Bob Cooke Motor Estacada, Oregon THE SEASO N ’S GREETINGS W e with our friends and customers, every­ where, a very happy and prosperous New Year f l i'-,f y i 'Ti 'i'iv rCT1, EBE2TraS£ message on "A New Year s Address. Come and hear the message. We in vite everybody. D. E. DENT, Min­ ister. , Liberty Theatre S p rin gw ater Church Sunday school at 10 a. m., at the 11 o'clock service the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. Christian Endeavor and mission stu­ dy in the evening at the chul’ch Admission 25c and I Oc PROGRAM George Church Sunday school at 2 p. ni. Church service and communion at 3 p. m FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Dec. 30, 31 Norma Shearer in “ AFTER MIDNIGHT“ N E W YEAR 1928 m EXTENDS \ Vivian Gorham, who apa.-; . cuts over Estacada oa.:.. | a 58B w 8 enjoyed all the thrills of yuletide if she docs live alone. She had a pret­ tily deeornted Christmas tree and her friend, Miss Sallic Clinton, a stenog­ rapher o f Portland, came out Monday evening and they opened their pres­ ents and enjoyed the occasion very much. Morris Ely of Portland spent Christmas at the home o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Ely. The Ray Keith home at Faraday was the scene o f a merry Christmas gathering. The guests were Mrs. Keith's sister, Miss Marian Maple- thorp o f Spokane, and her mother, Mrs. E. Maplethorp o f Vancouver. Washington, Mr, apd Airs. C. W. Wilson of Or­ egon City were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens and at­ tended the Masonic and Eastern Star installation and banquet on Monday night, Mina FtkfenCC Hassell, who teaches near Hood River, t*me hqme to en joy the Christmas vacation. Miss I.ethn Bileher of Central:! was a g|:e*t at the G E- Lawrenci home oft Monday pvening and it tended the Ma»oflip and Eastern Stm installation and banquet. Mr. ad Airs. Ernest Kinney and J If). Malloy o f Portland, also C. E. Dockendorf of Mollalla spent Chris ma» wlrt &?r. apd Mrs. Dennis Ken:.; of M off«w statiqq. Miss Avis CttiiaHu« is upending tin holiday vacation with net parents at this place. She is teaching in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Burt Palmateer and two chil­ dren, J)»me is near Morgan Oregon, are -peoqiug thp holiday; hero at tile home» of her niuyuts, Air. and Mrs. Henry {Jithor», and her sis ter, Mrs. Henry Beers. Mrs. R. R. Cooke, who has been il’ for some time with the flu, is not im proving as fast as she should. She is rtftl coft/jfiftj to her bed. The pruxtHn eoKPt'iftc.f o f l; ,f Oomunity club 1 » wei4*i«it u*, an 'n teresting entertainment for the next meeting which will be held in Jan­ uary. Mi>, Eva Suling of Portland visit*"- for a ahvff Uni*, Sunday at the home of Mr, and ii*>. f*»») gs.:.thrtlpir.*w. ¿fr. ftftd >!;• ■ John Toll aau family * ~*U Fol k were wftek end visitors 0 Proton with Mrs. m Ton ” ’a _ Eagle Creek Church TO OUR FRIENDS OF LONG S T A N D I N G - GREETINGS! TO OUR A C Q U A IN T A N C E S— GREETINGS! A N D T O TH OSE W E H A V E Y E T TO MEET and KNOW - GREETINGS! Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. lhe Christian Endeavor meets at 7:15 p. til. Church service and communio. at 8 p. m. SUNDAY, MONDAY, Jan. 1, 2 The first week in Janti&l'}' ‘ s ol>- "BEH IND THE FRONT” served throughout the churen *•'*»• Berry and Hatton as a week o f prayer. It is fitti*.* Also midnight matinee Saturday nite that we seek divine guidance both m December 31, after the dance. Come our public and private devotions uf early so that you will be sure o f a we enter upon the work of a new seat. year.__ T. I. KIRKWOOD, pastor. Charles Kitching, Sunday; Charles M cdfeodist C h u rch Palmer, Monday. Dick Kimmel, mid A successful &).nday always in WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY night matinee. eludes attendance at church. Some stay home and enjoy Sunday (g* they WEDNESDAY and THURS. Jan. 4-5 say) and forget they owe the very PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR “ NOBODY’ S W ID O W ” fact o f a day of rest to the church Leatrice Joy and Charier Ray they ridicule. Do any o f these fel­ Do not miss this show. It’s A -l lows who are forever talking about John Storner, Wednesday; Will Bard, staying home ciop 1° realize Sunday is theirs because ¡there is a church Thursday. and because of Christ? FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Jan. 6 and 7 Without th# civilization »hat Christ Monte Blue in has brought, the#*? ones would "T H E BUSH LEAGUER” have their nosd to til# grindstone One o f the big hits o f the season seven days in the wee!,’, I* it f*1lr t0 Joe Wenderhold, Friday; Jean Lew- let the church shift for itseli **“ * ellen, Saturday. selfishly enjoy its benefits in *. Do not forget Midnight Matinee on community and the day o f rest for which it has always fought. Be fan December 31, Saturday. — show your gratitude by coming to !f ■ church. Start the new year right by City. HAPPY NEW YEAR! ,, coming next Sunday to church. Do Douglas Johnson of Hillockburn I not be neutral toward the church, she has too much that is fine and i. came down after Frank N’orus who has been in the hospital at Port and Marcelling, 50c Hair Trimming 25c I needful for a true life. I The New Year’s sermon Sundu\ for some time. | morning at 11 o'clock will be on ti.e Miss Florence June Reed, a sopho THE UNDERWOOD SHOP subject of "Stability o f Nature. more at the O. S. C., Corvallis, is This is a good lesson to be received Estacada, Oregon Come and hear it. At 7:30 in the spending the holidays at her home Call Phone 41*11 for Appointment evening the subject will be “ Piety, here. Non-Commercial.” Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell and Sunday school always opens at 10 a. m. and Epworth league at 7 :00 p family spent Christmas with relatives m. The church that has a welcome at Falls City. to all. Come and enjoy the service J. G. Dayman enjoyed the Christ­ with us.— C. T. COOK, Pastor. mas season by being sick at his home (From the Estacada Progress o f De Dodge; H. H. Udell, Dover; F. E to teach school many, many years east o f Estacada. He is improving Brown, Stone, and Mr. Karl, Kelso, ago, took a hand at the game last Christian Church cember 30, 1915). however. The Eastern Clackamas Fair asso-1 week when for two days he wielded Bible school at 10 a. m., Mrs. D. FOR SALE— Guernsey-Jersey cov;, UPPER EAGLE CREEK E Dent, superintendent. Morning The Eastern Clackamas Taxpayeis ciation has elected a new board of thp proverbial birchen stick and the c-rvi-es u a nl Lord's supper, coming fresh soon with second calf. “ Three Its" to the great deltght of league was formed here and officers directors. ermon subject, “ A New Year’s Ad P. W. Douglas, Currinsville. It* The car driven by Walter Doug- the Currinsville pupils. were elected as follpws: John C- ires. ” Evening service: Y. P. C. E Henry Tanler has left for San UPPER EAGLE CREEK, Dec. 29 The prohibition law, which goes Miller o f Barton, president; Fred Ians was completely demolished on at 6.30. We are having splendid Francisco for a two weeks’ visit with services every Sunday. We invite — (Special).— Edward Chapman v Bates o f Garfield, vice president; Saturday night when it was struck into effect January 1, will close but everyone who is interested in the a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doug­ his brother. Ben Tanler. R. M. Standish o f Estacada, secre­ by the late interurban car returning three saloons in Clackamas county, work o f the Lord. June Forbes of Gresham was in lass the latter part o f last week. Eagle Creek Justice of the Peace Claude W. tary. Members o f the board o f di­ to Portland at the Estacada Friday evening to visit May- Today as never before there is Mr. Douglass was very DeVnrp of Estacada united itl mar* Miss A ¡lie Bartell, teacher o f Dis rectors are George Turner, Barton; crossing. great danger o f people neglecting rose Bartholomew. riage last Saturday Mrs. Maude E. Homer Glover, Eagle Creek; E. W. seriously injured. what God has revealed to us through trict No. 50, gave her Christmas pro Dr. M. C. Dale of Dufur, Oregon, Richard Davis o f Garfield received Shields and Jesse Le Roy Morrow, Kis Son. A pitiable sight is a little gram last Friday afternoon. There Bartlett, Estacada; John Ely, Cur­ hild, sobbing, but unable to tell its was a very prettily decorated Christ accompanied by hi3 wife and baby, rinsville; Guy T. Hunt, Upper Gar­ as a Christmas present a Ford auto- both o f Estacada. name or address. But really every mas tree and the children recited were guests at the home o f his par ' ------------------------- field; Fred Bates, Lower G arfield; mobile. child has, at one time or another, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale, on F. G. Robley was installed as wor- Miss Lila McKinny is here at her After the II. C. Stevens, George; J. C. Kit- I oh J its way from its heavenly home their parts splendidly. Christmas. Miss Bartell distributed and God; and our concern now is to program gore, Springwater; W. A. Proctor shipt^j paster o f the local Masonic j home to spend the Christmas vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Douglass came get back home. candy and nuts to the crowd, giving and A. C. Thomas, Sandy; Ray Mil- order. Elizfcft»)), Sparks was installed tion.. She is teaching at Reedsport. 1. We have lost our way. 2. Christ the children each a Christmas box from Yoncalla, Oregon, to spend er, Viola; G. A. Kohl, Logan; A lfja s worthy matron of {4tS Tastern Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Morton of offers himself as our guide. 3. We Christmas nt the home o f the form- Drill, Cazadero; Z. Lake, Boring; S. Star. fo.vfland spent Christmas at the home can trust him. 4. Those who seek filled with candy and nuts. ’res mother, Mrs. J. H. Denning. They Dallas, Damascus; Fred Horner, John Ely of Currinsville, w. o used of hu Jfj?. W. J. Moore. Christ early shall find him. Read Mr. and Mrs. Bartell attended the returned home on Wednesday o f this Ileb. 2:1; Prov. 8:17. Christmas exercises held at the week. We have reached the close o f an­ other year. Many persons look back school house Frirday afternoon. Miss Leila Howe from Indepen­ Celebrates Wedding Anniversary and are not satisfied and they say, Mrs. Helen Scudder of Portland, dence spent the holiday vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney took “ Well, we’ll turn over a new leaf." sister o f Mrs. Roxana Clester, was her home here. Ted Howe was also And they are honestly anxious to ac­ dinner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. here to enjoy the Christmas dinner cept the higher hope, and to have visitor at the school house Friday. the better joy. To such I wish to Mrs. Clester accompanied Mrs. at the home o f his parents, Mr. and Frank Jones Wednesday, December speak o f three things you ought not Helen Scudder home to spend the Mrs. C. F. Howe. 28, in honor o f the twelfth wedding to do; and o f three things that, that Richard Hayman came from Bend. anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. Looney. by the grace o f God, you ought to do. Christmas holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McKay and Oregon, to spend Christmas with his In keeping with the spirit of the After dinner a number o f friends dawn o f a new year I shall bring a H. S. Gibson were Christmas guesis parents and sister at this place. came in and surprised them. The at the home o f R. B. Gibson. evening was spent playing cards. Re- Mr. and Airs. Roy Douglass nnd freshmeits were served by the hosess. children motored to Shuehel Su-jday to spend Christmas day with the lat Mr. and .Mrs. Looney were present­ This is really a gogod show Saturday, Lester Hale i is Store :, B. Snyder, Prop, Twelve Years Ago in Estacada December 30, 19 IS CHURCHES GF E E T IN G S ! Coming Events Saturday evening, December 31— Estacada Band Dance at the Park Pavilion. Monday, January 2— “ Behind the Front” at the Liberty Theatre, Estacada. Monday, January 2— Open meeting of Carl Douglass Post American Legion. Tuesday, January 3— Reopening of the Estacada public schools. Thursday, January 5— Neighbors of Woudcraft Installa­ tion of officers. Friday evening, January 13— Senior class play at the high school auditorium, “ Adam and Eva.” Saturday evening. January 11—.Joint installation o f of- ' ficers o f the Odd FellcfwS and Rebekahs. ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke. Mr. and Airs. “ Doc” Hinnah anil Air. nnd Airs. Wm. Sharp were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass on Christmas day. Roy Douglass recently purchased new car. a Pontiac sedan. Air. and Airs. Ray Woodle enter tained at dinner on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and chil­ dren Ruby and Victor, Mr. and Mrs Will Douglass. Edward Chapman and Mr. and Airs. Perry Murphy and children. Roy Douglass made a trip to Mil- waukie on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and child­ ren o f Portland, nnd Mrs. M. S. Horsman o f Walla Walla, were guests at the home o f R. 5? Gibson. ed with a quilt. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bedinger, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hall and daughter La Verne, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tompkins, Mrs. EHa Looney, Doris, Clara and Wil­ bur Looney and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ; Jones. THE EASTE N CLACKAMAS NEWS WISHES ITS READE: A HAPPY AND FRIENDS EVERYWHERE ■ D PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.