Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 20, 1928, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    E ' SÎ't F.N’ Cî. ACKAMAS
S S i'B .c'i.a.aiX '.i.'in'i'.,u r u
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l 'x 1 i 1 i n ’ir T i T T T t rT r Y i.L '.n
t rri-ï.T T T tT r*
r» r r r '. i.|.L,.Lf.Tir.L*.L -D.LLl-fX » L » .i ' - i l 1
Mr. .tntl Mrs. Meers Entertain
Mi. and Mi . Gt*oi*vr»* Beers enter-
tained the Beers ochestra and a few
>th- quests at a midnight chicken
upper Saturday night. Among those
nvited were Mr. and Mrs. Hancock,
Ivan Sweet, Walter Sweet, Mr. and
Mi Raymond Murray, A. C. Baum-
ku 1 . Otto Meinig, Mack
\ddie ( rosier, and Miss Creel.
y VIS...
Pure Pennsylvania
The Privilege
of Personal Selection
Delegate* Chosen by Rebekahs
Sandy Rebekah lodge has chosen
Mrs. Ella Baumback and Mrs. Hazel
Murray delegates to the Rebekah
'< mbly which will convene at Rose­
au iir this year. The local lodge also
»< elected plans to celebrate the
unding of the 10(Jth anniversary of
the Odd Fellows lodge. The program
will be given jointly.
There is a grade of HyVIS for every type of motor,
and if- use means efficient, economical lubrication.
HyVIS not only increases power and flexibility, but
it reduces wear, lasts longer, and does not require
changing as often as ordinary oils. HyVIS has been
tested and approved by the leading motor car
W e give you FREE crankcase service. Try a change
of oil, and use HyVIS.
Severe Rain Storm
'i lie crowd at the burial service of
Leaf at Cliffside Monday had
i seek shelter during one o f the
worst rain storms ever witnessed here.
Before the cars could be reached
nearly everyone was soaked. A
heavy electric storm came with the
wind and rain. The storm also up­
rooted trees ami a number o f tele­
phone lines were disconnected.
Cooke Motor Company
COFFEE— Lipton’s or Del Monte’s
Vacuum Packed; lb.
........ 50(*
Gangers Entertain Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganger enter­
Employed at Hood River
tained Sunday the following guests
George Sharnke has secured em­
at a birthday dinner: Mr. and Mrs.
ployment in the Richards confec­
William Ganger, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph =
tionery at Hood River.
1 anger, Phyllis and Joyce, and Jas. =¡¡2
Bell. Mrs. Ralph Granger, William EEE
Injures Finger
(ianger and Mr. Bell all had birth-
R. C. Murray o f Cherryville i
<in\ within the past few days, and ^
taking a vacation because o f an in
i lit* dinner was in their honor. James
jured finger which he suffered while
Bell was 81 years young.
doing carpenter work at Creghton’s.
Mr. Creighton, Sr., of Rhododen­
dron has been quite poorly recently
from an attack of flu.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. Cash, propri­
etors o f Rhododendron Inn, will re­
turn from a two week trip to X’alifor-
nia this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenwood,
formerly of Bull Run, are enjoying
their lovely new residence at Orient Spend Day in City
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart and Jack
and Mrs. Greenwood has been enter
ie spent Saturday in the city attend
taining considearbly o f late.
The Win. Oak family is living ir. ing a show in the afternoon and vis
the home o f Mrs. Ike Anderson at ited the new Portland theatre at
Orient. Mrs. Anderson is still stay­ night.
ing with Mrs. E. E. Van Fleet.
Gus Logan, who is building a nice Visiting Dahrans Families
Mrs. Dora Dahrens was out a few
modern residence near Cedar Creek,
was an Oregon City visitor recently (iays visiting the Adolph and Gu
Mr. and Mrs. A. ( . Thomas, James Dahrens families the past week, ant’
Bell, Mack Thomas and Mrs. Lola also attended the Lutheran churcl
Thiess, all enjoyed the Pomona Sunday o f which she wag formerly
grange at Garfield Wednesday, last a member.
week. Mrs. Will Bell, though not
present, was appointed chairman of Attend Grange Celebration
Mr. and Mrs. R. (\ Shipley attend
a committee to he in charge o f the
grange building one day during Chau­ ed the fifty-fourth anniversary o f thi
Oswego Grange Saturday and repor
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gunderson had a big time. Mrs. Murray I. Wilsor
as guests at Easter time Mr. and Mrs. stayed with “ Auntie** McGugin whih
Roy Anderson and children Lester, the Shipleys were away.
Myrtle and Lillian of Portland, Mr.
mid Mrs. Harold Gunderson and Wal­ Gilbert Jonsrud Improves
Gilbert Jonsrud who has been very
lace, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gunderson
and baby I,a Verne, local folks. ill from pneumonia, is out gain. A
Henry Miller and son Henry, Jr., of soon as his condition was discovered
his daughter Lillian Jonsrud, trained
Portland called in the afternoon.
nurse, came out from the city and
Mr. and Mrs. R. ( ’. Shipley were
took care o f her father.
at Sandy recently and report the
latter’s mother, “ Auntie” McGugin.
Injured by Fall
as feeling better than for some time.
Walter Creighton had a narrow es­
Mrs. F. .1. Suekow is “ babying”
cape last week when he fell from
400 little chicks, and her neighbor,
a building and struck his head on •
• Mrs. L. Gierke, has 200 o f the same
rock. Creighton was unconscious for
age, all of the White Leghorn variety.
over two hours and was taken to tin
Mrs. L. Lehnfield appreciated a
city to a hospital, hut came out of
visit on April 11, her birthday, from
it and insisted upon going home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, her neigh
hors, and Mrs. Wave Parepit, the
Mrs. Faubian 111
former remaining all night. Cards
Friends o f Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
were enjoyed.
Faubian regret to hear o f the latter
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gunderson i,
v .
being extremely
A nurse is in
Miss Bertha Nashon ami George Gun- ..
Billj Faubian was in
derson were all Portland guests re
town Wednesday and reported hi
mother’s condition is almost hope
Needle Workers Club Meets
The following ladies, with Mrs —
Annie Gloekner and daughter W inni-’ EE
i red as hostesses, spent Monday eve- ^—2
ning at the P. R. Meinig home, the HE
occasion being a, meeting o f the local ¡2=
Needlework club. Present were Mrs. HE
H. Ferret, Mrs. Harvey Schneider, sz:
Mrs. Fullenwider, Mrs. H. Reed, Miss -HE
K am merer, Mrs. F. L. Proctor, Miss ~ z
Thompson, Mrs. H. Krebs, Mrs. Clar­
ence Brown, Mrs. Dittert and Miss
Gertrude Meinig.
Victor H. Dunton y¡
Speaks For H im self M
Van Camp’s PORK and BEANS
with tomato sauce; medium
tins; 3 for ........... ...................... 2 5 c
N E W PEAS— Fresh and Full
2 pounds f o r ..................... .
freshly made from selected
nuts; per lb......... ................
2 0c
those who want the best; 3
pounds for .......................
BACO N — Edgemire Square's—
Eastern cured; the taste tells;
at, per lb. ...
California N EW P O TATO ES
3 pounds f o r ............................ 29
Cudahy PU R ITA N H A M S ;
Fancy grade; either half or
whole at, per lb..................... 28c
BUTTER— Sunlitir Brand ;
Strictly fresh; per lb.
R AISIN S; Friday and Saturday
Special; 4 lb. pkg. Market Day
Raisins at .............................. 2 i) C
H. B. SNYDER, Proprietor
Try This Improved Rit
We are agents for Smith's Flower Shop We will order for ><
you mak make your own selection. Ask us.
FLO R IDA G R A P E F R U IT ; extra
large; 2 f o r ............................. 25c4
Candidate for the nomination as
lu i iif o f Clackamas county o f the
democratic party.
If elected sheriff I will give a MARIE PREVOST IN
clean business like administration
economically consistent with effici­
ency and by devoting myself ener­
Appearing in one of the most
getically to the duties o f my office amusing feature comedies o f the sea­
I will devise ways o f avoiding dupli- son, Marie Prevost achieves and ar­
tistic and personal triumph in her
latest Metropolitan picture, “ The
Night Bride,” which will be presented
at the Liberty Theatre here Wednes­
day and Thursday o f next week. Har­
rison Ford, Robert Edeson and
Franklin Pangborn appear in fea­
tured roles and share stellar honors
with the star and do much to make
the comedy an unusual hit.
Miss Prevost displays her powers
as comedienne in the role o f a self-
Victor H. Dunton
willed girl whose refusal to marry
cation of detail work and thereby be
her fiance when she sees him kiss
able to operate with only the neces­
her sister just before the nuptials
sary amount of help by subordinates.
are to be celebrated, brings about
As sheriff I will surround myself
many amusing complications which,
with the best available and most
of course, are happily adjusted be­
competent deputies in each commun­
fore the final fadeout.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz Guests
ity, regarding character and ability
She quits her home and finds a
Mr. and Mrs. N. Schmitz enter­ Hear Grandpa Bulger
as the first requisite.
refuge in the home o f Stanley War­
tained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wise
In regard to the management of
Mrs. C. B. Stein man went to the
o f Mt. Angel and their two daugh­ Lusted school house Thursday, ac­ my office, service and courtesy will rington, an author and violent wo­
man hater. Her father follows her
ters and families and Mr. and Mrs. companied by her son David, Joe be the keynotes and by close co-oper-*
and to avoid scandal, she tells him
Ben Traviss of Portland. Fourteen i Shelley, Mrs. J. C. Loundree ant* ation with the authorities o f munici­
that she is the writer’s wife. How
'» 'H ' i>t the dinner table, Mrs James j Junior, .Mrs. Toni Miller and Edith. palities in the county, I will avoid
to live up to the fix, taxes the re­
McCormick and Evelyn Mutchler I to see Grandpa
Bulger's hominj. misunderstandings and duplication of
sources o f both Cynthia and War­
serving the dinner. In the After- pigeons and hear this interesting ra- field work.
rington, but it is finally accomplished
noon tlic following were present to'diu performer talk.
By calling on the sfate and federal
to the satisfaction o f all concerned. |
visit with the above guests: Mrs. Carl j
departments when necessary I will
Miss Prevost is delightful as
Aschoff, \liv; Nettie Schmitz, Lex Caring fo Baby
have help in the apprehension of
the girl and Mr. Ford as the author
Schmitz, wife and baby, Mr. and
Mrs. Elsie Albel is taking care o f criminals and it is my belief that and Mr. Pangborn as his servant, j
Mrs. Frank Schmitz and children. Alice Bailey Peirson and her little I when an understanding is fully es-
aided materially in providing humoi j
James McCormick and Roxie. The baby girl which was born Faster eve- tablished as to my policy in dealing
with which the production is packed, j
entire crowd remained for supper.
ning at Deep Creek. The child’* with law violators, there will be little
The work o f the supporting players
,n ,.,||oi,s quart vrs ^ ; ; bi ; ' t"ha't' „^ R obert E d£m r ««th e
William Waspie Here
thv day before the child » a s horn '» the county jail and those o f con- (
Constance Howard and Geo.
William Waespie, for whom VVaes- has not been located.
firmed criminal inclinations will seek
Kuwa, is all that the most exacting
pie ridge near Sandy was named 3 f
more agreeable surroundings for ply-
taste could demand.
>* ars ago, was here last week for a Contracting Tie.
ing their nefarious trades.
short visit. Mr. Waespie is just up
The Bruns mill is contracting tie
I will pay special attention to curb-
from C alifornia and is on his way to to the P. E. P. 1 . Ill]mV mill O. \\ mr th. vi<< ing that has stuck its SANDY BALL CLUB HERE
Switzerland to live.
Mrs. Waespie i R. R. companies.
Emil Bartsch js fangs into Clackamas county,
died a year ago. lie has two sisters sawyer. Lawrence Craswell has the!
1 will give a strict account o f all
mid a brother in his native land,
tin tic contract. Jack Barnett the logging moneys handled by me as tax c o l-1 Sandy high school baseball team
only close relatives save two neph- contract and Art Voting is woods lector, and receive o f auto license fees will be here for a game with the Esta­
< • one i
\.h in brought
him manager. Marshall Melton is night and will co-operate with other county cada high on Friday afternoon (to ­
out here to eo the old place
mid watchman, Paul Theiss. engineer, and officials in keeping record informa- d a y ), if the weather permits. The
V'sit old friends.
'Bud Parker whistle plunk.
lion in the best possible shape.
Sandy team has won ever game this
I will conduct all branches o f my season so far, Kenneth Scales, star
office as proscribed by law.
pitcher, having struck out as many as
I will let my deeds rather than my IT men in a game.
i picture lank for my work.— Adv.
The local school won the contest
NEW IMPROVED RIT— will dye or tint all fabrics; dso White Rit *
at Mollalla Friday last, the score
for removing color from fabrics.
Walter W . Gilbert, M. D. *
Physician and Surgeon
O ffice Hours 9 to 6
and Evenings
. . . . . . . . . . .
10 to 8
• FOR SALE— Guernsey bull calves,
from one to nine months of age.
J. A. Shibley A Son, Route 2, Es-
taesda, Oregon.
APRIL 22 to APRIL 28
Wt> are glad to join in the suggestion for
the observance of the coming week for the
protection and preservation of our Forests
— one of our greatest national resources
for both business and pleasure.
“No Forests, No Wealth;
No Trees, No Health.”
Safe Deposit Boxes, $3.00 per year.
Meats of Quality
Any cuts of beef you like, pork chops or roasts; veal,
and a large assortment of smoked lunch goods.
Our Home Cured Hams and Bacon will
picase you.
Estacada Meat Co.
Estacada, Oregon
The Estacada
The service is different.
W e specialize in giving
personal service to each
of our guests. Every
detail in our dining
room is so homelike tnat it can’t help but appeal.
Can’t we serve you? You are always welcome and
the doors are never closed.