lEastmt (Elarkamaa Mrma Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1928 VOLUME XXII HARRY LA BARRE WINS 816 PRIZE IN CONTEST O. E. S. M E E T S JUNIOR PLAY TO BE PRESENTED TONIGHT ________________________ NUMBER 25 CHURCHES PR EPA R IN G TO GIVE EASTER PROGRAMS SCOUTS HAVE PERMANENT CAMP SITE ON .EAGLE CREF.K Tuesday evening was the reguiai The churches of Estacada are pre­ I monthly meeting o f the Eastern Star. | Estacada Boy Scout troop have paring Easter programs. At the As there were no degrees to confei I filed their claim for a snip o f land Methodist church the services in the the members had more time for a 125x175 feet on Eagle Creek near morning will-be as usual and in the social evening. Games were played ■ the bridge at the grange hall and me evening the Sunday school will give r O R E G O N C I T Y M A N R E S I G N S A S ! planning to build a cabin fox- their suggestive o f the day which was cel " T H E L A U G H I N C C U R E ’’ W ILL CLOSE RACE FOR SECOND PLACE program. There will be special mu­ ebrated considerably during the past use this summer. This tract is a SECRETARY TO GOVERNOR sic at the preaching service at 11 EN TERTAIN A T SCHOOL part o f a body o f land deeded to the week— St. Patrick’s, including a po­ WITH MISS KING SLIGHTLY o ’clock. The Christian church will tato race, which was the feature of Portland urea o f the Boy Scouts of TO S T A R T C AM PAIGN AUDITORIUM IN THE LEAD have its program in the fox-enoon. Americu and any troop in the dis­ the evening’s festivities. trict is entitled to a permanent camp When invited to the dining hall for E n t er ta in . S chool T e a c h e r . site for their very own. The tract refreshments all marched in to the “ The Laughing Cure” is the title OREGON CITY, .March 22— Hal selected by the local scouts abuts on Harry La Barre won the Chevro­ tune of “ He Kept His Pig in the Par­ Mrs. R. H. Currin and Miss Elsie let coach in the Eastern Clackamas lor.” On arriving there the signifi­ I o f the play being given by the junior Pool entertained the teachers of the E. Hoss of Oregon City has formerly the creek. News’ circulation contest which cance of the song was explained by j class o f the Estacada high school at Estacada schools and the school announced himself as a candidate for A. H. Drews, scoutmaster, took ended exactly at 9 o'clock on Satur­ the menu. Bread sticks were piled j the auditorium this Friday evening, board and their wives at the Currin the republican nomination as secre­ the following named boys on a hike day evening March 17. He won on the plates and a “ weanie” was in | starting at 8 o ’clock. home Thursday evening. Games were tary of state, and will have his name to the site Satux-day: Howard Fifer, The cast for the play includes played and a general good time was on the ballot in the primary election Dan Whitehead, Claude Lankins, Ed­ with 24,301,400 votes, nine millior the center. Flowers, candles, and more than the winner o f second place other decorations o f green added to j Claude Cooke, as Dr. Carey; Robert reported. Refreshments were served Muy 18. Mr. Hoss, who has been win DuBois, John Beck, Walter manager o f the Oregon City Enter­ Snxith, Charles DuBois, Paul Syi'on, in the count. the charm o f the long white tables. j Marchbank, playing the part o f Jim- by the hostesses. prise and later private secretary to Earl Hassell. The votes of the other candidates The committee in charge, with Mrs. ! raie Mason; Don Day as Dr. Whit- Governor Patterson, xesigned his were: Miss King, 15,280,500; Miss Ruth Keith as chairman, is to be conib; Robei't Hayden, Clarke Han­ E m p loy ed in B ar ber Shop Lyle Harrow. Willie Tapp, David Irene Kaake, 15,032,000; Miss Pa­ complimented on its splendid enter­ sen; Blanche Armstrong, Laura Han­ Art Smith, who had charge of the state position a short time ago in or­ Eshlenxan, Harold Perry, Sam White- son; Evelyn Meyers, Gay Hanson; j Barber shop in the Masonic building der to devote his time to his candi­ head, Claude Coke. Fred Buell. My­ mela Kenny, 12,844,900; Mrs. Hilda tainment. Bessie Huxley, Kitty Clyde; Kath- ! for some months, is now employed in dacy, and his announcement comes ron W oodruff, Bud Sai-ver and Har­ M. Brown, 12,203,050; Mrs. Rose j leen Beck, Mary Ellen Perry; and Jack Schultz south o f the Ely store. ¡ as a x-esult of encouragement received old Bishop. Bartholomew, 11,151,550; Mrs. Hel­ Give. Card Party en Dahrens, 9,960,500; Mrs. Jacob Among the pleasant social func­ j Ruth Ayers playing the pai’t of The Shultz shop is being remodeled in a state-wide survey he has been There were 31 boys in attendance Moss, 7,504,000; Mrs. Wiley Howell, tions reported this week is the five Norah. and a new front >s being put in this conducting. ai the weekly scout meeting held on Coincident with his announcement Wednesday night o f this week and The admission price is, for adults week. 3,790,750; George Willing, 2,404,- hundred card party given by Mr. and as a candidate, Mr. Hoss sent in hi: the boys are becoming more enthu. i- 000; Cecil Wright, 1,410,000; Mrs. Mrs. R. H. Currin at their home Sat­ 135 cents; children, 15 cents. resignation as secretary of the state astic all the while. The American R. B. Gibson, 1,408,500; Miss Irene urday evening. St. Patrick’s day dec­ Garfi el d C lu b Meeting Davis, 1,200,500. The Skip-a-Week i.ub at Garfield editorial association to President Legion is buying u nice flag for the orations were in evidence arid the C O U N T R Y G E N T L E M A N B U Y S E A G L E C R E E K L A D Y ’ S S T O R Y will meet at the home o f Mrs. Evelyn ' Robert W. Sawyer o f Bend, but will ti'oop. The editor o f the News desires to theme was cax-ried out in the lunch thank each and every candidate for and score cards. Standislx and Mrs. Sam Dunlop on retain his other press association con nections. He will formally file foi Miss Margaret Moloney of Eagle Wednesday, Max-ch 28. their efforts in the contest, and also the office within the next few days. Creek has sold a 30,000 word story their friends who supported them so In his statement Mr. Hoss says: to the Coqntx-y Gentleman, which loyally. The contest was a success “ In announcing my candidacy foi will be published in that magazine from the newspaper's standpoint, some time during the coming sum­ the republican nomination as seerc- and with only one or two exceptions mer. Miss Moloney is receiving the I tary o f state, 1 do so with a well the candidates have expressed them­ congratulations of her friends upon founded conception o f the situation. selves as being satisfied with thei, her success. She resides about half Since my resignation as private sec­ prizes. The reports o f all the can­ St. Patrick’s Day was duly oh. a mile east o f the Eagle Creek school. retary to Governor Patterson u few served by a party at the Methodist didates are held at the office that Eagle Creek Grange initiated si: About twenty Rebekahs from Es­ weeks ago, 1 have been enabled to de church Friday evening under the any one who wishes may check then, new members into the third and Guests at S p a r k . Home tacada attended the Rebekah district vote sufficient time to a state wide auspices o f the Ladies' Aid. Miss over at any time. fourth degrees at its meeting March Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitcheltree of convention in Parkplace Monday. A survey to convince me that there is Anna Dillon had charge of the pro­ The News also wishes to express 17. The officers o f Garfield Grange its appreciation of the officers o. put on the work in a very creditable Portland were guests at the A. E. number went for the evening session a good opportunity for my nominu gram which included Irish songs and I Sparks home Sunday. who could not go in the morning. The tion. Reports from every section of stories, stunts and games. Those the Estacada bank for their co-opera- manner. Rebekahs report a vei'y pleasant time. the state indicate a strong support who failed to give a stox-y or song tion in keeping the bank open unt:’ The lecture hour, in charge of Miss Vivian Gorham went to Port- Mrs. Nellie Currin was re-elected and while every candidate for office when called upon were made to kiss nearly midnight in order to check the Worthy Lecturer Clara Hicinbotham votes, and the assistance of Mr. ani was very interesting. It consisted of j land Sunday afternoon and at F secretary and Mrs. Florence Gohring is prone to construe everything to the “ blarney” stone. Mrs. Stephens and Miss Dillon ir music, singing, speeches, etc. Roll j o ’clock boarded the train for Mis was chosen as an officer. More than his own favor, 1 was willing to give Among those who made the at­ checking the reports, also to Cecil call was responded to by the mem­ , soula, Montuna, where she will visit two hundred delegates attended the up my position with Governor Pat tempt were G. E. Lawrence, VV. H. O. Duke of the Sandy bank, and J bers giving their preference o f city j her parents for a couple o f weeks. convention representing lodges at terson and go into the race, confi­ Grabeel, Mrs. Huynxan and Mrs. C. Moreland, who were the othex or country life. Gladstone, Milwaukie, Clackamas. dent that I was not misreading thx Mary Smith. It is needless to suy (Continued on page six) members of the checking committee. Molalla, Oregon City, Estacada and that the oscular achievement was Visitors numbering 21 were called _iN eedy. All candidates who stayed for the on for short talks, to which most ol never accomplished by any o f the finish will receive a cash commission them responded. The number oi Mrs. Etta Sanderson o f Freewater, P ra ct ic e f o r Easter Progran . contestants. Don’t forget the high school play, Quite a number o f singers were The program started with a short on the business turned in. members present at this meeting was “ The Lauging Cure,” which will be state assembly president, was pres­ Olive Newkirk o f Milwaukie called to the M. E. church on Wed­ song service and prayer by Rev. T. presented by the junior class at the ent. forty-three. was chosen as president for the next nesday evening to piactice some C. Cook. Miss Alta Kreshner and li.s Kenny Thank. Friend. school auditorium this evening. I wish to thank my friends fox COMMUNITY CLUB PROGRAM Bills are out announcing a dance meeting, which will be held at Mil­ Easter music. Miss Ruth Dillon, whe Mr. Baker saixg a duet which was ap leir loyal and very generous support has not been able to pay much atten­ preciated and called for an encore at the Masonic hall on Saturday eve waukie. uring the recent circulation contest tion to music since her recent illness, and Miss Edith DeMoy gave a piano fning, March 31, given by the Esta­ A program of interest is beinf f the Eastern Clackamas News. 1 kindly consented to again direct the selection, a violin solo by Mr. Baker Entertain s C am p Fire Girla cada Band orchestra. ■us very fortunate in winning th< prepared by the Boy Scouts and ! Mrs. W. J. Moore visited her son and a vocal solo by Miss Kershner. Mrs. W. J. Moore invited the local choir for this occasion, at least. ourth prize, a Crosley radio set, c Camp Fire girls for the Community |T. H. Morton and wife in Portland Camp Fire girls to her home last Sat­ The attendance was good and all club meeting on Friday evening, sal beauty and a joy forever. seemed to enjoy the event. For re urday afternoon to hear the radio Visit* in Eastern O r eg on a couple o f days this week. March 30. It is hoped there will be PAMELA KENNY. Miss Florence June Reed, a student program given by the Camp Fire Miss Bessie Anderson left.last Fri­ freshments, which were served in the a large attendance. at Oi’egon Agricultural College, has girls in the Masonic temple, Poi't- day afternoon to drive to Eastern dining hall in the basement, the com­ M i.. Kaake Plea.ed returned home to spend the spring land, who were celebrating the na­ Oi'egon to spend the week end. She mittee served potato chips and “ ta.” Miss Irene Kaake asks the News to R eig n . After 12 Year. tional bii'thweek of the organization. was accompanied by Miss Pauline vacation. Guy T. Hunt, who has been with express her thanks to her friends fox Buell and Miss Bessie Hunter. Ben Dodson’s mother is very ill LOCAL AND PERSONAL their loyal support in the News con the Baker White Pine Lumber com­ at her home here in Estacada. S ix ty -T h r ee A c r e T ra ct Sold test, and states that she is well pany at Baker, Ore., for the past 12 Glenn Ely and Morris Bullard, two Among the land sales in this vi Goe s to Milwaukie years, has returned to his home i; Mrs. Jacob Moss wishes to thank pleased with the prize she won. O. S. C. boys, are enjoying a short cinity recently was the sale o f 63 Mrs. Coonrod was here from Mil the Garfield district where Mrs. Hunt spring vacation with their parent«’ acres known as Gibson Park on the waukie Tuesday looking after bus all who helped her in the News sub­ and his son Harold have been foi scription contest. It is not througf LaBarre Expre.e. Thank. at this place. Clackamas river, near Barton, by H. iness interests. Her daughter, Mrs. I desire to express my sincere ap­ some years. The employes at the Wallace Smith and his mother, F. Gibson, to Captain Degestadt of Wonderly, is looking after the Gem shortage of subscribers but shortage o f votes, she says, that she did not preciation and thanks to my friend, plant presented Mr. Hunt with a Mrs. A. ¿Smith, drove to Portland on Portland. restaurant here. receive a prize. She received a per who helped make it possible for m< beautiful gold watch as a token of Wednesday and brought home Mrs. cent of all the money she turned in, to win the first prize in the News their friendship during his stay Henry Beers, who has been a patient Visit W it h W ein gar t* Visits at Hannah Hom e there. however. circulation contest. at the Good Samaritan hospital fox Captain and Mrs. Canuto o f Port­ Mrs. M. A. Berry, sister o f M'hs. H. A. LaBARRE. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ziderveld, Mrs. several days, following an operation. land were in Estacada Monday call­ E. E. Hannah, with her daughter, Sailor V i.it. Folk. Mx-s. Beers is getting along very ing on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weingart. Miss Lura, were here from Portland Hudson and children from Portland, Willie Pinkley, son of William OFFICERS CAPTURE STILL Mr. Canuto is a captain in the fire Sunday us guests at the Hanah home called at the Jacob Moss home *Sun- Pinkley, who resides a few miles nicely. day to visit Mrs. L. C. Thornton. Among the guests at the J. F. Har- department. They are connected with the navy Thursday night of last week Depu- east of Estacada, arrived home Sat­ kenrider home last Sunday were Mrs. Spends W e e k End Here department. ies Marshall and James Norris with urday to visit his father, having a William Honnegger and children and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grabeel drove O. E. Smith came up from Port­ few days furlough. He joined the Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reid from Port­ wo deputies from Oregon City, cap- Mr. and Mrs. Schoville, all of Mult­ to Portland Sunday afternoon to visit land Satuiday evening to spend the navy about one year ago and is new ured a large still on what is known nomah. Mr. Grabeel’s aunt, who is quite ill week end with his family at this land visited at the home o f Mrs. stationed at Bremerton. Reid’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Perry s the old Chase place, one and one- Mr. and Mrs. T. Yocum, who have and then went to Oregon City to get place. Sunday. lalf miles southeast o f Barton, and resided in the Garfield district foi the girls who attended the older girls’ Miss Enola Oakley, who resides ir* Jso the owner, Guy Upton. Thi Attend. Brother’. Funeral a number o f years, are now residents convention at Albany the latter part | Spend W e e k End in P ort lan d T. Yocum went to McMinnville Seattle, arrived Wednesday evening utfit included 1800 gallons o f mash Mrs. Nellie Gardner, Miss Alta last week where he attended the fun o f Estacada, having moved into the of the week. to visit at the home of her sister, i sacks of empty gallon jugs, one Keishncr, nnd Miss Florence Ander­ eral of his brother, O. C. Yocum, whe residence o f their son Lloyd, across Mrs. Mae Reed and other relatives ack of empty pint bottles, and 30 from the high school, last Monday. Arnold Lovelace came home from son spent the week end in Portland. passed away at his home in Daytor at this place. rallons of the finished product. Then Mr. and Mrs. Yocum are welcomed Portland Sunday to visit with his par­ Oregon. Miss Lola Moore returned from ,as also 230 barrels o f gas, 5 tanks to the city. ents here. i E n j o y Picn ic Dinner Corvallis Wednesday evening where ,nd everything that goes with a still, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely and the she is attending (). A. C. ’ he owner was indicted by the Clack- P.x T. A. Meeting March 27 ' latter’s father. Mr. Wade, were in- The monthly P. T. Ax meeting Herman List, accompanied by Port­ imas county grand jury in Oregon I vited to the Wilbur Wade home in will be held on Tuesday, March 27, land friends visited Gleneden Beach llty last Saturday. It is said thal I Currinsville for dinner Sunday. After at the grade school building. Misr for a few days this week. his is the third offense o f Upson. ■ sitting around until about two o ’clock Pool’s classes will put on the enter­ the guests began to think the dinner tainment. W O R K T O S T A R T SOON Mr.. Lawrence III J proposition was a joke, as there ON N E W F O R E S T R O A D Mrs. G. E. Lawrence is reporte«' ; seemingly appeared to be no prepar on the sick list and is confined to Visit With the La Barres I ations for the meal although the la- Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Morgan, Ruhl her home. ’ dies were busying themselves in the Forest Supervisor T. H. Sherrard Morgan and Mrs. Susan Cervay ot kitchen. Finally the door to the large of Portland, Fire Chief R. Thomas Portland were Sunday visitors of Mr. New Car. Delivered sitting room was thrown open and Curter, Assistant District Forrester Among those in Estacada who and Mrs. H. A. La Barre. there on the floor was spread a most Flynn and the local forester, A. W. have recently purchased new cars are , tempting repapt, all in picnic style. Armstrong are going up into the W. H. Holder and Wallace Smith. MAKES CLEAR ICE FROM Branches of evergreen trees were mountains Monday to make the pre­ MUDDY WATER, CLAIMED Mr. Holder purchased a Chevrolet used as decoration., and the place liminary survey for the new proposed from the Cascade «Motor company. surely resembled a picnic spread in | road into the forest which will con­ The Estacada Meat company has the woods. nect with the Garfield road. installed a devise in their ice plant i.it. Folk. Here The forest service now has an ap- which takes all sediment from the Waldo DeMoy came out from Port- Ted Ahlherg has returned from the 1 propriation o f $30,000 which is to be nd Sunday to visit homefolks. He water while it is being frozen into Portland hospital but has to make expended this year and work will be employed in a bank in Portland. ice. On account o f the condition of trips to Portland almost every day to started as soon as the road is located. j the water at times after a heavy have his arm taken care of. I This appropriation is hut a small part j rain, the ice heretofore would have ,kes Visit* Here j o f the amount that will he necessary Guy Dykes, proprietor o f the mo- 1 lumps o f mud collected in it occasion- A little son was born to Mr. am to complete the road building pro­ r stage between here and Portland I ally. The new machinery makes it Mrs. J eff Barr on Saturday, Marci. gram in this section o f the national id the school but, was an EtUcad: | possible to freeze clear ice from ; forest. 17, at their home in Estacada. 1 muddy water. sitor Sunday. FOR SECRETARY RESTATE CHURCH SCENE OE ST. GARFIELD OFFICERS ESTACADA REBEKAHS GO TO DISTRICT CONVENTION VISIT E. C. GRANGE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Let Us Build This Com­ munity Upon Good Will Communities built upon a foundation of good will toward all, a sincere effort toward honest deal­ ing with our fellow men, are the communities that will endure long after others founded upon a less liberal application of the golden rule have passed away. It is the earnest wish of every true member of this community that it shall grow and prosper. Each one is anxious and willing to do his share toward promoting this growth. Each may do his share by doing each day his daily task in the best way he knows how. Confidence in our home institutions, in our neighbors, and a pride in our local developments of both private and public nature will make for the progress and growth of this community. PATRICK'S DAY PARTY