lEastmt dlarkamas Nnita i Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1928 V OLU M E XXII SIGN ON HIGH SCHOOL ORDERED TO AID FLYERS LEGION P R O G R A M FOR Y E A R TO AID DEVELOPMENT OF T R A F F I C IN T H E A I R . “ Estacada,” and an arrow pointing north will be painted on the roof of the Estacada high school building, covering the entire available surface o f the roof, in order to aid aviators when flying near the city. Arrange­ ments for the big sign was made at the monthly meeting of the Carl Douglass post of the Legion Monday night. Attention 'was called to the fact that within the last few weeks two airplanes had lost their way in the fog and had flown low over the town without being able to learn just where they were, and that the paint­ ing o f this sign would not only be a benefit to aviators, but possibly at some time would be the means oi preventing damage to machines, anc probably the loss o f life. The action o f the Legion is in line with the program o f the state and national organization for the year in their desire to aid in every possible way the development o f airports ant' air transportation. The letter on the school building will be more than eight feet high will be distinguishable at a height o f about three thousand feet, and will be painted by high school boys un­ der the supervision o f the manual training instructor, A. H. Drews, the materials being supplied by the post The post pledged its support in transporting the Boy Scouts o f Esta cada to the Boys' Vocational Expo­ sition at the Municipal auditorium in Portland on February 11, a commit­ tee consisting o f Bob Cooke and Syl­ vester Lawrence having been appoint ed to assist in the arranging o f such transportation. Elmer Anderson, L. E. Townsend and Grover Kiggins, dance commit­ tee o f the post, were complimented hy Commander J. C. Moreland foi the post for their udtiring efforts in conducting the dances at Eagle Creek which are proving profitable, and making possible the carrying out ol the Legion program. Paul J. Holm, adjutant o f the pos1 announced that the membership a( this date was 47, and the quota set fo r the organization this year is 55 It was decided to make a drive foi the additional members needed tc put the post over the top. Sylvester Lawrence ' and Forest Erickson were elected as team cap­ tains and divided the members into 'tw o groups which will compete for memberships until the next meeting and the winning team will be served a tanquet at the expense o f the losers. The Auxiliary had a fine attend­ ance at this meeting, and several ad­ ditional members were received intc their organization. A fter the business sessions a joint social hour was enjoyed. Cards were played and afterward the Auxiliarj served sandwiches, cake and coffee. • — ------------- ^ -------------- T A K E S P A R T IN P L A Y •c # O. A. C., CORVALLIS, Feb. 9.— Howard Davis o f Estacada, freshman in commerce, was one o f the students who took part in “ Canuck Frolics,” a vaudeville act presented by formei Canadian students on “ internationa' night.” The program was composed o f skits by the several nationalities represented. “ International night” programs are one o f the yearly fea­ tures on the campus, the foreign stu­ dents displaying talent in various modes o f entertainment. C o lle c t in g D o f T ax GR A N D O FFICER VISITS L O C A L M A SO N IC LODGE The Masonic Lodge o f Estacada had a most pleasant meeting.Tuesday night when the deputy grand master Rands, of Oregon City paid the lodge an official visit. There were visitors present from Sandy, also. A. H. Drews was initiated into the third degree after which the gran! master gave a talk on the Masonic and Eastern Star home which was very interesting. Some o f the Ma­ son's wives served the splendid lunch consisting of roast beef sandwiches cake and coffee furnished by W. A Wetngart. ROUTES 2 ANO 3 . ’ LEGIONNAIRES 10 ATTEND GRESHAM MEET TO BE CONSOLIDATED L , CREDIT M EN ’ S ASSO C IATIO N M EETIN G THIS F R ID A Y EVE ONLY TEN DAYS LETT OF BIG VOTE SCHEOOLE Notice is given o f the regular | monthly meeting of the Eastern ! Clackamas Business Men’s Credit as- sociation, which will be held in the • city hall Friday evening, February T I M E T O W IN IS N O W W H I L E EDUCATION A L C O N F E R E N C E P. O. D E P A R T M E N T A U T H O R I Z E S 10, at 8 o ’clock. All business men FOR E X -S E R V IC E MEN TO CHANGE MARCH 1.— 32 in Eastern Clackamas county are in­ S U B S C R I P T I O N S B R I N C IN vited to attend. B E H E L D F E B. 13 FAM ILIES AFFECTED LARGEST CREDITS : O ’ BRIAN LOSES LEG Postmaster A. N. Johnson has re­ Legionnaires of Eastern Clackamas county will attend the educational ceived notice from the postoffice de­ conference for ex-service men a! partment that Rural Routes No. 2 and Gresham Monday evening, February , 3 out o f Estacada will be consoli- i dated, effective March 1. Thjrty- 13. Carl Douglass Post No. 74 is mak­ two families now receiving mail V isi tors H er e F ro m P ort land ing an effort to’ get every man in through the local postoffice will be Charlie and Will Krieger o f Port­ the community out for this meeting served by Oregon City and other o f ­ However, it will better the land accompanied by their wives because they will be informed o f all fices. were guests at the home o f their the benefits to which they are enti­ service as a whole, and reduce the brother Julius Krieger at Estacada tled. Free hospitalization, loans, and expense by more than $1000 per Sunday. many other features of the servic year,, Mr. Johnson says. to former soldiers made possible bj The notice given by the Postmas­ C r o w d A tt end * S er vic e the American Legion will be ex­ ter says: “ By order o f the depart­ There was a large audience at the plained in detail by able speakers. ment, effective March 1, 1928, rural Methodist church Sunday evening to The meeting is being sponsored route No. 3 from this office will be listen to the pageant “ The Coming by the Salvation Army, Oregon and discontinued and the territory now o f Truth,” as given by the member! Southern Idaho Division, and has the served by route No. 3 to the east of o f the church and Sunday school. endorsement o f Governor Patterson Clear creek will be served by the ex­ The , program was carried out very Albert E. Baynton, divisional com tension o f route No. 2 as follows nicely and was highly entertaining mander o f the Sahation^ Army ani From Springwater store, carrier will and instructive. Judge John H. Stevenson o f tht go to the Lewellen place and retrace, 1 thence north and east to Moger's and American Red Cross, Portland. Ladies A t t e n d A u x ilia r y The personal notice being sent to Perry’s and retrace, thence north­ Among the people down from all local ex-service men is signed by westerly on the paved highway to Camp 8 Monday night to attend the Mayor H. C. Stephens o f Estacada, ! Shakelford corner, thence to Viola American Legion and Auxiliary meet­ and A. G. Ames, president o f the j and Logan, thence southeasterly on ing were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gunter, Eastern Clackamas Community Club. | paved highway to forks of the ole Mrs. George Townsend, Mrs. Shaeffer Full details as to the information j road at Baker corner and down the Mrs. D. B. Kelly, Mrs. Abbie Arm­ that will be available to those whe hill to the bridge. strong and Mrs. Ines Smith. attend this meeting will be found in “ In other words, route No. 2 will the advertising columns o f this week’s serve Dodge, Springwater, Viola anc' News, and it is o f utmost interest Logan on the west side o f the Clack­ and importance to every soldier of amas in addition to Faraday loop the World war. on the east side, with William M. The local post o f the Legion is fu r­ Graham as carrier. “ There will be no change in route nishing transportation to every ex- service man who wishes to go. A No. 1 other than the transfer of thi large bus will be provided if neces carrier, Oren E. Syron, from routt Rev. C. T. Cook, pastor o f the M. sary and a number o f the members 2 to route 1, effective March 1. “ As routes No. 1 and No. 2 are E. church at this place, received a o f the post have offered the use of telegram Wednesday afternoon say­ their cars. Those wishing to go arc now classified as motor routes, 45 ing that Lillian Klilie, the singer who requested to meet in front of the Ma­ and 48 miles in length, it will be will assist Mrs. Genevieve Booth sonic building at 6 p. m., Monday, i necesary that the roads be kept ii Clibborn in a revival at this place February 13, where arrangemtfhts I a passable condition in order that would arrive in Portland Saturday will hi; provided to take them to Carriers can serve their routes on and be here for the Sunday mornint Gresham and return. This meeting schedule time. By having your mail service at the church. Mrs. Clibborn is for no other purpose than to ben box in good shape as well as the ap will arrive Wednesday to begin a ser- efit the former soldier, and the o ffi­ proach thereto, you will aid the car­ ies o f meetings which will continut cers o f the local post urge that every rier in better serving you. “ Kindly advise your correspon­ one avail themselves o f the opportun­ daily for some time. Mrs. Booth-Clibborn is now at ity to learn what they are entitled to dents and publishers of your correct Bend, Oregon, with hrt- husband under state and federal legislative route number when writing. A. N. where they’ve had wonderful success, acts by being at Gresham on Feb­ Johnson, Postmaster.” it is said. The church has been ruary 13th at 7:30. Admission is free and the Legion P ar ty f o r Da ughters crowded every night and the meetings developed into a city wide revival, al' has no motive in urging you to attend Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder am the other churches combining in the other than to benefit you, according Mrs. Floyd Davis gave their daugh­ effort. to Commnder J. C. Morelnd of Car’ ters, Dorothy Snyder and Florenc« She is the wife o f William E. Booth Douglass past. Davis, a party Saturday afternoon, Clibborn, grandson o f the late Gen beginning at 2 o ’clock. The young­ eral Booth, founder of the Salvatior sters played games until three o ’clock Army. She is a preacher o f ability when a lunch was served. Little and power, according to Rev. Cook. baskets containing candy, nuts and Estacada people may expect to heai [ gum were hid and each had to find its some good sermons. | basket. Dorothy and Florence re- ' ceived many nice presents. S N Y D E R W I N S C A S E IN The guests included Jean Sarver, D I S T R I C T C O U R T IN C I T Y A verdict o f “ guilty” was rendered ! Ruth Kitching, Stanley Snyder, Wan by a jury in the justice court of da Kreiger, Luella Kitching, Brook; Harry B. Snyder, proprietor o f the S. E. Wooster Saturday in a suit Snyder, Pauline Moore, Howard Hunt People’s store of Estacada, was given growing out o f the injury to Mrs. Jr., Laura Bell Hunt, Andy Davis, the decision in a battle in the district Carl Long, when a car in which she Florence Davis, Dorothy Snyder court Saturday where a Portland was riding a few Sundays ago had | Catherine O’Brian, Robert Snyder, firm had brought an action to collect a collision with a sedan driven by Jr., Mrs. Theo. Harders, Mr. and Mrs. $750 from Snyder for amount al­ S. W. Paxton o f Portland. , Howard Hunt, Mrs. Floyd Davis and leged to be due on a truck. The accident happened in front of ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder. Wentworth-Irvin, Inc., o f Portland, the Currinsville store. The car in sold a truck about four years ago or which Mrs. Long was riding with Smith H om e III a conditional sales contract. The her husband was driven by H. Harris | O. E. Smith came home from Port truck changed hand a few times and o f Eagle Creek. A young lady ac land Tuesday evening, ill. finally Mr. Snyder purchased it, not companied Paxton but all escaped in­ knowing the Portland firm had a jury except Mrs. Long who had a Chapm an s D r iv e to Odell claim against it, Mr. Snyder rcceivinf broken arm and was otherwise Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Chapman drove as he thought a clear bill o f title to bruised. -to Odell last Wednesday returning the machine. by their Paxton was fined $50 by Justice Saturday, accompanied Later the company brought the Wooster, and the case is being ap­ daughter, Mrs. Ina Chevron and suit to collect the balance due thenv pealed, Walace Smith, attorney for ; daughter. Mr. Chevron came from on their claim against Mr. Snyder, the defendant stated. B. F. Lindas ■ Odell Sunday to take his wife am with the result that the court decided o f Oregon City prosceuted the case. 1 baby home. Mr. Chapman reports : Snyder’s claim to the truck was legal. delightful trip up the Columbia high­ The Portland firm was required to way. From Multnomah falls a dis. T eac her s Visit P ort land pay the costs in the case. The ac­ Miss Rhoda Beck, teacher in the tance, there is one-way traffic. Or tion was heard before Judge Camp­ each side o f the road are high ice bell, Gilbert Hedges of Portland ap­ ; grade school, accompanied Mrs. Gard­ cliffs which make the drive very pic- ner, also a grade school teacher, to pearing as attorney for the defend ; Portland Friday evening and spent j turesque. ant. NOTED REVIVALIST COMING HERE TO NOLO CAMPAIGN PAXTON FOGNO GUILTY IN CURRINSVILLE WRECK W. H. Holder, deputy assessor, is collecting the county dog license fee which is now due, but will b^ the week end at Mrs. Gardner’s home doubled March 1. The license is J1 G o t o P ort lan d 1 in that city. for male, $2 for female'. Better Visit » Parents Here Mr. and Mrs. Will Davidson oi look after this little matter or per­ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall were haps you will lose your dog. / Camp 8 came down to Estacada on pleased by a visit from their eldest Son B or n to M cK enzies son from Portland last Sunday. • A little son was born to Mr. and Monday and went to Portland to at H ere F ro m T a c o m a Mrs. Le^ McKenzie last Friday, Feb­ tend a show, returning Tuesday. ruary 3, at their home in Currins- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Englin from Ed. Linn Im pr oving A h lb e r g T aken to Hospital The News is pleased to report that villc. Mother and child doing fine. Tacoma, Washington, and Mr. and An ambulance came from Portland Mrs. Clyde Walgamot from Portland W. E. Linn is improving slowly from Wednesday evening and carried Ted He has E ntertain s at L u n ch eon visited at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. an attack o f pneumonia. Mrs. R. H. Currin entertained at Ahlberg to the St. Vincent hospital A. W. Schunke in the Garfield dis not been able to sit up yet but thinks luncheon Friday Mrs. Leslie Linn in Portland. He has been suffering he will be in a few, days. trict last Sunday. Mrs. Susie Kitching, Mrs. Jennie with a breaking out similar to ery­ G. E. L a w r e n c e III Krieger, Mrs. G. B. Linn and Mrs. sipelas on his left arm and decide! Mr and Mrs. Smith Entertain to go to the hospital for treatment Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith en­ Lydia McConnell. G. E. Lawrence was sick this week and unable to be at his accustomer tertained a company o f theif friends place at the feed store until Thurs Friday evening with a five hundred — Regular Saturday night dance in j — Regular Saturday night dance in ¡the Grange hall at Garfield Feb. II. Garfield Grange hall February 1L party. day morning. I NUMBER, 19 Every minute will count from now until the closing o f the second period ' o f the Eastern Clackamas News' big 1 circulation drive, which closes I .Saturday, February 18. A fter that date the credits for a | subscription drop one-fourth from their present value, and they will not be increased. Subscriptions on and after the 19th o f February will not count near as much as they noW count >n the contest, and if youifexi pect to win one o f the cars or other Mrs. Rhodes 111 Mrs. W. W. Rhodes has been quite big prizes, you must use the time ill for several days but is improving j before the closing o f the first period. The possible number o f subscrip­ at this time. She had an attack of tions to the News that can be secured pleurisy. is not near reached yet. Even here in Estacada there must be several Miss Hassell M ar ried Miss 1 lorence M. Hassell was mar­ more families to sell. On the routes ried at the M. E. parsonage in Hood out of towm there are still more than River, Oregon, Thursday, February one hundred families that have not 2, to Budd Andrus o f Mt. Hood, Ore. been sold. There is plenty o f oppor­ Mrs. Andrus is the daughter of Mr. tunities to get subscriptions— and big ' and Mrs. A. S. Hassell o f this place votes— if you continue to go after She graduated from Estacada high them. This is the time to win, not after school in 1926, after which she at­ tended the state normal at Monmouth the vote schedule is reduced. You fo r some time. She is now teachinf can’t afford to waste one minute now. Some one is going to win a near Mt. Hood, Oregon. Her many friends in this locality fine new automobile as a result of will be pleased to extend congratula­ their e,. is during the next ten tions and best wishes for a long and days. This is the critical period in the entire campaign. Your oppor­ happy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Andrus were in Esta­ tunity to drive a new car will be lost cada Sunday visiting at the home of if you fail to produce during this her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. remaining short time of the first period big vote schedule. Hassell. Interest in the contest is becoming more pronounced. Not a community E r ect Rest au ran t Sign Another restaurant sign was erect­ in this whole part o f the county or ed in front o f the Home restaurant in and near the county capital but has heard of and knows about the this week. campaign. People come into the o f­ fice every day or two and voluntarily subscribe for the paper because they want it and have not been solicited. The interest being taken in the contest by people who never before heard o f the Eastern Clackamas News makes it easier for you to sell than The development project across the at the beginning of the campaign. The News now goes into every track and west o f town is being car­ ried forward with a vim, the people community in Clackamas county, of the city realized Tuesday o f thi: i The circulation is increasing, and as week. Rocks from the blasting op­ I it increases the larger the possibility erations hit in different sections of j <>f getting more subscriptions. The the city and two, one weighing more | people like, and want, a live news- than a pound came into the News : paper which publishes the kind of office breaking the glass and landing j news they arc interested most in news o f themselves, against the wall on the back side of reading— the their friends and neighbors. It does the building. No damage was reported other that not take much of a sales talk to sell the breaking o f the glass in the them their own home paper, but il front o f the News office, although takes the personal contact, and now it is thought likely that one or two is the time to win an automobile bj roofs in town have suffered from keeping on the job until the end of | the first period. the falling stones. About twenty-five men arc being Just remember this— you will nev­ employed now in building a road and er have another opportunity like you remodeling the old dance pavilion in have now to win a new car for a few the park. short weeks o f your time. Friends of John O’ Brian are sorry to hear of his continued illness. On account of infection, a part o f hi; foot was amputated several days ago but as the infection continued to spread another operation was neces sary and his leg was taken o ff just below the knee. Mrs. O'Brian, who is also confined in a Portland hospital, is reported to be improving. PEOPLE REALIZE THAT COMPANY MEANS BUSINESS /- 11' HONOR ROLL * C a n d id a tes oi} th e H on oi R oll fo r th is w e e k are as fo llo w s: F rid ay , F eb ru ary 3 .................... Mrs. H elen D a h ren s S atu rd a y, F eb . 4 H arry I B arre; M rs. J . M oss M onday,* F eb ru ary 6 M iss P a m a lie K en n y T u esd a y , F eb ru ary 7 .................. Mrs. H ild a M. B row n W ed ., F eb . 8 Mrs. B a rth o lo m ew ; M rs. H. M. B row n M iss P a m a lie K en n y T h u rsd ay, F eb ru ary 9 j 'd A P P R O X IM A T E S T A N D IN G O F C A N D ID A T E S M rs. J a co b M o s s ........................... 7 8 5 ,0 0 0 .................................7 9 5 ,0 0 0 M rs. H ild a M. B row n M rs. H elen D a h r e n s .................. 790,000 .7 8 0 ,0 0 0 M rs. B a rth o lo m ew ..................... 7 9 2 ,0 0 0 M iss Irene K aak e ....... 6 8 0 ,0 0 0 M iss F lo ren ce K ing 7 8 4 ,0 0 0 M iss P a m a lie K en n y ............... 6 7 0 ,0 0 0 M rs. R. B. G ib son 7 9 0 ,0 0 0 H arry La B a r r e .................... 675,000 M rs. W ile y B. H o w ell .5 6 0 ,0 0 0 C ecil W rig h t ... 5 1 8 ,0 0 0 G eorg e W ill in g ........................ 132,000 M rs. B ettie I. W ea th erb y ............... 5 6 0 ,0 0 0 M iss Irene D a v is ..................5 6 0 ,0 0 0 Earl C losn er _________ _______