lEaatmt (Etarkamas Nruts D evoted to the Interests of Eastern COM M UNITY CLUB TO MEET LAST FRID AY OF MONTH BIG DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLANNED The last Friday eveing in this month is the regular meeting night of the Eastern Clackamas Community club. The meeting at that time prom­ ises to be very interesting. The SHOW BY THE SEÑOR CLASS IS News next week will probably have SYN D ICATE TAK ES OPTIONS ON the tentative program o f the meet­ A C R E A G E HERE FOR TH A T READ Y FOR A P P R O V A L OF ing. E ST A C A D A PUBLIC NUMBER 15 ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1928 VOLUME XXII HIGH SCHOOL PLAY SCHEDULED TONIGHT Clackamas County LaDEE TO ST A R T O PERA TIO N S ABO U T FEB R U A R Y FIRST The superintendent of the LaDee Logging company was in Estacadr one day this week. He reported that operations would resume at this camp about the first of February. COUNTY AG EN T TO SPEAK BEFORE COM M UNITY CLUB PURPOSE IS BELIEF i PRIZES MULING $2,000.00 10 GE AWARDED 8Ï THE NEWS CHEVROLET COACH, FORD ROADSTER, RADIOS AND CASH PRIZES TO BE GIVEN IN CIR­ CULATION CAMPAIGN.— ENDS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17. As the News goes to press word comes that County Agent Inskeep will be here to address the Community Because he enjoyed spoiling his Considerable excitement has exist­ club on Friday evening, January 27. two daughters, Eva Irene Davis and For the first time since the organi­ ed in Estacada for several weeks Estacada and Eastern Clackamas ‘ Julia Lillian Duncan, since this zation of the Garfield school dis- since a supposedly eastern syndicate county are being made a startling It K Prlze® One by saving the free KITCHING & STEINMAN coupons that appear in each issue of would give him a “ pleasant power of trjct ¡n 1870, the Davis family is began taking options on local pro­ N EW E ST A C A D A FIRM offer. The Eastern Clackamas News his great wealth,” Mr. King, (Bob not represented in the school. Lloyd perty. No one in the community offers a great opportunity to secure the News, starting next week, and by subscriptions to the paper. You Hayden) has come to be regarded by Davis has left Garfield and moved to has ever seemed to have an idea as George Kitching and Ed. Steinman a beautiful new 1928 model Chevro­ can get your friends to help you. them merely as a payer o f bills. M r.1 Estacada, and none o f the family by to the intentions o f the company or have bought out the wood and trans let coach, a new 192S model Ford Credits are allowed on all subscrip­ King decides to escape to the Amazon that name are now attending school the project being planned. fer business o f Art. Perry and have roadster, as well as many other prizes leaving his family in charge o f his jn that district. It is stated emphatically that the formed the firm of Kitching & Stein­ for a little spare time. It takes no tions to the News. The vote sched­ young manager Adam Smith (Carl ------------------------- date on some o f the options taken man. special training to enter the proposi­ ule will bc found elsewhere in this issue o f the paper. De Moy) who deplores the check F L A H E R TY BUYS FORDSON expires on January 23, and the work The new firm, in addition to con­ tion we are offering and win the book rule. O U TF IT FOR FARM W O RK o f surveying some o f this property Get right into the field and solicit prize o f your choice. No investment tinuing the Estacada-Portland truck The new head o f the household -. — which was started early this wreek line, will engage in the fuel and as the News furnishes all the supplies the support o f your friends. They finds himself opposed by Julia’s hus- The Bob Cooke Motor company has again turned loose a lot o f ru­ are going to renew, extend or event­ transfer business locally and will and helps those who take part with- band, Clinton (Dan Jennings) who reports the sale this week o f a Ford- mors, none o f which the News has make a specialty o f long distance oui °ne cent o f cost. \ou do not even ually subscribe for the News anyway, is still, after two years, trying to de- gon tractor outfit complete with im- been able to confirm. contract and furniture hauling. have to bc a subscriber o f the News. so get to them first. It’s an elec­ cide what his life profession shall be. plements to Coleman Flaherty and It is evident that some develop­ Kitching & Steinman were busi This big list o f prizes will be given tion. The people o f this and sur and by Uncle Horace (Oliver Beck) his brother o f the Garfield district, ment project here is planned, but ness partners in Estacada once be to the candidates receiving the high- rounding communities are going to whose favorite occupation is sleeping Mr Flaherty has 160-acre farm that is as much as anyone seems to fore, having owned and operated r., est votes in the circulation campaign elect someone to the prizes. They in the most comfortable chair in the in Upper Garfield and will use the know. The story printed here from now being put on by the News. The will be given away. service station here. house. Aunt Abby (Olive Bishop) j tractor for ordinary farm work on Thursday’s Oregonian, is little more publisher o f the paper wants every How to Start also takes charge o f matters when; tb;s ]arge tact. You will find in the big opening than the rumors that have been home in Eastern Clackamas county she can find time from her memory ________________ floating around town the past few to receive the News each week, and announcement a nomination coupon. courses and founding o f homes for MEETING O F CREDIT MEN’ S days: this is the purpose o f the campaign, Clip this out and fill in with your stray cats. A SSO CIA TIO N TONIGHT “ Development o f a summer resort o f which rules and regulations gov­ name or the name o f a friend and A most delightful maid is Cynthia and new residential addition to Esta­ erning this contest will be found on bring or send it to this office. This (Alice Kaake) who looks after the The regular montMy meeting of cada is said to be under way by a will start you o ff with 10,000 votes. ! page three o f this paper. many requirements o f this numerous Eastern Clackamas Business New York syndicate which has ob­ You will find an opportunity coupon ' Many Prizes O ffered family. Eva has two admirers, D r., Men>, Credit agsociation wi„ bc held tained options during the past three | Will vi.it O rchard, in A ftern oon and Four of A splendid array o f prizes is to be good for 100,000 votes. Delamater (Harold Kitchmg) in real- ^ ev#ni (Friday) at the city months on about 200 acres lying \ given away in a few short weeks, to these for the first lour new yearly Discuss Problems Confronting ity a fortune hunter, and Lord A n -, ha„ at 8:00 O.clock along both sides o f the Clackamas be exact, on March 17, St. Patrick’s subscriptions. You may include your Growers o f Community dren Gordon (Elwin Beck), a very A n . invitation is extended to all river near the townsite o f Estacada. day, to those who take part. To those own. Once started the rest is easy. likeable chap who is much interested business men in Eastern Clackamas “ The syndicate, headed by Mat­ who do not win one o f the regular The hardest part o f the undertaking in golf. county to attend the meeting and to thew Jonap o f New York, has ac­ Prune growers o f this district will listed prizes, and who continue active is the start. Adam decides that the only way to become members of the association. quired options on various parcels of meet in Estacada Tuesday, January until the end o f the campaign, will be Manner o f Aw arding Prizes get the family out o f the habit o f ______________ property, including Estacada park 17, for the purpose of discussing the paid a cash commission on the amount Winners o f the various prizes will spending money faster than they get and all land between the south bridge problems in connection with the in o f business turned in. Anyone can be determined by votes. Votes win it, is to move them far away from Daughter Born to R eed. and river mill. dustry, and a demonstration will be make good wages with a guarantee and not the amount o f money or the present environment. He conse-1 Congratulations are being extended “ Herman List, registered from held in some orchard in the after­ like this. You can win one o f the subscriptions turned in. Make your quently takes them to Newark where Mr; and “ « V ® “ 1 R*ed ° V*r Kingstone, Indiana, is at the site noon, according to a letter received bigger prizes. You can make over slogan "V otes!” Work for votes all the principal amusement is going to »he advent o f a little daughter supervising into surveys o f the property. from the county agent, John J. Ins-j 5100 a week. the time. At the end o f the cam­ bed at eight o ’clock. thelr home born in Portland on J.an- Plans o f the syndicate, it is said, paign the candidate having the high­ keep, addressed to John Hayman of How to Secure Votes It would be hard to guess how U« T 12' M° th*r and child getting are to construct a wide boulevard Estacada. There are two ways in which to se­ est total o f votes will win the Chev­ Adam made woge earners out o f the alonS v« y satisfactorily. along the river front and to lay out C. L. Long will be in the county cure votes, which in turn win you rolet, the second high will win the summer home tracts. A golf course, Monday and Tuesday and will ad family. Ford, and so on down the prize list You will enjoy “ Adam and Eva,” swimming pools and other resort fea­ dress the growers here Tuesday until all the prizes are awarded. the senior play, which will be given tures are reported to be included in morning at 10 o ’clock and will visit Then to all the candidates, if there at the high school auditorium this the plans. be any, who have not won a prize, an orchard in the afternoon with the j evening (Friday), starting at 8 “ Great secrecy has surrounded the prune men. a cash commission o f 10 per cent o ’clock. work to date with the result that the will be paid on the amount o f money Mr. Hayman was requested to gei j people o f Estacada have revived in­ a hall for the meeting, and stated | they have turned in during the cam­ ----------- W IL L BUILD HOME terest in their region, which was fa­ that it probably would be held ir ; Boy>, Team Dnf„ u d by Oregon City paign. But in the event a candidate Hattie Fuller B ecom e. Guardian mous for many years as a playground the Liberty Theatre. wins a prize the commissions will not Neighbor o f O rganization for W hile Girls Win their Match because o f the development in 1901 Elmer Bedinger has purchased a be paid unless the commission ex­ Mr. Hayman urges all the men and the Coming Year. o f Estacada park, a 30-acre tract women interested in the prune in­ By Score o f 29 to 23 ceeds the value of the prize, then the five-acre tract o f land from Walter owned by the Portland Electric Pow­ dustry in this section o f the county difference will be paid the candidate. Looney, on which he intends to build er company'. A candidate to be eligible for a prize a home. j to attend this meeting. Estacada Circle No. 832, Neighbors The boys’ team o f Estacada high or commission must remain active “ The syndicate, it is said, expects I of W oodcraft, installed officers on to close cash deals for much o f the DORCAS SO CIETY MEET | school was defeated by Oregon City during the life o f lh^campaign, turn­ Thursday evening, January 5, the fol property within the next few week: GRANGES PROTEST PAR OLES OF DRY L A W V IO LATO RS Wednesday night by the score o f 41- ing in cash reports each week. lowing being the new officers for the and is said to be working with a 21 in a fast game of basket ball. The Make Y our Start Today Garfield Dorcas society will meet coming year: local team couldn’t get going, it large capital at hand. Similar de­ Make up your mind today that you OREGON CITY, Jan. 12.— Some on Thursday afternoon, January H), Guardian Neighbor, Hattie Fuller; velopments have been carred on in seemed, against the flashy youths of will be the winner o f one of these two hundred grangers from all sec­ at the home o f Mrs. E. J. Yocum. ; pag(. Guardian Neighbor, Margaret other parts o f the country by this the capital city. Estacada high has beautiful new cars, then send in youi — -------------------- ; Moss; advisor, Carrie Beatrice Mar- organization, but never before in tions of Clackamas county and rep­ to date won two games and lost one. nomination and get instructions how resentatives o f the Oregon Cii^ W IL L SELL CHICKEN TA M A LE S sba|[. magician, Ruth Keith; clerk, Oregon. Everett Osborne, forward o f three to proceed and the necessary sup­ chamber of commerce attended the ---------- Jane A. Bishop; banker, Charles W. years’ experience, is captain o f the plies, or better still, come to the o f­ quarterly meeting of Pamona grange The local organization o f the W. ¡Fuller; attendant, Olive Bishop; cap- EXPENSES OF CO UNTY SHOW local squad. The line-up in Wednes fice und talk it all over with us. Ii at Logan Wednesday. C. T. U. will hold a chicken tamale tain of guards, Lola M. Dodson; flag day night’s game was— CO N SID ERAB LE DECREASE it is not convenient for you to come Resolutions were introduced op­ sale at the Estacada Pharmacy on | bearer, Lee McKenzie; inner senti- Jennings, right forward; Osborne, we will send someone out to see you posing paroles or suspensions of sen­ Saturday, January 21, starting at 1C i nel, Lula E. Snyder; outer sentinel, OREGON CITY, Jan. 12.— Clack tences for violators of the prohib’-1 left forward; Fantz. center; Voight, In any event get in touch with us o ’clock in the morning. Funds real- Bessie A. Marshall; managers, Evelyn amas county spent $35,444.51 tc right guard, and Fanton and Munson without delay. Don’t hesitate. “ He tion laws, and urging that free fish­ ized from this sale will be used for Lawrence and Blanche Norris; musi- carry on its business during the left guards. Referee, Forest Ed- who hesitates is lost.” Get in before ing and hunting licenses be given all carrying on the work of the organ- cian, Frank A. Marshall; correspon- month o f December as compared to some one else gets in the territory persons who have resided in the state mundsen. ization. I dent, Ida Norris. Estacada’s next game will be a that should be yours. Still there is $75,374.31 during the preceding for 50 years or more. The committee in charge o f the] Past Guardian Neighbor Lola M. month. Disbursements from the var­ double header with Milwaukie on Jan­ room for all. The more candidates The next meeting of the Pamona sale is composed o f Mrs. O. E. Smith Dodson officiated as installing offi- ious fu(nds were: General oounty, the less votes it will take to win. grange will be at Garfield in April. uary 20. and Mrs. E. E. Hannah. cer and did the work very nicely. The girls’ game played Wednesday $12,444.77; general roads, $5493.75; Plans were formulated for an eco­ No one can get everyone, but several Gifts were presented the retiring district roads, , veryone and you $14,163.36; market nomic conference on February 3, against West Linn was exciting. The , cfln an