E astern clac KAM^pt^NEWs, fktday , A p r il 13. 1928 PAGE TWO Eastern Clackamas News RAN1T PARTISANSHIP ] L E T ’S GO! Anyone who has taken time to wade through the Con­ gressional Retord during the present session have been G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher impressed with the utter recklessness of statement which have characterized many of the speeches on the floors of Published Weekly on Fridays at Estaeada, Oregon both houses. E n te re d in th e po sto ffice of E stae ad a , O regon, as second class m atter. The debates have been shot through with the rankest kind of partisanship, and to an impartial observer it would appear that in their disregard of facts, in the utter subord­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES In C lackam as C ounty, onu y e ar, $1.50; O utside the county and in the ination of the public welfare to political expediency, and ssta te o t Oregon, one year, $2; O utside th e sta te of O regon, one in the waste of valuable time through irrelevant wind- jamming, adherents of both major parties and their var­ y ear, $2.50. S ubscriptions a re p ayable in advance. ious factions have been about equally guilty. Partisan political activity is inseparable from our | MERGER OF POWER COMPANIES FAILS system of government, and when backed by honest dif­ With approximately 50 per cent of the voters of Port­ ferences of opinion it is not to be condemned. But when land going to the polls this week, the electric power mer­ upposed national leaders descend to the level of common ger was voted down by about two to one. The people are scandal-mongers and adopt poison tongue methods in apparently becoming more and more suspicious of big order to gain a little political advantage, it is nothing less corporations, regardless of the fact that their stockholders than disgusting. ------------0O0------------ include many of their employees and ordinary citizens of The Portland Valley Baseball League got off to a all walks of life. The opposition was no doubt due to an alleged idea good start Sunday, and, locally, at least, the attendance of a Portland newspaper to increase the rates for light and at the rtrst game indicated that the public is for good, power as soon as the electric companies were consoli­ clean baseball. Estaeada has the makings of a fast team dated, regardless of the fact that it would have been possi­ and if given the proper encouragement by continued local support, should finish the season near the top. The man­ ble to reduce operating expenses. It is unfortunate—unfortunate for the good of the agement is well pleased with the showing made at the public as a whole, that so many of the people of the coun­ opening game Sunday. ----------- 0O0----------- try are opposed to anything that corporations or capital­ t ists undertake. This feeling is retarding the industrial General Shevman’s terse description of war is well growth and development of many sections of the North­ known. His famous phrase, “War is hell,” would seem west, because capital finds so many attractive propositions o be the ultimate in depicting something to be abhorred. where this condition is not a factor. But Vice President Dawes has discovered something he Labor is fairly well organized. The wage scale set considers worse. He says: “War is preferable to listening by labor unions regulates the price paid for all classes of to Senate speeches.” labor, to a great extent. This is a mighty fine thing for ----------- oOo-------- the laboring man, and for everyone. And capital is en­ Charles Hasenmiller, 70 years old, a merchant of New titled to the same consideration. That we may have pros­ perous times it is just as necesary that investors receive Albany, Indiana, has never seen a movie, a game of returns on their investments as it is that labor receive a chance, a horse race or a baseball game and has never touched liquor or used tobacco, • says a news item. Musi good price. have been born blind. Probably less than 10 per cent of the potential water power of the state of Oregon has been developed. It will ----------- oOo—--------- need to be developed, however, as the othei resources of After reading recent copies of a certain Clackamas the state are developed, and it will take capital. Unless county newspaper, the News has come to the conclusion >a fair return can be realized, such capital cannot be in­ that Oregon should have one more crazy law on its stat­ duced to come to the state. ute books—a law requiring “all” comic sections printed The results of the Portland election indicate that there should be a more thorough understanding between ----------- oOo------------ the public and the utility corporations. A doctor has said that insane people were happier ------------ 0O0------------ than those who are sane. This may account for some of the hilarity we have often observed. F IS H IN G SEA SO N O PE N S SUNDAY. A P R IL 15— We have a com plete line of y o u r equipm ent. Come in am i see o u r stock o f Fishintr Tackle. S P E C IA L FOR FRID AY AND SATURDAY We have a special fo r F riday and S a tu rd a y only— 5-foot steel c astin g rod, SO yd. q u a d ru p le uctio'n reel, 50 yd. spool high g ra d e silk line; all W in ch ester q u a lity ; $8.00 v alu e; for only ........................ $4.9# Cnn You B eat T h at? Fishing Foies from .................................. 75« to $6.00 Lines, L eaders, G ut Hooks, Salm on E g g s o f all kinds. G et yours now while the stock is com plete. “ BUY YOUR H A R D W A R E AT T H E HA RD W A RE STORE" S. & S. HARDWARE “The Winchester Store” LIBERTY THEATRE Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14— “THE GREAT MAIL ROBBERY” A slashing melodrama of the roaring rails and Uncle Sam’s marines, with an all-star cast. Comedy, Mickey McGuire in “Mickey’s Battles” Saturday Night only— RUBE SHAW’S NORMANDY GIRLS and Vaudeville Revue Show' starts at 7:15 Saturday night Sunday and Monday, April 15 and 16— “THE CAMPUS FLIRT” Bebe Daniels, James Hall, El Brendel and Chas. W. Paddock. A good college picture. Also Pathe New^s Weekly, Snapshots. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 17, 18, 19 “THE BIG PARADE” The best war picture ever made On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we will give away 1000 sticks of chewing gum Wednesday, Thursday, “Casey of the Coast Guard” Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21— Yakima Canutt in “THE OUTLAW BREAKER” A big western picture, lots of action. Comedy, “Getting Hitched.” THE UNIVERSAL DRAFT PROPOSAL National Commander Spafford of the American Le­ gion, m his address at Salem Monday night, explained to the ia.rge audience the program of the organization in re­ gard to the universal draft. In case of another war, the president would be empowered to draft industries as well as man power. No industrial plant of any description would be allowed to operate at a profit during the period of the war. If this law is passed, and the speaker believed that it would be, it probably would have more to do toward the prevention of war than anything that possibly could be done. No nation, or group of nations, in the world would care to tackle the U. S. A. knowing that the total resources of this great nation could be immediately di­ verted to the prosecution of the conflict. Certainly there is no less authority given in the Con­ stitution for drafting the implements of war than drafting the manpower of the nation. In time of war everyone should be subject to the same rules, poor and rich alike. ------------0O0------------