nt (îlarkamaB Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1928 VOLUME XXII PIONEERS OF SANDY HOED ANNUAL MEETING OLD SETTLERS CLACKAMAS OF 15 0 OF TO EASTERN NUMBER GATHER El DANGER SAYS INSKEEP REM O DELING TH E PA VILIO N IN E S T A C A D A P A R K Quite a force o f carpenters have been working on the old park pavil­ ion this week, putting a porch around one side and placing windows and \ doors along the sides instead o f the MARKETING P L A N S U G G E S T E D shutters. O f course it is a dead se­ B Y C O U N T Y A G E N T IN T A L K cret as to the object o f the building being remodeled. TO COM M UNITY CLUB C H A R L E S E. O G L E S B Y D E A D EAGLE CREEK MAN OUT FOR C O U N T Y SH E R IF F ________ WEEKS LEFT OF RIG VOTE SCHEDULE Carl Long o f Eagle Creek has an­ nounced that he is a candidate for the republican nomination for sheriff of Clackamas county. Mr. Long has served as deputy sheriff in the county ¡ C A N D I D A T E S R U N N I N G C L O S E having served under former Sheriff! R A C E F O R H E A D O F LIST Wilson. IN N E W S C A M P A I G N Entertain » L ad ies’ A id NUMBER 18 G O V E R N M E N T TO SPEND $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 IN B U I L D I N G R O A D The federal government will spend $30,000 in building a road into the forest reserve from the end of the trail beyond Garfield to connect with the road leading to Clackamas lake -n the extr);me east er n part o f the ! county, according to R. T. Carter who was in Estacada Saturday. Mr. Carter stated that a number of men would be employed on this pro- Over two full weeks are left yet ject this year- and that thu foreBt The Currinsville Ladies' Aid met o t e s in in the News E v e r v h n d v wu* beinR “ trailed’’ in order to better for r hip- big v votes the News Everybody with Mrs. Charles Kitching Wednes­ Wins circulation^ boster campaign, protect the timber from fires. Me day afternoon. with practically all candidates near is assistant to the District Forester even, and a big opportunity for a in Portland and is in charge o f pro­ Mr. P e n n e r 111 few’ more wide awake candidates tv tection in this forest reserve district. J. J. Penner was o ff duty in the enter and be in on the winnings. Visit Jacob Moss H om e City Meat Market the first o f last The contest is still young and there week on account o f illness. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thornton of are plenty of fields open if you are willing to spend your spare time for Salem are at the home o f Mr. and G o to O r e g o n City the next six weeks in earning an au­ Mrs. Jacob Moss. Mr. Thornton will Mrs. Jacob Moss and Mrs. Sagner have to report at the navy yard at tomobile, radio set or cash prize. attended the trial of Cecil Wright in , San Diego on February 8, to go on Oregon City Tuesday. l . ;! W8 ^ 0 ii*rlntr y0U rea! duty aboatd the U. S. S. Robert Talks were given by John Revenue, f “ rn1*ihed' J After sin* in« . ,n d Prayer “ >* East or Middle West, opportunity. You have never heard Smith. Mrs. Thornton will remain born in Sandy in 1956; Warren For- ? " hstened ,n on a radl° The growers in this community ar. Ban d D a n c e a Succ ess of such a chance before to win a with her mother for a short time. restor, in 1859; John Sleret, who broadci>st over station B V D which producing approximately 750 tons of The Band dance at the Estacada fine car for only a little o f your time. came in 1865; Charley Bailey, 1866; was hlghly entertaining. Games fol-1 prunes each year, which were m»r- The man or woman who applies him hotel Saturday evening was a great Mike Donahue, 1867; John Roberts, > J ? "611 a" d *'ght j'efreshments served, i keted this past season at 3 to 5 cents success, there being a large crowd | or herself to the business of get- 1868; Mrs. George Lusted, 1869. These parties will be continued at the per pound. j ting subscriptions to the News, the „ p „ church and next month the Ladies I Prunes can be sold, the speaker in attendance. ! home paper for all o f Eastern Clack­ E. F. Bruns, 1875; Paul M «inig„ A id will furnish the entertainment. believed, for 15c or possibly more, amas county, can’t loss. We are 1876; A. C. Thomas, 18.78; John R. ________________ O 'B ria n in P ort lan d Hospital in the Middle West, which price would Roberts, 1886, who was the first Undergoe, Operation John O’ Brian, proprietor o f the giving these prizes for your spare pay for packing, shipping costs and white child born at Dover; Caspar barber shop next door to the La Barre time, and we want more of you to Dr. Wallens, who recently moved allow a fair profit to the grower. Junker, 1888; F. W. Canning, 1888; Estacada Encampment No. 91, on store on Broadway, is in a Portland try for them. Mr. Inskeep also called attention from Estacada to Portland, was op­ Joel Jarl, 1889; Anton Malar, who To those candidates who have al Tuesday evening, installed the l'ollow- hospital suffering from an infected erated upon Tuesday in a Portland to the fact that clover could not be came to Firwood in 1891. toe. Part o f his foot was amputated ready entered, you are reminded that ing officers for the coming year: A. hospital for hernia, a trouble o f long grown here now as profitable as it votes is all you need to win, and now i G. Ames, chief patrioch; Earl Day, Tuesday afternoon. Adolph A schoff played piano set lan din g was possible a few years ago, this is the time to get them. The sched- senior warden; George Lawrence, lections well despite his 78 years, and condition, he said, being due to, in ule drops one-fourth after the 18th o f | high priest; J. K. Ely, scribe; Edward also displayed original drawings of P lay Is E n j o y e d a large measure, the tendency to this month. Get the subscriptions Bates, treasurer; Lloyd Ewalt, inside local interest, also photographs of The play put on in the Eagle Creek keep less stock, and produce less fer­ pledged to be turned in before the sentinel; John Bassett, outside senti- early days. Mrs. Anton Malar read grange hall last Friday evening by tilizer for building up the soil. end o f the first period while they nel; 11. Schonburg, guide; C. Hicin- an original verse, “ Are You a Pi­ the Logan grange was very good and The attention o f the club wa. count the most. The schedule will hotham, first watch; Dan Matson, oneer?’’ was greatly enjoyed by those present. called to the next meeting o f the j not be changed from that announcer , second watch; William Gilgan, third Mr. Revenue, born In Sandy 72 Union o f clubs meeting to be held at the beginning o f the contest. watch. years, ago, presided. Revenue said v i s i t s Parents at Abernathy and an effort is being Remember the Honor Roll systenf ; F. La Croy, district deputy his father settled here to be near a Waldo DeMoy o f Portland visited j made to get a large number from " rioch, was the installing of- ‘ market, Portland then had 2500 aj. home o f his parents, Mr. and | this community to attend. It was V er dic t f o r D e fe n d a n t in Claim f o r that will be in force until the i„>!>e o f the second period. The owing the installation cer- D am ag es o f $ 2 6 ,5 8 0 f o r Loss people. He pictured covered wagons y rg A DeMoy last Sunday. : decided to secure one o f the large coming over the hill— sometimes 50 votes gained by getting on the h o...; ....... .. , .«• joined in a social time and busses for the trip, and 13 tickets o f His R ig ht Leg to 100 in a single train, oxen worn Miss Ro se Back roll may mean that you will win 1 refreshments were served, were sold at 50 cents each. There first instead o f second prize. ' - ■ ■ ■ out, feed high, money scarce, but Miss Pauline Rose, who has been j will be space for 20 passengers, strong hearted men and men were absent from the store for some time Have your friends clip the coupons Arm Broken George Perry and daughter Helen The program for the evening, in seeking homes— and as a result ol on account of illness, was able to addition to the address o f the county of Estacada received a verdict in and bring or mail them into the o f-! An X-ray picture showed that W. such hardships, we o f today are liv­ resume her duties again this week. agent included community singing; their favor in Oregon City this week fice. they count just th< same as i f . Kake’s arm was broken and now ing in ease and comfort. j his arm is in a cast. He injured it an instrumental duet and a reading in the trial o f the damage suit of earned credits. Mr. Revenue told how a panther W e d in V a n c o u v e r You will find the standing of the , u coifple 0f weeks ago while crank- by Mrs. W. F. Cary. There were Cecil Wright for $26,580. killed all their sheep one night; how Cecil was injured last April when candidates and the honor roll on this j jn(. ¡, cul.# Frank G. McGraw, 18, o f Eagle forty members present. 18,000 sheep crossed the Sandy be­ Creek,'and Miss Alice M. Hicinboth- | ------------------------- a car dirven by Miss Perry struck page. fore a bridge was built, the herders am, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. his motorcycle at the corner by the Do not let this opportunity t > wi. LOCAL AND PERSONAL forcing them into the water and then Hicinbotham of Estacada, were grant­ grade school building. As a result a fine new car get away from you walking across on their backs. And ed a license to wed at Vancouver, o f the injury Cecil lost his right leg becau.se you fail to get votes while and now has an artificial limb. Mrs. T. A hi berg gave a party for they count the most. many other events wgre told which Washington, this week. Both Wright and Miss Perry were . her little son Arnold last Saturday would read well in Oregon history. ________________ _ attending Estacada high school at the LOCAL AND PERSONAL afternoon. He was two years old and 'Mike Popahue and Charley Bailey Leave, for V a n c o u v e r time o f the accident. _______ to celebrate the birthday anniversary aald they used to drive oxen to the i Ml. and Mrs Don F. A ilen ief t six little folks were invited. A birth- Sandy dances; Caspar Junker worked! for Seattle and Vancouver, B. C., and Instr uct ions G iv en in F ire Building, for $10 per month the first two years 0ther points on last Monday. They C ooking , T ra ck in g , S cout Pace LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. R. G. Woody, who recently day cake with all the trimmings wa moved to Portland from her farm in a feature o f the party, he was here, and said “ I saved more wdj absent for a week or two and and O t h e r Sco ut W o r k the Springwater district, purchased a | Friends in Estacada have been in- then than young men o f today.” while at g eattie wjil be guests of A fter a illness extending over two Buick car from the Cascade M otor! formed o f the birth o f a daughter a Joel Jarl threw snew balls through Mr and Mrs. g. D. Dunlop. The Boy Scout troop of Estacada or three weeks, Mrs. B. O. Culver is company Wednesday. She is prepar- f ew days ago to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley the cracks o f the Kelso log school ________________ enjoyed a very pleasant and success­ again able to be about the house. ing to drive to California soon am Fickin, who reside at Boulder, Colo, house, "on ce” too often, and struck Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paulsen of ful hike last Saturday to Camp Sam­ will be accompanied by her motherx The Ficken family formerly resided his teacher in the eye. Bailey die CAHI C fJOFTK RRAFJRF uel Brown Millard on Eagle Creek. Portland with their daughters Geor Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sparks vis ¡n this community, his courting with a sack o f candy LHULL UllLLB UIIHIIUL The boys made an all-day hike, leav- gia and Elizabeth, were week end ited relatives in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary drove to hearts— won out and got his“ girl. I ing town in the morning and return visitors at the home o f Mrs. Paulsen’s Glen Ely and Morris Bullard cam« Salem nnd Silvcrton last Tuesday on Paul Menig told a “ prune” story. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harken- I ing in the late afternoon. home from Corvallis last Friday eve- j a business mission, The day was rich in memory and They took along their lunch which rider. ning to visit relatives, returning on The man and his wife who have it would take pages to even hit the Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith drove to | they cooked over the camp fire. Near- been holding church services in the “ high spots” o f interesting data re- EAGLE CREEK, Feb. 2. (S p e-jiy a|] the boys passed scout tests Stayton, Oregon, last Saturday, ac Sunday afternoon. Miss Olive Humphrey left on Mon Community church building on Main viewed by the speakers, which cov gial).— The grange held its regular j while on the trip, companied by their daughter, Mrs day morning for her home in Seattle street for -the past few days, left ered so many years. j session at the hall Saturday, there Some o f the tests were fire biuld- Neva Day and baby, who had been after spending a few weeks here with Tuesday for Milwaukic. Many others were present who being 32 patrons present. Installa- ! ¡„g, cooking, tracking and scout pace, visiting here for several days. Mr. her mother,, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen. Dr. nnd Mis. J. L. Hewitt of Port- were here in an early day, but the tion o f officers was held. F. W. Bale? j Tbt> hoys a;so selected a site for their and Mrs. Smith returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beers went to land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. limp was too short to hear from all. with the assistancp o f Sistprs Moggie permanent camp where they will later Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox made a Gresham last Sunday to visit Mr. E. Wooster Sunday. fp p npxt mepting ydll be ip July. i Bates and MpHie Rate? acting as in -; build a cabin. They were caught in trip to Eastern Oregon last week, Beer's mother, who is recuperating Mr. and Mr:. Earl Gunter and Mr. _____ -— 1 stalling officer*. The new officers a shower on their return, but their being absent for several days. from a serious operation. and Mrs. Harold Wooster and son Near Serious A ccident are! ' spirits remained high in spite of the Mrs. Margaret Schock did not move Mrs. W. E. Linn entertained th Harry of (.'amp 8 spent the week end last week from the home place re­ While on a trip to Antelope last Master, H. M. Duus; overseer, Mrs. dampness. bridge club F'riday afternoon with a in the Garfield district on Harold’s Eighteen boys made the trip— cently sold to the eastern syndicate, week Frank Forman had quite an ex- ( Lottie DeShields; lecturer, Dora luncheon, followed by bridge. ranch. perience during a silver thaw on th ejciester, proxy for Mrs. Hicinbotham; David Eshleman, Fred Buell, Victor but is repairing and building on to road south o f Morrow. Just before i steward, Mrs. Rose Westerman; as- Gauley, Willie Topp, Walter Smith, another house which they own in that — — ------------------------- reaching the overhead railroad cross- sistant steward, Walter Douglass, Ivan Saunders, Harold Perry, Claude vicinity, which she and her daughter ing the macadam road was a sheet of proxy for Millard Trullinger; chap- Lankins, Claude Cook, Lloyd Bishop, j Elta will occupy as soon as completed. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and ice. His car skidded into the tressel lain, Mis. Rose Lovell; treasurer, ; William Leeman, Paul Syron, Charles ruining the back right fender tearing Mrs. Linnie V. Gibson; secretary, DuBois, and Edwin DuBois. They i daughters Lavena and Jean visited Candidates on the Honor Roll for this week are o f f the rumble seat. The large tires Mrs. Roxanna Clester; gate keeper were accompanied by A. H. Drews j at the home o f Mrs. Grabeel’s par­ as follows: protected the body o f the car and Fred Hoffmeister; Ceres, Ruby H off- scoutmaster,, and R. O. Baker, assist- ents at Gladstone last Sunday. no further damage was done. meister; Pamona, Katherine McCon- ant scoutmaster. Monday, January 30 ___ Mrs. Jacob Moss ------------------------- nell; Flora, Lavina Crawford, proxy The boys have a very enterprising ] Plan to Fix Rest R oom Tuesday, January 31 Mrs. Hilda M. Brown R E G U L A R CH U R C H SER V IC E S for Ruth Hale; lady assistant stew- organization in their boy scout troop. i There will be a meeting of all the Wednesday, February 1 Miss Irene Kaake , ard, Mrs. Elva Kitching. | They now have 22 registered mem- ¡girls in the English room Tuesday to ?he regular announcements of the , . j t was voted to change the date of ! bpr? gpd a number o f candidates. The ! make plans for fixing up the girls’ Thursday, February 2 ........ Earl M. Closner ehUichfS 8rP crowded out this week meetjng f rom the fourth to the third i boys are now selling tickets for the rest room. due to two reason», but the regular Saturday 0f each month. The next hoys’ vocational exposition to be held APPROXIMATE STANDING OF CANDIDATES services will be held at all the meeting will be February 18. A in the municipal auditorium in Port- T o Play Sandy churches Sunday. If the ministers ionK feltjw ant of the grange is to land February 9, 10 and 11. George Willing ........................490,000 A double header gaTne will be | will make their announcements as be realized. The shingles have been This exposition is sponsored by the played with Sandy high school on i Harry La Barre ................. .......................630,000 brief as possible there will not be pUrchaged for a new roof on the hall. Boy Scouts o f America and Rotary the home floor this Friday. Mrs. R. B. Gibson ....... 670,000 the chance o f them having to be left The home economics committee club, who are the boy scouts’ big Mrs. Wiley B. Howell .........................676,000 out o f the paper. worked hard to finish the new table brothers. There will be displays, ex­ Pupils Having Higest Grad es Mrs. Bettie I. Weatherby ..................... 132,000 scarfs in time for this meeting, but hibits and demonstrations o f all the The pupils having the highest av­ Visits M oth er and Sister Cecil Wright ....................... 430,000 were fully repaid for their labor by scout work, as well as all the boys’ erages in the the second and third j Mrs. Mayme Boyle of Portland the appreciation o f the members. vocational work in Portland including grade rooms arc Ruth Barr,, Jean Mrs. Jacob Moss 696,000 visited her sister, Mrs. W. F. Cary, the Y. M. C. A., Benson Polytechni- Grabeel, Jack Duus, Henry Brown, Mrs. Hilda M. Brown 640,000 and Mrs. N. B. Ecker, her mother, False Alarm cal school and many others. Theodore Ahlberg and Jean Lemon. I Miss Irene Davis 660,000 over the week end. Sunday morning the fire bell was It will be worth the price of ad- Fourth grade pupils receiving 100 Mrs. Helen Dahrens ............. 6,80,000 ------------------------- rung vigorously but it was soon ; mission to anyone, the scoutmaster ! per cent in the county tests in spell- Earl Closner 560,000 Meets Parents in P ort lan d learned that the blaze or cause o f the says, and asks that you help the boys I ing_were David Petrasso, Jack Baker, Miss Vivian Gorham went to Port- smoke coming from the Brown resi- by helping yourself, Mrs. F. W. Bartholomew 660,000 and Barbara Felker. land Saturday tq meet and visit with dence on Currin street, was locate«' The scout troop of Estacada plan .....................690,000 Miss Irene Kaake her parents until Sunday evening, and there was no cause for alarm, to attend the exposition in a body Due to lack o f space and time it 1 Miss Florence King............. ... ..... 132,000 They reside at Miasoula, Montana, It seems that the chimney had fallen on February 11 if the business mer becomes necessary to leave out the , Miss Pamaliei Kenny . .......... ............ ......... 680,000 and were en route to California to down whieh caused the smoke to go o f Estacada will furnish transporta- school news this weefc, we are very sony to my. spend the balance o f the winter. I back into the house. i tion. By Mrs. J. M. C. Miller Sunday was another red letter day for the Sandy Pioneer and Early Set­ tler’s Society. The warm handshake, , , , , , the reminiscences told of days cov- , o c ., . ering the years since 1853, events tragic, humorous, pathetic, but all of which were history, combined to make the day one to be remembered by the 150 present. A moment’s silence was held for two, D. VV. Douglass and Mrs. Julia Brenham, who passed away since the July meeting. That there was danger o f the com­ munity losing one o f its greatest in­ dustries, the growing o f prunes, was the keynote o f the speech delivered before the Eastern Clackamas Com­ munity club F'riday night by County Agent J. J. Inskeep. The marketing I problem, he said, was so serious that lx,,r' lve **•" rogram The party at the M. E. church on j the industry was threatened unless ^ ednesday - evening - of this week was . j gome practical means could be devel- a most enjoyable social affair. There \ oped, and suggested that a local at- were over sixty-five present and all I tempt be made to build up a market were much pleased with the program i for the product in some section of Charles Ellis Oglesby o f Molalla passed away on January 31, 1928. Mr. Oglesby was born near Estacada ,, , , , and many o f the old settlers here . . . will remember him. ;|AMES INSTALLED AS CHIEF OF ESTACAOA ENCAMPMENT CECIL WRIGHT LOSES SUI1 FOR OAMAGJES j BOV SCOUTS ENJOY HIKE TO EAGLE CREEK CAMP INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS J HONOR ROLL