/ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S i .50 P c Year Subscribe Now! EDITORIAL Two local girls. Miss Marie and Miss Amanda Miller, and Herbert Mathes, their brother-in-law, and Mrs. Matthes, will all sail 'fo r Australia about the first of April where they will remain for three years, the three former to be in charge o f a branch plant o f the Jensen Knitting mills, which these folks are to open for the company in this far away land. A large increase o f salary, also first class passage will be furnished foia the entire party both going and for the return trip. The three sisters are delighted that they can be together and have such a splendid opportunity. Amanda and Marie have worked for the com­ pany for several years and are now toeing rewarded for their faithful and conscientious effort. Such a position is never won through indifferent ser­ vice. SANDY NEWS SECTION MRS. J. M. C MILLER Editor Sandy, Oregon ANNOUNCEMENTS Wisconsin Visitor Birthday Dinner for for Mrs. Bruce Miss Bertha Tiffany will be in Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Judkins enter- A birthday dinner for Mrs. Dici charge o f the services at the Com­ tained the former's nephew, Joseph Bruce at the ('. E. Gossett home wn munity church Sunday night at 7:80. 'Forbes, o f Jamesville, Wisconsin, for an event o f the week, all o f the Miss Arleigh Makerer, head o f the I a few days the past week. There will be special music. Prayer ! Gossett relatives being present. meeting is held every Wednesday home economics department, is plan­ Sandy hoopsters were joyous at night, a feature o f which is a song ning a dinner for the mothers and Chief Powder Man Painting New Home winning the games at Estacada Fri­ service. A large attendance is solic­ fathers o f the home “ ec.” advanced Charles Shurnke and son Carl ha' Ed. Gesch is now chief powder man day night. Both games were remark­ ited at all services. Sunday schoo' class o f ten members for February at the head works and is getting ex­ been at Rhododendron for over able for clean playing on both sides. meets at 10 o ’clock. 15. The girls will prepare and serve cellent wages. Ned Mitchell is doing week painting the new home o f M Sady boys won with a score 16 to 15 | An interesting lecture, illustrated the dinner in the school dining room. cement work at the dam. and Mrs. Walter Creighton. and the girls’ score was 17 to 14. Bill Dodd, Richard Maronay, Anton with slides, will be given Friday night Jonnie Shelley was Sandy high j February 17, at the union high schoo) Perret, Winnifred Glockner, Helen Mountain Traffic Heavy Prepare to Start Mill point for the girls with 15 and Arm­ by J. B. Horner of 0. A. C., the Aust and Evelyn Bennett were all at Principal G. I). Orr said it was E. Beers and Ernest Harris ha strong, Estacada, with nine. Scales topic of which is Early Oregon His Government Camp Sunday. The "fierce” driving out from the city gone back to the Mountaindale m made 6, Eri and Bacon 4 points each tory. This lecture aryl picture enter girls waited tables, going up Satur­ Sunday evening as the mountain traf­ , and will look things over prcparatoi for Sandy boys. The girls have Mil- tainment is free and Mr. Horner i: day night. The boys went up Sun­ fic was so heavy. to starting operations if the weathi waukie to play before the champion­ especially anxious to have the Pioneer day with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roundree remains favorable. ship is decided. and Early Settlers’ society take an to see the ski jumping at Swim. Enjoy Sports at Swim Jackson was referee. At least 15 active interest and not only come Anton and Bill took a flay with the The Hilsenkopf and Don Bodley Visit at Jonsrud Home fans attended the game from Sandy but bring others. Principal *Orr of trays Sunday night while the big ban­ Mrs. Robert Jonsrud’s two sister families and Tracy Everett enjoyed beside those connected with the the high school hopes for a packed quet was on at Government Camp the winter sports at Swim on Sun­ Mrs. Lindell and Mrs. Albert Rodlu school. % house. hotel, and had their first trial at day. spent a day recently at the Jonsru Friday night o f this week the waiting tables. home. The time was spent in sewin * # * * BODY OF TIMBER SOLD grande school declamatory contest The debate had to be postponed Visits Daughter in Portland and visiting. • George Beers, Sandy real estate will be held at the high school. Lawrence Finger, 9, who has been Monday because o f the illness o f one Mrs. C. W. Bruce went to the city suffering from diabetus for months man, reports the following deals: The ski tournament at Swim lasl of the visiting orators. on a shopping trip recently and vis­ Aid Has Good Report is now convelescent. Lawrence has Eleven acres o f timber located on Sunday was such a success that the J Mildred Barnett was taken to the ited her daughter Blanche while there The Cottrell Ladies Aid showed been with his sister, Mrs. Frank Cedar creek near Sandy, bought by Mt. Hood ski club will give another in hospital in Portland Saturday with who is taking a business course. record of the best ever made whei the Dixon-Howitt Lumber company,, i Straus, in the city three months under what appeared to be an attack of about a m*nth if there is sufficie the final reports were in for the yea the care o f a specialist. Last weeV from Mrs. D. V. Moulton o f Portland, j snow. Next Sunday there will be appendicitis, but returned Tuesday. Attend Church Service They made $80 from the last suppe he was able to have his tonsils re The land on which the timber stands I tournament at Hood River, and som< An operation was not required. A number o f Cottrell folk were up and bazaar. moved. This is another instance of has been transferred to Carl Schultz local skiiers will participate. A number o f Sandyridge school to attend prayer meeting at the cure by the new method of treating who operates a small goat ranch near A hard time dance is scheduled foi children have been out of school the j Sandy Community church. About Will Move to Barton diabetic patients with insulin and by. Dixon and Howlitt will open a February 18 by the Sandy Grange past week as a result of colds and 1 twenty-five in all were present. Mr. and Mrs. Corley Buckley o wood camp on the land. Beers also dance committee and a prize is to be accompanying ailments. diet. Cottrell will soon move to Bart/ reports the rental o f the old Friel given for the most povertystricken . Sandy union high school band has Have New Radio Set where they have purchased a sma D. V. Rose o f the Slough Lumber place at Cherryville to L. W. Parent looking couple. Lots o f fun and s a number of new pieces of music The Robert Jonsrud family are de­ 1 amount o f acreage. Mrs. Corley * good time is anticipated. Refresh­ for the band concert, and each mem­ company has closed the plant down of Longview, Washington. lighted with their new seven-tube employed at the head works. ments will be served by the ladies of ber is working hard to learn' his except for an occasional day’s run electric radio. Radios are getting DR. MOVING TO SANDY part. the grange. to help out married men employee to be almost as popular as automo­ Visits Mother in Portland Dr. Framton C. Brosius, M. D., of there. Rose says prices are too low Parts have been chosen for the biles in this vicinity. Mrs. Robert Jonsrud goes to th and has cleaned up the yard o f ties Hood River, and his wife, are moving Sells 400 Cords Wood operetta to be given by the girls’ city each week to look after he and is not taking any more orders to Sandy and the doctor will have j mother, Mrs. Olson, who is still bed Charles Krebs has sold 400 cords glee club at" the high school, and at present prices. There has been offices in the Sandy bank building. o f yellow fir wood to Hayden & the girls are getting down to hard After First Prize fast from a stroke suffered sever Mrs. Helen Dahrens visited at the months ago. less work for local labor this winter Dr. and Mrs. Brosius are expected to Pleasant o f Gresham who will move work. The following will take part: Gesch home Sunday. Mrs. Dahrens arrive here soon. The doctor has than for a number o f seasons. the same to their Gresham wood yard. Helen Hempe, Jonnie Shelley, Mar­ * * * * is doing so well with her subscrip New Aid O fficer Appointed practiced in Hood River for many garet Peterson, Winnifred Glockner, Krebs has been operating a wood tion campaign for the Eastern Clack­ Edith Ruthner, Stella Hauglum, Ethel With work so scarce and living sc years. Mrs. Joe Caldo of Cottrell has bei camp’ here since the Mountain Lum­ amas News that her friends have a appointed secretary-treasurer o f t! high it is predicted there will be e ber company mill W'as moved. The Irvin, Naomi Child, Vita Jones. Oth­ hope that she may win one of the Methodist Ladies’ Aid at Pleasai back-to-land movement materialize. Building New Walk remainder o f the timber Krebs pur­ er girls will be chosen for chorus automobiles. Joe Hall is building a new board work from the glee club. Potatoes are about the only cheap Home in place o f the late Mrs. Wil chased at that time has been sold to Bill Dodd had another poem in the food that can be purchased now. walk along the side o f the bank build­ Beck Brothers, former owners. Ion. | Mountain Echoes last week, entitled Mrs. Scales Entertains Club Dairying and stock raising should be­ ing and fixing up things generally. “ Courage,” and Bill still had a black come popular again now that so many Mrs. Jack Scales was hostess for Recovers from Appendicitis Plant to Start Operations ! eye from his tussle with the Oregon an informal business meeting of the cattle have gone out of the country. Hauling Plugs to Camas Mrs. R. E. Esson writes from Cm The Oregon Trail Lumber com j City midgets when he wrote it. * * * * Ted Gray hauled plugs every day Sandy Woman’s Club Thursday, vallis that the family is all well, Roi pany plant at Sandyridge is unable last week to Camas and this week to Local people are beginning to ap 1 West Linn girls met their Waterloo which included a social hour. It was nie having recovered entirely froi predate the attractions o f wintei Vancouver, for the Bittner plug mill. to operate until the Bear Creek Log­ in the practice game here last week decided that members should not in­ his operation for appendicitis. Mr; ging company starts work again. ¡26 to 17. It was one of the hardest sports at Sandy’s.b ack door. Last vite more than two guests each at Esson enjoys her work as manager of Both these plants have been closed fought games this season. Shelley Sunday more people took a run up to Improving Home the next social evening. This will the O. S. C. book store. since December 15. V. Lundeen, Art Young is underpinning his made 22 baskets for Sandy, Turel 16 be held at the Bruns home oml the SWim to see the ski tournament than ever before. Old Multopor hill never house and doing considerable carpen­ owner of the former plant, is anx­ for the opposing team. This was the teachers will be hostesses. Have Dinner Guests saw such a crowd. The high altitude ter work he was unable to do until ious to begin work again as his pond last game to be played here this Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hite were host is full o f logs and there is an active under quarantine. is so invigorating that a day up there Season, but Sandy girls have to play Clackamas County Pamona Grange at a delicious dinner given for thei market for ties. Milwaukie before the division cham­ is like a tonic. is said to be directly responsible fm friends Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Watkir Caring for Children , pionship is decided. the getting together o f grangers and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkinson, and Mi Mrs. Charley Krebs is taking care Kelso and Cottrell grade teams Overhauling Machinery SANDY LOCALS business people and talking over the and Mrs. George Hacking of Pori Paul Thiess is employed as engin­ put on a practice game at the dose needs o f each, and trying to work for land. Mrs. Anna Duke went to her home o f the two small children o f Mr. and in the city Saturday to remain a few Mrs. George Krebs until the Herman eer by the Bruns & McIntyre Lumber of the Wednesday night .girls' game mutual interests. Sandy Grange was company at Sandy and is overhaul­ Cottrell winning by the score o f 27 represented at the Abernathy meet days, but will return soon and remain family get settled at Sellwood. H arpers Entertain ing the machiney. A number of to 4. Cottrell has the makings of ing by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud until after the Eastern Star meeting. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Harper entei changes are being made at this plant j some fine players. Roy Mallery was who were enthusiastic over the meet­ tained Mr. Harper's brother, An Mrs. J. M. C. Miller spent Satur­ Dippold Shingle Mill Running The Dippold Shingle mill located ' the referee. recently purchased from Frank Bitt­ day in the. city as a guest o f friends ing. Jimmie Gilbert, teacher of eco­ I Hapcr, h wife and two sons, fro: The basket ball season has been known in Missouri when a child, at­ between Eagle Creek and Dover sec­ ner. C. L. Henson has also been nomics at Oregon “ U” gave one of | Sunday ¡1 Monday morning. Th< The tended the Northwest Poetry society tions, is operating with a small crew working for” a few days for the new very successful financially. the most analytical talks on taxes relatives are dairy people also, an receipts have been sufficient to pay company. meeting at night, went up on the when the weather permits. ever given in the county, it is said. get here about once a year to visit. | for the new suits o f both teams and Mountains Sunday morning to report Spend Day at Battle Axe Inn also finish payments on football events for the Oregon Journal and Has $250 Violin - O Mrs. Pete Lenz and daughter Thel­ equipment. arrived home about 10:30 at night. George Beers is charmed with his Battle Axe Inn Sunday $ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. DeShazer were ma were recently acquired $250 violin, a Ger­ at Alder Creek Sunday to visij their helping the Sicklers ^all day. Large man make o f exceptionally fine tone. Recovering From Explosion daughter Mildred and her husband, crowds were fed at this hotel. Mr. and Mrg. James Fitzgerald Beers says he had been looking for Ray Hanson. The latter is just out years, and this instrument is more and son Charles o f Boring who were Clearing at Bear Creek Dam o f the hospital. so badly injured recently when 15 Besides keeping’ his plug mill in to his liking than any he ever found. A. C. Thomas made a business trip pounds o f powder exploded in the Mr. Beers is the leader o f the Sandy To change the application of a now famous sentence o f Abra­ to Tillamook the latter part o f the operation at Sandy, F. W. Bittner is orchestra. oven while the family were at break­ ham Lincoln, when we buy away from home we get the goods and working on his contract for clearing week and was unable to attend the lose the monev; when wo huv at home wo have both the goods and fast, are still at a Gresham hospital the money. big meeting o f grangers at Aber­ at the new Bear Creek dam. and while their condition is satisfac Attractive New Store Building . The man who buys from a mail order house without first giving nathy hall Friday night. local houses a chance to talk business with him on the same articles, The new store building at Rhodo­ tory, their recovery is slow. Fortun­ Spend Sunday at Swim ately two o f the Fitzgerald girls were does\he merchant, the community, his family and himself a serious Ed. Hein and his friends, also Mr. dendron which was recently complet­ harm. Did that buyer ever stop to ask himself questions like these: The first grammar school league still asleep upstairs. Hal they been and Mrs. Purse (Edith Hein) were up ed, is quite attractive. This store is Does that mail order house help support your hqme schoeds? at their usual places at the table game was an event Friday night at owned by J. Scales, Sandy merchant, at Swim Sunday. The Heins were Does that mail order bouse help support your county or city they would have received the full the high school between Bull Run and government through taxes? formerly Sandy folks. Mrs. Purse who will begin getting the ground in force of the explosion. Boring. The latter team won, the Does that mail order house ever help build a church or Y. M. C. was married during the holiday time. shape and be ready for the rush when A. building in your county? score being 20 to 2. In a practice the tourist season opens. Did that mail order house ever subscribe toward your entertain­ game the same night between Sandy Louderback* Entertain Viait Aschoff Home ments, your Fourth o f July celebration, your fair? and Boring, the latter team 22 to Does that mail order house ever extend you credit to tide you Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Louderback Mrs. R. F. Dittert and son Heinic Bittner Mill Operating 11. Sandy boys put lip a hard fight over a “ tight” time? and wee daughter Betty Lou spent The Bittner plug mill has been entertained recently in honor of tht Does that mail order bouse help make your newspapers possible?' and showed great improvement. Sunday afternoon at the Adolph making daily shipments for some former’s birthday. Pesent at the big Did that mail order house ever spend one cent toward making The gradg team is composed of Aschoff home visiting Mr. Aschoff time. your a bigger and better town? Have you ever asked the mail order The Frank Bittner family dinner were the Louderback family George Bruns and Lewis Krebs, for­ house for credit? and the Henry Aschoff family. moved to the mill a week ago, as Mr. and Mrs. Alva Louderback and wards; Earl Hite, center; Frank These and a hundred kindred questions must be answered in Bruns & McIntyre have taken poss­ j Billie, Miss Huffacre, Mr. and Mrs. Christianson and Donald Dunsmuir, the negative. Forest Louderback, Mr. and Mrs ession at the mill which they recently Entertains Sewing Club The patron o f mail order houses is penny wise and pound guards; Albert Dunsmuir and Donald Kenneth Louderback and sons, the foolish. He sacrifices a larger community good which means Mrs. Harvey Schneider was hostess purchased. Dahrens, subs. The latter is o f the Miller family, and Mrs. M. F. Louder­ greater good for himself, foy the petty immediate gain o f a few to the Sandy Sewing club at the Lutheran school. cents. back. meeting last week. A pleasant social Small Pox Scare Over AN UNPATRIOTIC SACRIFICE time made the evening pass quickl} The smallpox scare wd% over as C ottrell P. T . A . M eets sacrifice our neighborhood— the man who helps the town To Mrt. Lehnfield Better The Cottrell P. T. A. had a splen­ as the needles flew. Present were soon as the county physician was out and community with its taxes, with its public business, with its my­ riad activities for neighborly righteousness— to orifice that man did meeting Thursday night, the date Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. A. Dahrens and decided that Vera Krebs did not gjdrs. Leo Lehnfield is slightly bet ter but is not doing work because of and his business for the mere sake of saving a dollsr on the purchase Mrs. Harold Krebs, Mrs. Clarence have the contagion. However, the being changed from Friday until the of a hundrded dollars’ worth o f goods is ju t as unpatriotic as it is heart trouble. She had an examina- third Thursday o f each month. /There Brown. Miss Eunice Brown, Mrs. Ned pupils o f the Lutheran school were to spit at the flag. was a large crowd present in the new Mitchell, Mrs. Mildred Gray, Mrs. R. vaccinated, as the doctor came out ! tion recently and found that she also For the flag, if,it means anything, means the golden rule; the had gall bladder trouble. The Lehn- F. Dittert and Mrs. Yost. for the purpose. flag means friendly burden’ bearing; it mean- mutual help in trouble; auditorium and an exceptionally fine | fields and great grand babies Doris it means standing together against common foe 'program given by the committee, and Patty, spent Sunday at the L. Two Cate in Justice Court Mrs. L. L. Griffin, Mrs. Ray Wilkin­ Party for Merle Dahren« THE MOTTO OF THE MAIL (S r DER HOUSE Jessie Downing P. T. Shelley, justice o f the peace 1 B. Greene home. Little Merle Dahrens was very hap­ son and Mrs ,1. Jones Refreshments The motto of the mail order house is every» man for himself has been working for Mrs. Lehnfield py when his mother gave him a little opened the week with two trials on were served to the crowd. and the devil take the hindermost— and you bet the devil will. party last week in honor o f his sev­ Monday. One was an assault and :the past few days. THE ULTIMATE RESULT enth birthday. Games entertained battery charge, the other was operat­ Return From California That pint never fuils to work; and the weak njan, the unpro Returns to Medford Mr. and MYs. Jim Fowler returned the little folks. Present were Billy ing a motor vehicle without a license. tected man, the man alone— the man o f the f ilm, at the end o f the Mrs. A. J. Alt’s sister, Mrs. A. J. recently from a motor trip to Cali­ McGinnis, Joe Shelley, David Stein- The first case was fined $5, the latter fart, when hi* farm market i> gone, when hi town i gone, when the iCrose,, returned to Medford last week fornia with Portland relatives, being man, Lester and Vernon Dahrens, $ 10 . spirit of selfishness and greed has left this " untry rold and hard slightly improved in health. Mr. Crose and mean and neighhorless— the farmer will be the hindermost. away almost' two months. Friends Herbert and Jean Goldsmith, Paul drove up to Cottrell for his wife. , and relatives were visited along the Duncan, Buddy Updegrave, V’ ernon Burdette Improving Mr. Burdette, who recently broke Schroefler, Merle, Stanley, Marie and way. Virgie Dahrens. Refreshments con­ his leg while working at Bull Run Will Leave For Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs will sisted o f “ cake, brick ice cream and j is able to get around again, but not Employed at Barton SANDY, OREGON The Burdettes leave this week for Pendleton for a Ray Watkins and Russell Betchll other ice cream too.” according to very comfortably. visit with relatives o f Mrs. Krebs. live on the old Stcack place. of Cottrell arc Working near Barton. - Little Job Shelley. SANDY WINS FROM HIGH S C H O O L H Do Y o u r B u yin g at Hom e! Clackamas County Bank , *