Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 27, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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N EW S, F R ID A Y , J A N U A R Y 27, 1928
Worthwhile Editorials
“ Farming methods are changing from the mule and
Am erican Telephones Do the
Pneum onia P reven tab le
small plow to tractors and modern equipment, as diversi­
“ Im p ossib le"
This is the pneumonia season. The I
G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher
1927 was one o f the
pneumonia toll fo r 11)27 was 60G.
Carolina, says a Raleigh, North Carolina, news item.
most notable in history. No longc:
A. T. Holman, agricultural engineer at state college,
Published Weekly on Fridays at Estaeada, Oregon
alent and fatal o f all acute diseases. is telephone communication limited
states that the tractor that is adapted to planting, cul­ As a cause o f death it exceeds tu­ by our country’s boundaries.
Entered in the postoffice o f Estaeada, Oregon, as second class matter
tivating and harvesting as well as plowing, disking and berculosis. Pneumonia is a commun­ During the year, transatlantic ser­
: belt work is finding a warm reception among farmers.
icable disease and is to a certain ex- vice was established and found prac­
It would seem that the influence of the tractor on ! tent preventable, in this state it tical, paving the way fo r greater
speed and efficiency
will be CndleSS.
Significantly, diversified I >* • reportable disease and all cases tional bussiness and foreign rela­
Clackamas County, one
estate o f Oregon, one year, $2; Outside the state o f Oregon, one ; farming and Cl'Op rotation increased along with the in- shouM bc pla' * d ln restrictive quat­ tions.
In addition, the telephone
re1"'. $2.50. Subscriptions are payable in advance.
crease in the use of the tractor. Modern farming demands provided and the patient EÜÜÙ
should bt lines o f America were linked with
efficiency and speed that old equipment was unable to isolated- from the other members of those o f Mexico, and Canadian ser­
the family. I f these restrictions are vice was much improved and in­
Television became an ac-
not followed the health o ffic e r may creased.
----------- oOo-----------
place an absolute quarantine on the tu a litjv and on April 7, a group of
“ Lower taxes” is the universal cry nowadays, and
Ninety-eight per cent of the ex-service men of this
people saw the face
candidates for office usually come out on a platform of and surrounding communities, it is estimated, was present premises. These conditions providt Hoover, 250 miles away, as he talked
that i f the fam ily allow visitors in
economy and a plan to reduce taxes. But it does not Friday night when the local post of the American Legion the sick room or if the fam ily be over the telephone to W alter G ifford ,
as a rule mean anything.
entertained the state officers ano members of other posts so careless as to permit contagioi president o f the AAmerican T e le ­
Sure, everybody wants their taxes lowered, and do of the district. Due to the bad weather in Portland and to be spread, the case shall be phone and Telegraph company. Thus
overcomes seeming impossi
everything within their power to have their assessments other places the outside attendance was not as large as promptly quarantined. However, P science
bilitv.— The Manufacturer.
decreased and try to show cause why they should pay so was expected, but the officers of the local post are more your case o f pneumonia is isolated,
and is kept isolated, you will not be
much less than their neighbor. We all want our own than pleased with the response of the local exservice men. quarantined.
A ll Can Help
expense cut but we want to see the other fellow’s in­
This post of the Legion has established a mark that
The progress o f a community does
This rule was not written as a joke
creased instead of reduced.
will be hard to equal by other posts in the state, and one or without forethought, fo r pneumo­ not depend merely on the enterprise
Everybody wants lower taxes and everybody is put­ in which every ex-service man in the community should nia is a contagious disease. It if and activity o f its leading business
ting up a plea for more of the things received from the take a great deal of pride.
not so much as smallpox or diphther­ men and organizations.
Every clerk who works in a store,
ia but still contagious to a degree.
money paid as taxes. We say that the expenditures should
----------- oOo-----------
It is just another one o f those germ every mechanic in his factory, every
be cut, but few can agree on where to start chopping. Of
Among the many inquiries being made by the Fed­
caused by the "pneuntococ farm er in his field, every housewife
course we can’t Start on the schools. And everybody eral Trade commission is an investigation of tfade prac­ diseases
cus” in true pneumonia and by ant' in her home, each one has some e f­
wants good roads, more good roads all the time. We tices of mop manufacturers, who have been called upon by one o f a number o f organisms fect on the future o f that commun­
wouldn't think of cutting out the agricultural agent, or to explain how they conduct their business. Won’t it be in other types o f the disease.
I f the salesman is actively pushing
the law enforcement officers, or our fire departments. grand when we can be assured that there is no mop trust?
In common with
throat, fo r new patronage and to please old
In fact there is no place any considerable cut can be made
bronchial and lung infections, pneu- customers, he help the city’s retail
----------- oOo-----------
for the simple reason that the public will not stand for it.
Dr. William McAndrews has recently been delivering monia is characterized by coughing bug,negs t0 grow I f the mechanic is
The people who spend the public funds try to please an interesting lecture entitled “ Life Among the Bone- and this coughing, defined as sqdden efficient, he assists his employer to
the people they have been chosen to serve. If the com heads.” The learned doctor was recently ousted from the forced expiratory noise, expels by sell more goods. I f the farm er is
reason o f its force not only solid or diHgent an(] scicntific, he adds to
mumties would agree to deny themselves and allow tax superintendency of Chicago’s schools at the instigation liquid m atter that may be in the
the resources o f the neighborhood.
reduction, it would come. But there is more of a possi­
Mayor “ Big Bill” Thompson, therefore should be well throat or lungs, but a fine spray as I f the housewife improves the home
That fine spray, i f from r place, she promotes the city’s reputa­
bility of taxes being higher than there is that they will be ualified to discuss his subject.
diseased throat, is poisonous, and to
lower, because we all are demanding the things that can
tion for culture and finish. W e all
----------- oOo-----------
breathe it into your healthy throat
to do our share to secure the
be made possible only through high taxes.
The opinion of the editor of the News will be ex­ is about as safe a procedure as ja y - ; have
nt o f our c o m m u n ity -
----------- oOo-----------
pressed each week on this page. I f you fail to agree with walking blindfolded across Broad St. Helens Mist.
us on any subject, we will gladly accept your apology. You may get across without being
pushed over, o f course. The law oi
O H ! W H A T A L IF E !
Winlock, up in Lewis county, Washington, is now We invite our readers to express their opinions at all times averages takes care o f that, and the
considered one of the leading egg producing centers in
law o f averages, qualified by the
state o f your health and resistant
One o f the candidates in the big
the Northwest, and is said to be ne&r equal to that of be published if you request that it not be.
----------- oOo-----------
force, has a great deal to do with circulation campaign o f the News,
Petaluma, California. In that community you will find
Do not lay this paper aside until you have read the you if you breathe this deadly spray. expresses himself in this way:—
few people who are considered “ well to do” but you will
And you will save time and money if you make Keep away from it just as you would “ D on’ t You Just Lo ve—
find few who are not making money <*it of the poultry
keep away from other communicable
The man who lets his subscription
Most of those people engaged in the business out your shopping list from them. Patronize those who diseases.
to the home town paper exoire and
are Fins who started on a small scale and as they learned are interested enough in getting your business to make
Sleep right, eat light, and live after them continuing to send it for
a bid for it.
right, and get some jo y out o f life, a year or two, and when they finally
ihe business they gradually increased their flocks.
You may miss a good time now and ' stop sending it, calls the editor and
----------- oOo-----------
Eastern Clackamas county is just as well suited to
then but you can’t have everything the whole office all kinds o f sweet,
the industry as is the country surrounding Winlock. The
Build a good resistance to disease unpleasant names?
climate is just as favorable, the soil and drainage is ideal Oregon City of late is that Mr. Whoosit will not be a Take care o f yourself. Keep awa;
Or the man who refuses to sub-
and green feeds for winter can be produced here just as
from the “ sneezers” and “ coughers'' scribe at all to his home paper, but
easily, possibly more easily, and there is little difference we were so sure that he would be a candidate this year. and you and pneumonia will very . who rushes to his neighbor’s house
likely remain strangers.— Prepared ; the day the paper comes to read the
----------- oOo-----------
in labor and marketing conditions here and in Lewis
New York stock exchange seats sold as high as $310,- by Oregon State Board o f Health. j news?
county, Washington.
Most failures in the poultry business are due to the 000 a piece last year. This is more than a ringside seat
beginner starting on too large a scale, and to the failure will cost at the next Tunney-Dempsey fight.
----------- oOo------------
of the man or woman to apply themselves to the task of
Now it’s an open question which will last longer the
properly caring for their flocks. Chickens require care,
possibly more care than dairy cows, but if they are given New Year’s resolution or the Christmas jewelry.
Free to you
----------- oOo-----------
that care, the returns are large. Don't go into the business
Best Quality Snow White Domestic Dinnerwarc, Colonial Design,
This is apt to be a prosperous year for most of us—
with Exclusive LO VE BIRD Decoration
with the idea that you can turn out the flock and let them
The opportunity to secure a beautiful china set free
rustle for themselves and ail you will have to do is go out providing we work hard enough to make it so.
in exchange for cash trade, according to our profit
----------- oOo--------
once a day and gather the eggs and market them. If you
sharing plan.
There is every indication to believe that 1928 will
try this plan, there will be no eggs to gather.
Every family living on a farm can take care of a be the greatest year in the history of Estaeada.
small flock at little expense and with little care, but if
you go in for production and for real profits, it is a dif­
Twelve Years Ago in Estaeada
ferent story, entirely. There are many bulletins you can
H. A. La B A R R E , P ro p rieto r
T h e Estacada
A meeting: was held Wednesday
get from the department of agriculture which you should
Goods, Ice Cream, Confectionery
J a n u a r y 27, 1916
in Ely s hall in Currinsville and a
have and study before investing very much in poultry, but
Cigars and Tobacco
branch o f the Eastern Clackamas
if you will arrange to start with a small flock and as you
Coupons given on cash sales and on accounts paid in full in 30 days.
The rental on the Estaeada Park Taxpayers’ league was formed. John
Phone 5-11
Estaeada, O regon
learn more of the methods of handling them for profit pavlion, through the e ffo rts o f R M. E,y WKg chogen pre3ident anf) A H
increase gradually, you will make a success of it.
Townsend has been reduced from Krickson aecretary an(1 treasurer.
This spring is a fine time to start and you can buy $10 to $G per night.
day old chicks locally at very reasonable prices. You The annual stockholders' meeting
will not fail if you apply yourself and learn the business o f the Estaeada State Bank was held
Those present were Leroy
from the ground up.
B. Walker, L. A. and F. F. Brandes
----------- oOc--------
o f Portland, Thos. Yocum and Irvin
D. W right o f Estaeada, all o f whom !
Eastern Clackamas News
“ Lovebird” Chinaware
New Low Prices
were well satisfied with the progress
o f the institution during the past
Last week the second report of the Oil Conservation
board, composed of the secretaries of the interior, war,
navy and commerce, was made to President Coolidge, and
The Sandy commercial club and
discussed the problem of meeting the ever-increasing de­ residents o f that district held a meet­
mand for gasoline and other petroleum products.
ing Saturday to ask fo r state aid
The report stated that “ an oil famine is not immi­ in having the proposed Mt. Hood
nent, but prudence must always envisage the possibility road pass through their town. East­
Clackamas wants to see Sandy
of an oil shortage..” Looking forward to the time when ern
get that road and the taxpayers'
natural supplies of crude oil will be depleted, it is stated league should join with them, i f the
that the production of liquid fuel from shales, coal and added support and prestige is needed.
even corn are among the possibilities, whenever the de­ The Clackamas county teachers'
mand is sufficient to warrant the expense of converting institute will be held in the Estaeada
school building Saturday.
i.hese raw materials for such use.
Commendation is given to the oil industry, not only Jack Saunders o f Currinsville is
buying cattle locally fo r a Montana
or its co-operation with the board, but for its constructive concern.
rt'orts toward conservation, both by the adoption of bet-
mov,m#nt u und„ way in Es
icr methods of production-and by improvements in refill-;Ucnda to unit# the differentychnrch.
ifig processes, whereby much more gasoline and othei e8 0f the c^y ¡nto a community or-
useful products are obtained from each barrel of crude ganization.
Oil than formerly.
! The first
meeting o f the
During the last week in June, 1927, a daily produe- >e“fuis »>. held Monday afternoon
ion of 2,587,105 barrels of crude oil in the United States,*lng
c Broken
broke all records. Dailj pioouction at piesent is ap- antj others from the lower end of
proximately 2,400,000 barrels, which is considerably the county,
above current requirements.
Notice is given of the discontin-
This enormous production can hardly be maintained.uanfe of the automobile pa^enge.
indefinitely, however and it if well that government!
K iT " “ “
agencies, as well as the oil industry, aie looking manj
Buyer Lucke shipped no hogs
aeaiM ahead with a view to developing new sources oH front Estncav^t last week, paying as
'A t?
_1 - -
ine supply .
*T t
high a»
is tT
pCT fwL
for them
Tail. 1 it i
1928 Improved Whippet, delivered
Coupe ...................................... $676
Cabriolet Coupe ....................... $686
Coach ...................................... $676
Sedan, 4-door........................ $727
Sport Roadster......................... $668
Commercial Roadster ......
on 1928 Chrysler
52 Coach................................ $840
52 Coupe................................ $840
52 Roadster........................... $840
52 Sedan.................................. $895
62 Coach................................ $1310
62 Coupe................................ $1365
62 Roadster............................. $1295
62 Sedan ................................ $1395
New 1928 price on 72 and 80 M odels
Willys Knight Big Six, Special Six
or new Standard Six
Hessell Implement Co.
Gresham, Ore.
Dependable used Cars and used Implements