PAGE FOUR EASTERN WANT ADS CLACKAMAS NEWS, FRIDAY, FERRUARY 3, 1928 rejoicing over the birth o f a ten- ’now glad to hear that he is doing pound daughter Friday. They have fine. Miss Ethel Ficken, who is now named he” Mary Rose. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. working in Portland made a short visit to her home here Saturday EAGLE CREEK, Eeb. 2.— (Spe­ M. Park on Sunday were their son PLEASE bring home my blocks and cial).— Mr. and .Mrs. Everett Wart- John and family and their daughter night. She is planning to come home to stay in a few days. tackle. George Pointer. man und daughter Nancy Ann from Mrs. Brian Moore and family. Jackie Mattox called on Mynard Mrs. Wiley Howell visited Mr. and Portland, visited Friday afternoon at Brown Saturday. FOR SALE— Two aged horses. Ar- the home of his uncle, Grant Test. Mrs. Moger on Sunday afternoon. .Miss Bernice Miller was in Esta­ Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Joe Gut- flO They were accompanied by Mrs. thur Smith, Estacada. cada taking her music lesson. tridge and three children were call­ Mary Barker of Palo Alto, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller visited N O O V SAWING. Also second hand who is u sister of Mrs. Test, and is ing at the Hansen home Friday a f­ with J. E. McCombs and also Ed. brick for sale. Call 62-2. A. H. visiting at the home o f her sister in ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hull have Fickens Sunday. j6 12t* Perry. Portland. Mrs. Arthur Mattoon left Saturday been doing some repair work on their Brenton Vedder called at the for Springfield, ,to be at the bedside house they own in Estacada. FOR SALE— House and two lots, on school on Thursday of last week. The Carl Ward family visited re! of her daughter-in-law who is re­ Broadway. Inquire of W. K. Linn Sant Eelker was home from O. S. ported quite low. atives in Oregon City Sunday. j 20tf C. over the week end. at Linn’s Inn. Arthur Mattoon is still here with Mr. and Mrs. Bard visited Sumla\ Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Spildie visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William HDR SALE— CHEAP— Police pup- /V V * Sunday at Silverton with Mrs. Spil- evening with the Harold Horner fam­ Mattoon. , p,.s pedigreed,, fine stock. Roy Mra Thonip. ily. Mrs. Swaggart and Mrs. H. Browq Still, Eagle Creek. »17 Mrs. Ray Erickson o f Camp 10 ] has been in Portland for a few days called on Mrs. Hubbard Monday. The Christian Endeavor here has LARGE BRONZE TURKEY gobbler Mrs. J. McComb is now going tc 1 recently having her son Billy treat­ started rehearsals for a play, “ Thi 4 . years old, for sale. Miss P. Oregon City three times a week tak­ ed by a physician. Konny, Route 4, Boring. f3 tf Dutch Detective,” which they plan Viola and Luella Wheeler were ing treatments. to give in the near future. The cast Mrs. H. M. Brown is in the contest dinner guests o f Valine Julian or FOR RENT— Bedroom with bath, includes the following: Opal and Zolr. )f this paper from this community Monday evening. $10 per month. Inquire at News Clester, Sylvia Spildie, Beulah Bar­ Mrs. Hobson visited Sunday af­ s b?en on the Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Howell visit­ Estacada. f3 sick list, but his many friends ¡¡ye end with his mother in Portland. ed Wednesday afternoon with Mr. ----------- --------------------- 1_____________ ci;” ,— ■----- ■ — ------ --------------------------- HIGH RECORD S. C. White Leg­ and Mrs. John (Park. horn chicks and hatching eggs; Mrs. Robert Guttridgc visited Mrs. no«e better than ours. Order early. Henry Cromer Tuesday afternoon. Powell's Poultry Farm. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brickner are 43-7 Estacada. flO EAGLE CREEK CURRINSVILLE STORE PRICES Egg mash, by the sack Kellogg's Corn Flakes3 for 25c «2.75; *2.90 and *3.00 Kellogg’s Pep, 2 fo r 25c Oregon Dairy feed, 80 lb. Kellogg’s All Bran .. 2Qc sack ................................ *1.65 Kellogg's New O a t a ............ 35c Association Dairy feed . *2.35 Kellogg’s Bran Flakes with other parts o f wheat; Middlings, by the sack ........ *2.5f • 2 for .................................. 25c Ground Wheat, tack *2.50 Wheat that is Recleaned; by Lipton’s Coffee, lb.................50c the sack; per lb................. 2 H'c I. G. A. C offee; try this one Oats, .recleaned, by the sack, — it’s fine; lb.................... 49c per lb.................................. 2 44 c CASH SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY will be displayed on stands on the floor. Look for them . DR. F. A. PERKINS Optometrist Have Your Eyes Examined Office Phone 331 Residence 28-15 O ffice in Medford Bldg., Estacada, Oregon School & Hom e Frocks The simple school frock or house Jress is made very attractive with a pretty Patent Leather or Kid Belt. We have a nice assortment at 25c and 50c each MEN’S BELTS AT 50c and 75c Each Remember our Remnant Counter— Each piece 50 c J. K. E L Y DRY GOODS AND SHOES Portland's Electric Shopping Center PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER CO.'S HOME THE ELECTRIC BUILDING AT B R O AD W AY AND ALDER STREETS Electric W iring FOR SALE— Team o f mules, about * O. D. EBY 1150 lbs. each, good gentle team; Attorney at Law —or span o f young horses about * General Practice Confidential 1150 lbs. Will take some trade. * Adviser H. S’. Gibson, R. 1, Eagle Creek, * Oregon City, Oregon Phone 16-4. f 17 Y ÏÏÎT SALE— All kinds o f lumber, *10 per thousand at the mill or *13 delivered at Estacada. Di­ rect all communications to F. N. Cadonau, Estacada, Box 30; or Phone 694. f24 C. D., D. C., E. C. LATOURETTE Attorney« Practice in All Courts First National Bank Bldg. Oregon City Oregon Are you going to wire your house or do some rewir­ ing? If so, come in and let us figure on your requirements. We carry a complete line o f all wiring requirements. A full ine o f any sized bulbs you may want, frosted or plain. We also carry the famous Hot Point elec- trie sadirons, and Hot Point curling irons. * * » * • I • * * * * ^ Buy Your Hardware at the Hardware Store | S. & S. HARDWARE | “The Winchester B R O A D W A Y GARAGE RICHFIELD Mora Power for the same price Tabe Tire Patching PLUMBING — TIN WORK STORAGE Truck Lino Terminal EYES 1 treat ingly. optical pleases and satisfies. eye apecialist. Masonic g«n City. Physician and Surgaon O ffice Hours 9 to 5 and Evenings ESTACADA OREGON ' * Are Precious them accord­ A complete service that Dr. Freese building,, Or- L. A. CHAPMAN MORTICIAN Calls attended day or night Mortuary 1. O. O. F. Bldg. Phone 50-51 Estacada. CHIROPRACTOR o f Oregon City Monday and Friday Evenings after 6 o ’clock Office at Linn’« Inn . • Reel Estate Loans, Insurance Rentals FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY Tel. 77-3 Estacada, Ore. Dr. H. M. Kramer Dr. W . W . Rhodes A OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon U Shwtphv Or tr . • * DENTIST O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment , . * U ff for ,P k op a S t o r t i- ‘ • ; * t Within one to three blocks of nearly all the principal Street cars right to the door jfrorp every part of the city, for single fare and transfer, Principal railway ticket offices, and interurban rail­ Cascade ¿/Motor Co. ways and stage terminals easily accessible, PORTLAND Electric Power Co. J. CLOSNER, Proprietor Estacada > •• Electric Shopping Center. theatres. means more than the appearance o f a gas tank on the corner. SERVICE at the Cascade Motor Company means quick, efficient, accurate workmanship, done by ex­ perienced men who have had years of training in their particular kind o f work. If you car needs overhauling, bring it to us and be assured that everything will be in order when the car leaves our shop. That is our idea of service. S. E. Wooster Dr. M. M. Martindale The Electric Store on the first floor is Portland’s stores, shops, hotels, banks, restaurants and Service Walter W . Gilbert, M. D. Is jp the very heart o f the business district. Oregon Electric Building, Portland, Ore. /