EASTERN PACE SIX ¿ 1 ; ~r S »2 NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1928 r9HOTHHHKTST DO Y O U K N O W Í IVt CLACKAMAS 5PRINGWATER ! SPRINGWATER, Jan. 19.— (Spe­ ■ cial;.— The Neighborly club met with Airs. Joe Guttridge on Wednesday with twelve ladies present to enjoy visiting and the delicious lunch. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Beala Lawrence the second Wednesday in February. At the regular meeting of Spring water Grange last Saturday the new officers for the year were installed in both the adult and juvenile granges. They deceided to give an entertainment on Saturday evening, January 28. Air. and Mrs. Sherman Kilgore of Gresham were guests at ,the Madden home on Tuesday. Airs. Wiley Howell visited with Mrs. Clarence Hull on Friday. Air. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley and Miss Elva were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moger on Friday. Among those from*this neighbor­ r.T vr. r.n r n y g r r r a T i T n n T hood attending Pamona grange at Logan on Wednesday o f last week were Mr. and Mrs. Shibley, Mr. and Mrs. Bard, Mr. and Mrs. Erickson Air. and Mrs. Shearer, and Mr. and Mrs. Horner. They all reported a very enjoyable and interesting day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker have moved back to Portland from their farm for the rest of the winter. A Good. Sensible, Clean Several from here enjoyed the Cozy Hotel play at the Estacada high school on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howel! and Always open and unusually heated and the beds are daughters were Sunday afternoon such chat we just can’t get them up in the morning. callers at the John Keller home in “ Some” Kitchen and Dining Room, T oo! Dodge. % Mr. Horner of Dodge spent Sunday visiting with his son Harold and fam­ ily- Dinner guests o f Mr. and Airs. By­ ron Cogswell Sunday were Art Cogs­ well ol' Eagle Creek, Air. and Mrs young couple are well known here McDonald and Mr. and Aliss Madden Wilbur Howell was a dinner guest ! where they have often visited. Mrs. I Carr is a sister o f Mrs. Ralph De of Eddie Shearer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones and fam ­ Shazer, and taught at Greenwood several years ago. She is teaching ily of Camp 8 were week end guests Admission 25c and I Oc at lone this year. Their host of at the J. A. Kiggins home. On Mon­ friends wish them much happiness. day they went to Portland accom Mrs. Roy Veach o f Portland is panied by Mrs. Kiggins. Mrs. Moger and son John w ere1 here keeping house for awhile foi FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Jan. 20, 21 her father and brother, Chris and Sunday evening visitors at the J. A . : Elmer Pagh. The men are doing the Shibley and Peter Erickson homes. "T H E D ESIRED W O M A N ” Mrs. Wiley Howell called on Mrs.! logging for Mark Pagh. Hobson Monday afternoon. SUNDAY, MONDAY, Jan. 22, 23 Quite a number in this section arc- "T H E ANCIENT H IG H W A Y ” reported on the sick list, mostly v.ith A James Oliver Curwood story with GEORGE colds and coughs. Jack Holt, Billie Dove and Montigue Guests at the Henry Cromer home Love.— A Big Show. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jess| I. O. Barr, Sunday; Bill Kaake, GEORGE, January 19.— (Special). Cromer and baby and Mrs. Emery i Monday — Mrs. Chris. Johnson gave a party Cromer and son Jack o f Logan, and | in honor of her little daughter Viv­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker and soi j V i'lN ’ SD’ Y, TH’RSD’Y, Jan. 25, 26 ian’s birthday Monday, January 16 Ben. "ALM OST HUM AN” she being 6 years old. Th? guest Alias Ethyl Young, upper grad, j With Vera Reynolds. A very good present were Mrs. R. S. Chaney ant teacher, visited at her home in Port­ picture. Also starting the sereal, small daughter Margaret, Mrs. Clay land over the week end. “ THE GREEN A R C H E R ” Chaney and baby Donald and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hansen who Joe Guttridge, Wednesday; Leo ter Mary, Mrs. Harold Joyner ant' have been visiting relatives in Port­ Rath, Thursday little daughter Iva May, Mrs. Peter land for several weeks, came home UPPER GARFIELD Ruhl and three children and Mrs. H Sunday. Mrs. Hansen has been quite FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Jan. 27, 28 Johnson. Refreshments consisting ol ill while away and while she is better — A DOUBLE— fruit salad, sandwiches and cake were at present, she is still quite poorly. UPPER GARFIELD, Jan. 19.— Bill Taylor in served. Little Miss Johnson receivei Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard of Forest (Special).— Mrs. W. C1. Taylor visited “ THE FLYIN G U R A N C H ” many useful presents. Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. F'aust and with her husband at Vernonia over and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Held were din­ Martin Young were Sunday visitors the week end. “ GOING THE L IM IT ” ner guests on Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs at the Hansen home. Mr. Young re­ Both good shows— one price Those from Garfield Grange at­ mained for a few days’ visit. Edgar Heiple, Friday; O. P. Califf, H. Johnson. tending Pamona grange at Logan last Week end visistors o f Mr. and Mrs week were Mr. and Mrs. H. Tracy, Mrs. Carl Lins met with an acci­ Saturday dent last Saturday afternoon, in run­ Peter Erickson were their son Floyd Air. and Mrs. H. B. Davis, J. B. Rob­ ning her car up on the hank and tip and family o f Portland? ertson, and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Guests at the Earl Shibley home or Weatherby. ping over. The accident was due to This C o u p o n is g o o d fo r some cattle lying in the road. She Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank One T e n Cen t Tick et William Porter and sister Ellen was very nervous for a day or so. Gillum and two daughters of Port­ Patterson were visitors Monday at to see the and somewhat shaken up but seems land. the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Conard “ GREEN ARCHER” Guests at the William Bard home Kregbaum. not hurt otherwise. Jan. 25 and 26 during the past week were Mr. and Air. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell o f Sell- L IBERTY TH E A TR E The dance held at the Garfield wood hre spending a few days or Mrs. Jess Lincoln, and Miss Erna Grange last Saturday night was well Hennawicky of Portland and Airs. their ranch here. Mr. Maxwell if attended. Among those from Port­ busy working and improving his place William Smith of Logan. land present were Mr. and Mrs. Kern Ann Guttridge celebrated her 7th when «ver he has a few days' vaca­ birthday on Sunday by inviting a few and daughters Ruth and Aneta and tion. friends for dinner with a lovely Mr. and Mrs. Dribble. DOVER Mr. Klinker and Leo Rath were Mr. and Mrs. Ward Jones from birthday cake and everything to g o ! busy sawing at their mHl last week Clackamas attended the dar.ee here with it, prepared by her mother, Mrs. getting out some tics. The Weider Saturday night. DOVER, Jan. 19.— (Special).— hold brothers were doing the same Joe Guttridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell arc at their mill. daughter Rozane and son Ronald vis­ their play, “ Adam and Eva.” A large; receiving congratulations upon the George Wilson motored to Glad crowd was present and all enjoyed ited relatives and friends in Port­ arrival of a ten pound boy born on stone last Friday to visit with hii it. Much credit i* tin® to the mem­ land over the week end. January 12. The young man has son. Will Wilson and family. Mrs. George Buser is very sick at bers of the east and Miss Anderson, j been named Raymond. Mother and her home with grippe.. who was the coach. About $75 was Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen and family babv are doing nicely. Dr. Hughes of Howard Hunt has a sick horse. Gresham was in attendance and Mrs. were invited to supper last Monday taken in. Mr. and Mrs. William Salswedels The property managers o f the play C. W. Newmann is taking care of evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Irma went to Portland were Barnard Whitaker and Guy Fan- R. S. Chaney. them. A. H. Miller and Harold Joyner ton. They proved to be capable and in their new car Monday. Miss Irma Mark Pagh has completed his mill remained in Portland where she has made a business trip to Oregon City dependable. and :s now operating it. Ralph De At a special assembly the senior- work. Tuesday. Shu ?r is also running his; and D. Mrs. Ellen Patterson and Mrs. Sa­ The George Grange held its regular introduced the cast and two short V’ . P.cse has started up again after sketches were given in order to ad­ die Anders called on Airs. Kimmel meeting last Saturday evening anc a brh f shut down. Raymond De vertise. Opal Chester gave a peppy Thursday. Shn-.cr is hauling tics for his brother installed the new officers. The many friends of William Gil talk urging the students to attend. Otto Paulsen spent Sunday evening and Mark Pagh. The freshman class published the gan are glad to learn that he is able with Mr. and Mrs. Held. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Shazer. Hycada last week while the regular to be up and around again after hii Misg Violet De Shazer and Edward editor and manager were busy with illness. HIGH SC H O O L NOTES M'-Cahe -. sited the Walter Kitzmil- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey o f the play. “ Adam and Eva." The (Continued from page one) ier family in Oregon City Sunday. staff included Walter Smith and Portland visited Mrs. Casey's mother Girl» to P l*y Milwa uk ie The Mark Pagh children have the The Estacada girls will compete Thomas Baker, editors; Howard Fifer Mrs. C. C. Snyder one day this week. mumps in a light form. Mr. Van Houten and Leo Van Hou- with the Milwaukie girls in a game assistant; Alarie Baker, cartoonist; Murray Clark of Eagle Creek is o f basketball at Milwaukie on Friday and George Allen, jokes.. The paper ten went to Clackamas the firs, o f working in the mill for Ralph De evening, the 20th. The line-up will was enjoyed by all the students and the week and purchased some cows. Shazer. be: Forward*— Blanche Armstrong; the freshmen are to be commended bers. They hold a meeting every The Rev. C. T. Cook was visiting ; and Ora McKenney; centers— Erma for the excellence o f their work. week and all the boys are working in the community recently. He plans I Wilcox and Irene Davis; guards— B o y S c o u t T r o o p R eor ga n iz ed Air. Drews, boy scout master, re­ for advancement. They are planning to hoi 1 services here the fourth Sun 1 Marion Gardner and Alice Kaake: si titutes— Janet Gilgan, Lucille ports that the boy scouts have re- to hike to Camp Millard within the day o f each month. lends of Miss Audrey Waite have Saunders. Edith De Atoy and Mar; lently reorganized and that there ■ xt few weeks and later in the sum- .ire quite a few new members and r cr they are going to build a cabin Rutp notified of her recem niarrcag^ Lemon. in PoVlfuml to fcthnfe'y rarr. The I Friday evening EhC itaiofd gavfl, a lBrgr humbtr' bf prbYpmlvif tnem- 1 there for a permanent chmp. That a Genuine Ford Battery fits 80 per cent of all makes o f cars, That it is ideal for your radio, That it is an 80 Ampere hour Battery, That it has 13 heavy plates to each cell, That it has a full rubber case, That we will for a short time more allow you $1 00 for your old battery on trade, That the retail price is only $11.00 Come in and let us show you this Fine Battery BO B C O O K E M O TO R ANUAL CLEARANCE SALE ■ . k * W atch This Space CO. THE ESTACADA Next W eek For Our Anual January m Cash Raising Clear­ ance Sale. HOTEL ESTACADA Liberty Theatre PROGRAM Fhe People’s Store H. B, Snyder, Prop. a * g g ) -i> Ì THE GROWTH OF A BANK comes largey from the words of approval spoken by its customers. We greatly ap­ preciate the business that has come to us in this manner. Actual experience is the best test of the service ren­ dered by a bank. May we have an opportunity of serving you? TH E E STA C A D A STATE BANK Safe Deposit Boxes, $3.00 per year. Mrs. Mary J. Coonrod AND DAUGHTER Have opened a Restaurant, three doors north of the Estacada State Bank, on Broadway ALL OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS INVITED AND WELCOME FREE VOTE COUPON Good for 250 votes In Eastern Clackamas News Circulation campaign If presented to this office not later than Saturday, January 28 Name ........................................................................... Write in name o f candidate to which you wish this coupon credited. No limit to the number sent in, and they will count the same as earned credits. ♦ *