interesting. A map plans fo r the annual May picnic. The to W ashougal Sunday, and there are I showing th e location of the rang er date has been set fo r May 19. ^ a few ex tra seats which may be had by those who desire to atten d the gam e. The round trip will cost $2 o r considerably less th an the regu lar stage fare, and those who wish to take advantage of this m eans of gettin g to the ball gam e m ust get in th eir application im m ediately. The stage will leave here a t 11:45 and will pick up some of the m em bers of the team in P ortland. The privilege of stopping in P ort- land fo r a few hours on the re tu rn trip will be granted if those m aking the trip desire to do so. Make your reservation fo r the trif a t Linn’s Inn. ________________ G uests at G rabeel Home Mrs. Lydia M atson-H arding of Se a ttle visited relatives at Camp 8 a few days last week and was the guest of Mrs. W. H. G rabeel of E stacada S aturday and Sunday. She was ac­ com panied from Camp 8 by her b ro th er and Sunday evening the G ra heels drove to Portland w ith them. The regu lar m onthly m eeting of BUT ONE HIT MADE BY BAKERS stations and the net work o f tele­ phone lines is also displayed. This the organization was held S aturday, IN SUNDAY’S G A M E — LO­ exhibit has been arrang ed by A. W. 34 m em bers being present. Mrs. M. A rm strong, ra n g er in charge of this G. W eatherby and Mrs. Mary R obert­ CALS WIN 6 TO 0 district, in observance of N ational son of G arfield w ere visitors. A fine ; F orest Week. dinner was served at noon and fo u r I new m em bers w ere initiated. Two | B urglars broke into six business new nam es are on th e list fo r initia- 1 E stacada won its first gam e in thc M oore in A u to A c c id e n t John W inthrop Buser, 75 passed j P ortland Valley league Sunday when W. G. M oore of the E stacada hotel places in tow n Tuesday night, doing tion. aw ay a t his hom e in th e G arfield a 0f dam age to property and get- district A pril 20. S hort fu n eral ser­ May 17 was chosen as clean-up day ¡D ! avidson’s Bakery was blanked, w ith m et with an accident M onday night tin g away w ith a large am ount of a t the hall. T he H. E. C. w ere busy I only one hit to th eir credit. The as he was com ing from P ortland this vices w ere held M onday afternoon in score wa.< 6 to 0. m erchandise and considerable cash, soliciting articles fo r th eir booth. side of C arver w here the late slides the Chapm an fu n eral parlors, the Malcom R eibuhf, Legionnaire dam aged the paved road. T here was The sh eriff’s office was inform ed of services being conducted by Rev. C. mound m an, pitched a w onderful hall hardly loom fo r two cars to pass and the deed and an investigation was Hold E njoyable C ard P arty T. Cook of the M. E. church. gam e, striking out 15 myn and al­ hi- m et a ca r a t this p articular place. m ade shortly a fte r the discovery of jj. A mf)St p]eusant event was ths E stacada lodge A. F. & A. M. con­ lowing but one baker to reach the Both cars w ere badly dam aged hut the robberies, but no clew was found 1 card p arty T hursday evening in the j ducted th e services at th e grave. as to the identity o f th e guilty party. Masonic hall, sponsored by the ¡first base sack. He struck out 15 n either of the drivers w ere injured. Q uite a large num ber of m em bers of R eports w ere made of bearing a car N eighbors of W oodcraft. T here w ere m en and m ade one hit fo r his team th e E astern S ta r from the local chap leave tow n about three o’clock W ed­ ten tables and those w inning high o ff Sw artz, thc B akery tosser. T o Give P r o g r a m te r w ere also present. T he rem ains nesday m orning, and two suspicious scores w ere Mrs. Jacob Moss and The E stacada team played air-tight The loeai organization of Camp w ere laid to rest in the I. O. O. F. looking characters w ere seen on the A. Smith. A fter lunch cards w ere : ball throughout the en tire gam e, not h ire 'iris has been invited to repeat cem etery here. streets Tuesday evening, b ut they again resum ed until 12 o'clock in one single erro r being charged up to tlie en tertain m en t given at the Com­ Deceased was born in th e state of them . Sw artz was hit fo r 14 safeties m unity club last m onth, a t the A m er­ have not been found, and there is no steud of dancing as heretofore. Ohio in 1852 and was m arried to w ith M iller getting tw o tw o-base hits ican Legion an«l A uxiliary m eeting definite connection w ith them and the C arrie Ingrahm in 1884. T here were and Bronson, Raym ond Lovelace and the first M onday in Mav. crim e. Student Visits Relatives five children: Mrs. M argaret Cham ­ The Cascade garage w as probably Howard Davis, a student at the Bill F ischer each landing for one berlain of T acom a; John M erlin, P i­ the heaviest loser in the city. The Oregon S tate A gricultural college two base hit. V isits R e la tiv e s H e re lot Rock, O re., P aul 1., C edar Rap­ fro n t door was broken open and the spent the week end with E stacada T hat the local team has been Don Newm an of P ortland visited ids, Iow a; and George M. of E sta­ considerably strengthened was evi­ E stacada relatives Tuesday. glass in the door to the office was relatives. cada. One d aughter died in infancy. dent in this gam e. V ancouver won smashed. The outside door of th e His w ife, C arrie Buser, passed away from E stacada 4 to 2 and Davidson’s safe was unlocked but the inner door in 1914. won from V ancouver 4 to 2. was locked and was broken open and He was one of a fam ily o f ten The Legionnaires will go to VVash- betw een $50 and $60 in cash taken children, th ree of whom survive: ougal next Sunday for the fourth beside fo u r tires and fo u r tubes. Jonas and S. S. B user of C onnerville, league gam e. This team lost last ________ I The padlock on the door a t M or­ Iowa, and Mrs. Bell M cCurdy of San Sunday to the B arracks team by a g an ’s feed store was cut, th e knob Francisco. President Calvin Coolidge has pro- brokell o ff the gafe> m aking it im . score of 1 to 0, and it looks us if Mr. B user entered the service of claim ed the week of A pril 22 to 28 pogsjbie for t [,e ow ner to open it, b ut T hat the residents of this and ad­ this would be an easier contest for T here was a la i^ e audience in the th e B. C. R. & N. railroad in 1889, as erican b orest W eek and urges tb e b urgiargj failing to open the safe, jacent com m unities will respond and this team than the D avidson gam e high school auditorium T uesday eve­ serving the com pany fo r a num ber all Am ning: to attend the m onthly m eeting good citizens to give thought to j ook gome small change o ut of the co-operate in w hat they believe to be Sunday. o f years in various positions of tru st. the protection of the P aren t-T each er association. and conservation of ; cagh re(,isteri opened the case in The g ate receipts fo r this gam e a w orthy cause w as exem plified fully He was a eleventh degree Mason and th e forests. The high school orchestra began the w ere considerably u nder those of the ” which the accounts w ere kept, and by the w onderful tu rn o u t a t the Odd also a m em ber of the E astern Star Soon the fire season wfll be here a |s(J took a large quantity of cigar- teresting program with a selection Fellows hall F riday evening. E ighty first gam e of the season, but w ere in and in his younger days served as a and the selection of the m en w h o 1 etteg an(J ^ b a c « ,. followed by th e invocation by Rev. larg er than the previous Sunday when m em ber of the fam ous C uster Stai will guard the Clackam as river w a te r-; The gIagg jn the door to the office men answ ered the call o f R anger A. it looked like it would pour down the C. T. Cook. W. A rm strong, some of them coming Scouts. shed is now under way. This area of j v B arr & Song garage was many miles, and th ree hours of inten­ rain a t any m inute. R ecitation by P atricia Duus was en­ of approxim ately 300,000 acres and broken and the cash register robbed sive training was enjoyed by all. The The next hom e gam e will be on tertain in g and Dr. Miller, health Uncle of Mr*. Beck Dead designated as the Collawash range: ¡¡;j 4 N othing else was missed. Th< interest was keen and Mr. A rm strong May 6, when the A rm ory nine will officer, gave a short talk. A mixed Jam es A. Scott, uncle of Mrs. Roy district will have a skeleton protec- key door was hanging in plain th eir luck on the E stacada field. chorus of high school boys and girls Beck, passed aw ay in a P ortland hos- live force of 25 lookouts, patrolm en gight on the caaing close t0 the lock believes much good was accom plished. try An e ffo rt was m ade to bring the sang a couple of selections. E stacada, George, S pringw ater pital Sunday m orning. Joseph Scott and guards, nnd in addition a firs ’. The Broadw ay G arage lock wa: and The Dodge .ng by K athleen units w ere all represented ^ ashougal team here Sunday but the “ M archeta ’ his nephew- of Pendleton, took charge line o f defense of about 35 train ed broken o ff the office door and some Beck and acted out by A lta Darrow m anager decided he would rath er by a big tu rn o u t. A lunch was of the rem ains and burial was at road and trail w orkers under compe- j pennieg taken, and Mr. Ames believes Guy Fanton. A short play was served to the men a fte r the train in g keep the gam e according to schedule. and A thena, O regon. Mrs. Beck and hei te n t forem en. presented entitled “ K eeping Him R eibuhf, who has suddenly become th at a quantity o f oil was also taken. was com pleted in order to give them m other, who arrived from C aliforni: H om e" and proved a very en te rtain ­ The m en are selected from w ritten At Bob Cooke’s garage the glass (C ontinued on page 4) E aster day, attended the fu n eral ser applications and are required to take was broken in the door to th e office a sam ple of the grub they are likely ing num ber on the program . The cast not to receive when on the fire line. vices, which w ere held Monday. cast included Evelyn M eyers, Rhoda a train in g course in com pass wox-k, and they reached in and unlocked the Mr. A rm strong expresses the BOYS W IN HARD FOUGHT m ap reading and orienting, land de- door. H ere $5 or $6 in sraaU change thanks of the forest service for the BATTLE FROM SANDY HIGH Nelson, E dith DeMoy, Olive Bishop, M eet Maggie and Jigg* C arl DeMoj^ and Claude Cooke. This scriptions, fire finder readings and was taken fr0 m the cash register. The splendid attendance and the interest A t the dinner in honor of Maggie actu al fire suppression. The incom -jsafe wag un]oeked and was not dis- taken by all attending. The E stacada high school boys and p art of the program w as furnished and Jiggs, to be given by th e Lad.es p eten t are weeded o ut shortly a fte r turbed girls baseball team s m et the Sandy by the Adelphic society of the high Aid of the M ethodist church T hursdaj th e intensive three-day train in g cam p Af the E stacada Pharm acy en high team s F riday on the home field. school. evening, May 3, in the I. O. O. F. hall review which is held 1n Ju n e at Oak tran ce was m ade through the back COMMUNITY CLUB TO M EET The girls won easily by a score oi the m any friends of Jiggs will enjo;. Grove rang er station. T a k e n to H ospital door by using an au g ur to m ake a. IN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 17 to 4. corned beef and cabbage with him H ere th e men are trained in groups bole so they could reach through and The boys’ gam e was one of the best W hile visiting w ith h er sister, Mrs. while the few who like M aggie car u nd er a squad leader, and com petition uniock the door. Some cigars and T he Com m unity club m eeting this of the season. The score was tied G ruber, in the Logan d istrict last not eat such robust fare will be equal­ betw een squads is very keen. A fter cigarettes w ere taken from a show F riday evening will be held a t the in the first of the gam e and in the Friday, M rs. H arold W ooster had an ­ ly provided for in the m enu provided final selection and assignm ent to a cag(J in th e fro n t of th e store and high school auditorium , owing to the eighth session the local team , with o th er attack of gallstones and was position, the men are still required to 4 be locks w ere pried o ff the cup- fact th a t the Masonic hall has no two hits and as m any erro rs got in taken to an O regon C ity hospital for study and qualify them selves fo r the boards in the prescription case and stage or curtain, and the W ebsterlan the w inning run, the final score being treatm en t. .She has been very ill but V isit a t Dale Home F rank Gill and daughter, Miss Ruth position they are best fitted and a a considerable am ount o f narcotics society of the high school will present 2 to 1. reports now are m ore encouraging. a short program . Gill, of the The Dalles, visited for a constant daily check is. kept on th eir taken. Sam W hitehead, pitching fo r the short tim e 'a t the hom e of Wm. Dale progress. E stacada high struck out 20 men and Visit R ela tiv e s a t Scappoose j The screen from th e back windov. M onday and Mrs. Dale accom panied T rail and road men are understud-1 q jj Ellis’ store wqs to rn o ff but HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS V ISIT allowed but two hits. Scales, the Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur W ade drove U-NEED-A BAKERY PLA N T Sandy star, struck out 16 m en and to Scappoose Sunday to visit their them home fo r a visit w ith h er daugh ies fo r th e actual protective force | they did not en te r th c store. The te r and fam ily fo r a few days. She and selected men in these crew s are | shoem aker heard" the m achine stop in was hit th ree tim es. W hitehead has daughter and fam ily, retu rn in g the will also visit h er son, Dr. Mac Dale, train ed to fill vacancies which m ay j front and tu rn ed on his light and sat T he U-Need-A B akery was visited struck o ut 36 m en in two gam es. sam e day. They w ere accom panied at D ufer, O regon, before returning occur a t lookout or patrol stations. th ere and smoked fo r a tim e, which by the high school g irl’s cooking class Canby high school will be here by Mr. W ade’s fath er, W. H. H. A netw ork ot m any miles of tel- ¡g believed frightened the burglar: T uesday m orning. Wm. W eingart F riday (this) afternoon fo r both a W ade. home. ' showed the girls how to m ake the boys’ and girls' game. ephone line knits the organization awuy d ifferen t kinds of rolls and how the into a u nit which is under the super­ M arcbbank to Portland Visit at L a w re n c e H om e bread was w rapped. He also served JU V E N IL E GRANGE OF R. G. M archbank drove to P o rt­ vision and in touch w ith the rangel­ Mr. and Mrs. ( ’. B. Law rence, ac­ cocoa and coffee to the class. land M onday on a business mission, and dispatcher a t any hour of the TR IB U TA R IES OF EAGLE com panied by a friend, w ere here G A RFITLD TO G IVE PARTY CREEK CLOSED TO ANGLERS day o r night. W hen fires occur men from P ortland Sunday to visit fo r a re tu rn in g the sam e day. V isit at Moore Home strategically located can be started tim e at the home of Mrs. Law ­ H era From Tenino A tten tio n is called to th e fa c t th at Mr. and Mrs. T. H. M orton, ac- The juvenile grangers are putting short L. L. W ells of Tenino, W ash., was im m ediately either day or night. rence’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. on a play party on S aturday, May 5, a week end visitor at the Roy Beck T heir equipm ent and rations are the trib u taries o f E agle C reek a r e f com panied by friends, w ere in Esta- in the G arfield grange hall at 8 Law rence. l-acked, oiled, w rapped and ready- to closed to fisherm en this year, with cada Sunday from P ortland visiting at home. G range m em bers are urged go w ithout delay and elapsed time- the exception of the N orthfork. Of- th e home of Mrs. M orton's m other, o’clock. to bring cake. Punch will be fu r­ R e tu rn s fro m E a s te rn O re g o n from rep o rt of fire to getaw ay is ficials of t the fo rest service j | rg \y. J. Moore. • O rchestras to Ploy nished. C hildren up to 15 will he T. Yocum retu rn ed the la tte r p art ------------------- To those who love good music, an very seldom m ore than fifteen min- put several anglers o ut last Sunday. charged 10c, adults 25c. Everyone of last week from a business trip to -------------------------- To A ttend D istrict M eeting evening of enjoym ent fo r all will he utes and often not m ore than five. is invited to come nnd help raise E astern O regon, w here he lately cam e Supplying the widely separated ASSUM ES M ANAGEM ENT OF The E stacada hand and m any mem- given a t the high school Tuesday eve­ funds to buy supplies for the grange. into possession of a large w heat TH E CASCADE GARAGE bers *^e l°cal order of Odd 1-el- — ning by the high school orchestras. force is a task in itself as every _______ lows and Rebekahs will atten d th e Max Gilgan, m aster of Juvenile | ranch. The boys and girls are expecting % pound o f m aterial is packed from | Oak Grove rang er station on mules Boy W ilcox, who form erly owned d istrict m eeting at O regon C ity Sat- grange. full house. D rive to C a n b y and the trip s are often long ones the C ascade G arage, but sold to Jas “ l a y ­ Miss Maud Sherm an and m other, over steep trails. ^ C losner about a year ago, has again Mrs. Johnson Im proving accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. G. R. A well trained organization of aggumed charge of the garage. Mr. Club to Meet Mrs. Douglass Johnson of Hillock- Ellis, drove to Canby Sunday to view Skip-a-W eek club of G arfield burn, who is in a P ortland hospital husky firefig hters ready to go at a d o s n e r will rem ain here, fo r the pres will The m eet the tulip fields. W ednesday afternoon. .May w here she subm itted to an operation m om ent’s notice is a big facto r in en^ at ieast. 2, a t the home o f Mrs. M. G. W eath­ keeping the fires from reaching laigc _____________ _____ fo r appendicitis, is now reported to V isits H u s b a n d in P o rtla n d erby. be im proving. She was critically il1 size. The average citizen would be Visit« W ith Old Friend Mrs. W. (' . M( Willi* w ent to Port- pleased and surprised ^ a .......................... t the great fo r a few days. T eachers of thc* E stacada grade land Sunday to visit Mr. McW illis at in terest these men take in th eir work P. M arsh of Parkrose cam e to Esta- | Bg|aU, SilI T ypew riter. and how willingly they undertake cada one day last l<* visit his gix new Underwood typew riters school have been em ployed for next St. V incent’ hospital. He is getting C ashier VUit* in P o rtla n d old tim e M innesota friend, A. recently been installed in the school term , as follows: Mrs. Nellie along very nicely, she reports. Miss R uth Dillon of the E stacada strenuous trips which involve h ard ­ W hitney. Mr. M arsh has spent E. the com m ercjai d epartm ent of the Esta- M. G ardner, Miss Bessie A nderson. ship and grinding toil. No organ- S tate Bank, was a business visitor to Miss Elsie Pool, Miss Bessie M. Vi*it at H a n n a h H om e ization, no m atter how Well" trained w irtera hcre in 0 re *on fo r *om* tim<" cada high school, P ortland Tuesday. I H unter, .Miss Maud .Sherman, and Mr. and Mr-. A lbert H annah and o r equipped can he a success without ^ u r n in ir to M innesota in the spring Mrs. H om er Sai ver and children from 1 Mrs. Amy Upton. the sym pathy and co-operation of the but has d‘"‘"’d«"d to stay the e n t,r" Go Salmon Fishing S pend. W eek End Here Portland visited at the- E. E. H annah Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore w ent to All of the teachers selected ate local residents and in this respect thc >ea r * *s f*m e- Miss M ary Alice Reed, daughter of O regon City T hursday to fi*h fo r teaching at the present tim e, w ith the home Sunday. Mrs. Mae Reed, came up from P ort­ Collawash district has been particu ­ salm on. exception of Mrs. U pton, who takes j -------------------------- larly fo rtu n ate. V isiting at Dillon Homo land and spent the week end here. _________________ | Miss Rhoda Beck’s place. A prise for thc best im personation “ No effo rt will be spared C harles W agner, cousin o f Mrs. Mrs. Schock III It Is rum ored th n t Miss Beck h a s ' of a comic paper ch aracter will be Miss B etty W allace, whose home to keep this force up to your expec- Dillon, has been a truest at th e Dillor Mrs. Clyde Schock has been very contracted to teach in th e state of one of thc features of the Jiggs and tatio n s so th at they will w arrant you hom e since Friday. His home is ir is »t Cam p 10, was a guest of Dr. and ill this week but is reported to be W ashington next term and th a t she Maggie dinner. G et y ou r costum e Mrs. W. W. Rhodes over the week support,” says Mr. A rm strong, thc Chicago b ut he is now retu rn in g from im proving at this tim e. ! will have hut one pupil. jready fo r you may be the lucky one. district ranger. a trip to Los Angeles. end. . G A RFIELD MAN, 75 YEARS OLD DIES A FTER SHORT ILL- N ESS, FRIDAY, 20TH FIRE PROTECTION STRESSED DURING FOREST WEEK CASH AND M ERCHANDISE TO AMOUNT O F SEV ERA L H UN­ DRED DOLLARS LOST FINE PROGRAM GIVEN AT P. T. A. MEETING FOREST SERVICE FIRE UNITS MEET FOR TRAINING GRADE TEACHERS CHOSEN FOR NEXT TERM