EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEW S, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1927 TWO Eastern Clackamas N ews G. E. Parks, Editor and Publisher Published Weekly on Fridays at Estaeada, Oregon Entered in th e posfcoffice o f E stae ad a . O regon, as second class m atter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In C lackam as C ounty, one y e ar, $1.50; O utside th e c o u n ty a n d in the »state of O regon, *ne y ear, $2; O utside th e sta te of O regon, one y ear, $2.50. S u bscriptions a re payable in advance. m ake u visit w ith h e r d a u g h te r, Mrs Mrs. H arold H o rn e r and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. C arl W ard and fam ­ ily w ere O regon C ity visitos on W ed­ nesday. Mrs. Jo h n P a rk s visited w ith Mrs. Ralph G ribblc a t O regon C ity on W ednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W heeler a n d fam ily spent th e w eek end w ith relativ es a t Salem. Mr. and Mrs. B yron Cogswell and y i s s M ary Cogswell of S p rin g w ater. Mr. and M is. A rt Cogswell o f Eagle Crock and Mr. Rose sp e n t Sunday at th e home o f Mr. and Mrs. M adden. G ilbert L ew ellen of P o rtla n d is spending his vacation v.-ith his fa th e r G ene L cw e'len. Sunday g u ests a t the Ed. C losner home w ere Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Clos­ the public service at all times. As a rule a man who has been employed by the Standard Oil company for a while makes a success of other business undertakings. A man, large or small, must be capable of promotion if he stays with this company. If he is unable to go ahead he better look for another job. There is unlimited opportunities for young men to­ day working for the company John D. founded if he ap­ plies himself to the job. You may think the company soulless, but, nevertheless, it has developed some of the greatest business men the world has ever known, and cer­ tainly has always rewarded merit. ----------- oOo------------ The Eagle Creek bridge has finally been opened to traffic—just as the holiday shopping season came to a close the bridge was opened. No doubt it cost this com­ munity more than the bridge itself cost to have it closed at that particular time. This is a fair demonstration of the need of cooperation between the different communities of Eastern Clackamas and the officials at the county seat. ------------oOo------------ You will be able to show your appreciation of the services rendered by the Estaeada Band as well as have an enjoyable time if you attend the dance at the park pa­ vilion New Year’s Eve. ----------- oOo------------ Spend your money at home and watch your town and community grow. Send it away and watch another town and community grow and see yours decay. A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HERE The News is informed by the postmaster that there are approximately six hundred families receiving their mail through the local postoffice. This represents a total population of about three thousand people within the trade territory of Estaeada. But this does not begin to represent the total popula­ tion adjacent to, and in the trade territory of Estcada. In fact an estimate of five thousand is not considered too high when you take into consideration all the communities within*a radium of a few miles which are served by routes and postoffices other than Estaeada. It is reasonable to believe that the people living in Eastern Clackamas county would do their trading here in preference to going to the city if they were sure they could ta in e d on M onday w ith a d in n er Mr. get what they need in Estaeada—at the right price. a n d M rs. C lay C haney and fam ily It becomes necessary, if the merchants really want GEORGE a n d o th e r re la tiv e s from P o rtlan d . to increase their business and really become the trade C h arles M atthew s a n d his b ro th e r center of Eastern Clackamas county, to give the people I a rc sp en d in g a few days out on the merchandising service equal to that found in the cities, GEORG E, Dec. 2 9 . — (S p e c ia l).— ranch. T he school d o se d fo r the C h ristm as Mrs. Id a K ro n e r o f M ilwaukie and to let the people know this, through the columns of vacation will open again on J e n - ' sp e n t a few days last w eek a t the the Eastern Clackamas News, the only newspaper in the : vy 2. and A p ro g ram was given by hom e o f h e r m other, Mrs. L ins and eastern part of the county. the school last F rid a y w ith a good a t - 1 fam ily. The News is satisfied that the Estaeada merchants ten d a n ce and it w as enjoyed by all. can compete with those to be found anywhere. They are .Mas Kokel, th e tea ch e r, has gone e to spend th e vacation w ith he. so situated that they do not have the high rents to pay, hom SPRINGWATER p a ren ts, who live n e a r M ollal'u. their transportation costs are more than offset by this Mr. and Mrs. W. Held m ade a bus­ item, and every merchant in town can stand an increase in iness trip to O regon City last w eek. SP R IN G W A T E R cc. 29.— (S p e ­ volume of business without materially increasing over­ Mr. Held is in stallin g a radio in hi cial)..— T he C h ristm as program given hom e . head expenses. a t the ch u rch F rid a y e vening by the P e te P aulsen c eleb ra ted her school ch ild ren w as m uch enjoyed. This is a good town. It has a fine farming country Mrs. d a y a t h e r hom e w ith a n u m b er A t th e close S a n ta C laus a rriv e d and nearby. The resources of Eastern Clackamas will war­ b o irth f re la tiv e s am i frien d s p re se n t, on delivered candy a n d n u ts to all p re s­ rant a much larger town and more prosperous city that the M onday a fte rn o o n , D ecem ber 26. ent. pesent Estaeada. However, this section is yet in the ear­ The Sunday , school held th e i TVc p a g e a n t e n title d “Jo y to the C hristm as exercises Sunday a fte r liest stages of development. W o rld ” w as p re sen te d Sunday eve­ noon u n d e r the d irection o f M rs. C. These facts will give you all something to think n ing by th e S u n d ay school which w as Johnson. g re a tly enjoyed. about. The News will have more to say along this line A. .VI)-, and Mrs. Ju liu s P aulsen sp en t soon, and will have a definite plan to submit to the mer­ C hristm as day w ith Mrs. P aulsen s Mrs. C arl W ard visited w ith Mrs. chants and business men a little later. parents, Mr. and .Mrs. H a rk e n rid c r W iley H ow ell on T uesday afte rn o o n . Mr. and Mrs. B rian M oore of E u­ in E staeada. , ----------- oOo------------ gene have purch ased th e S pencer G eorge W illing has gone to P o rt- j WHY A NEWSPAPER? land to spend th e C hristm as v a c a -; place a n d will m ove onto it shortly. M is. Hobson sp e n t th e C hristm as Your local newspaper comes in handy whenever you lion w ith re la tiv e s and friends. have an important notice to bring before the community, Mr. and M rs. H. Jo h n so n e n tc r- holidays visitin g w ith re la tiv e s in on C hristm as day Mr. a n d I.Irs P o rtlan d . when you want to know about church services, schools, trdned > O' ith. r and d a u g h te r M arion, P e rry from O. S. C. is vis- city affairs, etc., but someone must pay for this service i.. c .'-1 M . C. A. Jo h n so n and k i n Union g a t hom e over the C hristm as to the community. The subscription price pays only a h ild ren , Mr. a n d Mrs. H. K* r.k ir holidays. small part of the cost of printing and publishing a news­ and son E lm er a n d Chris. K linker. Mrs. C harles Folsom o f D ayton. paper, large or small. Every additional subscription is only M r and Mrs. R. S. C honev e n te r­ W ash in g to n , a rriv e d T hursday to an added expense as far as financial returns to the pub­ lisher unless he can increase his advertising rates. How­ ever, the value of the advertising space is dependent on The Estaeada Band Will Give a Hard Time the circulation. The newspaper can help a town or it can do it an rrv awful amount of harm. A dead newspaper indicates a dead town. It is considered an index to the community it serves. With your cooperation we hope to at least keep it up to a standard of fair representation of the community and Eastern Clackamas county. We hope that it will not on the be necessary for you to have to make apologies for the newspaper published in your community. ESTACADA PARK PAVILION FLOOR ----------- oOo----------- THE WORLD’S GREATEST MAN Arthur Brisbane, Hearst editorial writer, recently said that John D. Rockefeller had done more for human­ ity than any person since Christ. He referred, of course, THE VERY BEST MUSIC AND A GOOD TIME to the good he had accomplished with his money in mak­ ing it possible for scientific minds to study diseases of the human family, their treatment and prevention. Prizes offered for two best character representations John D. has also contributed a great deal to the bus­ iness world. His company today gives service, “real ser­ Admission, Gentlemen, 75 Cents; Ladies, 25 Cents vice.” Men who work for the company are taught to give 1.1 SATURDAY, December 31st n e r am i fam ily, M r. and Mrs. Jim C losner and fam ily a n d Mr. and Mrs. C larence Hull and fam ily. Miss E thel N o rth and Mr. W illis o f P o rtla n d w ere Sunday e vening c allers on Mr. a n d Mrs. Moger. G ilb ert and W illiam S h e a re r of A lbany college a re visiting w ith th e ir p a re n ts, Mr. a n d Mrs. E dw ard S h e a r­ er, over the C h ristm as holidays. T he local tea ch e rs, Miss E th el Y oung and Miss E sth er H ead, le ft on F rid a y evening fo r th e ir hom es to spend th e C hristm as v acation and will re tu rn next M onday to ta k e up school T uesday m orning. Ju v e n ile G range m eets on S a tu r­ day, D ecem ber 31. All m em bers a re urg ed to be p re se n t on th a t d a te a t 2 o’clock in th e a fte rn o o n . F B UNDERTAKING We have purchased the undertaking stock of Mr. J. E. Gates at this place and are now prepared to take care of all calls in this line. Our 15 years experience and funeral equipment as­ sure you of the best possible service and relieve you of many trying details incidental to this time. Calls Prompiy Attended Day or Night L. A. CHAPMAN Phone 50-51 Mortician Estaeada, Ore. E sta e a d a T ru ck L in e DA ILY T RIPS FROM Estaeada to Portland LEAVE ALL FREIGH T AT WAREHOUSE In o rd e rin g y o u r fre ig h t se n t th ro u g h us you receive perso n al service b o th in E sta e a d a a n d P o rtla n d th a t w ill save tim e a n d m oney P H O N E 61-5 GEO. K IT C H IN G f ^ y Call a n d Deliver Service DR. F. A. PERKINS Optometrist Have Your Eyes Examined O ffice P hone 331 * Residence 28-15 Y O ffice in M edford Bldg., E stae ad a , O regon ? IF YOU LIKE COOKIES— REM EM BER^ We have a delicious variety to choose from- baked fresh daily. U-NEED-A BAKERY Phone 53-6 Estaeada We extend to you our heartiest greetings for the New Year. CUTS MORE WISHING ONE AND ALL Bartholomew & Lawrence SLICES A For a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS TO THE LOAF HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR NEW YEAR An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES Portland-Carver-Estacada Stages THE ESTACADA STATE BANK M unicipal T erm in al, S ix th a n d Salm on S ts.— P hone Main ’733. ESTACADA TO PORTLAND L IN N ’S IN N . E stae ad a , O reg o n — DA ILY • (A ) A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Lv. Portland 8 :00 4:30 8:30 2.00 6.20 Lv. Estaeada Lv. Clackamas 2:30 6:50 Lv. Eagle Creek 8:15 4:45 8:45 Lv. Carver 2:40 7:00 Lv. Barton 8:25 4:55 8:55 8:45 5:15 9:15 Lv. Barton 3:05 7:25 Lv. Carver Lv. Eagle Creek 3:15 7:35 Lv. Clackamas 8:16 5:25 9:25 Ar. Estaeada 3:30 7:50 Ar. Portland 9 :30 6:00 10:60 (A ) Saturday Only. ’ Daily excep t Sunday Leave Estaeada 4:30 p. m. SUND A— Leave Portland 10 a. CALL FOR YOUR 1928 CALENDARS J . The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite Grocery and Restau­ rants in Estaeada and Vicinity. HCLSOM LO NG LO AF TUuxtf mcmk\ ef i/u tu n tf »V