EASTERN IC ^ .^ ÎÊ é J l CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1928 r k ^.. *.... — ---------------------1 " - a Only 10 Days Left During the Big Vote Schedule... t The time to cinch one of the fine prize automobiles is during the First Period. If you want one of these cars you must make every minute count until the close of the First Period on Saturday night, February 18th. The vote schedule Will Not Be Changed. To Those Who Chevrolet Coach, Prize Given For Greatest Number Of Votes Have Not Entered Have If you expect to win one of the big prizes you must produce now while the big­ ger vote schedule is in effect. You are en tered— the subscriptions are here— they eoun. you more votes now— you still have 17 day* left on the big votes— let’s get busy nov . more in earnest than ever before* You can \71n if you are fuliy determined to win. Look over the vote schedule, the list of entrants map out your campaign and put it over. The people o f this community are watching you. Your success, or failure, in this campaign will mean much to you for years to come. You are the leader o f your own campaign. You may never run in another, so that is why you want to win big this time. You Will Like The The Prize List Vote Schedule and Subscription Price of Eastern Clackamas News FIRST PERIOD Up CHEVROLET COACH ..................................$733.95 FORD ROADSTER ..................................... 501.27 Radio Set (purchased from Clyde Schock) 200.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 to Saturday Night February 18 y cat- years years years years years years Price $ 1.50 3.00 1.50 0.00 7.50 9.00 15.00 V otes 12,000 30,000 60,000 120,000 240,000 360,000 680,000 SECOND PERIOD THIRD PERIOD February 19 to Saturday Night, March 10 March 11 to Saturday Night, Marci i 2 3 4 5 6 10 year years years years years years years Price Votes $ 1.50 9,000 3.00 22,500 4.50 15,000 6.00 90,000 7.50 180,000 9.00 2 iO.OOO 15.00 510,000 Radio S e t.......................................................... 150.00 Cash P rize......................... ,............................. 50.00 Cash Prize ........................................................ 25.00 Cash P rize.... ............................♦,.................... 10.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 10 year years years years years years years Price Votes $ 1.50 «,000 3.00 15,000 4.50 .70,000 6.00 00,000 7.50 ! 20,000 9.00 : 80,000 15.00 340.000 The above declining ot votes will positively not be changed during the campaign A special vote ballot good for 100,000 extra votes will be issued on every “ club” o f $20 turned in. This special offer will remain in effect during the entire campaign and will be considered a part of .the regular schedule. Honor rolls will draw 10,000 votes. Ladies’ special stationery will draw the same as subscriptions but will not commence until the second period. Estimated Cash Commissions....................... 500.00 :----- 1 of them a large police dog, got among ! part o f the program. A small ad- butchered hogs at A. W. Stauffer’: ! Wm. Hyde’s sheep and killed two oi ! mittance fee will be charged each Sunday. Evert Stahlnecker has had consid EAGLE CREEK ! ' them before they were discovered, adult, anif after the program lunch «■able trouble keeping his school bus | , On Saturday Mr. Hyde, accompanied j will be sold. Our unspeakable 1— ---------“ I by Chris Longwell and Ben Forrester, I Grant Test was a Portland visitor repaired lately. roads have just about wrecked it. 11 EAGLE CREEK, Feb. 9. (Spe- went to Oregon City where he pre- j Friday, cial).— Friends of the Bradfords, for senteci his claim for damages to the Mrs. A. H. Bronson is visiting hei affords him a full course in the mech­ anism o f a Ford to make up for th< merly residents o f the Holman place. I county court. sister near Newburg. days it makes him and his fellow stu but now o f Salem, will be interested Mr R u ff and Mr Weber were in ------------------------ dents miss Estacada hi. to know that they have a daughte ! Portland Thursday. 1 born January 11. The baby has been A delegation of Elwood citizens in i Grant Test and Mrs. Klingingsmith j terviewed the county court Wednes­ named Lois Dorothy. UPPER EAGLE CREEK _ _ spent Wednesday evening at the A. j day concerning roads, but it seem: A. D. Burnett and an Sh.rley drove R Bennett home. there will be no work done this year to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens o f Portland | UPPER EAGLE CREEK, Feb. 9.— for lack o f funds. Mrs. W. A. Smith, son Theran and visited their orchard tract Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vallen took the (Special).— Mr. and Mrs. H. F’. Gib­ grandson Roger of Portland spent thi Ruth Glover from Portland spent son o f Barton, Will Palmateer of latter’s sister, Mrs. Effie Brown, back week end at the C. L. Chambers Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass, to Portland Sunday. While there ranch. Mrs. Walter Glover. Mrs. Nora Kandle, Mrs. Cora Udell they visited Mrs. Violet Baird, for Major Luther Felker has been ap­ Henry Suter and Clyde Phillips and H .S. Gibson were dinner guests merly Violet Granatski o f this place pointed as road supervisor in this drove t" Mt Hood Sunday, at the home o f R. B. Gibson Thurs­ and her sister Kate. district. j. Ronald Burnett and Eunice Boyle: day, it being the birthday o f H. S. Simon Gerke returned Thursday were week end visitors from Corvalli: Gibson and Mrs. Douglass. A dinner from Oregon City where lie had been at the A. D. Burnett home. On was given in their honor. in the hospital following an accident Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burnett R. B. Gibson was taken to the SPRINGWATER in which he was badly injured by a and Shirley they m otored,lto Mt. Good Samaritan hospital last Satur­ wood saw. Hood to see the ski tournament. day and underwent a very serious Mr. Deitz spent several days Iasi Mrs. E. L. Meyers was a Portland operation, but at the last report was i SPRINGWATER, Feb. 9.— (Spe­ week in a Portland hospital having j visitor on Tuesday o f last week, getting along as well as could be ex-1 cial).— Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Closner, son had an attack of appendicitis. Floyd McLouglin and a friend from pected. Lester, daughter Mrs. Clarence Hull Miss Beulah Barnett and Miss Flo Portland spent Sunday at the Forres- Mrs. R. B. Gibson went to Portland I and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Brian ra Haysany were visitors at the A. D. ter home. Sunday to see her husband, returning Moore, went to Eugene the first of Burnett home on Thursday evening. Mr. and^ Mrs. Wm. Saunders, Beu- Monday evening. the week to attend the funeral of Opal and Zola Clester were shop- lah Barnett and Flora Haysany were Mrs. Viola Denning o f Estacada is their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred ping in Portland on Friday. dinner guests at the Walter Glovei j over on the hill visiting at the homes Closner. Miss Beulah Barnett and Miss home on Tuesday evening. ber sons, Roy Walker and Will Mrs. Byron Cogswell entertained Flora Haysany were guests at the On Wednesday afternoon, Febru- f Dougiasa_ for a few days last week her sister home of the Misses Moloney on Sat- ary 15, the Ladies’ Aid will meet with Mrs. Callahan o f Portland. urday evening. Mrs. Wm. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chandler of Mrs. Anderson, Sr., visited for sev- On F’riday evening, February 17. Oregon City were visiting for a few eral days with relatives near Camas, the P. T. A. will give a program at days recently at the Van Hoy home. ELWOOD Mrs. Kellog returned recently iron the school house to raise funds for Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were vis­ a short visit with Mrs. McF'arland o the piano recently purchased. A itors Thursday evening at the home Oregon City. good program is being arranged with ELWOOD, Keb. 9.— (Special).— o f Mr. and Mrs. Forest Erickson. One day last week two dogs, one some especially good numbers as a 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dayball o f Portland An enjoyable bonfire party was giver for the pupils and young people o f were visiting at the Hansen home the neighborhood on the school on Sunday. Mrs. Walker was out from Portland grounds Friday night by Miss Helen Ernst, teacher. Roasted weiners and to her farm for a while Sunday. FREE VOTE COUPON Mr. and Mrs. Skagg and Mrs. Kig marshmallows served with buns made Good for 250 votes gins were visiting F’ riday afternooi up the refreshments. In Eastern Clackamas News Circulation campaign J. F. Dix o f Colton was a business with Mr. and Mrs. Moger. If presented to this office not later than A number o f guests were enter­ visitor in Elwood Saturday. FEBRUARY 18 Wm. Bittner is making some im­ tained at the Madden home Saturday evening, including Mr. and Mrs. Bj provements on his homestead. Loyd Boylan o f Sandy was visiting ron Cogswell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry N am e.................................................................- with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Vaile. Write in name of candidate to which you wish this C. Bittner lats week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley were coupon credited. No limit to the number sent in, and Miss Helen Ernst made a trip to Sunday afternoon visitors at the Hen they will count the same a? earned credits. Portland Saturday. ry Cromer home. Louis Vallen o f Scotts Mills Mrs. McDonald and Miss Madden Í Have you ever been offered a big­ ger paying proposition than the News is giving away in their $2C00 gift distribution? You know you have not. The opportunity is here to enter, during the big vote sched- 1 , and win! Don’t wait for the big bonus vote later on for there will not be any. Today is the day of opportunity. If you do not un­ derstand the proposition, call us. Will be on display at the Cascade Motor Company soon New Ford! Those of you who have had the opportunity of seeing the new Ford car know what a desirable little' machine it is. It is a prize well worth working for. Some one will win it for just six more weeks’ work. It is a dandy and will be on display at the Bob Cooke IVJotor company soon. To Those Who called on Mrs. Moger Saturday after Vernon Marshall, who has bee noon. working for some time at Marshfieb Guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Petei . came home Monday. Erickson Sunday were their sons Mr. Madden and Mr. McDonal Floyd and Joe and families o f Port­ made a business trip to Tillamoo land. the first o f the week. Ed. Aycock, who is wording in Garden .teds prominently di Portland, spent Sunday with his fan: played in the stores remind us tha ily here. Mis. George Perry visited at the spring is about here. Peter Erickson home Sunday after noon. Mrs. Walter Strunk, who has not i BROADWAY GARAGE RICHFIELD been well for some time, was taken t'% More Power for the same price Portland .Monday to receive treat­ Tube Tire Patching ments from a specialist. PLUMBING — TIN WORK Visitors o f Mrs. Moger Monday af STORAGE ternoon were Mrs. J. A. Shibley, Mrs Truck Line Terminal Peter Erickson and Mrs. Wiley How­ ell. Portland-Oarver-cstacada Stages Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. ESTACADA TO PORTLAND LINN’S INN, Estacada, Oregon— DAILY * (A ) A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M Lv. Portland 2.00 6.20 8:00 4:30 8:30 Lv. Estacada Lv. Clackamas 2:30 6:50 Lv. Flagle Creek 8:15 4:45 8:45 Lv. Carver 2:40 7:00 Lv. Barton 8:25 4:55 8:55 3 :05 7:25 Lv. Barton 8:45 5:15 9:15 Lv. Carver Lv. Eagle Creek 3:15 7:35 Lv. Clackamas 8:15 5:25 9:2." Estacada 3:30 Ar. Portland 9 :30 6:00 10:00 Ar. 7:50 •Daily except Sunday (A ) Saturday Only. Leave Estacada 4 :30 p. m. SUNDA— Leave Portland 10 a. ni. CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite f j ? ^ X ¥$• Jf 4 1 Grocery and Restau- I I v i A i w j . , * ! » » rants in Estacada and L O N G L O A F i l l i c i t m crr.fi ■ f :n (.m iff Vicinity.