Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 13, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    As an aid to aviation and the de­
velopment of night flying, the Stand­
ard Oil Company of California is build­
ing what will be the two highest
powered incandescent electric beacons
in the country—one to be placed on
the summit of Mt. Diablo near San
Francisco Bay and the other in the
Merced Hills, Los Angeles. These bea­
cons will develop ten million candle-
power and the flashing beams from
them will be visible to aviators for
between lflil and 150 miles. The com­
pany has taken litis action at the sug­
gestion of the United States Depart­
ment of Commerce, the Airways Di­
vision of which is now engaged in in­
stalling lights to mark the airways
from Los Angeles to San Francisco
and from Los Angeles to Salt Lake
City. The Department of Commerce is
also projecting a series of lights north­
ward and eastward from San Fran­
cisco, as indicated in tiie chart above.
These official airway lights are set
at frequent intervals and are of three
million candlepowcr each.
The government will give the light
on Mt. Diablo the official designation
of “ SD," standing for “ Standard-
Diablo,” and "SL,” signifying "Stand-
ard-Los Angeles,” for the light in the
Merced Hills.
The light for this type of beacon,
built by the Sperry Gyroscope Co., is
furnished by large 1500-watt incan-
The one-day training school for
newspaper reporters will be held in
Oregon City Saturday at the Cham­
ber of Commerce rooms, starting at
10 o’clock. The country correspon­
dents o f all the newspapers in the
county" are being urged to attend.
Luncheon and a show will be provided
for the reporters at the expense of
the publishers.
The program for the day, will be
as follows:
Greeting to the editors and reporters
by E. E. Brodie, editor Oregon City
“ The Kind o f News I Like to Print,”
E. A. Koen, editor Banner-Courier,
Oregon City.
“ How I Like Rural News Written,”
Jas. B. Johnson, .rural department
o f the Enterprise.
"Mechanics o f News Copy— Pen, Pa­
per and White Space,” by C. O.
Wilson, editor Milwaukie Review.
“ News Copy Capitalization and Point­
ing,” E. S. Evans, editor Western
Clackamas Review, Oswego.
“ Ways and Means o f Getting the
News,” G. E. Parks, Eastern Clack­
amas News.
“ Give and Take for Editor and Re­
porter,” Gordon J. Taylor, editor of
Molalla Pioneer.
“ News or Tombstone Hedlines for
Rural News,” H. E. Brown, Canby
“ Community Meaning and Boundar­
ies, ” E. E. Brodie.
Film, “ Newspaper in the Making,”
(Morning Oregonian), Star Thea-
at noon.
After luncheon, questions and com­
ments by reporters, laboratory prac­
tice in newswriting by reporters, crit­
icism and comments by editos, and
Correspondents o f the Eastern
Clackamas News are requested to in­
descent lamps especially manufac­
tured for the purpose. The reflector
and lens of the beacon are 36 inches
in diameter. The light is equipped
with an ingenious device holding two
of the ¡»candescent lamps—one direct­
ly in fronj of the focal point of the
reflector. In the event of this lamp
burning out the second lamp is auto­
matically thrown over to take the
place of the one that has gdne out.
This is done almost Instantly so that
there is no interruption in the opera­
tion of the beacon. The beacon itself
makes six complete revolutions per
minute. An automatic astronomical
clock turns the beacon on at sunset
and off at sunrise. This clock auto­
matically compensates for the con­
stantly changing hours of sunset and
The beacons will be mounted on
75-foot steel towers. The svmbola SD
and SL will be hung on the side of
the towers as a mark of identifica­
tion in letters twelve feet high out­
lined in neon lights.
These lights complement the exist­
ing system of daylight airway signs
which the Standard Oil Company
maintains at some 500 points on the
Pacific Coast. These signs are painted
on the roofs of its warehouses and
give the name of the town in which
located. They can be read by aviators j
at a height of several thousand feet
form this office by noon Friday if question regarding training ior the
possible, if they will be able to at­ examination was evaded. All o f these
tend, that reservations may be made 69 failed in the examination.
Many o f the statements in the ad­
for them.
vertisements o f the schools which al­
lege to train men for the forest ser-
ivee are misleading and in some
cases absolutely false.
They fre­
quently convey the impression *’ t
the forest rangers’ job is largely a
play time job, or a convenient means
for an outing in the woods, while as
A forest ranger examination was a matter o f fact, the position of for­
held in October, 1927. A survey of est ranger is a permanent one o f con­
the examination papers showed that siderable responsibility, requiring ar­
1,081 competitors were considered. duous work often under difficult con­
Among other things it was found that ditions, and with definite require­
26 per cent o f the applicants lived ments as to experience and ability.
in states other than those in which Forest service officials doubt the val­
they took the examination. The law ue o f correspondence schools under
requires that forest rahgers shall be ordinary circumstances in furnishing
selected, when practicable, from proper preparation for forest ranger
among qualified citizens o f the state positions.
in which the forest is situated. There
is little opportunity, therefore, for
Subscribe for the Eastern Clacka­
the appointment o f the persons who mas News, $1.50 per year.
entered examination and who do not
live in states which have national
forests, even if they passed the ex­
S pringfield
Correspondence schools advertise
widely. There is no way to deter­
mine how many people took a course
with a correspondence school and
then did not “ PPly f ° r examination
when they found they would have to
travel a long distance in order to take
it. The examination is held only in
the states which have national for­
The survey shows that 675 o f the
competitors in the examination o f last
October did not take a course o f in­
Sales and Service
struction from a correspondence
O f these 675 competitors
- - Oregon
who did not take such a course of
instruction, 189 passed the examina
tion. The papers show that 337 o f
the competitors did take a eorrespon
dence course in preparation for the
ranger examination. Of these 337, ' W alter W . Gilbert, M. D. *
exactly 18 passed the examination.
Physician and S ur g eon
The figures are illuminating in the
O ffice Hours 9 to 5
consideration o f the question of the
and Evenings
the forest ranger examination.
the case o f 69 o f the competitors the
Millions of
Model T Fords
are still
active service
FOR nearly twenty years, the Model T Ford led the motor
industry and it still is used by more people than any other
automobile. M ore than eight million M odel T Fords are in
active service today— an indication o f their sturdy worth,
reliability and economy.
Because o f the tremendous investment which people
have in these cars and because so many o f them will be
driven for two, three, and even five more years, the Ford
M otor Company will continue to make replacement parts
until, as Henry Ford himself says, "th e last Model T is
o ff the road.”
For the Ford M otor Company has always believed that
its full duty consists not only in making a good automobile
at a low price, but also in keeping it running efficiently for
you as long as possible at a minimum o f expense.
N o matter where yon live, therefore, you can still buy
M odel T Ford parts with the same assurance as formerly,
knowing that they will give you the kind o f service you
have a right to expect, and at the same time protect the
money you have invested in your car.
All Ford replacement parts, as you may know, are made
o f the same materials and in the same way as those from
which your car was originally assembled, and are low in
price because o f the established Ford policy.
So that you may get the greatest use from your Model T
Ford over the longest period o f time, we suggest that you
take the car to the nearest Ford dealer and have him esti­
mate on the cost o f any replacement parts which may be
necessary. Y ou may find that a very small expenditure
will maintain the value o f your car and will be the means
o f giving you thousands o f miles o f additional service.
o r d
o t o r
o m p a n y
Detroit, Michigan