r \ i PMOE TWO EA ST E R N CLACKAM AS N EW S, FRID A Y , FE B R U A R Y 1«, 1928 ÉCJLL.________ fore a great many years,, a thickly populated, prosperous ! th ro l|Ph v io la W ednesday on His way of th e prim ary class o f the M. E. section of the great state of Oregon. ¡ to B orintr’ Sunday school fo r a tte n d a n c e . My- When we travel, or try to travel, the roads through- “y M j ,ler a"d^ m“y ^ Zd out Eastern Clackamas, we are, more than ever, reminded M 1 1 1 „ Cecil Brow» third, G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher M iller was in O regon City of the great need of co-operation. Many communities in G a ross Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n M attoon had a b rand new F ord S atu rd ay . rublished W eekly on Fridays at Estacada, Oregon now can hardly get in or out due to the frightful, neglect­ Mrs. E v a Brow n o f P o rtlan d spen d in n er g u e sts Sunday Mrs. M ary F e l­ lows a n d son S tephen, W. R. Ja c k so r ful condition of the roads. Sunday w ith h e r p a ren ts, Mr. and A lte re d in th e posto fficc o f E sta c a d a , O regon, us second class m atter. o t H ighlands, J. E. La Croy, P ercy * People of this section must unite, organize, co-oper­ Mrs. W m. M attoon. and H a rry W hitfield, L este r B ateson ate, work for the common interests instead of community H a rry and P ercy W hitfield a re now and Mrs. Brown and fam ily. SUBSCRIPTION RATES or individual interests, which is necessary and which will sta y in g w ith th e ir siste r, Mrs. Bol V ictor Ficken was an O regon City In C lackam as C ounty, one y ear, $1.50; O utside th e co u n ty a n d in the make possible the public improvements so much needed M attoon. T hey have been w orking visitor Monday. in th e cetlar tim b er, also c u ttin g ss ta te o f O regon, one year, $ 2 ; O utside th e sta te of O regon, one ’and to which we are entitled. Mrs. M. M. La C roy is rep o rte d poles fo r Ja m es H am ilton. y e ar, $2.60. S u bscriptions a re p ayable in advance. One community woiking for a project out here is Ja m e s G. H am ilton m ade a trip b e tte r. considered more or less a joke. United, all of us behind to A u ro ra M onday also stop p in g at r WHY NOT AN EASTERN CLACKAMAS FAIR a project, it will not be considered a joke, but will mean C anby. actual construction and development. A rt M attoon le ft fo r Springfield The News believes that Eastern Clackamas County S a tu rd a y re tu rn in g Sunday accom We must have a better understanding of the condi­ »hould have a fair next fall. The products of this great panied by his w ife who has been •ection of the state, properly displayed, would reaiiy be tions and needs of each community, know each other bet­ sta y in g w ith h e r sister-in-law who worth going miles to see, and would help our own people, ter, and then we will see and realize the more rapid de­ is now recovering. if no others, to more fully realize the wonderful agricul­ velopment of this great section of the Northwest with its Mr. and Mrs. Klein w ere P o rtlan d unlimited possibilities. visito rs last w eek v isitin g w ith the tural possibilities of this part of the Northwest. During the absence of la t t e r ’s sister, M r.s J. F. W halin. The timber resources will not last always, and as the ------------ oOo------------- Mrs. W halin is th e m o th e r o f at 12- John O’Brian I will con­ tim ber goes, farming and stock raising industries must pound baby boy born th e 19th of WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION tinue the business in his take its place. Thousands and hundreds of thousands la s t m onth. barber shop next door of people in the East are struggling for an existence on The News desires to call your attention to the adver­ Mr. and Mrs. Klein w ere fo rm erly farm land far less productive than the very poorest to be tisement of Clackamas County Bank on page five of this o f P o rtla n d b u t expect to m ake their to the Model Supply Co. e a t C e d arh u rst fo r th e n e x t two found here, and in many sections land is being farmed issue of , the paper. Some of you will not j agree with the hom Your patronage will be .., . — , • , • years. Mrs. K lein had a bad accident that is rougher and steeper than most of the hillsides here article, but it certainly is worth reading and will cause you Sunday by fallinB throu{fh a rack in. welcomed. that are classed as non-agricultural lands. to think in a different channel for a few moments at least. ju rin g h e r leg veyr seriously. B. A. LUNDBERG There are thousands of farm ers in different parts of Every business man will agree that there is a lot of L ouis H ubbard won th e firs t honoi L _ the country who would come to the Northwest if they had truth in this ad, but, nevertheless, we find that business ¡pin tfiven by his tea ch e r. Mrs. Brown any idea of the wonderful climate and agricultural possi­ men disregard this truth in about as large a percentage as bilities. We would be telling them more of the resources does the average citizen. and possibilities if we were more thoroughly sold on ------------ oOo------------- the proposition ourselves. We know no better way to sell our home people than through the medium of the CAMPAIGN INCREASING CIRCULATION fair, and with the co-operation of all the people oi Eastern The subscription list of the Eastern Clackamas News Clackamas a fair could easily be put over. is increasing by leaps and bounds, with over half the time Springwater community has been holding a success­ Closing Out Entire Stock of Second of the contest still in the future. ful fair every year and no community in the entire eastern One of the obstacles the candidates are running into Hand Goods part of the county is better known throughout the state is the fact that the Oregon City papers, since the campaign than that progressive community. are selling their papers at half their usual price. We do not know the exact number of grange organi­ started, 1, 31-2 H. P. Gas Engine. The News has made it possible for Eastern Clackamas zations in Eastern Clackamas, but there are several of people to buy their city paper at half price, if nothing 1, 5 H.P. Gas Engine them. Appears to us that it would be possible to interest every one of these granges in putting on a community more, for at least the period of the campaign. Some Good Ranges, Heating Stoves fair this year. Let the business men of Sandy and Esta­ d e rfu l w ork and m ust be seen to be cada join in raising a purse as a prize for the best fair Beds and Springs, Paints, Window ap p reciated . th at would make it worth trying for, and then stage an CURRINSVILLE Mrs. Jo h n H am ilton, J r., son Leslie / Glass and Other Second Hand Eastern Clackamas fair with all the best exhibits from a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed. M iller w ere in each of the community fail's. O regon C ity Saturday-. Goods C U R R IN SV IL L E , Feb. 9.— (S p e ­ The location of the fair is of little importance, so long c ia l).— Mr. and Mrs. H. M. D uus and Mrs. W m. M attoon had a bad fall as one of the most central points was selected. The propo­ D. E. M cConnell a tte n d e d th e c o n fe r­ S a tu rd ay b re ak in g a lam p in th e hall sition would be for this section as a whole instead of any ence a t A b e rn ath y F rid ay as th e re p ­ and in ju rin g h e r side b u t she is able I re se n ta tiv e s of E agle C reek G range to be aro u n d again. one part of it, and every nook will be benefitted. a n d re p o rt a w o nderful tim e. The fair dates could be so arranged that the com­ L este r H ale has 51 lam bs a lre ad y W a lte r S tone of H ighland passed munity fair could be held one week, the Eastern Clacka­ th is season. mas fair the following week, which would be the week J. P. S tein m an has lost 22 head of preceding the county fair at Canby, at which place a real sheep. He had the s ta te v e tin a ria r AD VISORY BOARD W ILLIA M BOOTH •xhibit could be put on for this section of the county o u t b u t seem s th ere is no cure for Founder Geo. L. B aker, Hon. Chm. — THE— them . S everal ow ners a re losing without the communities losing their individuality at the O. C. B ortzm eyer, C hairm an W. B RA M W ELL BOOTH sheep now and all seem to be a n i­ A rth u r B. C arlson, S e c retary G eneral county fair. And it is a certainty that the exhibits from m als which w ere shipped in from Ben Selling E V A N G E L IN E C. BOOTH this section at the state fair would be of more importance. E aste rn O regon and not acclim ated Ju d g e Ja c o b K anzler C om m ander U. S. F orces Mrs. G. J. F ra n k e l It is not too late now to put over such a proposition to th is p a rt o f th e sta te . ADAM G IFFO R D Incorporated L. V. Je n k in s, C hief Police C om m issioner W estern T er. and it can be done. It ought to be done. Co-operation A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee H olden, C hief F ire D ept. OREGO N AND SO U T H E R N IDAHO M AJ. A L B E R T BAYNTON Lee M cKenzie on F e b ru a ry 4. The Rev. W. W. Y oungson of the different communities would make it easy. D IV ISIO N A L H E A D Q U A R TE R S D ivisional C om m ander Eastern Clackamas News >■-«' ■ ■■ '■ ........................................ The Business Continues Closing Sale Pointer’s Furniture Exch’ng ^albatimt ^rrng -oOo— ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY The 119th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth on February 12 recalls afresh the greatness of our first martyred president, whose memory is revered by North and South alike, even as that of the peerless Southern chieftain, Robert E. Lee. While it is futile to speculate concerning what might have been, it is safe to say that had Lincoln been perm it­ ted to live until the end of his second term, much of the bitterness engendered during reconstruction days would have been avoided. His attitude throughout the Civil W ar wan summed up in one single phrase of his second inaugural address: “ With malice toward none; with char­ ity for all.” Lincoln was opposed to slavery on principle, but his plan was to abolish it gradually, and compensate slave­ owners as slaves were set free. He proposed such a plan as early as 1849 when a congressman, and renewed the proposal as president in 1862, after the war had been in progress nearly a year. Congress passed a resolution of­ fering the plan, but without result except in the district of Columbia. Throughout the w ar Lincoln’s chief aim was to pre­ serve the Union intact, the slavery question being second­ ary in his mind, as was evidenced by his famous reply to Horace Greeley wherein he sa id : “ My param ount object is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Un­ ion without freeing any slave, I would do it; if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and, if I could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.” Now, after more than sixty-five years, there are few in any part of the United States who will not concede that a united nation without slavery is best. It is well for America and the world that on February 12, 1809, such a man as Abraham Lincoln was born. y o u n g ster w eighs 8 1-2 pounds and ho and the m o th er a re doing fine. A m ong those re p o rte d ill th is weel a re Mrs. P. E. Lovell, Mrs. H. M. Duus, Mr.s. H. D. L om bard a n d A tlee E rickson. Mrs. C u rrin visited Mr. C urrin a ‘ Bull Run Sunday. Will P a m a te e r o f E a s te rn O regon is visiting re la tiv e s and frien d s in C urrinsville. The W ilbur W ade fam ily and Mr P a lm a te e r visited th e F ra n k H a lferty fam ily Sunday. Mrs. L. H. E w alt accom panied by G lennie mnde a trip to C orvallis on Sunday. Doris Looney is on th e sick list and is a tte n d e d by one o f th e physicians o f E stacada. T he C urrisville sto re tru c k hauled o u t from P o rtlan d S a tu rd a y five fine d a iry cows fo r E d g ar Heiple. Mrs. B. H. Stow ell has been very- sick fo r some tim e b u t is rep o rted b e tte r. Mrs. N. D. Bowen w ent to P o rtlan d T uesday. P. W. D ouglass has had several to n s of seed g ra in cleaned a t the C urrinsville sto re read y fo r the spring sowing. W ard is one o f o u r p ro g res sive fa rm e rs who doesn’t w ait until the last m inute. T he C urrinsville sto re has installed a new seed clean in g m achine th a t if doing good work. A rth u r Sm ith w ent to P o rtlan d on T uesday. G lennie E w alt drove the store tru c k to P o rtlan d T uesday. Lloyd w orked in the mill g rin d in g and c le an ­ ing g ra in . Floyd H ale is helping in th e sto re th is w eek. 1 Mr. B ubiinger finished his job of blow ing stum ps a n d left Monday. MR. W ORLD W AR V E T E R A N :— T his w ill be good new s fo r you. service. Do you know th a t the U nited S ta te s G o v ern m en t in recognition o f y our W ar Time" Service o ffe rs to you a bsolutely F R E E of any cost w hatsoever, the follow ing: F R E E hospital c a re ; F R E E d o c to r's c are ; F R E E surgical service; F R E E nurses c a re ; F R E E m edicine; F R E E physical ex am in atio n s; E R E E X -ray p ictu res; FR E E e lectrical tre a tm e n ts F R E E tre a tm e n ts fo r every know n disease; F R E E am bulance service in case of a cc id e n t o r sickness; F R E E m eals and F R E E room w hile in th e h o sp ital; E R E E ra ilro ad o r a u to tra n s p o rta tio n to go v ern m en t hospitals and F R E E re tu rn trip hom e; F R E E and unlim ited h ospitalization. * AH of th e above is o ffe re d to you as a V e tera n o f th e W orld W ar fo r the re s t of y o u r life re g a rd ­ less of w h e th er or not y o u r ailm en t o r disability is in cid e n t to y o u r W ar Tim e Service. If y o u r sickness o r disability is o f service origin, th en you will receive C O M PE N SA TIO N In v a ry in g a m o u n ts from $10 to $100 p e r m onth, a cc o rd in g to the d eg ree of y o u r d isab ility fo r the re st o f y o u r life. In a life tim e, the above E’R E E g o v e rn m e n t service wiAild cost you ap p ro x im ately $5,000, "but you have in h erited all th is E’R E E. If you wish fu rth e r in fo rm atio n , REM EM BER— MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1928 Do you know th a t you now have th e privilege o f secu rin g $3,000 in cash from th e sta te of O regon to build o r buy yourself a new hom e, secure fa rm p ro p e rty o r use th e $3,000 cash in y our business or buy a n y o th er th in g th a t you m ight wish to if you had the $3,000. All o f th is is o ffe re d to you because o f y o u r W ar Tim e Service. I f you wish all th e p a rtic u la rs con cern in g th is question, REM E M B E R — MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1928 Do you know th a t if you have lost th e o p p o rtu n ity o f secu rin g y our a d ju ste d go v ern m en t COM- P E N S S A __ E _______ ________________ A l llO N in the form o f a F R E paid up life in su ra n ce policy, w ith a value up to $1,687 in case o f y our d e ath , th a t you m ay y e t have th a t privilege re-established. F o r f u rth e r in fo rm a tio n on th is R EM EM B ER — MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1928 Do you know th a t aa a W orld W ar V e tera n you have a 10 p e r c en t p re fe re n tia l on em ploym ent in the F e d e ral Civil Service. Do you know th a t you a re given p re fe re n c e in em ploym ent on S ta te Public W orks, because of y our w a r tim e service. Do you know th a t you a re e n title d to F R E E fu n e ra l expenses and F R E E h eadstones fo r y our g rave in th e e v en t o f y o u rd e ath . Do you know th a t if you enlisted from a n o th e i sta te in th e union you m ay be e n title d to o the- sta te bonus. MR. E X -SE R V IC E MAN, we the un d ersig n ed believe th a t you should be th o ro u g h ly fa m ilia r w ith every detail c oncerning th e above nam ed ben< fits and O T H E R b e n efits th a t every W orld W ar V eteran is e n title d to and in o rd e r th a t fu ll in fo rm a tio n m ay be im p arted to you, you a re hereby com m anded to a p p e a r a t the Gresham High School, Gresham, Oregon .MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1928 a t 7:30 o ’clock sharp a t a m o n ster MASS M E E T IN G O F W ORLD W AR V E T ER A N S. NO A D M ISSIO N F E E -oOo- You have in h erited $G,600.00 by v irtu e o f y our W ar tim e VIOLA CO-OPERATION IN EASTERN CLACKAMAS l>fni , | V IO LA , Feb. £>.— (S p e c ia l).— Eastern Clackamas county should be united as one The lov<’|y hand-painted picture given big familv. This is necessary if the development of this by tht' Har,iy studio- photographers, great section is to be fully realized. There is no room ¿„ZSnZZ for petty jealousy and personal likes am} dislikes to enter Mrs. Brown, ha, been very much ad-, into me lask of building anti ttevtlttying w hat lb' It/ bv, bf- j mirca. my . lisruy Vbv? + E V ERY BO D Y BRIN G A BUDDY NO CO LLECTIO N This m eeting is to be held fo r th e sole purpose o f e d u ca tin g W orld W a r V e tera n s in all the bene fits th ey a re e n title d to receive from the sta te and fe d era l g o v e rn m e n t and has the endorsem ent of Hon. I. L. P a tte rso n . G overnor of O reg o n ; M ajor A lb e rt E. B aynton, D ivisional C om m ander S alvation A rm y— O reg o n ; Ju d g e Jo h n H. Stevenson, Red c ro ss, P o rtlan d . R esp ectfu lly yours, H. C. S T E P H E N S , M ayor E stacad a A. G. AM ES, P res. C om m unity Club (P a id fo r by th e A m erican L egion) BRING YOUR FA M ILY AND FR IE N D S