April 2 2 to 2 8 Is “American Forest Week.' Protect and Preserve t h e F o re s ts tEastrnt (Clarkamas Dinas ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1928 V O L U M E X X II _______ NUMBER 29 Take n to Hospital | Daughter Born to Mr». Lawrence Ball Player Arrive» The stork paid a visit to this local­ | James Scott who arrived in Esta- A new member of the Estacada ity Tuesday leaving a pretty 7 1-2 cada Easter Sunday from California, baseball team arrived in Estacada i pound daughter at the home of Mr. accompanied by his mother, was tak­ Thursday evening, April 12, and has .1 and Mrs. S. E. Lawrence. Little en to the Good Samaritan hospital taken up headquarters at the home | 12 1-2 year old Louise, the other I Monday. He has been in poor health o f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lovelace, j daughter, is very much pleased and Ilor so,ne time. He is Mrs. Roy Beck’s There seems to be considerable con­ brother. SIXTY-EIGHT CORRESPONDENTS troversy in regard to the selection NATIONAL FOREST WEEK TO | thinks the new sister is the n icest! ESTACADA LOSES SECOND OF doll she ever had. o f a name for the nice little fellow, SERIES IN FAST GAME BE OBSERVED WEEK OF | Leaves for the East FOR ALL COUNTY PAPERS whether it shall be Ty Cobb or Babe Miss B ate» H om e Mrs. Holla Rebn, who has been liv- Ruth. HERE SUNDAY. APRIL 22 TO 28 ATTEND CONFERENCE Miss Edna Bates came home from j ing at the ( ulver home for some time Mor.mouth to spend the week end since she sold her home place, left Plant Sale a Success with her mother and sisters. Two Monday for the East to make her The Garden club’s plant sale Sat- _ ,i ■,, B y A . W . A rm stro n g , D istrict R a n g er young lady college friends arrived Correspondents and editors repre­ urday was a success, the TouKb luck sP°iled the bal1 home among relatives. committee T senting every newspaper in Clacka­ in charge selling more than $10 worth April 22 to 28 has been designated Saturday evening and visited with Kame for Estacada when the Sher mas county, held an all-day confer­ o f plants and shrubs. At the silver by President Coolidge as American her until Sunday evening. wood met thc Le* ionnaires on Here from Antelope ________________ the local field Sunday afternoon. ence at the chamber o f commerce tea he’ d at the Gohring home Mon- Forest Week, and he urges all good Mrs. Roy \\ ilcox is here from Ante- rooms in Oregon City Saturday. The day afternoon under the auspices o f citizens to take an active part in its R e tu r n . F rom M issoula In the Ve,Y fir8t inn in»? tbT o i timber ig v" y ),r"Portant’ relatives here Saturday and Sunday. He had not complained o f being ca8e* •» ab*°lute "eces- children have returned from Portland instrumental music and readings <*"d >" ill but a short time, and a doctor was Mr. Linn is employed by the Ridge to communities. A forest cover where they spent the winter and are The refreshments served were ice called but he passed away before the Lumber company o f Springdale. now at their home near Log LaBarre. cream and angel food cake. The au- is