Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 13, 1928, Image 7

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$1.50 P .r Year
Subscribe Now I
So far, no one has filed for justice
o f the peuce, one o f the most im­
portant local offices.
Contrary to
report, P. T. Shelley has not yet re­
signed that office, and probably maj
not, if he does not secure the nomi­
Five attractive summer homes ar<
nation for sheriff.
nearing completion close to Sandy,
three of which are owned by V. J.
The city is now better prepared to Bocke, Fred D. Schenk and C. Wheel­
fight fire, the council having recently er, all o f Portland, and which face
purchased 250 additional feet o f hose the falls on the Sandy fiver near the
and added some other fire fighting bridge. At Cedar Grove
Creek) also close to Sundy, M. Berry
is building, and Robert Fundenberg
W. G. Duncan o f Sandy presented is improving and building an addi­
his petition and filed at Oregon City tion to his summer cottage. Lumber
Thursday for the office o f constable for all the above homes has been pur­
o f district No. 13. He is running on chased from the Jonsrud-Gunderson
the democratic ticket. S. G. Spitler company o f Sandy.
filed some time ago for the same
office. W. R. Telford o f Boring Ent.rtaina Bull Run Women's Club
seeks the nomination for republican
j Mrs. C. A. Norquist was hostess to
precinct committeeman.
the Bull Run Women’s club at an all-
* ♦ * *
! day session recently.
A pot luck
The “ forecast” in the political sky \ luncheon was served, Mrs. Maple-
thus far seeni3 to favor re-election I thorpe assisting the hostess in serv-
of most
the present county o ffi­ | ing. The day was spent in quilting,
cers, with possibly a few exceptions. j this being the second quilt the ladies
. . .
;have pieced. Thirty were present.
The local ball team probably will | Mrs. Alton Phelps and Mrs. Regner
not function this season. Last year Staffenson will jointly entertain at
Sandy made a record, shutting out the next meeting o f the club at uie
the Mid-Columbia league in three j Phelps home.
straight games, only seven hits being
Saturday night the club gave a
made in three games. However, the card party at the Community hall, 11
team was not supported financially, j tables being filled.
After refresh-
the deficit being around $100.
I ments were served dancing was en-
| joyed for a short time. Quentin Nor­
Sandy union high scored over Mo- quist and Earl Hite furnished the
lalla 4 to 0 at the opening o f the music. About sixty were present.
official season here Friday.
After Sunday school was over at
neth Scales struck out 17 men, only
two making second base. M. Suckow Bull Run Easter morning, the chil­
was outstanding as a batter. Friends dren weer treated to an Easter egg
About forty is the average
o f the Sandy team are hoping for hunt.
attendance at this school.
record playing all season.
Distance is no question with us. Our
equipment is at your service'day or
, Gresham, Oregon
Sandy, Oregon
Manufacturers and Dealers in
« We Deliver anywhere
Phone Res. 324
Mill 131 Sandy
Mr*. Cecil O. Duke
Mr*. William E. Welch
Mrs. Cecil O. Duke, prominent
young matron o f Sandy, entertained
the Sandy Women’s club Thursday,
the event being of much interest to
club members. During roll call the
following responded with original
verse: Mis. Blanche Shelley, Mrs. E.
F. Bruns, Mrs. R. F. Dittert, Mrs.
Harry Morton, Mrs. R. E. Smith, Mrs.
Emma Bennett and Mrs. Miller. Mrs.
Raymond Murray assisted the hostess
in serving.
Present were Mrs. Bruns, Mrs.
Harvey Schneider, Mrs. Clarence
Brown, Mrs. J. Scales, Mrs. A. W.
Bell, Mrs. Dittert, Mrs. Smith, Mil­
dred Gray, Mrs. J. W. Dixon, Mrs.
James Ogden, Mrs. W. Bosholm, Mrs.
Shellely, Mrs. N. R. Horr, Mrs. R. S.
Smith, Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mrs. Miller,
Mrs. J. C. Duke, Miss Kammerer,
Miss Thompson, Roberta Williams,
Miss Edith Shell, Mrs. Shelley, and
the hostess, Mrs. Duke.
Mrs. William E. Welch, a charming
hostess who has entertained fre­
quently this season at the attractive
Welch home up the mountains, had
as recent house guests over the week
end, Mr. and Mrs. John Summers and
Peter Hai, 76, died Monday eve­
ning. For 35 years he had lived
overlooking the wonderful view
across the Sandy gorge to Mt. Hood.
The past year or two he began to get
poorly, but remained alone at his
home until a few weeks ago when he
went to the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Gilbert Hauglum.
Monday morning he was up early
as usual, but a change came on later,
and at 8 o ’clock at night he died as
peacefully as he had lived.
“ Uncle Pete” lived alone because
he liked solitude.
He was a deep
thinker, and always kindly. Twenty
years ago he refused $20,000 for his
land because he did not know what
to do with the money— and because
he had “ got so used to looking at
Mount Hood,” and said he missed it
if he got two or three miles away.
Haia lost his wife twenty-five years
ago. Funeral rite* will be held on
A. W. Bell Lumber Co.
Prominent Matrons o f Sandy
Gates Funeral Home
THINK IT OVER. What good is ihdoing you?
Is the pride of driving the “ latest model” worth
the secret worry of knowing that there are un-
paid bills, and that you haven’t a single cent in
reserve for the unexpected emergency, or for
the future?
Face the real truth— live for yourielf,
within your meant; and SAVE SOME.
First State Bank
Seniors receiving typing
awards Boring Methodist schools.
Shelley, Marguerite Barnett, Wayne
Duncan, Genevieve Jonsrud and Gor­
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Harper were
Robert Jonsrud and C. F. Weigand don Bacon. Juniors receiving awards
have applied for .3 cubic feet of wa­ were Julia Brophy and Violet De- hosts at Sunday dinner to Mr. Har­
per’s brother, Robert Harper, and
ter f)er second from a stream tribu- Shazer.
Miss Maime of Portland, who came
at'ry to the Sandy. The pipe liife,
New Torch Honor members receiv-1 out via the Aschoff bus.
which was just surveyed by John
ing pins are Avis Strobn, a torch
Roberts, will be a mile and a ha f
Myrtle Sitz, Anita McCabe, two-bar Sandy News continued on last page
long, and a head gate and crib dam
made from timber will be built. The
road down into the canyon from the
Bluf is about completed. Eventually
| this will be an attractive park, the
I scenic value o f which will be almost
i unsurpassed.
Apply for Water Right
Firstclass Battery W ork
Attend Program Here
Give Us a Trial
Raymond E. Smith, district ranger
at Zig Zag, Frances E. Williamson
o f Rhododendron, receration mana­
ger, and O. J. Johnson, who had
charge o f the Portland Advertising
club sports at Government Camp dur­
ing the winter, were all down to at­
tend the lecture ami pictures present­
ed by Albert Weisendanger.
Johnson is now located at the toll
gate where he is engaged in trail
Sunday School Give, Program
Leaves for Ryderwood
Glenn Loundree brought his wife
and little Beverly Jeanne out from
the Gresham hospital Sunday and th<
oLundrees are living in their own at
tractive home now.
O ffice
2nd door West o f Meat Market
Telephone 341
Sandy, Oregon
HARTWIG & SONS, Proprietors
Corner Bluff Road and Loop Highway Phone 208
We specialize in remedying automobile ills. No
matter what ailment your automobile may be suffer­
ing from, we can give it a
Clean Bill of Health
An auto that is in good condition is a good invest­
ment. Let us examine your car and price your job.
Our R&tes Are Reasonable
A Good Reason
For Saving...
Everyone owes it to himself to take a
vacation each summer. But many are
unable to enjoy one because they have
not planned ahead for meeting the ex­
A mighty good way to provide such ex­
pense money is to open a Vacation
Fund Account here at the Clackamas
County Bank. A dollar or two a week
until vacation time comes will not be
missed and in total will be most
C lackam as C o u m y B
a n k ? ¡i
“ A Strong Bank”
Phone Sandy 151
Gresham, Oregon
Sandy, Oregon
Mrs. Gilbert Hauglum has been
suffering nn attack of flu and was il'
at the time o f the death o f het
« iM iiiiiiM iiiiiin iiiiim n iim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiin iiM iit iiiiiiiiu » father.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Peeples’ Service Station
Sandy Community Sunday school j J
gave the following Easter program; >
Recitation by Donald and Roberta <
Smith, Joe Shelley, Billy McGinn's [
Franklin and Myrtle Bittner, Lorena \
Updegrave, Christine and Frances j J
Dunsmuir, Wallace Scales. Songs by j <
Frank and Phyllis Christianson, Rutl \ \
Barnett, Dorothy Dunsmuir, George ; J
Bruns and Roberta Smith.
Duet, <
P.uth Barnett and Phyllis Christian­
Carl F. Andresen, Kelso district,
left Sunday for Ryderwood, Wash.,
where he has a sub-contract from the
Long Bell Lumber company to clear
right o f way for a logging road. Pete
Hauglum, business associate of An­
dersen will complete the contract at
ORGANIZED IN SANDY Wapanitia highway begun last fall,
and will begin work as soon at the
At the close o f the lecture and Loop highway is open.
films presented by Albert Weisen­
danger in the interest o f American Give Easter Party
Kelso Women’s club sponsored an
Forest Week, Wednesday night, a
keyman’g unit o f thirty was organ­ Easter party, completely surprising
The ladies
ized here with G. D. Orr as chief. the school children.
No obligation is required except to served cake, punch, and cookie rab
respond, if possible, when called upon bits, also made up 68 Easter baskets .
by the service to fight fire. Wages for the little ones ami their friends !
are to be paid for tinte worked. A and presented each o f the teachers
similar unit was organized at Corbett. with a box o f chocolates. A nice
program was given and about twenty
guest» were present.
Entertain far Millars
A dinner, attended by 34 persons
was given by Mr. and Mrs. Waiter
Locke in honor of the Misses Amanda
and Marie Miller amt Mr. and Mrs
Herbert Mntthes, who left Tuesday
for Australia. Among those present
were the Herman Miller and Wewei
families, W. C. Carrow family, the
Henry Junkers, Mr. and Mrs. Knopf
o f Washougal, .and Mr. and Mrs.
Anderson (Mrs. Dnhlgren). Saturday
the Jantzen company gave a dinnei
at the new Heathman hotel for th«
Millers and Matthes. covers being laid
for 150. Amanda and Marie were
presented with elegrant traveling
pins; Uucille Wilkins and Viet
con, one-bar pins.
Committees for managing tin
edy “ Cyclone Sally,” April 20, are
Myrtle Sitz, advertising; tick et . Eve
James Crissey, popular graduate
Huneberg; property nianag i•s— Eve-
o f '27, has been pledged to a national
lyn Bennett, Lydia Kriegei , Mano
scroi itj.
The high school band played on a j
Letters in basketball were received
program at Boring Friday night giv­
by Anna Schwartz. Margate t Leter-
en by the lloring P. T. A., to raise !
son, Lucile Wilkins n;i sop!io mores.
funds for installing lights in the play-
There are 37 enrolled in the .
shed which is to serve for basketball
Certificates in typing have been
games anil community gatherings con­
received by Ethel Irvin, Bary Brophy.
nected with the school. The building | j
Margaret Wyant, Lucile Wilkins, Vel­
is 40x40. Refreshments were served
ma Keisicker. Martha Maulding was
at the close o f the program.
awarded a pin for typiflg.
The annual typing contest at Ore­
gon City will be Saturday in which |
Betha Child, Myrtle Sitz and Julia!
Brophy will represent the amateur
Rev. Paul Collat'd, who preaches
class. Johnny Shelley, Martha Mauld-1
every Sunday morning over KOIN
ing and Helen Hempe the novice di i
started a two weeks’ revival meeting
at Sandy Community church Sunday
Mis» Arleigh Kammerer went to;
night. Special music is provided for
her home at Corvallis to spend Easter;
each night, and a different minister
with relatives.
for Friday and Sunday nights, a
The biology class was taken to the
chalk talk being a Friday night fea­
city Tuesday by Principal On* on a \
ture. Everyone invited.
field trip. The museum at the city j
Co ttre ll Chuich
hall and the city park were visited.
. Sunday, April 22, the district Sun-
I nncipal Orr will lake
o f I day schoo, ass(K.iation win hold an all
boys to the mountains Friday and es- day session at the ( .ottl.t.n ,■ rnun-
tablish a model training camp, re ity church. The district is composed
maining until Sunday. The boys’ of Cottrell, Pleasant Home Baptist
j cooking class will plan and cook the
and Methodist, Hailey Baptist, Swed­
ish Mission, Kelso Community and
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. M an o f Portland. last month are Helen Hempe, Jonnie will be announced later.
| “ Pride Goeth |
j Before a Fall” 1
Are you letting FALSE PRIDE ruin your life?
“ Keeping up with the Smiths^’ has been the
cause of many a business failure— it has caused
men to steal and wreck their entire family; it
often turns happy homes into hateful prisons.
W HY? Because trying to keep up with some
one else— who is trying to keep up with another '
someone— forces you to live .Beyond your